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Weighed in on Friday and had a maintain, just jumped on the scales again and I’ve lost 2lb!!
Takes me to 1 stone 8lbs loss which I’m absolutely chuffed with!! I’m also VERY close to just being considered fat rather than obese 🥴😂 I’m lucky though that at 6ft I definitely don’t look huge, but I feel SO much healthier already. Glad I jumped on the scale again this morning!
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Week 20: -2lb! Didn’t feel i’d done as much exercise this week so thrilled with this. At the beginning of the year I set myself a target to lose 35lb in 35 weeks to coincide with an optimistically booked holiday. Never actually believed i’d do it. I’m now 1.75lb away from that target, which if I lose that next week, will be 3 months in ahead of schedule.
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@fireflies i know exactly what you mean about being visual and wanting to see results immediately because I’m the same. I get really disheartened sometimes that it’s such a slow process and I used to think ‘how rubbish t diet for 2 weeks and lose 2 lbs and not feel any better’ but honestly what’s the alternative? You stay the same or gain more weight. The time will pass anyway, yeah you might not feel better for a couple of months but surely it’s better knowing what you’re doing now means at some point you definitely will feel better than not at all!
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First week of my fresh start and I lost 1lb :) kind of mixed feelings about this - last week I was sitting at 3 lbs up from my lightest on this spout of weight loss, so I was hoping it would come off a bit quicker e.g. some bloat or whatever. But I also have started having to stay away again now the lockdown stuff is easing, so I wasn't 100% on it all week either. So 1/13lbs for my end of July target!
Something I have remembered this week - going for a walk IS worth it, even if it's just 20-30 minutes. For ages I've stopped bothering, because I keep being like 'it's just a walk it doesn't help it's not proper/hard work.' But I was reading a PT on Instagram saying how sedentary is less than 2k steps, lightly active is 2-8k. A bit of a crude measurement tbh and I still dislike how uncertain that is - if you do 2500 steps one day and 8000 the next I don't know how that's the same in 'active' terms - but it has definitely helped this week. Before Christmas when I lost a solid 1lb a week I was going for about 5 walks a week of probably around 5k steps a time, and I've almost entirely stopped that in recent months. So, target for this week is to get walking again!
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I’m down another pound! Really pleased. I’ve been weighing every day and need to write it all on the calendar so it’s easier to look at but I think it’s taking me around a week and a half to lose each pound which I’m happy with. 6lbs down since the start of March which I’m considering as my start date now as I only lost an initial 5lbs in January then nothing until March. So I’m 11.2lbs down and have 12 to go. So glad I didn’t give up!
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Had my jab yesterday, really pleased that I had no side effects so could carry on as normal. I am hovering around two pounds higher than my previous lowest weight since my birthday binge blowout, if I can get back to that weight in the next few days I’ll be really pleased.

I’m going to be upping my water intake and concentrating on fibre over the next few weeks because I never reach my daily fibre goal. I’d be glad to hear any tips ☺

On another note, has anyone looked back through the previous threads to read their posts? If not I really recommend doing it, to see and appreciate how far we have all come ❤
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First week of calorie counting done and lost 2lb 🙂 went over on Saturday too and had a treat dinner so pleased with that!
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I’ve had 3 takeaways and a meal out since Friday plus a loooot of alcohol, weighed in this morning and I’m still the same weight as beforehand. One bad weekend doesn’t ruin your progress!!

Going to drink lots of water today and get right back to it :)
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If you eat properly you don't need snacks. This idea that we need snacks is what sabotages weight loss. Eat 3 balanced, filling meals a day and drop the snacks.
Slightly confused why you’d drop snacks? all that matters at the end of the day is energy balance. Also sometimes people struggle with eating 3 meals a day and would prefer to eat 5 or 6 smaller meals. I don’t think it’s a must to eat only 3 meals a day.

I eat 3 meals a day, plus two or three snacks and remain in my calorie deficit each day with no issues. I eat snacks for various reasons for example a higher carb snack immediately before a workout if I need an energy boost.

not really sure how you can promote 80/20 lifestyle if you then don’t promote snacking - if you enjoy chocolate or crisps for example like you mentioned how do you make a biscuit or a packet of crisps part of your meal? There’s no difference to eating crisps WITH your lunch or an hour or two afterwards. At the end of the day you’re consuming the same amount of calories, just at different intervals?
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I weighed myself this morning regardless and weirdly I was another whole 1.5 down from yesterday. If that reading is accurate, that’s 3 lbs this week, which seems weird. I am quite stressed atm but still seems a lot for me. Not complaining though! Anyway I’m sticking with my weight from yesterday as my official loss and will see what happens next week. If today was correct and I lose anything more than 0.5 lbs through the week then I’m finally going to be in the 10 stones next week!
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Hi everyone can I join in on the weight loss, I had a baby 4 weeks ago and gained nearly 4 stone, weighed myself this morning and I’m 15 stone 10lb which is the heaviest Iv probably been. Going to weigh every Monday morning and need to try and stay motivated, weekends are my downfall 😣
Of course you can join us, but please don’t be too hard on yourself, you were growing a human and you’re still recovering 🥰 congratulations!
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I forgot to 'watch' this thread so I'm just jumping to the end ...

I've now done the first 2 weeks / 6 runs of couch to 5km.

I went to the gym the other day and I'm 30s quicker to get to 1km on the cross trainer, 40s faster on the stationary bike and I've lost 1 inch around my waist!

This might actually be working!
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Hello all, glad to see you are all still doing so well!

I’m back on it from today with calorie counting. Last week I was awful and a lot of binge eating happened, I’ve been thousands over.

Some how I’ve weight myself this morning and am a pound less than my last weigh in despite that so I’m taking it and running 😂

Gave myself a well needed reality check this morning, tried on my 30 waist jeans which used to be loose on me and I can now only just do them up. Definitely couldn’t wear them out. So I figure I need to lose weight as they are my favourite 😬

About to start TTC (triggered all the binge eating but I’m feeling a lot more settled now) - not sure if being in a deficit is a problem for that but it’s early days and could take a long time so I figure it’s not excuse not to work on myself in the meantime, if anything being a healthier weight will only help things.
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I went for a run today and omg I was SO HOT. It wasn’t long and I did a workout with my dumbbells after. I LOVE how I can run now. I also think I’m changing shape now. When I put my hand on my hip I feel far less fat than was there before. I also think my little roll on the side has nearly gone. I can also feel muscles in my arms now and I am loving that.
I haven’t weighed since nearly 2 weeks ago because of my eating in half term. But I’m feeling pretty good health wise.
When I’m at work I’m able to keep myself strict as I’m busy. When I’m home like in half term I struggle to do it.
I’m deciding whether to weigh tomorrow or leave it another week. I get disheartened easily when the scales don’t reflect how I feel.
I have a baby shower to go to in July and there are a lot of glam people there (the type who say it’s casual then turn up in a party dress) so I’m hoping to be able to look nice then.
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1.5lbs off this week. Just goes to show one bad day doesn’t matter if you get straight back on it. I’m so close to dropping down into the 11 stones now.
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Satisfying Click

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I went up two increments on the leg press today 💪 and have completed my 3 gym attendances for the week (I really didn't fancy going today, but I'm glad I pushed myself)
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Week 20: -2 lbs
Total: 3 stone 5 lb

No exercise again this week, but I did a lot of hobbling back and forth for appointments, so I guess that helped. :LOL:

I've been thinking a lot about maintenance lately and how I will keep the weight off. One thing that's surprised me over the last 20 weeks is how well 3 meals a day, only snack on fruits has worked for me. I'd previously always worked junk food in because I felt like I needed it. Now, as long as I have hearty meals that I enjoy and keep me full, I don't really crave it. I'd like to make that my default setting, with treats/takeaways being kept to weekends/special occasions. Famous last words... ;)
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Back down to where I was two weeks ago (phew), so lowest so far, and managed to get up and run three mornings this week, so really pleased! Going to have a good week of eating and exercising :)
We’ve been trying out Hello Fresh and the calories per portion are actually fairly good, as well as the meals being tasty and filling, it’s helped add a bit of variety to the day!
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200g on since weds BUT NSV I tried on the size 14 skinny jeans again and they actually do up now! They’re uncomfortable AF but when I first bought them I could barely get them over my bum, so progress!
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