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Those poor kids. She had defo had her kids removed before. She’s originally from Birmingham and the father of her eldest was from Liverpool and got custody of him she moved there to have contact and eventually social gave her back access.
If you notice her accent you’ll hear the brummie coming through at times. She is vile
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I think social services been working with her for a while but she failed to change and carried on going live putting social media before her boys. She done her house up from everyone’s money who gifts her. She started putting her boys on live showing everyone they were drawing together or playing a game 🤦‍♀️ It would last ten minutes and she would leave them get on with it and go in a different room to stay live and beg for gifts.

She’s disgusting still going live saying she’s eaten and going to gym. No normal person would go live. I would be so distraught I wouldn’t even leave my house I would be heart broken Infact I wound be at my doctors asking for something to help me through each day. I would do everything in my power to get my kids back.

She seems just like Shan, don’t give a shit. Wouldn’t surprise me if she leaves them with their dad. she won’t get any sort of benefit now and housing benefit will reduce so I bet that’s why she asked for the money.
I hope she’s reported. Bang out of order. People putting social media before their kids is sick. Claire Hale (claire85mylife) is the same. Nasty to her kids when she’s online. Puts them All over TikTok for views and likes. What the hell is wrong with these people.
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New here; I always watched her lives and liked her as a person bt not as a mother.. a few things I’ve seen I’ve questioned and been shocked about

• when she was cutting down the door, the youngest had the blade thing walking around the kitchen rubbing it on his face
• saying her youngest was always peeing on the sofa or around the house and she didn’t clean it
• youngest peed his bed so she ran upstairs and put him in her bed; didn’t clean his bed or change his clothes/wash him down
• said numerous times she’s forgotten to give them dinner as she had been decorating so they would get McDonald’s late or a yoghurt
• said that if she stayed up late on live she simply just wouldn’t wake up the next morning to take them to school and let them run riot
• said she keeps the yoghurts and snacks to the bottom of the fridge so when she can’t be bothered to do dinner they just help themselves
• also saw the live with the Stanley knife youngest had taken to bed with him and cut himself crying in pain (she found it under his bed) then proceeded to laugh it off and pretend it was a paper cut. Everyone was commenting to say clean it and put a plaster on and she said she didn’t want to wake him and it wasn’t that deep but there was blood on him😓
• also a lot of lives where she’s looking for items like nail clippers and scissors and finds them in the boys room where they had been playing with them

all these things add up.. i couldn’t believe when I saw they had been taken off her, until i sat and thought about everything I’ve heard and seen through the lives altogether and it is shocking.
and all those saying she’s innocent, let’s support her, ss just rocked up and took her kids for no reason, there’s worse parents etc etc.

But this is why! Imagine a social had been watching all of that? Do we expect them to sit back and send a gift? Come on. That’s abuse and neglect.
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Why is she biting peoples heads off when she’s the one that alluded to the fact the boys were home
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I do think it’s quite sad grown women have made troll accounts because they have a personal vendetta. Just leave her be, ss will decide on vic’s behaviour etc if those boys go back to her or not, for some grown women to take time out of their day to troll to be vindictive is quite strange. I don’t think I’ll ever understand troll accounts and becoming so obsessed then want to ruin people. Many of these TikTokors can do that on their own, don’t need vendettas.
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She hasn't learnt her lesson shes not bothered about her kids just about scamming people out of more money with go fund me and tiktok gifts.The kids are better off without her
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Never posted here before and vic is an absolute wankstain on society but don't be fooled by Cinders if you're new to her. Constantly huffing ❄ on live with her kid in the next room and denying it, slagging off other women's looks for no reason, the list goes on. She's a skank. They both are. Put them both in a cell and throw away the key!
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I think it was clays dads partner who’s reported her, nothing to do with anyone online. Gutted for her, she’ll fight with every breath in her body and get the boys back where they belong

Any decent parent would do ANYTHING to get their children back
Erm you can pay solicitors in installments , I did 6 yrz ago when my ex refused to hand my daughter back I didn't beg no 1 , i scrimped and saved.
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She’s blaming it on people on “trolls” and her little minions are making videos doing the same, yet according to the kids auntie who lives next door it was Joshua who told the school stuff about his home life. This was a while ago I put the screenshots in here about it. I think this is more the truth than what she’s telling. She’s making out like she got reported one day and the next they’ve suddenly whipped her kids off her.
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I’ve watched her a few times and just seen her boys have been taken off her. I’m shocked but not surprised. I know she had ss involved previously but those boys must’ve been on a child risk order, ss can’t just come to a house and remove children it doesn’t work like that. There would need to be a court order if no risk order was in place. Something has clearly happened. I know a lot of people hate ss and assume they just take children away, but as someone who had a risk order from 11-18 years I know how it works.
I’ve just read the go fund me, ss can’t just remove children because of some report there is more to this.
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If it wasn’t a care order issued by the court then her children had social services, she had previous parenting issues and I’m sure I read her eldest has lived with his dad before she got him back after completing her parenting course. This wasn’t just ss rocked up to her house after a malicious report, she already had a social worker. I’m also sure she wasnt meant to be plastering them all over social media either. The evidence used against her wasn’t edited either, didn’t someone say her eldest told his school? Regardless she brought it upon her self, she isn’t innocent and there’s far more to this story she’s just trying to make herself look a victim then only victims here are those boys.
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Some random bird was on live lastnight about Vic Rose saying she was so happy for her getting kids back and I commented saying maybe she should close the GoFundMe and refund everyone and the girl said oh but I think she used the money to pay for her court case. I can’t believe people actually think that she’s been through a court process in a week and spent 5k on it 😑😑😑
That money will be in her bank and she will spend it on herself. Vile
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I’m worried about vic she said social media was her only support network and she looked numb on her live.
I think she did a coleen Rooney as in trying to find the leak but it went wrong and that cinders is mentally unhinged she will get some 💩 if anything happens because her harassment is off the scale.
If she wasn't a shit mother none of this would have happened. Nothing would have changed if those poor kids hadn't been taken off her.
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Just seen the statement saying she had bricks through her window. Interesting that she wanted to move and now this has happened. 8 bricks I believe? That’s a lot of bricks to carry and throw in 1 go….
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I do get really pissed off by SS for this reason.
If they had concerns, why not get her to attend parenting courses etc first? Do they think that the kids are in that much danger? Difficult to say for us because I personally haven't seen evidence of that.
She needs guidance & this is where SS fail, they haven't got the money to put in so support lacks. I wish schools would put on more courses on parenting tips, dress it up nicer not a course to teach you how to be a parent. We all struggle. I thought I was doing OK sometimes then I think ah ok I could have done that better.

I just hope they have all the info on the little ones dad, surely they can do claires law on him? Seems crazy for him to go there but then I know how pushed the care system is currently & how they're struggling for placements.

The situation is a failure of the system I think. I don't think Vic seems like an awful person, just got caught up in TT glory & needs some guidance. Maybe she's around a lot of people who parent that way so that's normal to her.

I do hope SS can support her in making steps to get those kids back.
She admitted she's already done parenting classes etc
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Saying she wants it to go to court so her followers can give a character reference as she’d have thousands. She is deluded. Her “viewers” DO NOT KNOW HER PERSONALLY.
So true, her ‘viewers’ are only shown what she wants then to see, nobody knows what is going on once she closes her tik tok, so how could any of them give a character reference?

And then saying she thinks that SS have taken action because apparently ’THIS IS SO BIG’, there are so many people watching her lives that they are afraid not too act, in case they get critised and that’s why she has to stay off social media because they don’t want her getting anymore support and it getting any bigger.

She really doesn’t get it, it is for YOUR kid’s sake they have been removed not the backlash that SS might get if they didn’t. It is because you and your home were deamed to be unsafe after numerous checks. Why can’t she see that, SS don’t care about criticism their job, is the safety of children 🥴😫
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ginger tea

Chatty Member
Maybe ask her if your that bothered.

Back up of who. Why are people even supporting her still
Thank you for your quick reply 👍🏻 and your absolutely spot on with what you have said 👏🏻 I don’t know why I didn’t think of that 😊 so thank you once again
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