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Stupid people going abroad.

Read a story yesterday about a woman who wanted to give birth on a beach so flew to the Caribbean with her husband. Left their 8 year old daughter behind. Ended up giving birth on a boat, couldn't register the baby anywhere and are now stuck out there because they can't get a passport for the baby.

Today I read a woman got into a barny with Ryanair over cabin luggage. Ended up getting removed from the flight. Her sob story was her baby has to have prescribed baby formula so she had to get home as she had run out that day. She hadn't taken any extra with her.

Do people never plan for the unexpected?
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We drove half an hour to a new adventure park. Middle and youngest fighting. Now its pouring down. Is it September 4th yet? 🤣

Happy holidays
I’ve had three “I’m bored” and two “what can I eat?” plus a bonus “are we doing anything today?” All before 12pm 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️🙄 All of last week they were asking me if today could be a chill out day because there was a lot going on and we had a manic weekend, but now it’s here and they’re chilling out they don’t want it 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄 We have lots of summer plans, including a big holiday, and indoors they have all the streaming services and toys they could want, so they can just bloody well deal with a day of no plans! I’m sure when I was a kid in the 80s/90s my mum most certainly did not plan exciting things every day 🙄
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I think the point of OP’s rant was that regardless of what the raging misogynists who run the modeling industry try to tell us about what counts as “plus size”, that model is clearly not even overweight. Her collar bones are visible and she practically has abs…

I always thought that the whole point of having a plus size clothing range was to provide nice, well fitting clothes to people who fall out of the standard 6-20 sizing range carried by most brands. Obviously the models are there to look good and sell products, but a size 12 falls very much at the smaller end of the aforementioned standard range.
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My rant for today and you might want to strap in for this one.

First of all I need to caveat this one with some context. I am mentally ill, properly diagnosed by a psychiatrist. I am diagnosed with cyclothymia, agoraphobia, GAD and BPD. Yesterday was my daughters graduation and I was determined to go to it, despite not leaving my home for about 4 years (apart from walking the dog around the block, early every morning for 15mins). We had to get a coach and cabs to get there which was extremely stressful for me but I was so looking forward to seeing my girl graduate and to spend the day with her.

We were walking back from the graduation, just chatting and enjoying the time together and some cunty "content creators" decided to come up to us, filming away asking what our dreams were. My husband said, not interested and he left him alone. Then he started on my daughter and her boyfriend, getting in their faces asking what their dreams were. My daughter was a bit embarrassed but tried to laugh it off but her body language was clear that she didn't want to talk to them, she then said no thanks, and tried to keep on walking. This cunt kept on at them, shoving a mike under her nose saying, "go on, tell me your dreams and i'll make them come true"
I don't know where it came from, probably just from the stress of the day and the fact we were in a big crowd trying to get through the hordes (it was Brighton sea front so pretty busy) but I just fucking lost it. I shouted at him "WILL YOU JUST FUCK OFF AND LEAVE US ALONE! SHE SAID SHE'S NOT INTERESTED AND NOW FUCK OFF AND LEAVE US ALONE" I think I said something else after, I may have called him a cunt but can't remember because in the moment I was just so angry that her special day was being invaded by cunts who are just bothering people and using them to make monetised content.

I absolutely loathe content creators who film people in public, without their consent and who will not take no for an answer. I see my daughter so rarely because she has a job, her own flat with her boyfriend and obviously just recently finished a university degree, plus she lives a couple of hours away so any time I get to see her is precious, I just want to catch up and enjoy the time. I also don't want to be on film because I am fat, middle aged and trying to hold it together in an extremely stressful situation for me.

I woke up today absolutely mortified at the way I just lost it and I'm terrified I am going to end up going viral as a deranged Karen :( So if you see a short, fat, red headed, middle aged woman on social media anywhere having a melt down, it was me and please don't let me know as I am already in hell over it.
I'd have shouted too if they wouldn't take no for an answer. I can't stand being stopped in town by charity collectors or salesmen, especially whe you keep walking and they get in your way and wave as if trying to flag you down. Even worse if they are filming/using mic without consent on unsuspecting passers by. That shouldn't be allowed.

Try not to beat yourself up, in a few weeks time your daughter will likely only remember the graduation parts and spending time with you on that day.

And well done on pushing yourself out your comfort zone, you achieved attending the graduation ❤
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Had a nail appointment at 8am. My nail tech over slept and didn’t show. Waited outside for half an hour before giving up and going to a Costa. When she finally wakes up she messages me and says sorry she can squeeze me in at 4pm. So I either have to travel home and come back and waste more petrol or hang in town for several hours and spend a fortune on parking 🙃 she doesn’t wanna mess her other clients about by pushing them back.

Got up early on my day off for no reason too. So annoyed.
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My rant for today and you might want to strap in for this one.

First of all I need to caveat this one with some context. I am mentally ill, properly diagnosed by a psychiatrist. I am diagnosed with cyclothymia, agoraphobia, GAD and BPD. Yesterday was my daughters graduation and I was determined to go to it, despite not leaving my home for about 4 years (apart from walking the dog around the block, early every morning for 15mins). We had to get a coach and cabs to get there which was extremely stressful for me but I was so looking forward to seeing my girl graduate and to spend the day with her.

We were walking back from the graduation, just chatting and enjoying the time together and some cunty "content creators" decided to come up to us, filming away asking what our dreams were. My husband said, not interested and he left him alone. Then he started on my daughter and her boyfriend, getting in their faces asking what their dreams were. My daughter was a bit embarrassed but tried to laugh it off but her body language was clear that she didn't want to talk to them, she then said no thanks, and tried to keep on walking. This cunt kept on at them, shoving a mike under her nose saying, "go on, tell me your dreams and i'll make them come true"
I don't know where it came from, probably just from the stress of the day and the fact we were in a big crowd trying to get through the hordes (it was Brighton sea front so pretty busy) but I just fucking lost it. I shouted at him "WILL YOU JUST FUCK OFF AND LEAVE US ALONE! SHE SAID SHE'S NOT INTERESTED AND NOW FUCK OFF AND LEAVE US ALONE" I think I said something else after, I may have called him a cunt but can't remember because in the moment I was just so angry that her special day was being invaded by cunts who are just bothering people and using them to make monetised content.

I absolutely loathe content creators who film people in public, without their consent and who will not take no for an answer. I see my daughter so rarely because she has a job, her own flat with her boyfriend and obviously just recently finished a university degree, plus she lives a couple of hours away so any time I get to see her is precious, I just want to catch up and enjoy the time. I also don't want to be on film because I am fat, middle aged and trying to hold it together in an extremely stressful situation for me.

I woke up today absolutely mortified at the way I just lost it and I'm terrified I am going to end up going viral as a deranged Karen :( So if you see a short, fat, red headed, middle aged woman on social media anywhere having a melt down, it was me and please don't let me know as I am already in hell over it.
Don't waste anymore time thinking about it. They are absolute twats and you did nothing wrong. 99% of people would totally understand your reaction. I'd have probably given you a round of applause if I'd have been there.

As for daughter she will only remember what a monumental effort you made to be there with her.
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Last night I found a wallet lying in the street. I picked it up and waited for a couple of minutes in case someone came looking for it. There were drunken revellers everywhere. I almost put it back down in case someone on a night out realised they had lost their wallet and was going to retrace their steps.

But then I thought 'If I don't take it, the next person to spot it might steal the money and use the credit cards', so I took it home. I found the name on the driving licence and messaged him on Facebook, "Did you lose your wallet in York?"

Today I got a message saying "I did, yeah" and he asks if he can come to collect it. I said of course and gave him my address. I have quite a lot to do today, so I asked if he can make it here in the next couple of hours. He doesn't reply for an hour. Then he replies saying he doesn't have time today so it will have to be next week.

What the hell are you doing that's more important than retrieving your money, driving licence and credit cards (and Mecca bingo loyalty card)? He didn't even say thanks and he just expects me to keep his property for when he feels like showing up. I have an extremely busy week and don't have time to negotiate a time to be sitting at home.

I've experienced several frustrating situations in the past few days arising from young men being entitled with me.
- That guy who promised me something on Marketplace for free, then said it was now £20 and kicked off when I said no.
- A guy who insisted on carrying my heavy shopping for me, then complained the whole way down my street that it was too heavy, but wouldn't let me take it myself.
- Being robbed a few weeks ago.
- My boss changing my hours to 6.30-8.30pm, even though the role isn't time sensitive, because obviously I never need to eat dinner? (He's old, but I'm including it.)
- Two separate guys come up to me in the street like "Hey love, how're you? You going out tonight? Where do you live?" and acting like I've devastated them when I didn't reply.
- My neighbour casually telling me he's put his lawnmower in my shed because there wasn't room in his. He also takes a short cut through my garden no matter how many times I ask him not to.

All but one of these men are my age or younger. I'm surprised to find myself old enough to grumble about young people today, but the entitlement and lack of manners really shocks me.

I don't care if they think I should unquestioningly give them my time, money and attention, I will not!
I would post it to him. Without putting a stamp on it then he’ll get a card from RM saying he needs to pay the postage as the sender didn’t pay the full amount 😉
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VIP Member
My rant for today and you might want to strap in for this one.

First of all I need to caveat this one with some context. I am mentally ill, properly diagnosed by a psychiatrist. I am diagnosed with cyclothymia, agoraphobia, GAD and BPD. Yesterday was my daughters graduation and I was determined to go to it, despite not leaving my home for about 4 years (apart from walking the dog around the block, early every morning for 15mins). We had to get a coach and cabs to get there which was extremely stressful for me but I was so looking forward to seeing my girl graduate and to spend the day with her.

We were walking back from the graduation, just chatting and enjoying the time together and some cunty "content creators" decided to come up to us, filming away asking what our dreams were. My husband said, not interested and he left him alone. Then he started on my daughter and her boyfriend, getting in their faces asking what their dreams were. My daughter was a bit embarrassed but tried to laugh it off but her body language was clear that she didn't want to talk to them, she then said no thanks, and tried to keep on walking. This cunt kept on at them, shoving a mike under her nose saying, "go on, tell me your dreams and i'll make them come true"
I don't know where it came from, probably just from the stress of the day and the fact we were in a big crowd trying to get through the hordes (it was Brighton sea front so pretty busy) but I just fucking lost it. I shouted at him "WILL YOU JUST FUCK OFF AND LEAVE US ALONE! SHE SAID SHE'S NOT INTERESTED AND NOW FUCK OFF AND LEAVE US ALONE" I think I said something else after, I may have called him a cunt but can't remember because in the moment I was just so angry that her special day was being invaded by cunts who are just bothering people and using them to make monetised content.

I absolutely loathe content creators who film people in public, without their consent and who will not take no for an answer. I see my daughter so rarely because she has a job, her own flat with her boyfriend and obviously just recently finished a university degree, plus she lives a couple of hours away so any time I get to see her is precious, I just want to catch up and enjoy the time. I also don't want to be on film because I am fat, middle aged and trying to hold it together in an extremely stressful situation for me.

I woke up today absolutely mortified at the way I just lost it and I'm terrified I am going to end up going viral as a deranged Karen :( So if you see a short, fat, red headed, middle aged woman on social media anywhere having a melt down, it was me and please don't let me know as I am already in hell over it.
Hundreds of people would agree with you and probably wish they had the balls to do the same !
It’s intrusive and annoying and has got out of hand.
Don’t beat yourself up, you’ve done nothing wrong 😊
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Dickhead parents who can’t properly care and look after their babies and children.

breakfast today all three adults got up from their table and left a baby of around 8 months in a wooden Highchair by himself and not secured at all. Why is it my 5yo knew that was a twattish thing to do but they didn’t? Poor little thing was screaming his head off, then when they came back they just shouted at him for crying. Just awful.
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Got my daughter a ticket for an event on the back of her 'mate' going. Her 'mate' has been stringing her along for 8 months and now just decided she's not buying a ticket and won't be going 3 weeks beforehand.

What a shitty thing to do, they've been talking about it and organising outfits as you do at 17 and then to drop her at the last minute. I'm equally raging as I am sad for her 🤬
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Not a rant , just a pity post. <plays tiny violin>

I have covid and feel shocking, supposed to be going away on Saturday.
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I’ve just got this message from a bloke at work. I am absolutely fuming, I was wearing a thick high neck vest top with a shirt on over it (we have no dress code). I know who it was too as he has the mental age of a 5 year old. This is what you get when you’re one of 2 women in a 30 person workplace.
Take that message to HR!!
That is completely inappropriate.
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I’m up for redundancy. I’m terrified. The process is going to take like a month.
I don’t know how I will cope. I’ve always worked.
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Cars in for a service today so I’ve caught the bus (not a fan) with the pram. I’m sat in the pram bay but enough room for one person to sit next to me. Old woman across from me starts whispering to her pal that I should fold the pram up and let someone else sit down. Baby is six weeks old and there’s nobody even stood up ffs. I told her it’s rude to whisper and her face was an absolute picture. I hate old people.
My son used to work in Asda and said it was the old people who were the most rude , entitled and downright angry.
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I am the only full-time in the office person in my job, and people INSIST on coming in (when they can absolutely work from home) full of colds and coughs and sneezes. No one washes their hands and people loom over my shoulder spreading their germs.

I don't have the option to get away from your coughs - so keep your coughs away from me!!! I will be raging if someone gets me sick before my annual leave! 🤬
I honestly think ppls hygiene has got worse since covid! The fact ppl still drag their ill contagious backsides into the office when there is absolutely no need fills me with anger. The unnecessary touching of things! People who LICK THEIR THUMBS before turning a page. You just need to all stop!!!!
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Had a great productive day WFH, younger son away to a supposedly brilliant outdoor summer scheme. Picked him up and found out he'd been on the receiving end of racist bullying the whole day 😡

I've just emailed them to let them know exactly what went on. A leader did overhear my son being called a racial slur, but when he spoke to the culprit, they lied and said it was because my son made homophobic comments to them, and he was believed so my son got told off too even though he was the victim.

I'm angry and stressed. I hate conflict but I have to stand up for my son. Summer scheme was supposed to make my life easier not more stressful!
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I get my result for my maths exam next week, I know I failed. The exam was awful the questions were the worst - I'd revised for over a month with the stuff I was told too but when the exam started the questions there was nothing like I'd revised. I put an answer in every box and tried to put workings out but we will see.

I have been trying for 5 years to get into nursing now, 2 years of Access course over covid - given a predicted grade, so i went to uni through clearing came out with a 2:1 hoping they'd take me for nursing with that great grade, I took a maths exam in March but failed by 2 points sat it with sepsis and kidney stones. So I paid £140 to take an online one.

But the universities have to have a maths grade of some sort, if I don't get in this September I have to reapply for next Sept which will be another year. I don't want to have to find a job for year, I have worked so hard and all that is stopping me is maths - even when I did a whole module for maths nursing in my access which I passed.

You'd think the amount of effort I'd put in would mean something with the need for nurses!
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