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VIP Member
Had a massive blowout this bank holiday (didn't even bother counting yesterday) but did 40,000 steps over the weekend so hoping that's cancelled some of the food out! Back on it today :D
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Using today’s rainy weather as an excuse to go through my wardrobe, trying everything on and getting rid of clothes that don’t fit anymore. Four Sainsburys carrier bags for the bin and probably the same again to go to charity 😱

The problem was anything I’ve bought fairly recently is now massive on me (lots of baggy clothes due to hide my shape) so had to go, and the few bits in smaller sizes are so old they aren’t really my style anymore. Think I need to go shopping urgently haha!
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Evening everyone!
Finally coming on not to have a moan 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ I’ve been really strict this week with food and exercise and things are slowly moving down. Had a nice notification from MFP earlier telling me I’m 75% of the way to my goal! I was shocked but so pleased.

Wanted to share a v low calorie dinner I’ve had and enjoyed tonight. 5 heck chicken italia sausages, auntie bessies carrot and swede mash, Yorkshire puddings (2!), gravy and this Tuscan kale recipe. 485 cals and I am STUFFED.

Also I don’t know if it was on here or the low calorie snacks thread but I got some fibre one bars the other day.. soooo yummy. 🤤
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VIP Member
Well done guys 👏🏻 I am back on it rigidly today after 8 days off. Doesn’t sound much in the grand scheme of things (17 weeks on plan before now) but I am shocked at how easily it was to fall back into old and lazy habits.. no exercise, no food shopping done meaning opting for takeaways instead 😬 yikes.
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I think your husband is being a bit unfair @fireflies - my bf can be a bit of a knob about things like that but it's only because he has never had weight issues, he just eats what he wants when he wants to and it doesn't consume him if he craves something. It's a very difficult thing to be around when you're only trying your best!
Thanks jarv I was picking at it dident mean to eat most of it.
I do 90%cooking family meals
Hes driving me mad with catty remarks then sarcastically says well done but he would have lost weight faster.
I suppose disappointing as struggled with eating disorders in the past and trying to do it right and be healthy.
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I’m down another 0.6. A loss is a loss!! Plus I’ve been doing less impact stuff because of my Achilles so I’m quite pleased it wasn’t a maintain or gain!
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Week 19: -2 lbs
Total: 3 stone 3 lb

ZERO exercise this week due to an injury, but I stayed on calories so I guess it really is mostly down to diet. I'm still WFH and the mornings feel SO EXTRA BLOODY LONG without that exercise distraction. I ate my lunch at 11 AM yesterday I was so fixated on it. 🤣
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I’m so slipping this week, scared to step on the scales I’ve really lost control of my eating at the moment, having a really crap week and just want to comfort eat. Having takeaway tonight 😬 try again tomorrow ☹
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Active member
Down a pound this week and I'm delighted obviously, but so baffled as to why because I'm in the midst of exams-no exercise because I'm chained to the books, and I'm due my period this week which always makes me retain water weight, plus I've been inhaaaaaaling all the carbs, so I've no idea how I'm down a pound?! 😬😂 I'm not goimg to question it, I'm gonna run with it and try avoid anymore stress inhaled carbs! 😂
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New member
3 days in and I've stuck to my calories, not ate the best nutritionally but with work being busy and stressful I'm proud I haven't binged and thought "let's start tomorrow"

Haven't hit my steps, done around 7-8k a day so I'm getting there. Think I need a walk before work but it's too easy to stay in bed and run to my laptop 1 minute before starting

Hope everyone is well!
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Hope you don’t mind me jumping into the thread. I have just started (yet another) weight loss journey. I am aiming to lose around 3 stone and while I found losing weight not too bad years ago, since going through the menopause the weight just seems to creep on and refuse to leave again :rolleyes:
Have started Fast800, and lost 3lbs in week 1; halfway through week 2 now, still motivated and heading out to aquarobics in 10 minutes. Fingers crossed my spare tyres don’t drag me under and drown me :ROFLMAO:
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VIP Member
I've had an off few days too. Ate over my calories 2 day in a row. My dad took a picture of me at the beach and I think i look ugly in it 🥺

Its all about getting up the next day and trying again and not giving up 💗
I confess has off the rails day yesterday.
But saying that I ate my tdde amount which is maintenance.
If it takes 3500 calorie deficit in a week to lose 1 lb then surely takes reverse to gain 1lb.
So try not to panic if you have 1 bad day.
I'm trying to think in that mindset.
Yesterday made Mexican feast for family and had a few beers and just been feeling down maybe hormones so thought I need a break.

Just about take dog on long walk.
Doing roast dinner for tea and probably have salad for lunch.
The weathers still nice here and hoping in few days I will start see a drop as do feel bit bloated.
Next weeks going be hard as in order to keep up exercise regime I'm going have to walk the dog at 6am I'm not a morning person.
But I have keep the faith that I'm not some freak nature and if I keep my calories low and keep doing 10k plus steps a day then results will follow.
I have different results my scales depending which tile its sat on I take the lowest.

Good luck anyone just starting out.
Think I'm day 35 now and lost 6lb in total.
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I did a cheeky midweek weigh this morning as I had a whole 2 days of good CICO so far 😂 scales were dead on 78kg so only 0.1kg off my mini goal and then it's on to the next kg to lose. I'll see where the scales are on Friday but it'd be nice to hit that target so fingers crossed I don't get any weird fluctuations or anything.
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Went over calories yesterday so determined be good.
Felt really unwell sat night so went bed early with no tea as awful headache.
Sunday morning ecstatic see 81 .90 kg on scales although this morning 82.30kg.
I think water retention and constipation is issue as ate over tdde but below maintainance calories .
Took toddler to park this morning.
Walked dog long walk this afternoon so done over 111 k steps and burnt 1500 cals.
Mfp has adjusted cals down with each 1lb list so now it's 1330 and I have lost 7lb in total in 45 days.
Would love to be in the 70s by weekend but will see.
Had row with husband yesterday kind my fault I made a roast duck dinner but I started picking at duck before rest was ready then when went to serve wasent much left.
Theres never as much meat in a duck and I was starving husband said I was selfish and no wonder I haven't lost that much with no restraint.
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Active member
Hi everyone, first time posting on here. I have at least two stone and a half stone that I need to lose after gaining it through lockdown depression eating. Overall I just feel like crap and it shows. I’m doing calorie counting because SW etc has never worked for me - as soon as I’m told I can’t have something I want it!
I started with Noom about six weeks ago and I’ve lost about seven pounds which is good but slow. Their advice that you should weigh yourself every day has definitely been getting me down though and I don’t want to that anymore.
Getting my hair done today and hopefully my nails done soon so hopefully that will make me feel like a new woman! My self esteem has massively plummeted since gaining weight and I want my old spark back.
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VIP Member
I lost 0.4 this week. Down is brilliant even if tiny ! I am so close to having a 12 at the front of my weight!

I feel much better in myself and my clothes are starting to feel loose which makes me a very happy woman!
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Chatty Member
Maintained this week. That’s the old slimming world in me!
happy enough as I’ve eaten cake every day and had wine. Just need to refocus. I’ve upped my steps too, no where near as much as I need to but having an office job going from an average of 2,000 steps a day to 4000-5000 a day consistently is pretty good for me.
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VIP Member
I’ve had a completely shit and disappointing day. I think I’ll give myself to day off of counting/stressing and just eat the chocolate and go to bed. Tomorrow I can try again.
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