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My husband just lied to my face about walking the dog???? He said he’s done it while I was out. The lead was exactly where I left it so I knew he hadnt been out 😡 what a little prick. Stupid thing to lie about. I am annoyed
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That is so tough, I'm sorry you're going through that.

I was once asked by the pet crematorium if I wanted to send a card for my cat. Jesus, she couldn't read when she was alive!


My rant is that I've been volunteering at a few old peoples' homes, and everyone is so fucking rude to me. I've been shouted at for not cleaning things that I have absolutely cleaned spotless, I have been told that someone is going to slip and break their neck because I mopped the floor, I've been accused of stealing. I get that some of these people probably have early stage dementia, but it's been horrible for me nonetheless. I genuinely think I will give it up, because it's too bad for my welfare to be treated like this when I'm unpaid and trying to do something nice for people. Yesterday I went in and someone had left a note that said: "CLEANER!!! CLEAN UNDER SOFAS AND HOOVER RUGS, PLEASE!" Jesus. They've had dozens of hours of unpaid labour from me, they're in a poor position to all caps me! And the only time I didn't clean under the sofas was last week when my endometriosis was too bad to bend down or haul heavy furniture around.

Also my workplace has two toilets and both of them are almost un-useable. One has had the seat totally broken off and the other literally comes off the wall a bit when you sit down!
Life is too short to volunteer somewhere and be treated badly. Hopefully somewhere else will appreciate your time and efforts. To volunteer is a selfless thing to do but you deserve to be treated with respect when you do.
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I really would like to go to this place which offers holistic therapy packages but its soooo expensive and sooo far away - driveable but a full day trip.

Im at the stage of depression where I will try ANYTHING to help, but I am so unmotivated to actually do anything about it. Nothing local compares either!

In better news I have an interview this week for a job.
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Rant: cringey influencers

some woman I saw is a “mum fitness influencer” that term itself makes me want to scrape my eyes out but she always uses the same phrases including “showing up” when what she meant is deciding to exercise. Eg I decided to show up for myself/ I showed up today/showing up today for me
She just meant I am deciding to exercise. What a stupid phrase and an annoying woman.
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Someone posting one of these ridiculous fat loss injections with no specific ingredients on tiktok. I made a comment about injecting ppl with what could be anything. Got loads of likes, comments. Shes deleted my comment. I reported her tiktok 🤣 touche bitch
I’m absolutely shocked by this latest trend of people trying to buy up semaglutide and mix it up in their kitchens to inject into themselves.
What many don’t seem to realise is that unless they are buying the drug from a legitimate pharmacy, they’re being sold it illegally and what they’re buying won’t have been subject to any of the strict manufacturing regulations that legitimate medications are, in fact, there’s a huge chance that they may not even be buying semaglutide at all.
It’s horrifying and it obviously goes without saying that by buying and mixing up these powders with water for injections at home, they’re also putting themselves at risk of overdosing and infections. I completely understand the frustration of not being able to access Ozempic legitimately due to shortages, but honestly, it just baffles me the lengths that some people are willing to go to just to get their hands on this drug.

The police need to start cracking down on the companies and individuals selling these ‘raw’ mixes ASAP, otherwise people will end up in hospital.
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Chatty Member
Today I just want to rant about myself. Sorry, I feel like I'm doing so much ranting here in the past 2 weeks, but my schedule has been so stuffed that I haven't had anyone IRL to talk to. This is such a non-problem, but I just need to get it out...

I'm part of a hobby group for about 2 years now. I'm slowly trying to make individual friends there, for one-on-one hangouts and activities etc. With a few people I'm getting there. There is one lady who I asked out for coffee about 3 months ago, she said enthusiastically that she'd love to. We had a coffee date. At the end she said she'd love to do it again.

Today I messaged her asking if she has time for another coffee before summer is over. She said she was afraid not, August was too busy for her, but she hoped all was well with me. It felt really like she was saying "I don't want to hang out with you again."

I know it's very possible that August is completely chock-a-block for her, I'm not denying that at all. I just feel down that she didn't ask how I was or say we could get together later in the year. I know I have a tendency to read too much into things, so it might just be me.

I'm not here to rant about her in any way, I'm just annoyed at myself if I'm not good company, or if I often get upset over something that I read into incorrectly. I had a really shit upbringing that taught me that no one, not even my family, wants to be around me. I've been in therapy for years and gotten a lot better. I now mostly believe myself to be likeable and a good friend... it's just when the slightest thing like this happens, I get so down and feel like I've done something wrong. I know there's no way of knowing what's going on in someone else's head, so I have to make peace with not knowing and not pester them. I'm just here because I need to say that I feel really down.
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I'm ranting about myself and my inability to react to danger! Took my children to the park today. I have a leg injury so hobbled there with them and told them I'd be sat on the bench. In the park there were various parents and children, I could see mine the whole time. The others started leaving gradually until it was just me with my children and a couple other kids who i assumed were with this man. The man went over to my son and was watching him and smiling. Then he walked over to watch my daughter on the monkey bars. Finally, the rest of the kids left so it was just me and my children in the park with this random man! It was then that I realised he wasn't a parent but was in the park with us on his own.

I looked around to see where any of his possible children were but there didn't seem to be any (just teenagers out on the field playing football). I wanted to ask him if he had children there but wasn't brave enough. I decided to leave without making a fuss in case he was dangerous. I shouted to my children to come to me as we were going. They ran to me and this man then walked slowly out of the park and towards where the teens were. There is some gym equipment so he went on that. For a minute I wondered what to do whether I should report this. I said to my daughter (who is 10) that I didnt like the look of that man. She said he had kept smiling at her in the park and she thought he was creepy.

I'm annoyed because when he was watching my son I just let it happen
as I assumed he was there with his child and just enjoying watching the children playing. I'm also annoyed with myself that my daughter thought he was creepy and didnt feel she could tell me.

I was on my phone for quite a bit too so feel really neglectful and have reprimanded myself for that. I should have realised earlier and got out of there.

I was in two minds whether to report it, but in the past when I've reported something (including a date rape which I've never quite got over) the police haven't been interested.
I don't have any advice - but I will say, don't beat yourself up too much. You weren't to know he wasn't there with a child, and he was relying on the fact that people would assume he would. You took your kids home when you sensed something was off, and you kept them safe.

Not saying he is a predator as obviously I wasn't there etc etc, but from personal experience, people who go after children are masters at hiding it from those around them, and I'm glad you're all okay.
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Chatty Member
Ungrateful and entitled people.
I'll keep the details vague but essentially certain family members have been spoilt overtime and rather than being grateful, have become incredibly greedy and entitled and jealous when anyone else gets anything. It was a birthday recently and my partner and I bought a decent gift, however I found out after that the recipient was very disappointed, had expected a lot more and essentially said 'if I wanted shit like that I could buy that myself'. I'm so annoyed that my partner has been way too generous with these people that they now expect it and actually feel wronged that they didn't get something more extravagant. He only meant well but he has now created monsters who are jealous of everyone and everything and I feel so disappointed that our nice gesture was basically tossed aside and thought of as nothing. For reference, the present was the equivalent value of 2 days work for me so you know, it hurts that it's seen as nothing but I guess you pay the price to learn these lessons.
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People thinking it’s acceptable to come up
to me and tell me I look “pale, thin and anemic”. I don’t put weight on easily and struggle with my appetite so often go through periods where my weight goes quite low, but I think it’s just so appalling to actually point that out to someone.
I’ve had it off 3 separate people in the past week now and it’s doing my head in, I wouldn’t go up to someone and say “omg you look really overweight and diabetic” because it’s totally rude and unnecessary.
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I was in the queue for a till yesterday, there were a few people queuing behind me too (only 1 till open 🙄) and I left a little gap so I didn't block the aisle. A woman came with her trolley and stood in front of me. I said excuse me, there's a queue. She looked at me and begrudgingly started moving to the back.
Then a girl shouted next please as she opened a new till. This woman shot like a rocket past everyone and hopped on it. She was so fast I didn't even have time to move mine. She gave me a smug look as she was loading 😅
And then hobbled out of the shop, you weren't hobbling when you were flying through the air past everyone in the queue 🤣
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Piff paff puff

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My Monday rant is travellers. Our estate is over run with them in the summer and they are absolutely vile. They steal from the local shops, literally crap in full view of people on the side of the roads and are intimidating people who have to walk past them.

Since I've moved to the UK, I have yet to see travellers who move around who take care of the area and don't cause havoc. Am I being lied too? Does anybody have experience of travellers who cleaned up behind themselves and weren't absolute knobs?
Omg this. Every single time.
My local council dedicated a permanent site to them but there are other ones who arrive every summer in various local towns and is an absolute nightmare as you say.
Right now a lovely old village a couple miles away has them camped out in and the mess already is off the scale.
They won't use the toilets in their caravans apparently as they see it as a dirty thing to do so they'll go and shit in the bushes 🤮
The council is actually on their side now which is a terrible way to treat your constituents when they're trying to keep the village clean and sanitary and finding it impossible. The gypsies are now taking legal aid to carry on treating the beautiful recreation area their camped on like a dump :mad: wild noisy dogs, antisocial behaviour 🙁
Might as well add more whilst I'm on whinge mode 😂
They treat everyone who isn't in their community with contempt. They're ungrateful, always taking and giving nothing back, all the while claiming minority rights so it absolves them of the thousands of pounds of clean up after they leave. Almost 5 months no with no end in sight. They're bloody shameless.
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Elle Woods

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I'm having a really shit Monday morning and I just want to cry. I've been awake since 3.50am as someone was revving a motorbike out the back at that time. It pissed down when I was walking into work so my hair looks like a frizzy mess. I made a cup of tea to then only spill the whole thing on my desk 5 mins later and and I've just realised my house insurance expired more than a week ago, gone on to do quotes and it's more than double what I paid last year. Give me a break I want to go home, curl up and hide away
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Cladding. It’s ruined so many lives, can’t sell my place because of it which will enable us to move to a bigger house for our family :(
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Rosie glow

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This is an amusing rant
So my husband had to take his truck in for a service so he left it at the garage and went off in a different truck for the day
Came to lunchtime and realised he'd left his lunch box in his other cab
End of day went to pick up his truck from the garage picked up his lunchbox to bring home and realised someone had eaten most of it
Apart from the sandwich that had one bite out of it my husband has a weird taste in sandwich fillings and covers everything in horseradish sauce maybe the sandwich was a little too hot for the theif 🤣🤣🤣🤣
What world to we live in when not even your lunch is safe 🤦‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Why is calling in sick so difficult? My boss bombards me with a million questions and then says are you sure you can’t come in. Yeah sorry let me just stop running to the toilet every 5 mins real quick 🙄
I always hate the build up to calling in sick because I feel guilty anyways and it just makes me feel worse
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Not winning the bastard lottery so going back to work, after annual leave, on Monday. Don't want to work, don't want to be unemployed, still can't find the third option.
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