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My husband has decided to unleash on me this morning because I haven’t been making pack ups for his lunch. This has escalated into me doing ‘nothing’ for him, ‘don’t women show their love by looking after their man’ and caring about everyone else over him.

I’m annoyed because this man never has to put a wash load on, doesn’t make dinner, washes the pots maybe once a week but that’s as far as his household tasks go. We have 3 children that I would say I’m the primary carer for and a dog. I’m absolutely sick to my back teeth of his only point being that he works all week. SO DO I. It’s worth bearing it mind that his job doesn’t entail having to factor in childcare drop offs/pick ups or just generally where the kids will be. He just gets up and goes to work but wants a gold medal for that.

He does a manual job but then when he’s home clocks off, how lovely that must be. There are times granted where if I need him to run to the shop etc he will just go he’s not bone idle but this packed lunch shite gets on my nerves. In the back of my mind I’m thinking I should just do it if it’s so important to him but at the same time I really don’t think my worth or how much I care should be down to packed lunch.

Maybe I’m wrong, but his shouting at me at 7am has thoroughly fucked me off.
I saw a tik tok from a woman whose husband claimed she never did anything around the house so she stopped doing anything. Within a few days it was a shit hole. Maybe you should do the same
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Myself and my lack of motivation to do anything
Have a rare day alone in the house so I did the cleaning this morning and I’ve been sat on the sofa watching random crap since. I have so many books I could read, games to play, people I could meet up with but my mind is just like meh and I can’t commit to doing anything… and I know by 6pm I’ll feel guilty for being so lazy 😂
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I know it's the school holidays but if you're taking your very young kids shopping, there is no need for them to be on a bike or playing with a football.

Teach your kids how to behave in shops. They really don't need to entertained every single second of the day. The supermarket is not a playground.
Oh my god YES! I used to nanny for two kids, one of them was 10 and other 13 so old enough to understand how to behave socially. I made the mistake of taking them out to the shops. Fucking hell I’ve never seen anything like it. Their behaviour was insane. Tried to climb in the trolley (which I told them straight away to get the fuck out!) picked up EVERYTHING from the shelves with a endless side of “can we get this? Can we get this? I need this? Let’s get this!” To then chucking the item about and randomly putting it back where it didn’t belong, racing up and down the aisles with the trolley, hiding under shop displays.

After 5 mins of this and precising after walking up a single aisle of the supermarket, I hauled them out of the shop and gave them a dressing down as frankly I’ve never been so embarrassed. Finally, the mum comes home and I explain why I had to bollock them for their behaviour. She says “oh yeah they’re awful, that’s why we just order everything online!”

Erm. They are old enough to know better. Maybe instead you should be teaching your children that shop are not playgrounds and to have some respect for the people that both are shopping and working in there?!
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God I hate these men that have outdated views on women and their ‘role’ in the household.

Women used to do all the jobs coz they didn’t work.

Women cannot do all the jobs in current times AS WELL AS work and raise a family and other things hobbies/have pets/socialise 😡😡😠😤😤😡😳😤😳😰😡😠

My FIL does zilch around the house. I feel bad for MIL but also she has put up with up since she was 20 so if you haven’t made him lift a finger for the last 50 years he isn’t going to do it now 😳
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People who say they 'have mental health' when they mean they have BAD mental health. That phrase drives me up the wall. Usually thrown out by scummy mummies sitting on TikTok live for hours despite being too 'anxious' to work.
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Husband and I have been married 17 years. You both get to know each other’s little foibles right? One of mine is that my toast has to be cold. Stone cold. If the butter melts, it’s a no from me.

Now, my husband makes banging scrambled egg. The best! Every time he offers to make them i remind him ‘Can you leave my toast to go cold?” He never does . I swear he does it on purpose because he loves hot toast with lovell melted butter and disagrees with my choice.

I know I’m petty but fuck me he did it again this morning. I asked really nicely (when he offered to make the eggs, I didn’t hold him to ransom!) ‘Remember can you pop my toast on first and just leave it to go cold?” “He makes the right noises and goes downstairs.

You got it, he serves me up hot buttered toast, just like his, nice melted butter. And do you know what he does it on purpose because he just can’t accept that that’s how I like it.

We’ve just had a row because I lost my shit and basically said he doesn’t respect my wishes etc. We genuinely never row, and have such a happy marriage, but FUCK ME I WILL DIVORCE HIM OVER THE TOAST 🤯😅😅
This is so petty and I know she’s only trying to help but I hate it when my mum reminds me or tells me stuff, it’s my nieces birthday on Wednesday and we’ve already had a conversation about when I’m posting her card/present. She’s messaged me again just now asking if I’d done it yet and I said no I have to do it tomorrow because I’ve had such a busy week (and honestly I’m feeling so low and vulnerable). And (this is the point of the rant) she texts me back and tells me to do it in the morning because post offices close after 12pm on Saturdays. YES I KNOW I’M 38 I haven’t got to 38 without appreciating that post offices and banks have maddeningly inconvenient bloody opening times. IT IS THIS KIND OF SHIT THAT MAKES MY THROAT FEEL LIKE ITS CLOSING UP.

i just started typing other examples but I’m too bloody irritated to.
You’re playing this all wrong. Life gives you lemons? Make lemonade!

Make a quick note of all the things she prompts you about, then add in some extras for fun (Easter, Xmas, World book day), then set a reminder in your phone WAY early and then remind her first. It will drive her mad.

6 weeks before a family birthday ‘Mum remember Sarah’s birthday- what are you getting her? I have a card written and thought I’d post it tomorrow. Better early than late, right?”

In the last week of August “Mum I’m thinking about Christmas gifts. Do you want to come over and we can compare lists? You can’t be over prepared for these things, eh?”

Full disclosure- I’m estranged from my Mother because she’s a prick, so probably not best placed to give advice. She used to send my kids birthday cards all together in January for the whole year (their birthdays are April, August, September) because ticking it off her list was more important than the act itself. The year that we stopped speaking I sent her 5 birthday cards in one envelope with a note saying “Open one a year for the next five years 😜

edit- I just thought of a bonus one. Look up when the clocks go forward or back and remind her like 8 weeks early. Bloody hell…I’m good at this 😅
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Constant fucking questions. From everyone. Just use your own brain and see if you can answer it yourself and ask me as a last resort. Seriously I am so sick of it especially today. It’s like they can’t function if I’m not within arms reach of them.
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Oh god I used to love napping when my son did. He’s 4 now and not napped for ages but in the afternoon when he was sleeping I used to sleep too 🙈🥰. Was the best
Got to be done especially when he is awake occasionally for 2 hours in the night 🥴 got to catch up somewhere 🛌 😴
A rant for today

Useless people giving stupid reviews. Some woman called Lyn gave a fridge freezer 1 star coz she has been ill and hasn’t had a chance to use it yet 😂😂😠
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Family! I am the youngest of a large family ( 6 children))
Few of the siblings have children. I currently do not.
First of all, I can't remember the last time anyone in my family checked in on me and asked me something about me or my life. It's all about them and their kids.
My mother would be the last to notice if I went missing or dropped off the earth as she never so much as sends me a text or whatsapp. If i didnt call her she wouldn't ring me from one end of the year to the next. And when I do call, it's just to talk about ' insert sibling here'
Like why have children if you're not going to show ANY interest in them?

I dunno, I suppose I'm just in need of a rant at the minute.
Does anyone else have families that genuinely don't give a shit about them? Feeling deflated
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Idiotic so-called influencers who shamelessly expose their poor kids for likes on Instagram without a thought on safeguarding them. I’ve reported one z lister today for posting an extremely inappropriate video of their child.😡😡
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These two women at work are constantly undermining me 😤
Part of my job role is I have final say in what invoices are paid, I have to sign off on them. If I say we need further information or it isn't eligible then just respect that instead of thinking you know better. I've had additional training that they've not had, for my job role. I've escalated it to management as I've had enough.

Edited to add, anything that gets paid incorrectly goes against my name so it is something I take seriously
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i’ve a list

the rain. july has been a wash out.

just saw a teen has been arrested over the assault of a tourist in dublin. i don’t know what the world is coming too but our society is in rapid decline.
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I would like to rant about the words photo dump. I despise the word dump. It means poo where I’m from. I can’t get on board
with a photo dump. Drives me insane and makes me feel a bit sick😂😂

I feel better now
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My mum is so hateful. She has nothing nice to say about anyone or anything. She doesn't have a maternal bone in her body. Never says anything nice to my children. She always has to be right and will argue to death, even when she's wrong. Usually I just roll my eyes and ignore her but today I wasn't letting her off, even showed her video proof that I was right and all she said was Oh 😆
She's only late 50s but has bad knees so uses a walking stick. Her and my Dad are like 90 years old, set in their ways. Dad just does whatever she says. My brothers barely speak to her, my sister is always working or busy so barely sees her. But shes so hateful. You never feel welcome in her house. Has never, ever said she I love you or im proud of you, well done, or anything. Even when we were children. I always feel guilty and take her shopping but always come away thinking why do I bother.
I've just text my husband and said we should move away, right to the deep countryside 😆

Will do everything I can not to be like her!
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Elle Woods

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People making insensitive comments, sick of it being asked when I’m having a baby. I don’t fucking know because I can’t seem to get pregnant. Why do people think it’s ok to ask?
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Had a nail appointment at 8am. My nail tech over slept and didn’t show. Waited outside for half an hour before giving up and going to a Costa. When she finally wakes up she messages me and says sorry she can squeeze me in at 4pm. So I either have to travel home and come back and waste more petrol or hang in town for several hours and spend a fortune on parking 🙃 she doesn’t wanna mess her other clients about by pushing them back.

Got up early on my day off for no reason too. So annoyed.
This is one of my absolute pet peeves. Tradesmen, beauticians, dentist, you name them they do this. As if your time is not improtant but God forbid you do it to them then they charge you extra etc
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