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Elle Woods

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People who can't ever seem to form their own opinion and change their likes/dislikes depending on who they're with. Just be your own person!
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I have had a virus (poss Covid but testing negative so far) and have felt really rotten the last few days. Was meant to have a dental appointment today but I called to cancel because a) I feel rubbish, and b) I didn't want to be an irresponsible super spreader even though I know it's no longer a legal requirement. Called the practice and the receptionist was really snotty saying that as I'd never had a late cancellation before she'd let it go this once, but if I did it again I'd be charged... I'm like... I am really unwell and if I came into the practice today I would spread all my germs around. And I'm effectively being punished? I was being treated the same as someone who didn't bother to call and say they wouldn't be coming/do not show when actually I'm trying to do the right thing. Really makes me cross. I understand the policy but I really didn't like her tone, was very school marm ish almost telling me off. She was like well if you were sick in bed in might be different... and I'm like, I am sick, I feel awful. She was like "Covid isn't an excuse anymore in the NHS" and I told her that isn't very reassuring. Silly cow.
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We're all council tenants. I've never taken in their washing, I think that was a story from someone else (although I am the wallet holder from previous pages). I don't know what more to do though - I'm not necessarily being a doormat when I've asked them a million times not to do something, then asked the council, who have talked to them and they're STILL doing it. I agree that I'm too nice in a way, but I don't know how they sense that or what more I can do if I move their bin and they move it back, and I talk to them and they say "Ok, sorry" then keep doing the exact same thing 😕
My aunt is a bit of a batshit banshee and flies out her front door to shout at people when they’re doing something she doesn’t like (kids drawing on the garage). It’s effective 🤣 sorry I got you confused! You’re both too nice for some people!!
People who swear in front of kids… more importantly parents who swear in front of their kids.
I was at the soft play earlier in the week and there were two parents chatting to each other, talking about the kids:
P1: he starts nursery soon but he ain’t talking proper yet, he just tells people to fuck off
P2: haaa, that’s what mine says, she says fuck it, she says it in context!
what is so funny about this? Your child can’t string a sentence together but can tell people to fuck off, and yours says fuck it? How about not using that kind of language in front of them and actually talking to them in sentences to improve their language skills on the whole? Tossers.
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Most of the ppl watching were of the female LGBT community or blokes who fancied them,,, it was so slow.. not a bit like the mens game I enjoyed watching at Fulham

This is such a sweeping statement!

The women's game has changed massively in recent years. My daughters' play football and have done for many years, well before the lionesses achieved their euros success and made it more popular for girls to play. We go to watch England play as often as we can and also our local WSL team and many families go to watch now. It is good that women's football is being given more media attention rather than it being just a "mens game". Watching the England women is certainly more exciting than watching the England men these days!
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I have a nice day out planned. Its going to take 40 mins to get there. I like being early to places to ensure we get a nice parking space (yes I'm that person that googles parking and worries about parking situations) I am still waiting for the teenager to rise from his pit. I've been in and called him twice and he's said yeah I'm coming. I would have liked to have left at at least 9am. We're not going to get there until after 10 now.
Tiny in the grand scheme of things and sometimes I hate being an early bird but I hate being "late".
Some of my friends don't start their days until after 11 and it makes me itch 🤣
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I want to rant today about people giving me the look when I say no I can't wait until he kids go back because I can't. I love them but being around them 24/7 is hard work we are skint and both still working so it's been hard so don't give me that 'why did you have kids if you don't want to look after them' bull
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I work for quite a big company- went for an interview/pictures a few months ago to encourage women to join it (it’s 88% men) and since they posted it an hour ago I’ve had 12 insta follow request from men, who would have had to specifically look up my name from the article. Men also commented on the company post saying women had no more challenges than men working at said company. I doubt a man they posted would have had to deal with the same amount of creeps trying to delve into their personal life! It’s made me incredibly angry.
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Other half and I have just put an offer in on our first house together and his mum is doing my nut in.

we took them to see it at the weekend and had a massive discussion about it where they were saying it was great go for it etc etc. now that we’ve made the offer all she keeps saying is “oh are you sure - it needs a lot of decorating (it doesn’t), it’s a long way away (it’s an hour)”

stop making my anxious brain full of doubt when we have CLEARLY thought it through before making the offer 😤😤
Sounds like you need to be an hour away from her!
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Fucking arsehole prick wanker high earner ex husband querying the cost of 2 items for our youngest child’s school uniform. He doesn’t pay a penny maintenance so it would be nice if for ONCE he paid up without a fuss 🤬
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I think the point of OP’s rant was that regardless of what the raging misogynists who run the modeling industry try to tell us about what counts as “plus size”, that model is clearly not even overweight. Her collar bones are visible and she practically has abs…

I always thought that the whole point of having a plus size clothing range was to provide nice, well fitting clothes to people who fall out of the standard 6-20 sizing range carried by most brands. Obviously the models are there to look good and sell products, but a size 12 falls very much at the smaller end of the aforementioned standard range.
Also, 5'9" and a size 12 is very different to 5'2" and a 12.

This is why people should never get fixated on sizing. I am 5'10 and when I was late teens early 20's I was always a 12. I was desperate to be a 10 or 8 like some of my friends. I never took into account I was about 5 inches taller than most of them.
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My husband has decided to unleash on me this morning because I haven’t been making pack ups for his lunch. This has escalated into me doing ‘nothing’ for him, ‘don’t women show their love by looking after their man’ and caring about everyone else over him.

I’m annoyed because this man never has to put a wash load on, doesn’t make dinner, washes the pots maybe once a week but that’s as far as his household tasks go. We have 3 children that I would say I’m the primary carer for and a dog. I’m absolutely sick to my back teeth of his only point being that he works all week. SO DO I. It’s worth bearing it mind that his job doesn’t entail having to factor in childcare drop offs/pick ups or just generally where the kids will be. He just gets up and goes to work but wants a gold medal for that.

He does a manual job but then when he’s home clocks off, how lovely that must be. There are times granted where if I need him to run to the shop etc he will just go he’s not bone idle but this packed lunch shite gets on my nerves. In the back of my mind I’m thinking I should just do it if it’s so important to him but at the same time I really don’t think my worth or how much I care should be down to packed lunch.

Maybe I’m wrong, but his shouting at me at 7am has thoroughly fucked me off.
I have no advice because if my husband spoke to me this way I'd tell him to fuck off and that's not the well rounded, reasonable advice I think I should give 😂 but I would feel exactly the same as you. I would then probably resort to only doing things for me and the kids (& dog) and doing nothing for him, but I'm petty like that x
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I've seen this twice ... people who have twins busy posting Twin 1 has got a A* A* A* and twin 2 'did very well too' .... Fuck off. Don't post either.
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When one person in the friend group mysteriously doesn't like you, and everyone except you is at their birthday party right now 🙃

I have had a group of mum friends from my sons school since they started in year R, they are just now going into year 6. One of the boys was relentlessly bullying mine. I sent a message to his mum and nicely told her what was happening. I'm now the bad guy, she hasn't spoken to me in over a year now. Ignores me on the school run, I now ignore her too. I've got no time for it. They all ignore my messages on the group chat and have seen them out together pictured at the pub and days out which we would usually all do as a group. Fuck em. I left the group chat and out of the group of 6, only 2 reached out the rest can fuck off. Not about that pathetic childish life. Teach your kid not to be a little prick.
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I have no advice because if my husband spoke to me this way I'd tell him to fuck off and that's not the well rounded, reasonable advice I think I should give 😂 but I would feel exactly the same as you. I would then probably resort to only doing things for me and the kids (& dog) and doing nothing for him, but I'm petty like that x
Are you me? 🤣
I would also add in there who the fuck do you think you're speaking to, make your own fucking lunch, I'm not your mother.
Petty AF too and he wouldn't have clean clothes or a cooked meal until he at least apologised!
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@HaloGirl @themuffinwoman I said what I said and someone of you don’t understand when someone is being deliberately facetious, and as it happens my father lost two elderly relatives to COVID - but not everyone gets to live forever.

I know far more young people who died by suicide during the first lockdown, and I’m saying this as someone who was very Ill themselves from COVID. Not to go off on a tangent, but it was a big mistake having lockdowns to protect the elderly and the most vulnerable.

Anyway, back to the thread- Can’t stand the rude and aggressive over 70s and we should have let COVID do its thing….
We heard you the first time. No need to repeat it again in bold. It is absolutely vile and offensive and a little sensitivity would not go amiss. Do not generalise a whole generation. Grow up.
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The reviews that do my head in are 1* reviews that say “didnt receive it so can’t comment” so why are you leaving a review of the product?!
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Oh no black folk picking tobacco they must be slaves so triggered - lets whip up an internet army...

...except this is a photo taken in 1907 to promote shade grown tobacco Havana Cigars. It doesn't show slaves in a colonial plantation. It shows free Cubans working in a tobacco plantation.

I have every sympathy for people who suffer real racism, and obviously real racism is immoral and should be stamped out. But this thing of very privileged people calling everything racism? It pisses me off and it is bad for society, imo, because we shouldn't have any words that immediately shut down thoughtful debate. Once someone/something is accused of being racist, everyone goes into panic mode and dare not say "Actually, it isn't." We shouldn't have any words that you can just hurl at someone and they have to stop doing whatever they're doing and have no right of reply.

At uni I shared a flat with a girl who was half black and half white, and she was exactly like this. She was from a VERY rich family, she had all the best clothes and gadgets, went on fancy gap years, was extremely beautiful, very posh in her voice and manner. She had a very Made in Chelsea name - I won't write her real name here, but it was like Lola-Rose Parkinson or something. But she would not stop talking about how everyone else in the flat had white privilege. There were two of us there from a foster/adoption background, who had worked our way up from shitty state schools with no family or money behind us. I never once heard her acknowledge for own privilege, she just went around telling everyone they owed her things because she was so hard done by.
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I hate all this "owing" rubbish. If I want to give someone a lift in my car or have them stay at mine I do it as I want to. I hate the idea of putting pressure on people. So my advice to people is don't do anything you don't want to then you won't need to seethe with rage about not being valued.
I was having such a nice day before I was "triggered". 😄😉
Feel like that’s aimed at me because I put it in my post….I know not everyone thinks like it, but there is such a thing as taking turns. Not always expecting things to land on one person. They don’t have a moral obligation and I'm not putting any pressure on anyone, I’m ranting about it on an anonymous gossip website, not telling them to their faces they “owe” me. Just think it’s common decency to do things for people that they do for you. I’ve carried on arranging and organising things for my kids, because I want them to have a good time, so clearly I am prepared to do it even if I don’t get it back. I’m a friendly and generous sort. But doesn’t mean I can’t be annoyed at always being the one with a garden full of kids!
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