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Elle Woods

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My dad's done me a birthday post on Facebook and one of his mates has written 'happy heavenly birthday'... I'm ALIVE.

How hard is it to read before commenting?
Omg :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: I'd have to reply something like "well thanks I guess but last time I checked I am still very much breathing" or something to that effect. What an idiot
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My rant for today and you might want to strap in for this one.

First of all I need to caveat this one with some context. I am mentally ill, properly diagnosed by a psychiatrist. I am diagnosed with cyclothymia, agoraphobia, GAD and BPD. Yesterday was my daughters graduation and I was determined to go to it, despite not leaving my home for about 4 years (apart from walking the dog around the block, early every morning for 15mins). We had to get a coach and cabs to get there which was extremely stressful for me but I was so looking forward to seeing my girl graduate and to spend the day with her.

We were walking back from the graduation, just chatting and enjoying the time together and some cunty "content creators" decided to come up to us, filming away asking what our dreams were. My husband said, not interested and he left him alone. Then he started on my daughter and her boyfriend, getting in their faces asking what their dreams were. My daughter was a bit embarrassed but tried to laugh it off but her body language was clear that she didn't want to talk to them, she then said no thanks, and tried to keep on walking. This cunt kept on at them, shoving a mike under her nose saying, "go on, tell me your dreams and i'll make them come true"
I don't know where it came from, probably just from the stress of the day and the fact we were in a big crowd trying to get through the hordes (it was Brighton sea front so pretty busy) but I just fucking lost it. I shouted at him "WILL YOU JUST FUCK OFF AND LEAVE US ALONE! SHE SAID SHE'S NOT INTERESTED AND NOW FUCK OFF AND LEAVE US ALONE" I think I said something else after, I may have called him a cunt but can't remember because in the moment I was just so angry that her special day was being invaded by cunts who are just bothering people and using them to make monetised content.

I absolutely loathe content creators who film people in public, without their consent and who will not take no for an answer. I see my daughter so rarely because she has a job, her own flat with her boyfriend and obviously just recently finished a university degree, plus she lives a couple of hours away so any time I get to see her is precious, I just want to catch up and enjoy the time. I also don't want to be on film because I am fat, middle aged and trying to hold it together in an extremely stressful situation for me.

I woke up today absolutely mortified at the way I just lost it and I'm terrified I am going to end up going viral as a deranged Karen :( So if you see a short, fat, red headed, middle aged woman on social media anywhere having a melt down, it was me and please don't let me know as I am already in hell over it.
I'm sorry you went through that. If it's any consolation, I'd have reacted the same (if not worse). If you can, try not to worry (I know, I know!!!), the moment has passed. Grab a furry cuddle from your dog ❤
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Hopefully the final chapter about wallet guy: This evening he sent me a message saying he couldn't come tomorrow, is Sunday alright?

I deleted my address from the chat, then sent this: "Dude, I'm just going to give it in at the station, it's not my job to look after a stranger's valuables. Most people would have said thanks for finding it!"

I know some Tattlers recommended not talking to him, but my blood was boiling and I wanted to say something so that I can know that I stood up for myself. I restricted the chat, so he can see it, but I can't see his reply. Pain in the arse that I now have to go to the police station because that'll take up a whole chunk of my day. But at least I'll be rid of him!
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It’s on the rise again. Stats say we are in for another wave in autumn. I don’t think I can cope with all the arguing and carrying on.
I work for someone with complex health issues, a chest infection puts him in ICU. I’m not ready to hear about masks and all the moaning and griping it entails 😞
What I can't cope with is people with cold and flu mingling and coughing in your face and going 'dont worry, it's not COVID though'. I don't care, get away from me!!!
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Making friends as adults is especially hard. Some people already have a a full circle of friends and family and genuinely feel they have no more to give.

Other times you can meet with people, have a perfectly pleasant time and then think there's no genuine connection there. I did it a coupe of times when my daughter started school. Would go for coffee with the another Mum and then never again.

@InkHeart don't take it to heart. I'm sure it's nothing personal against you.
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Somehow I always end up being the mum who hosts the get togethers, or organises the trips, or drives to bowling or wherever 🙄 I’ve had five different kids over at different times that I can think of in the last year or so, and not one of their parents has returned the favour and had my kids over. Like how rude are people?? I would always say “oh we owe so and so a play date” if they have gone anywhere. Not sure how both my kids have managed to pick friends with rubbish parents 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️🙄
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I am the only full-time in the office person in my job, and people INSIST on coming in (when they can absolutely work from home) full of colds and coughs and sneezes. No one washes their hands and people loom over my shoulder spreading their germs.

I don't have the option to get away from your coughs - so keep your coughs away from me!!! I will be raging if someone gets me sick before my annual leave! 🤬
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Just watched local news, a seventeen old arrested for murder for an eighteen old, I'm like what the fuck?
That's 2 families devastated, don't know the cause of death, but it's scary going out nowadays you never know if someone is carrying a knife, back in my days, it was just a punch up!
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Found a dead dog a few weeks ago. Entirely the owners’ fault. I love dogs and it’s so so upsetting that some dogs don’t get to live their best lives because of irresponsible owners.
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I feel like I’m slowly losing my mind. I can’t work out why I can’t cope with looking after my two children. Yesterday was okay but most days I have a moment where I just want to run away because everything is overwhelming and something goes to pot. My little girl is lovely but fuck me, she never listens and if she does there’s ALWAYS a counter argument or a counter negotiation. It’s exhausting. I baked some muffins earlier and by the end of it I felt like that stupid Ben Affleck meme of him smoking outside looking very FML.

also I hate that it’s hotter than satan’s ballsack at the minute. Everything can fuck off.
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Elle Woods

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I've witnessed someone have a full on picnic at the cinema before. The noise of cans opening, the loudest crisps ever! Torture
I saw a tiktok of a girl who went and got a takeaway toby carvery and took it into the cinema! 😂😂

I never go to the cinema as I just don't find it an enjoyable experience and I just end up getting wound up by the people around me rustling, chewing, breathing loudly 😂 I think if I was trying to enjoy a film and all I could smell was a gravy dinner someone had taken in it would tip me over the edge
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People wishing happy birthday on FB to people that can't read it.

On my late husband's birthday people posted on his FB and I bet they judged me for not. He's not going to fucking read it he's dead.

My dead husband's sister wishes happy birthday to our kids on his Facebook timeline, but doesn't send them a card! Make make sense.

People wishing my infant nephew happy birthday on his mum's Facebook page, he's not going to read it, he can't fucking read.
That is so tough, I'm sorry you're going through that.

I was once asked by the pet crematorium if I wanted to send a card for my cat. Jesus, she couldn't read when she was alive!


My rant is that I've been volunteering at a few old peoples' homes, and everyone is so fucking rude to me. I've been shouted at for not cleaning things that I have absolutely cleaned spotless, I have been told that someone is going to slip and break their neck because I mopped the floor, I've been accused of stealing. I get that some of these people probably have early stage dementia, but it's been horrible for me nonetheless. I genuinely think I will give it up, because it's too bad for my welfare to be treated like this when I'm unpaid and trying to do something nice for people. Yesterday I went in and someone had left a note that said: "CLEANER!!! CLEAN UNDER SOFAS AND HOOVER RUGS, PLEASE!" Jesus. They've had dozens of hours of unpaid labour from me, they're in a poor position to all caps me! And the only time I didn't clean under the sofas was last week when my endometriosis was too bad to bend down or haul heavy furniture around.

Also my workplace has two toilets and both of them are almost un-useable. One has had the seat totally broken off and the other literally comes off the wall a bit when you sit down!
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My husband 🤨.
I've been asking him to put pictures up in the living room for a few months, he's already put them up in the kitchen before and I hated them so we had to fill, sand and paint the holes. He said you'll only hate them. But that's beside the point. I don't know I'll hate them unless their up and I can see what they look like.
Happy wife and all that.
He finally said he'll do it, but asked what he gets in return.
I told him to fuck off. I packed them up and said leave it, I don't want them up.
1. A major fucking ick. Asking for a sexual favour.
2. Fuck off. I do everything around the house, with the kids, food wise. He just goes to work, clears up from dinner and sometimes watches the kids brush their teeth. They want me for everything else.

It's really pissed me off. All I asked for is some pictures to be put up. He was only sitting down doing nothing. Would take 20 mins, max.

I'm sat in the garden ignoring him now. He's come out and asked where I want them, how high, how far spaced apart. I've just said I don't want them up. I can hear him banging. I know he won't have put them up how I like but I'm not going in there to assist. I'll just take them down later when I decide I don't like them.
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When one person in the friend group mysteriously doesn't like you, and everyone except you is at their birthday party right now 🙃
This is why I stopped being a part of friend groups, someone always dislikes each other and it is so hurtful being the one left out.

Hope you're okay!
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I’ve had three “I’m bored” and two “what can I eat?” plus a bonus “are we doing anything today?” All before 12pm 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️🙄 All of last week they were asking me if today could be a chill out day because there was a lot going on and we had a manic weekend, but now it’s here and they’re chilling out they don’t want it 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄 We have lots of summer plans, including a big holiday, and indoors they have all the streaming services and toys they could want, so they can just bloody well deal with a day of no plans! I’m sure when I was a kid in the 80s/90s my mum most certainly did not plan exciting things every day 🙄
There's a good line in an Adrian Mole book, where he says that his kids are always asking him at the weekends "What are we going to do today?" He says "I don't remember ever doing anything at the weekends when I was a kid. I just skulked about the house till it was time to go to bed."

I don't like to criticise kids, because they only know what the outside world has taught them, but I am worried that kids today have constant stimulation with games and YouTube and stuff, so they can't tolerate being bored. Being bored is where we learn imaginative play and to learn hobbies and learn to do things for ourselves. I'm genuinely concerned about what life will be like in 30 years when we have a generation who expect everything right now.
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Why do tiny country lanes have the national speed limit, especially when two cars don’t fit next to each other? Scratched my car beyond belief because two cars coming in the opposite direction went speeding past the passing bit on their side.
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Ungrateful and entitled people.
I'll keep the details vague but essentially certain family members have been spoilt overtime and rather than being grateful, have become incredibly greedy and entitled and jealous when anyone else gets anything. It was a birthday recently and my partner and I bought a decent gift, however I found out after that the recipient was very disappointed, had expected a lot more and essentially said 'if I wanted shit like that I could buy that myself'. I'm so annoyed that my partner has been way too generous with these people that they now expect it and actually feel wronged that they didn't get something more extravagant. He only meant well but he has now created monsters who are jealous of everyone and everything and I feel so disappointed that our nice gesture was basically tossed aside and thought of as nothing. For reference, the present was the equivalent value of 2 days work for me so you know, it hurts that it's seen as nothing but I guess you pay the price to learn these lessons.
Are they close family members and you have to associate with them? If not, I would've told themselves in no uncertain terms to go fuck themselves for being so ungrateful. Next time buy them something really disrespectful, like a 2-way plug adapter or one of those really tacky, flashing novelty lighters from a poundshop 😁
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