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Ngl, I can't stand that cinders from what I've seen. The carry on last night was embarrassing, what mother acts like that?and sharing addresses of where children could be potentially be living in the future makes her just as bad

Vic's no Saint but thought it was too far
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secret life

VIP Member
She's always said he didn't Want clay, but who actually knows 🤷🏻‍♀️
Just watched channys video on Instagram calling her out - vic has commented saying she's deleted tiktok as she knows she's done wrong and got too sucked into the app, but now she's sat on live on Instagram? Make it make sense
All social media would be deleted if it was me I'd be off to find some classes to improve myself cooking classes , parenting classes before social services asked
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So social services have already rang her yesterday after her going live on TT so she’s decided to go live on Insta 🤦🏼‍♀️

What does she not understand?? Stay off SM!
Sitting there talking about the situation and moaning about SS and the kids dads will not help her.

Doesn’t matter if that video was cropped or if she did or did not hit him, that poor boy has been showed online distressed several times, that’s not good parenting!

She should use these 45 days to sort herself out because guarantee SS will be watching and collecting more evidence.
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So the kids have been taken off her, whoever reported I hope you’re happy because the youngest is with her abusive ex- who he’s NEVER met… Too far 😣
I have children in my family me and other family members have had to fight to get them off a drug addict and still failing yet this happens. Wow.
this is absolutely rubbish. The children have not been placed with an abusive ex they have never met. Assessments of him would have been done, police checks aswell. Including Pre-proceeding meetings, child protection & public law outline (PLO). Vic only shares what she wants everyone to see remember that.

Do not blame other people for vic abusing and tormenting her children.
From what I’ve read and heard on TikTok she no longer claims benefits due to being reported for the money and TikTok gifts so she wouldn’t be entitled to legal aid and will have to fund a solicitor herself.

I’m guessing the boys were on a child in need plan as they wouldn’t just go in and take them without any previous issues. I have read that she’s previously done parenting courses so has been working with them but I suppose when you live your life on the internet live for all to see anyone can screen record any bad parts and send them off to ss. She’s really brought it all on herself, the way she’s shouting at the kids, the smack the little one had, the fighting in the school playground it doesn’t look great does it.

Shes going through absolute hell now because she probably thought ohh it will never happen to me, there’s worse parents out there but living life the way she does has highlighted everything she does or doesn’t do with them boys.
She does free legal aid. Any parent that has social care involvement at pre proceedings or removal are entitled to all the fees covered. She’s scamming everyone
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She is on live now saying Brett from the leaderboard has been turning up to her house and stalking her at her gym which sounds horrific - where has this come from, did they date or something? Dave Doran is of course in the box putting his two pence worth in
He stayed at her house for a couple of weeks last month, they then had a falling out because all he did was sit on live.

Then they made up and were friends

And now he's looking for a place to live in Liverpool, 20 mins from where she lives. Which is just odd.

They had another falling out last night and she told him she wanted nothing to do with him and blocked him on everything. Then he did a poll on his live this morning asking if he should go round hers. He turned up and was just stood at the door for 10 mins whilst Joshua's dad was there picking him up. Then tried to get in her taxi. He Text her asking for a cuddle and she said no leave me alone, really odd behaviour tbh


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I’ve never had social service involvement but my understanding is that to remove children they need either a court order or police protection agreement. That doesn’t happen over night. There’s more to the story
100% this!
I have my nephew with me permanently after he was removed from my sister, it was a very very long process.
Drugs, men, violence along with physical, mental and emotional abuse. I'm talking months before he was removed.
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This thread has been going since august last year and many of us throughout the months commented on how she spoke to her kids and how she has them on live to beg for gifts. We also spoke about how she had Brett there a random bloke off tik tok around her kids and that ended up badly. I don’t comment on here to be nasty about “creators” I comment with what I see on there. She was live literally day and night so it’s not like she can say what others have said and that we only see 60 second videos of her life. She shared her whole day and night on live for months we saw it all. This wasn’t a random report for a one time thing, the social were involved months ago she even said this. I cannot believe she’s still all over tik tok, she needs to get off the app and sort herself out for her kids. Several of us spoke in here about the way she speaks to her kids, can laugh it off as a joke but there’s nothing funny about speaking to your kids like shit all the time.
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Social don’t just come and take kids for no reason, when me and my partner first got together his ex rang social on my saying I was using dr*gs, beating my kids and dog, drinking all time. None of it was true. Social turned up one day unannounced and I had absolutely no idea, I let them come into my house and look around, they checked my fridge and cupboards, my bed room and the kids rooms, questioned me and my children, they then went to my children’s dads house and questioned him, I offered to do a drug test to prove I wasn’t using any kind of dr*g. A few weeks later I had a letter to say there was absolutely no concerns for my children or their safety and my house was spotless even though I had no idea they was coming and my kids had everything they needed and more. They dropped the case and I’ve never heard from them again 🤷‍♀️
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secret life

VIP Member
Why is she still posting she needs to delete the app . If social services watch all of her tiktok lives she won't be getting them back at all .
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She’s just been live on Instagram then saying, “at least I’m saving money now as I’m not going out spending it” - therefor she has money! And they aren’t taking it to court yet until they see the outcome from the assessment, so why set up a go fund me and raise over 5k where is that going? On weed and takeaways as that’s all she buys. Says she hasn’t eaten her kitchen sink is full of dishes and she’s using a plastic fork to stir her drink. She’s just paid for a weeks membership at the gym and is now off to the gym. The girl still doesn’t see her wrong doings and I honestly don’t think she will get those boys back
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I mean isn't part of the point of tattle to gossip and find out things that you might not be able to find out on tiktok? I'm a nosy bugger too and would love to know and people have asked her and she ignores it so... 🤷‍♀️
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I know a few people who’ve had children in care and not one of them have had their children returned. Usually they see it as a ‘holiday’ and their priorities slip further and further away. To get your kids back you need to be headstrong and willing to accept fault from the start. I don’t wish any child to be stripped from their parents but she needs to come off TT and keep her head down. More actions than words.
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Seeing comments such as Vicrose has already had the worse possible thing happen to her 'I wouldn't be able to live without my kids' leave her alone before she unalives herself.

Maybe just maybe if she was a decent mother to begin with she wouldn't have had her kids taken from her 🙄

I don't feel one bit for sorry for her, she put tik tok before her children and to this day she's still doing that.
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Chatty Member
It was all going on early hours this morning on speedos live. Apparently Brett is not happy as she’s going out with boxer bowling but she is saying Brett took the piss out of her and he also put her child on live and she never does that apparently. Brett started crying. Anonymous sent him a universe 🙄
To put it nicely, what a bunch of losers 😂
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Chatty Member
How she spoke to that poor boy on live is classed as emotional abuse and if she can talk to him like that on a live infront of thounds and not care because she even says screen record me hitting him I don't care makes me wonder how she talks and treat them off live!!
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Oh what a surprise- 5 grand and now left TikTok - exactly what I said yesterday.
She knew yesterday TikTok was a huge part of those boys being removed and it needed to be deleted but she knew just how to scam that last few grand from her idiotic followers.
whilst she was on that live just before she started her fake crying she was talking about the gofundme and there was someone in the background was saying stuff to her as though they were reminding her what to say. I could actually swing for people like her
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Vic was on instagram live this morning lying about cinders smashing her car windows in, when cinders isn’t allowed on her road or anywhere near her property…she then proceeded to say she’s been at her local pub😂 telling everyone the insurance paid for the damage but she hasn’t took the CCTV it to the police….so the insurance never fixed it then because you’d of needed a crime ref number👀

She raised the go fund me money for solicitors then went and spent it on a holiday in Thailand, I don’t know why everyone’s enabling her, she’s got a job because she has fuck all left she isn’t doing it to better herself, she’s a narcissist who abused her children and deserves every bit of hate she gets 👍🏼
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 she abused her kids she deserves everything she gets
I agree that something bad happened for her to lose her kids but she has been trying to turn her life around and I think people should be supported in doing that because people do mess up not everyone is perfect and from her upbringing it doesn’t seem like she had many positive role models.
Bottom line I just think cinders and co are bullies and I don’t like that especially when the stakes are high like involving the children etc that’s a step too far for me because I’m sure the authorities know what they’re doing more so than a stranger to the kids online aka cinders.
Trying how by making fake accounts to troll herself and blame cinders or by having the time of her life in thiland with go fund me money you ppl need help if u think someone who abuses children should get a clap for getting up having a wash and getting a part time job delusional them poor kids have suffered at the hands of her she is allowed contact once a week supervised do you know how bad u have to be for a court to decide that
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Straight away she did that gofundme, she did the gofundme herself too, so it’s not like she can say she never asked for money. She’s got no morals, no class, she’s a beg.
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Something really doesn’t sit right with me about her off in Thailand. You’d have set contact days with your kids to prove you’re safe to have them back, so she’s chucked that in to swan off on holiday? Who’s doing the filming and giggling if she’s gone “alone” like she says?

also can someone tell me why she has so many fans telling her she’s amazing and doing great things? Do they forget her kids were removed for a reason? Absolutely baffles me how these awful parents are adored online so much 😕
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