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Chatty Member
AF is 2 days late, I've not tested since last weekend when it was a bfn, but this is exactly what happened to me last month. After always being really regular, is it possible my cycles have just suddenly decided to change so all moved back by a couple of days compared to the past? Bloody hell being a woman really is hard work isn't it when you can't even figure out what on earth your own body is doing 😅
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we’ve been trying almost a year. I was the same, thought I’d come off of contraception and get pregnant straightaway. definitely didn’t think it would take up so much space in my head or life (or purse🤣), and honestly the thought of doing this for years really really gets to me. I find it mind blowing that people get pregnant by accident now!
How the hell people get pregnant by accident I don’t know.. we’re actually bored of sex now 😂
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Test results came in, one ovary is dead as a door nail, the other one only four follicles noted. Is this the end of the road? 😞
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I’m so fed up. A friend who I literally had to teach about how ovulation works (she thought you had to have sex during your period), set her all up with the apps and OPKS etc… has just told me she’s pregnant and it happened right after I told her all the right information. Of course I’m happy for her but I’m so bitter for myself. It’s so unfair and I’m fed up. 😞
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I’ve managed to get some private infertility testing authorised via my work private medical scheme. Feeling a bit anxious seeing it all listed out there. And typically they cover the investigations but not the treatment of anything that’s discovered - I guess at that point I’d need to go back to the GP and try and get any issues that need sorting done via the NHS. Part of me feels a bit over dramatic but actually I need to remind myself we’ve been trying for most of the last 8 months and had a MMC and chemical during those times. Hoping to get on the train to finding out some answers 🤞🏼
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vanilla cupcakes

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My period started today 😞 I was getting negative early response tests the whole run up so I wasn’t surprised but it’s still so deflating when it comes. I don’t know what else I can do to increase chances, we use ovulation tests and dtd when the app tells us to and I’m taking trying for a baby vitamins. Has anyone used preseed and was it worth the money?
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vanilla cupcakes

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this process just feels so difficult at every turn 😫 my period is never ever late, this month it is when we’ve done everything ‘right’, took vitamins everyday, ate healthier, used preseed and the expensive ovulation kits, and I’m still testing negative. I know it’s an irrational/emotional response but it really just feels like my body is having me on
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Chatty Member
AF has arrived 💔

I want to get myself and my partner checked out.
What initial tests are done? Is it a blood test and for him a sperm analysis?
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I’m back. I had an early loss a couple of weeks ago, at just over 5 weeks I started bleeding and unfortunately a negative test last week confirmed my mc. I was heartbroken and was going to leave TTC until the new year and got my next period. However, I have been using ovulation tests since last week just to get an idea of what was happening with my body as I just felt confused by it all. Yesterday I was getting some mad mental cramps in my right side and got the highest LH result I’ve ever had so I thought ah why not give it a shot, dipping my toe back in the thread. Love to you all. 🩷
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13DPO now and still BFN. Holding out a tiny bit of hope as I’ve heard two recent stories of women not testing positive til their period was 1-2 days late. But I’ve also had PMS symptoms today (migraine). If it’s a no for us this month I’m so annoyed at my body (or my brain) as I’ve had so many weird feelings/things - really bloated, extremely tired (I.e went to bed at 8pm a few days ago) and loads of spots on my chin and cheeks. Thanks body!!

it’s even harder as this is our first month really trying after our loss, which happened in our first month off of contraception and when we only had sex once. So everyone says how easy it’ll be to conceive again. Serious mindfuck.
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Not sure if this is helpful to anyone but I thought I’d share what we’ve done differently the last few months that hopefully helped towards me falling pregnant. Who knows if any of it helped but seems suspicious if it was just coincidence. Not counting my chickens just yet, but you know what they say, pregnant until proven otherwise!

1. Read “it starts with the egg” and followed the supplement plan that suited me best. This involved high dose (900 mg ubiquinone, pre-natal vitamin with methylfolate rather than basic folic acid, high dose Vitamin D and a probiotic daily tablet). Husband also cut way back on alcohol and took his conception multivitamin and ubiquinone.

2. We also used this fertility cup which makes so much sense to me, surely logically keeping the sperm around for longer is going to help. Amazon product

3. We did it the three days leading up to peak ovulation (would have done it the day of but husband was away).

4. made sure to eat more green leafy veg, and higher fat foods such as whole milk, yoghurt, oily fish and very few alcoholic drinks.
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Chatty Member
I've started light spotting on the 4th day of being late. I'm relieved as I can start the next cycle and husband and I agreed to get some fertility tests done if this cycle wasn't successful. However, I'm so emotionally drained from this already.
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Does anyone else cringe themselves inside out when you hear the words ‘it’s my fertile window’ come out your mouth to your partner 😂😂 there is nothing romantic about actively TTC.
Nah the worst thing is when you’re in an argument and not talking but it’s your fertile window, reminds me of that scene in friends where Monica and Chandler are fighting but have sex during ovulation with “no kissing” 🤣🤣
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AF came. Oh well, onto the next cycle. As soon as it's confirmed I'm ok. Obviously disappointed but ready to focus on the next round. Ordered a thermometer to track BBT and have told hubby we need to DTD more. Read about sperm v egg method and have lined him up for that :ROFLMAO:
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BFN today at 10dpo. Can’t help myself but test. Going to hold out hope for a few days but feeling bummed out. It’s so so hard to understand why it doesn’t work when you do everything “right”. According to my tests we did it just before and on ovulation day. 😪
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AF due today but not arrived yet. I’m so scared to test. Gonna see if I can wait until tomorrow (unless AF comes). Feeling strange. Something like PMS symptoms but also doesn’t feel like the usual symptoms I get. I did an exercise class this morning and thought I was gonna pass out. I was really hot and disorientated. Ughhhh. I should just test shouldn’t I? Also isn’t Premom annoying. It’s not even 9am on predicted Cd1 and it’s telling me AF is late. Just chill!
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Long time reader first time poster! We’ve been actively trying ttc for a few months now, I was on the pill for 10 years and been off it for a year! My best friend came off her pill 3 months ago and announced to me last week that’s she’s pregnant after one month of ttc, of course I am over the moon for her and so excited, but I can’t help but feel absolutely deflated and upset that it hasn’t happened for us yet - dare I say a little bit jealous, am I an awful person for feeling like this?! Just needed to get it off my chest somewhere!!
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So my husband is away til tonight and I’ve promised him I won’t take a pregnancy test til he’s home (AF is due on Thursday, so hoping not to test til she is due but we’ll see about that). Because I’m a masochist I just took an OPK test just to see what’s going on with LH.. it’s a super strong positive/dark line. Is this a good sign? I’ve read mixed things.
Now, off to overanalyse and google!
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Longtime follower but first time poster. Bloody hell though this baby making craic is really the hardest and biggest mind fuck in the history of the world. I’m 9 months TTC with a loss in July at 6 weeks. AF finally returned to normal last month and I got a smiley face on my ovulation test, after 5 days of torturing my poor husband (poor fella is now sick of the baby making part) I’m due my AF on Wednesday and I have no symptoms of being due on. Like zero. 🥲
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