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VIP Member
Anyone see a few months back when Tanya encouraged her to clean her fridge before putting her shopping away? Almost all the food was months out of date and the fridge was full of mould. Absolutely no way to be storing food that your children eat!
Obviously i feel for her massively but Why post all this shit online for the world to see if you’re already being investigated by SS. As a parent she should of done better, hopefully she manages to get them back and has a massive wake up call.
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Chatty Member
I see comments of " she didn't hit him she hit the bed" but don't mention the way she's talking to him like actual dirt, and as for him not having a clue who his dad is, social wouldn't hand him to his dad if he was a stranger they would also do checks that he would be safe there and comfortable they wouldn't just take him from his mum and drop him off at his dad's who is a stranger to him
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Yeah she was daft i thought ages ago why is she bragging and joking about being a proper scruff.(you can have no money but still be clean and tidy) She doesnt work either so not rushed of her feet. And she did mention she had to move closer to the eldests dad, the courts or ss told her to. So she lives near liverpool now. So deffo had them involved , and like most have said you would walk to the end of the earth to keep them away, but she thinks its hysterical doing all this online. Thinking no one will see it and report it is she stupid was too cocky and horrible loving the money and attention and now is paying the price. She would admit to not waking up till 2/3 some days because she was on live late and the kids was left free to roam and have wrecked the house. Was a long time coming really
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VIP Member
I don't have kids but I know they can be little shits and they do make you want to lose your shit! But you don't go around thumping them. I don't feel sorry for her, I feel for the poor kids
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Well-known member
Controversial opinion, I don’t think she actually wants them back. I think she’s upset about the connotations of losing your kids and having the reputation of a “bad mum”. Being advised not to go on social media, yet still ignoring it, and begging for gofundme money she admits she shouldn’t have set up (yet is keeping), are the biggest indicators.

Such a simple request not to go on TT, and there are MUCH bigger things parents give up for the sake of their children. No excuses.

She’s said multiple times before how much of an inconvenience it is having kids, how she never wanted the youngest, etc. Her minions cry “you can’t judge what you see off TikTok” - that would be true IF she didn’t spend up to 12 hours a day live. You can get a very good picture! Her followers spouting so much shit about SS getting a £500 bonus for every child they take away, how social workers are jealous of vics online presence… it’s absurd.

My heart aches for those children. No one knows the full story. Yet it’s clear that this has been a long and ongoing investigation, that has lead to the conclusion that the children are safer out of her care. I just hope the best outcome happens for them and they live healthy, loving lives from here on out.
This totally
People saying you don't know what goes on off TT, well she's on 12hrs a day & saying she's sleeping in the rest of it!!! Pretty easy to paint a picture.
Saying she wants it to go to court so her followers can give a character reference as she’d have thousands. She is deluded. Her “viewers” DO NOT KNOW HER PERSONALLY.
Imagine, well these people watched me 12hrs a day on TT live!!!! She thinks that's a good thing! Erm luv, that's why you're where you're at!!!

I remember her doing the leader board & people telling her to play music etc to keep her awake as it was 4am & the kids would be up soon!!! That's not ok!!
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I had a situation once where ss came to my house wasn’t anything to do with me it was my child’s father and his gf at the time her children had been removed from her care, so because my child had been there they had to come see me too. They gave me a days notice and not that I don’t clean my house it’s generally pretty spotless but that day I bleached everything to within a millimetre of its life all smellys around the house reloaded a pie cooking in the oven so the kitchen smellled good enough to eat.. my point is they were checking on the welfare of my child and to give me vital information about what his dad was doing yet I did everything I thought would be right in the eyes of the ss because no one would get between me and my kids. Now I do have some sympathy for her but it is very minuscule what I don’t get is if this malicious call came from someone who clipped together clips of TikTok’s why would she come back to the place that broke her world and air her dirty laundry
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I just feel sorry for the kids. Clay placed with his dad, a man he doesn't even know 💔 people really need to just do better for their kids
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Chatty Member
It is sad to see but you have to remember a lot of it is her own doing, she did hit her child on live for everyone to see, she did speak to them boys like shit on live for everyone to see. She didn’t stay off TikTok as she was asked to do.

She probably did need more support with the children but I doubt she would have accepted it, she was smoking weed at the time and that’s not the right thing to do around kids.

She’s clearly not getting any enjoyment out of TikTok so delete it and work on herself, don’t get pulled into listening and watching what people are saying about you.

For contact to be reduced there has to be a reason it’s not done for the fun of it because it doesn’t benefit anyone, there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes that we don’t see because obviously we only have one side of the story and that is vics narrative.

She’a put herself in this awful shit situation and she’s the only one who can get herself out of it.
Get off TikTok, get the kids bedrooms done, get the living room done and work on it with the authorities to get them home.
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VIP Member
Surely if you get your whole ass CHILDREN taken off you you shouldn’t even be allowed animals? I literally can’t stand the thought of an animal not getting its basic needs
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Chatty Member
I'm not a fan of VR but christ Cinders and Co need to get a life and leave the girl alone. It has nothing to do with them. They were never friends, not related, never lived beside each other so why talk about her non stop as if she has impacted your life/family.
The obsession from Cinders is actually very worrying. If I was VR I'd have a barring order in place!
And you know what good on VR for getting herself a little part time job. It will probably very much benefit her in terms of MH and overall well being which only means the kids will benefit.
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VIP Member
Broke the cycle my arse she’s carrying it on.I just don’t get her 🙈

If your kids have been removed and your told to stay off social media why would you not do that?
If that was me I’d close all my accounts down and would jump through hoops with SS to try and get them back.

But no she was still sitting there moaning saying why shouldn’t I go online 🤦🏼‍♀️ As if SS will give you your kids back because you got 3000 character references from your minions!

She really thinks she has done nothing wrong with her parenting and that’s the shocking part!!

Get off your phone Vic, stop listening to your followers, shut your mouth and fight for the boys instead of crying me me me.
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Social workers don’t just turn up on the day and take kids. She would have had her fair warnings before they were taken. She’s a scum bag
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Chatty Member
She’s on a live now saying she did no wrong and the kids haven’t been removed with a court order…she lives in cuckoo land
So if there’s no court order, why a target of 3.5k for legal fees for court? Imagine taking over 5k off vulnerable people (dumb to put it lightly) and you can’t even get the story straight!
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VIP Member
If I was Vicrose I'd be getting some kind of order against that Cinders, my god she's utterly obsessed. It's embarrassing 🙈
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Well-known member
If my children ever got taken i would go to the ends of the earth to get them back! I’d literally sell my soul to the devil for them! Wtf is she playing at still sitting on social media chatting to strangers about it!
That's why our kids wouldn't ever be taken, we'd never ever put them in this situation would we.
It's always someone else's fault with people like this!
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VIP Member
The pity party is sickening 'I've had a shower' 'I've eaten

And????? Again I'll day it You're to blame! You're the neglectful mother who's children were taken away!! Stop victim playing to the whole of SM!!
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