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VIP Member
A lot of “fresh” people on the Ukrainian side too. Those fighting for a long time are professional soldiers (career military if you like). Look at morale on the russian side even amongst the newly mobilised. Ukrainian army went from 300,000 to over a million since the start of the “big” war
Very true, I wonder if the impact of Russian soldiers dying will end up as uprisings against the government or more hatred for ukraine? Either way I cannot believe this is still continuing, the guardian coverage every day has articles entitled " what we know on day ... of the war" every time I see it I feel kind of shocked
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We normally get Nuclear threats reported in a Tuesday by the Mail on line, today there are lots of articles. Nothing you can do about it.
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a bit random, but I thoght people here might find interesting about Russia and its latest "strategy"
So bizarre
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Or not... This first shipment has been rejected by buyer due to being late - not sure why they had to wait until now. Rejections are not unheard of and this one possibly understandable as five months late is hardly trivial but I can't shake the feeling that there's something iffy about a surprise decision like that.

Or of course it could just simply be that they found an alternative supplier, (though rejection still unreasonably late) hopefully more details will appear.

Nobody seems too have been using much critical thinking in the situation.
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VIP Member
Biden is clearly unwell. It's obvious. But Putins still dangerous he's actually more dangerous because of Bidens weakness, that's how I look at it anyway.
Yes. I think it’s obvious that Biden has cognitive decline, or the early stages of it. What will be interesting is what happens at the end of his term. Does he stand again? How is he going to be in six years? The heir apparent is Kamala Harris who frankly comes across as a giggling imbecile. Seriously how can a country of 250 million produce a binary choice between Trump and Biden/Harris?

I think the good news is though the American hierarchy will probably be well aware of the situation behind the scenes and you have to hope Biden is surrounded by capable people who can rein him in.

Hope. Springs eternal.
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Not sure if this is linked.

Laying myself open to accusations of hypocrisy, my automatic response to that is 'depends on who is doing the linking', and a remark about the Kremlin’s rapid response unit already feeding various sources of early speculation.

Actually on second thoughts, the 'various sources' are unlikely to need any prompting as they race to be the first.
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A good turn out in my little Town for the Ukraine Day of Independance
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Chatty Member
Seems to be no update 12+ hours later on the speculation that the bridge built between Russia and Crimea has been attacked. Wouldn't they by now know from satellites and drones?
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Had an interesting chat with a resident on my estate. The family are Ukrainian and lived here long before the war.
The lady was very upset about it all and saying how they don’t talk to their Russian relatives anymore because people in Russia actually believe what the Kremlin are telling them. Despite them telling their relatives it’s lies.
She also said a lot of regular Russians actually do believe the Ukraine is part of Russia and doesn’t understand why the Ukrainians are fighting them.
I asked what if Putin is removed and she believes it wont change anything because Russians blame Ukraine for the state of their affairs ie economy tanking etc

It was very eye opening for me. I did ask if maybe Russians just believe because that is all the info they are getting and she said no. Enough of them have been told by friends and family in Ukraine what is going on and they don’t care or don’t want to be involved
That’s true for a lot of countries that have gained independence but still share a landmass , they’ll always be people believe the country should be as one.

Why are Germany reluctant to send artillery ?

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They both abstained.

But yes, it's pretty bad when even Iran goes "Nah mate, you're on your own"
Neither Iran or China abstain from either supplying russia or taking advantage of the cheap russian oil (or both). It’s all just appearances. China doesn’t want to openly back russia because of their issue with Taiwan, Iran also has its own internal issues and they are already sanctioned into oblivion, they don’t want mlre of the same…. They did manage to sneak thousands of drones to russia though
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