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Elle Woods

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why is it that when you’re at work, 8 hours feels like forever but on a day off, 8 hours is gone in the blink of an eye ☹
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My husband has decided to unleash on me this morning because I haven’t been making pack ups for his lunch. This has escalated into me doing ‘nothing’ for him, ‘don’t women show their love by looking after their man’ and caring about everyone else over him.

I’m annoyed because this man never has to put a wash load on, doesn’t make dinner, washes the pots maybe once a week but that’s as far as his household tasks go. We have 3 children that I would say I’m the primary carer for and a dog. I’m absolutely sick to my back teeth of his only point being that he works all week. SO DO I. It’s worth bearing it mind that his job doesn’t entail having to factor in childcare drop offs/pick ups or just generally where the kids will be. He just gets up and goes to work but wants a gold medal for that.

He does a manual job but then when he’s home clocks off, how lovely that must be. There are times granted where if I need him to run to the shop etc he will just go he’s not bone idle but this packed lunch shite gets on my nerves. In the back of my mind I’m thinking I should just do it if it’s so important to him but at the same time I really don’t think my worth or how much I care should be down to packed lunch.

Maybe I’m wrong, but his shouting at me at 7am has thoroughly fucked me off.
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Cars in for a service today so I’ve caught the bus (not a fan) with the pram. I’m sat in the pram bay but enough room for one person to sit next to me. Old woman across from me starts whispering to her pal that I should fold the pram up and let someone else sit down. Baby is six weeks old and there’s nobody even stood up ffs. I told her it’s rude to whisper and her face was an absolute picture. I hate old people.
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I noticed there was a man slumped over on a bench across the road from my house so called the police. Police didn’t want to know and told me to call ambulance, at least that lady was nice about it. Called for an ambulance and they wanted me to go see if I could wake him. I explained I’m sorry but I don’t feel safe doing that as a woman and she started getting really arsey with me. Sorry not sorry for putting my safety first.
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When one person in the friend group mysteriously doesn't like you, and everyone except you is at their birthday party right now 🙃
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I got a horrible text from my cousin today who is still accusing me and my brother of 'ruining' a family holiday, and called us both social justice warriors and snowflakes.

For those who didn't see my older post; my cousins are organising a trip to Dubai and my brother (an openly gay man) is refusing to go to a country in which homosexuality is considered a serious and punishable crime. I support my brother, I'm a straight woman but I also don't want to support the economy of a homophobic country that doesn't respect human rights. if that makes me a snowflake... so be it.
Good for you, I wouldn't want to go to Dubai either for multiple reasons.
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This is so petty and I know she’s only trying to help but I hate it when my mum reminds me or tells me stuff, it’s my nieces birthday on Wednesday and we’ve already had a conversation about when I’m posting her card/present. She’s messaged me again just now asking if I’d done it yet and I said no I have to do it tomorrow because I’ve had such a busy week (and honestly I’m feeling so low and vulnerable). And (this is the point of the rant) she texts me back and tells me to do it in the morning because post offices close after 12pm on Saturdays. YES I KNOW I’M 38 I haven’t got to 38 without appreciating that post offices and banks have maddeningly inconvenient bloody opening times. IT IS THIS KIND OF SHIT THAT MAKES MY THROAT FEEL LIKE ITS CLOSING UP.

i just started typing other examples but I’m too bloody irritated to.
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People whingeing about Mary Earps shouting fuck off. No one complains when male players swear but apparently it’s not lady like and she’s a bad influence on kids
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Any criticism made of travellers is always pounced on as being racist, but the problem is that now by bending over backwards to accommodate them/ not be critical, local authorities and other organizations are just perpetuating the problems.

There's a permanent traveller site in the town where I live. The site is a mess, rubbish everywhere. The residents own a number of horses which they don't look after and then abandon in fields or tied to lampposts. At least 2 horses have died horribly. Although they do mostly keep to themselves the animal abuse is bloody disgusting, all the more because no one will take any action. I had a run in with one of the blokes once when he started mouthing off in our local supermarket. He told me I should know my place and not talk back to a man. Great example of a man he is.

Friends of mine live in a very rural area. Every year travellers pass through, break a load of fences to get onto their fields, stay there for a week or so and then up sticks, leaving the broken fences and normally 2-3 skips worth of rubbish. And again, no one does anything.
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Last night I found a wallet lying in the street. I picked it up and waited for a couple of minutes in case someone came looking for it. There were drunken revellers everywhere. I almost put it back down in case someone on a night out realised they had lost their wallet and was going to retrace their steps.

But then I thought 'If I don't take it, the next person to spot it might steal the money and use the credit cards', so I took it home. I found the name on the driving licence and messaged him on Facebook, "Did you lose your wallet in York?"

Today I got a message saying "I did, yeah" and he asks if he can come to collect it. I said of course and gave him my address. I have quite a lot to do today, so I asked if he can make it here in the next couple of hours. He doesn't reply for an hour. Then he replies saying he doesn't have time today so it will have to be next week.

What the hell are you doing that's more important than retrieving your money, driving licence and credit cards (and Mecca bingo loyalty card)? He didn't even say thanks and he just expects me to keep his property for when he feels like showing up. I have an extremely busy week and don't have time to negotiate a time to be sitting at home.

I've experienced several frustrating situations in the past few days arising from young men being entitled with me.
- That guy who promised me something on Marketplace for free, then said it was now £20 and kicked off when I said no.
- A guy who insisted on carrying my heavy shopping for me, then complained the whole way down my street that it was too heavy, but wouldn't let me take it myself.
- Being robbed a few weeks ago.
- My boss changing my hours to 6.30-8.30pm, even though the role isn't time sensitive, because obviously I never need to eat dinner? (He's old, but I'm including it.)
- Two separate guys come up to me in the street like "Hey love, how're you? You going out tonight? Where do you live?" and acting like I've devastated them when I didn't reply.
- My neighbour casually telling me he's put his lawnmower in my shed because there wasn't room in his. He also takes a short cut through my garden no matter how many times I ask him not to.

All but one of these men are my age or younger. I'm surprised to find myself old enough to grumble about young people today, but the entitlement and lack of manners really shocks me.

I don't care if they think I should unquestioningly give them my time, money and attention, I will not!
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I hate when people make a thread all about them …. We don’t need your life story when we’re discussing famous people. People love to talk about themselves don’t they 😆😤
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On the subject of travellers, we have issues with them where we live. A couple came to my house a while ago asking to do odd jobs (gutter, drive etc). I told them my house is rented and the landlord sorts it. They told me to ‘ring him and tell him’. I refused and went to close the door. The larger bloke put his hand in the way and repeated ‘ring him he’ll be happy’. Again I said no. The other 1 said ‘bet it’s 1 of those P*ki bastards’. Ah so nobody can criticise you cos it’s racist but you can be horrendously racist 😡. I slammed the door. Vile creatures. Anyway I now notice that another lot of the darlings by me crashed into an old blokes car in their white van, got out, beat him to a pulp and stole his car. Police have found them I hope.
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Elle Woods

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People who ask for your advice then don't take it! Even worse when they ask for your opinion on a certain situation, so you give it and they proceed to spend 10 minutes telling you why your opinion is wrong! Don't ask my opinion/advice if you don't want to hear it!
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I got a horrible text from my cousin today who is still accusing me and my brother of 'ruining' a family holiday, and called us both social justice warriors and snowflakes.

For those who didn't see my older post; my cousins are organising a trip to Dubai and my brother (an openly gay man) is refusing to go to a country in which homosexuality is considered a serious and punishable crime. I support my brother, I'm a straight woman but I also don't want to support the economy of a homophobic country that doesn't respect human rights. if that makes me a snowflake... so be it.

I was going to come in here and rant about the number of footballers signing up to play in Saudi. Bloody massive hypocrites. All giving it large in Qatar about human and gay rights and then can't get out there quick enough if the price is right.

I've been to Dubai. Would never go again. It's a weird place. The men walking around in shorts and flip flops and the women two steps behind wearing full burka. They'll sell you alcohol but if it suits they'll arrest you for drinking.

I had some gay friends go there and they made sure that both beds in the hotel room looked like they'd been slept in as they were so nervous people would guess they were gay. 🤬🤬

I'm with you and your brother 100%.
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People who "overcome" challenges in life and just use it as an opportunity to brag about how amazing they are 🤢

E.g. ppl who have lost weight, overcome depression, escaped domestic violence etc etc

Its always, well i JUST stopped x and then my life improved. 👏🏻good👏🏻for👏🏻you👏🏻

Now, on account of me NOT BEING YOU, and your advice being completely useless... piss off!
I was a victim of domestic violence. I finally kicked the prick out, divorced him and I’m so sorry but I think I’m fucking amazing! I love me 🤣
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people on social media that say something like; I've just moved into a flat/house has anyone got any spare beds, fridges, tables, sofas
like wtf this is begging at its best. Buy your own stuff ffs
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So I'm currently working full time while completing my Master's degree. For the entire year I've been working my butt off trying to complete my thesis and everything in time to graduate in October. Filled out my application for the October graduation session, thesis almost done, I was finally starting to relax.
Then yesterday I realized I completely forgot to fill out a survey that was needed to complete my application. I needed to send it in before the 31st of July and I hadn't.
I immediately panicked, filled out the survey, sent an email the student administration office and to my thesis supervisor explaining my mistake and asking what to do next. But obviously it's August so I probably won't receive an answer from either of them until the end of the month.
It feels like I've been having a panic attack for 6 hours. I haven't been able to get anything done.
There's a chance they might go "well you applied and paid the fee so the survey is just a formality, even if you filled it out a few days after the deadline it doesn't matter", but they're probably gonna tell me I have to postpone my graduation to December. Rationally I know it's not the end of the world - I already have a full time contract until January so it's not like I would be missing out on anything by postponing graduation until then. But I'm just so embarrassed and angry at myself because I worked so hard to have everything ready by October and I ruined it with the stupidest mistake ever. Plus my thesis supervisor outright asked us to please avoid postponing graduation because he's very busy and in very high demand as a thesis supervisor, and he has a very strict organization system to make sure he can follow all of his thesis students properly. I just hope he can fit me into his December session.
I don't even have an explanation as to why I forgot to do the survey. I completely forgot I had to do a survey in the first place. I just sent in the application, paid the fee, and that was it for me. I wouldn't even have realized my mistake if I hadn't looked at the uni website page by chance.
I feel terrible and it's so embarrassing to have to tell everyone that I can't graduate in October because I forgot to fill out a form. It's so stupid. And the fact that I won't have a clear answer for like two weeks just makes it worse.
Update: the admin office got back to me and told me everything's fine as long as I pay a small fine for late application (€20). Yay!!
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People wishing happy birthday on FB to people that can't read it.

On my late husband's birthday people posted on his FB and I bet they judged me for not. He's not going to fucking read it he's dead.

My dead husband's sister wishes happy birthday to our kids on his Facebook timeline, but doesn't send them a card! Make make sense.

People wishing my infant nephew happy birthday on his mum's Facebook page, he's not going to read it, he can't fucking read.
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