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My story is a strange one!!

I lost 8 stone in 2017, met my ex wife who then up and left me while I was pregnant with our IVF baby, through that and stress I’ve gained quite a lot of it back. I was down to a lovely 12 stone which was my goal weight, so now I’m back on track to shifting it again. It’s so much harder now I have a toddler, a single working mum, stress with covid, money etc but, I’ve done it once and I can do it again. Id love to post some before and after photos from my first transformation but I’d rather stay anonymous 😭😂
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1.5kg down this week woooo! Been very strict on counting and running this week so happy it’s paid off 😊
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Haven't lost anything all week but sisters friends mum saw me yesterday and said I look a shadow of myself 😊

NSV walked 27k in past 3 days 😁
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Chatty Member
We went to the zoo today! Kids loved it, everyone’s shattered and I did 12,500 steps which I’m pleased with as my daily is around 5k normally. Feet are sore now though. I took loads of fruit, berries and salad and treated myself to tea at the restaurant. Not weighing in this week, enjoying the bank holiday and starting again on Tuesday. Happy bank holiday weekend everyone.
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I’m feeling really dumb right now 😂 I genuinely think the reason I stopped losing weight for ages was the lack of any steps, I mean some days I am doing like 100 steps in the house. Now I’m aiming for 5k a day, I seem to be losing weight on 1400 cals. Since Tuesday I’m down a whole lb and I still have a few days to go! Nearly back at my lowest 🤞🏻🤞🏻
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Satisfying Click

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I made it to the gym today, after several years hiatus! I was a bit nervous about going as I hadn't been there before, but there was loads of space and appropriately distanced and cleaned regularly. I'm going to be so sore tomorrow 🥴
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Chatty Member
Please stick with it! I know how hard it is, but please please be patient! It took me a year to lose 42lb, so @fireflies you are right on track. I never lost more than 1lb a week, some weeks I lost nothing and some I gained, but all those small amounts do add up. You didn't gain the weight overnight so it will take time to come off too.

I have been reverse dieting recently (slowly bringing your calories up to maintenance after a long period of deficit, I was in a deficit for almost a year but then my weight loss slowed down, I have 10lb left to get to my goal). I was very cynical and the science behind it is very mixed, but I am really happy and loving the extra food!

I've brought my calories up from 1500/1600 a day by 100 a week and am at 2000 a day currently. In that time my weight has stayed completely stable, because I did it so gradually. Worth thinking of for any of you who have cut your calories down and been in a deficit for a long period of time.
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At the end of the day, people should be doing what works for them as long as it isn't doing them any harm. If only eating three meals a day helps you keep on track, great! If having snacks between meals, allows you to feel full and not deprived without faceplanting into a family sized bar of chocolate and crisps then great! Weight loss is such a personal thing and while the basics of it are the same for everyone (eating at a defecit for your tdee) how everyone goes about it is different.
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I finished hypnosis two weeks ago and finally felt in control of my eating. I started eating three proper meals a day. No snacking or bingeing and didn't want junk food at all. In fact I still don't.
This alone is huge progress, IMO. It took me weeks/if not months to stop the cravings and feel satisfied on three meals.

Your next step is to start measuring these meals and making sure they fit into your caloric allowance. Log on here every day and share your struggles and successes. It really does help.

Take it stone by stone, pound by pound. Set mini goals. It took me 5 weeks to lose 1 stone. 6 weeks to lose the 2nd stone. And it looks like I'll hit the 3rd stone in 7 weeks. I still have (at least) another 2 stone to go after that. I tell myself that after every stone I can take a break if I need it; I haven't needed it yet. The more success I see, the more motivated I am to get to the next mini goal.

As far as I know, none of us are doing anything special beyond counting calories and trying to move our bodies more. You've already got a head start, you can do this!! 💪
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I’ve finally lost some weight 🙌🏻 10st 12.. next mini target is my 3 1/2 stone.. 2lbs to go 🤞🏻

Also did run 1 of C25k Week 2 today.. I do like the fact it can be all over in 30mins, feels like such a smaller impact on my day/time spent exercising.
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I weighed this morning and so far in April I am 5 pounds down so I am super pleased! This is my lowest weight this year so hopefully I can keep it up.
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Satisfying Click

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Non-scale victory: 1 inch lost from my waist, the measurements had been stagnant for so long, I'm hopeful that things are moving now
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So wedding date is a go, October, eeeeek! (Had a lot of faff with venues but found a new one, phew) which means I've got til about July to be happy with my size before it's important for my dress... so wedding diet is officially on! Also booked myself in for a couple of 10k runs in the year to keep me motivated. All feels a bit real now gals, I'm in and committed!
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NSV (at least I’m taking it that way) - ordered a denim jacket in a 16 from new look and it’s waaaaaaay too big! In the same order I also had a 14 dress that fit perfectly and a 14 jumpsuit that was way too tight 😂
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Well-known member
Thanks thats a useful link.
I'm the past I haven't had always good experience with dieting and food so trying form a healthy balance where nothing is banned and its sustainable .
Thats why this time round taken approach i have done based on fact

I don't have the cash for gym or trainer right now.
I don't have childcare for the toddler.
I don't want spend lot money on expensive diet when I think about the money I wasted on slimming world.

Managed 8.5 l steps already today.
Taking kids to park this afternoon.
Aiming to eat no more than 1500 cals and do around 1500 of exercise which is basically all calories Samsung health says I used all day some via walking others existing.

I remember watching biggest loser and some weeks contestant wouldn't lose much.
Guess you can't lose big every week but since week 1 I guess I'm week 5 now its been so slow.
I'm trying say to myself every morning when get upset with scales keep going it will pay off.
Has be a life style change not short term plan that I jump on off and never quite reach target and give up.
If I lose 1lb a week thats 52lb in a year.
Its taken me a year put on 2 stone I guess I have accept may take year all come off.
Just with everything opening up and freinds and family wanting to meet up I want to feel good about myself and look nice.
The weight gain definate reduced my confidence im really unhappy with myself when I look in the mirror.
Samsung health says my bmi is overweight category which makes me more vulnerable to covid or other conditions.
Yet when I tell others I'm unhappy they say I'm not fat even though I'm now a size 16 not very tall and small build.
I guess they trying make me feel better and I'm uk average size some people carry weight different and for me I don't like being size I am.
Heard on radio they may get rid of bmi as upsets people knowing they big.

Kids return school next week so might try add a run next week and couple you tube workouts, reduce carbs and drink more water and see if that helps..
Its hard just focus on me as well as manage 4kids.
Oh boy! I can relate so much to all of this. I’m a mom and wife and have definitely been there.
Let me give you a ray of hope or inspiration - at least this is my intentions.

I started my weight loss journey in Nov. of 2016 when I said I’ve had ENOUGH. I had packed on the weight after having a child and was miserable with myself. Any how, it took me until 2019 to lose 110 lbs ( 49.89 Kilograms). I’ve kept it off too. Even during COVID Lockdowns I managed to only put back on 15 lbs - not bad considering the situation.

now here’s my biggest advice to you right now:

You are literally going to drive yourself mad. Why? Well… The scale is kind of bullshit. Hear me out…One day I’ll go weigh myself and I’ll be my normal current weight… Then the next day if I weigh myself… I may weigh 2 to 3 pounds more or less depending on water, digestion, food etc.

Weighing yourself more than once every few weeks or month is only gonna drive you insane. It is unhealthy.

Stay working out and moving your body, eating properly and with proper portions and trust me… Give it time. You will lose all the weight and then some. Slow and steady wins the race. You do want sustainable lasting weight loss and not fad dieting correct?

it’s all in the words too...

LIFEstyle >>>>> DIEt

Anything promising you magical weight loss in large numbers quickly is either a gimmick, or completely unsustainable and you will gain it all back and then some.

Anddddd, last but not least don’t take BMI too seriously either. I do Barre (form of ballet and Pilates) every day and in the last year I’ve put on 15 lbs in muscle mass and according to my BMI I’m “overweight” yet I just turned 30 and I’m in the best shape of my life.

Mind over matter baby!!!! Change your mind & change your life!
Cheering you on girl! You got this babe!
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VIP Member
please stick with it and keep going! I know it is really hard when you don't see results but when I first started it took FOUR weeks to see those goddamn scales move. I just think our bodies take a while to catch up sometimes. I'm a year down the line and I've lost 3 stone. Patience really is a huge part of this weight loss journey!
Definitely needed to read this today, thank you
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I did my first 'run' today for my couch to 5km and didn't stop once!
3.8km travelled in 40 mins, I'm shattered but I'm so thrilled I managed it.
The group meet twice a week and I'm actually excited to go back.
So unlike me, but I'm so pleased!
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