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Chatty Member
I had the same thought. I still feel sick about that video, the way he says "love you" and her reaction. 😪
The "love you" wasn't a typical reaction of a child who has just been smacked, unless it's something they are used to on a regular basis. The majority of kids would naturally cry or have another tantrum for being hit. Very sad.
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I do get really pissed off by SS for this reason.
If they had concerns, why not get her to attend parenting courses etc first? Do they think that the kids are in that much danger? Difficult to say for us because I personally haven't seen evidence of that.
She needs guidance & this is where SS fail, they haven't got the money to put in so support lacks. I wish schools would put on more courses on parenting tips, dress it up nicer not a course to teach you how to be a parent. We all struggle. I thought I was doing OK sometimes then I think ah ok I could have done that better.

I just hope they have all the info on the little ones dad, surely they can do claires law on him? Seems crazy for him to go there but then I know how pushed the care system is currently & how they're struggling for placements.

The situation is a failure of the system I think. I don't think Vic seems like an awful person, just got caught up in TT glory & needs some guidance. Maybe she's around a lot of people who parent that way so that's normal to her.

I do hope SS can support her in making steps to get those kids back.
Even after all the evidence the clip where she hits him and then verbally abused him - she STILL doesn’t think she is in the wrong and that the call was just a malicious call - therefore she doesn’t believe their are flaws in her parenting so offering g classes isn’t going to help anyone who doesn’t see their wrong doing. She’s even said herself on live this morning the eldest isn’t a priority to get back and that the youngest father is now doing his bit to help as he hasn’t ever bothered with the kid. She isn’t arsed, it’s hard for her now as it’s raw but coming out with excuses like that just shows she isn’t bothered.
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VIP Member
Not really showing she wants them back is what I mean if she turned around and was like there rooms are ready she might of got them back sooner. The dates just get further away anyways so she could be chatting shit again
I don't think she'd get them back any quicker, just because their rooms are ready.
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VIP Member
Not being able to look after a small animal literally proves she is not capable of looking after two children. I mean she cant even look after herself ffs... She'll never get them kids back, I reckon they probably wouldn't even wanna go back at this point.
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VIP Member
Unless you are the HMRC why do you need to know?
To be honest I'd like to know too....she's spent a fortune, clearly doesn't work. If tiktok pays that good for a few videos a week I might close my business and become a 2nd rate tiktok creator 😂😂😂
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Chatty Member
So the kids have been taken off her, whoever reported I hope you’re happy because the youngest is with her abusive ex- who he’s NEVER met… Too far 😣
I have children in my family me and other family members have had to fight to get them off a drug addict and still failing yet this happens. Wow.
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VIP Member
Agreed. Sitting on live saying stuff like "I don't regret it, I think it's hilarious and I'd do it again" while sitting in that manky police issue tracksuit and on bail...scrot. Imagine putting tiktok beef before your own kids stability. None of this gobby behaviour will go in her favour in court.
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VIP Member
This is definitely a repeat of shan.
Totally agree and have thought the same the whole way through the move, spending money on rugs and wall papers for her room, fancy new bed and furniture she can’t be arsed to build. Bet ya bottom dollar id be on the mattress on the floor and I’d have my kids room looking amazing!! The money she’s spent on shit and how she goes on about what she earns she could have had a painter and decorator in the kids rooms to get it pristine and stunning and shown ss she’s making everything about them a priority. This has been going on far too long for them to be returned, just like Shan.
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VIP Member
Would a court order be needed for children to be removed . It's a long process to get them back she will need more then character reference what she's been asking for from tiktok people who don't really know her .
Yes. It’s really hard to get them back too. You need a social worker to really fight for you. That social worker needs to have complete trust in you to be able to do this because if anything happens when the children are placed back in the mothers care, it comes back on them. She’s already being uncooperative by staying on social media so why would a social worker give up so much of their personal life (they will stay up all night writing report after report for months on end) to fight her case when she can’t even do that? I honestly can’t see her getting them back
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Is anyone else getting sick of listening to her go on about wanting certain things & then begging her gifters to send her the gifts to pay for it, like her sons birthday on Tuesday she’s not bought him any presents, asking people for a free cake & ballons and now sat on live wanting a £200 hoover & asking everyone to send 20000 roses so she can pay for it outta that instead of her own money! She has no shame! Also asks peoples advice on what to do with her kid that won’t eat but then moans when people tell her what to do with her kid! Slagging it all over daddy T as well & was being mean to his kid earlier 😡
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VIP Member
She hasn’t posted again but I’ve seen many TikTok’s people have made either old TikTok’s she did about her boys with caption such as what really happened? Or others with captions that say we need the truth, if you have lost them we need to know’. Regardless if she won or not no one NEEDS to know, it’s contradicting we moaned at her for sharing things she shouldn’t have shared yet all these TikTok’s are asking for personal information. If she’s lost them, personally I don’t think she’ll come back to TikTok.
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VIP Member
It was all going on early hours this morning on speedos live. Apparently Brett is not happy as she’s going out with boxer bowling but she is saying Brett took the piss out of her and he also put her child on live and she never does that apparently. Brett started crying. Anonymous sent him a universe 🙄
Shes always got her kids on lives, such a liar. She needs to get off tik tok and the get rid of the mice in her house 🤢
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I’m not sure how it works every time but would it not have had to gone to court for the boys to be placed with their dads whilst an assessment is taking place? Like an interim order pending assessment?
If that’s the case surely there was alot going on before they were actually removed
Edited to add or both dads could of kept the children due to concerns and it went to court and the outcome was they stay with their dads until the outcome of the ss assessment
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Well-known member
Was him not seeing the child down to him not wanting to or her not letting him?
She's always said he didn't Want clay, but who actually knows 🤷🏻‍♀️
Just watched channys video on Instagram calling her out - vic has commented saying she's deleted tiktok as she knows she's done wrong and got too sucked into the app, but now she's sat on live on Instagram? Make it make sense
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VIP Member
It’s the deliberately eating with an ice cream scoop on live for me- I’m too traumatised to even wash up. She’ll be eating spaghetti with a garden rake next.
Where’s the washing up come from if she hasn’t eaten though? What did Chloe do when she was there? 🙄 does anyone know if Chloe works? Find it bizarre that she’s fucked off home already
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Well-known member
She spoke about completing parenting classes and meeting all of social demands so she has had social involved for sometime now. Social will always try to avoid removing children and will only do so when there is a significant risk of harm. She must of failed some sort of assessment and not met social care plan or child in need plan.
Wow ok, I take back my last post!
So SS have been involved & trying to help & this has happened?! Well then obviously she wasn't meeting their requirements, she should have been jumping through hoops
She admitted she's already done parenting classes etc
I have no words now! On her head it is, she hasn't changed with guidance! She can't blame anyone
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Chatty Member
She’s blaming it on people on “trolls” and her little minions are making videos doing the same, yet according to the kids auntie who lives next door it was Joshua who told the school stuff about his home life. This was a while ago I put the screenshots in here about it. I think this is more the truth than what she’s telling. She’s making out like she got reported one day and the next they’ve suddenly whipped her kids off her.
I remember Vic coming online a month or two ago saying the eldest told the school he wanted to live with his Dad full time.

Does anybody remember when someone delivered her cookie doh late one night while she was tidying her bedroom/ landing, maybe 10 / 11pm and was blasting music, singing along, aND hoovering outside the boys bedroom and was just being super noisy ; what the actual F**k. No wonder the eldest hated stopping over at night.

She's live on insta now.
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Chatty Member
Let her get on with it. More of these cunts need to start realising your kids are more important than your phone. I’m sick of it. Every time I go on tiktok there’s some cunt doing a live with a child begging for attention in the background, and what does the parent do? Ignore them and treat them like a massive burden. Makes me feel sick. Lazy cunts.
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