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Well-known member
can’t stop shaking, I had what I think are lines this morning. It’s 4 days before my period. What do people think please?

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thank you

edit: I can’t seem to keep my photo behind a spoiler, only the text 😭 does anyone know what I’ve done wrong please?
Click on the arrow by the three dots does that work ? Looks like lines, as long as within time. Hcg is meant to double every two days so try and wait til Monday and test again


Well-known member
I’m CD 32, haven’t been able to confirm ovulation this month which is odd for me - have managed to every other month TTC and since my MMC in July. Usually my cycles are 30 days ave. I just want my period to come now as the GP is sending me for bloods on CD3 and until I can get them done we aren’t any further forward. It’s a right pain too as you have to book appointments for bloods where I live, so typical for a this cucle to be extended and have no idea when Day 3 actually is gonna be. I also had the flu jab this cycle, wonder if it’s to do with that.
We’re the same! I’ve had the same issues (flu jab, didn’t get a peak when I thought I would), but just did a test and it was super negative cry 😭


Active member
Hi all, I’m going mad, ttc for nearly 18 months and I’m convinced I’m not doing it right!!

Can someone confirm when is the best time to dtd when testing ovulation. Should it be before a peak (eg the day before), straight after (on the day) or the next day?

Insofar as I have read (I have NOT been successful, trying for about eight months/ using the ovulation test for only three or so), you are due to ovulate 24-48 or 72 hours (i've seen both) after the peak. We've been trying to have sex basically every day or every other day for about three days or so before my guessed peak and at least a few days after - sperm can hang around for up to five days.

But as evidenced by some people on this thread, you can get pregnant even outside your supposed ovulation window.
I sometimes punch mine off the bedside table whilst half asleep and get it stuck down the side of the bed and then get a raised temp because I’m trying desperately to find/ grab it without moving much 😂
Yesssss this! And if I leave it on my bedside table rather than in one of its drawers, my cat will knock it off the top just because she can. Same applies to my glasses. And my Apple products charging dock thingy. Basically anything on the top is fair game to that girl 🤣


Chatty Member
How often do you all DTD/ how do you plan it? We’ve been trying as often as possible but I’m wondering if I should reduce it and improve our timing somehow (even though we already track ovulation using about 5 different methods and go every day I appear to be fertile using both the ovulation strips and the app, and the clear blue digital now) 🤦‍♀️
have you taken a pregnancy test? I've heard that ovulation tests pick up levels of HCG
So many, haha! There have been so many +ves on here lately that I hoped my luck was in, too, again and again and again! I have been doing an OPK and an HCG at the same time in the mornings for the past few days. Not even a whisper of an evap line on the HCG. And I’m definitely not mixing the tests up with each other either when I’m reading them, which would be totally on brand for me to do but the easy@home are colour coded 😊


Chatty Member
So I’ve tried the clear blue ovulation tests today.. I’ll put the rest in a spoiler as I mention MC
I was really surprised to find that I’ve gone straight to a smiley face indicating ovulation. I have had some ovulation signs in the last couple of days and it would be my normal ovulation day (I think) but I’m surprised it has happened this early. I’m technically day 12 of my cycle BUT I had a D&C for a missed miscarriage on day 1! I’ve only just stopped bleeding 5 days ago. Do you think this is ovulation (I’m earlier than the 2 weeks suggested as the earliest ovulation date from a D&C on google BUT I do have a short cycle. I’m so confused as the LH strips don’t show a peak and I do still have a small amount of HCG in me.

I feel totally thrown and confused by my own body!


Chatty Member
Ovulation tests also pick up HCG - I was still testing positive on pregnancy and ovulation strips for 2 and a bit weeks after my missed MC and surgery for it. It’s really hard to know where you are at I think until your next actual period and I found that really hard. Is your smiley flashing or static?
thank you! The strange thing is, I’m very negative on strip ovulation tests but I went straight to a static smiley face on clear blue (these tests didn’t work to find a peak for me before pregnancy either though). I’m also at my ovulation date and same date of the cycle which I got pregnant on (if you assume the D&C didn’t mess anything up at all and my body is totally on track). I do have some ovulation signs like the discharge and twinges of pain, urges to DTD too! I’m just so confused 🫠


Well-known member
took a pregnancy test today at 8dpo and it was negative obviously! someone come remove these pregnancy tests from my house to stop me testing early😭😂


Well-known member
almost there I’d say! Test again around dinner time and I imagine it’ll be positive!

I ran out of ovulation tests on the weekend so wasn’t too panicked because ovulation was due this weekend so got some today and now I’m wondering if I’ve already peaked and now it’s over ffs
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Chatty Member
It’s so hard isn’t it when the symptoms are the same for both ☹ when are you planning on testing? I stupidly did one yesterday at 3DPO and obviously it was BFN I don’t know why I did one🙈
I’ve promised myself I won’t do one until at least 11DPO otherwise it will be a waste!


VIP Member
I think my body is still settling from my Mirena removal in May (spent 13 years on Mirena). Prior to that I was either on the pill or spending zero time tracking my cycle. So, the short answer after all that waffle is I don’t really know! It took about 6 weeks for my first period after removal, then 36 days, 35 days, 28 days and this whopping 43 days brings me to today. But I think I actually ovulated this cycle (or at least had a proper LH peak) and I don’t know that I did before so… who even knows?! Hoping Hertility can potentially point to anything that I can then follow up within the NHS if I need to, or if nothing is remarkable then I will just know I’m a wee old lady with an irregular cycle!
If you don’t mind me asking g what is the hertility test? What does it test for and what do you do??
NC is now giving me an ovulation day range of 3 days which is quite unhelpful tbh 😵💫 my cycles are usually quite short (25/26) which would mean my period is due tomorrow or Tuesday but I’ll be 9 or 10 DPO which feels a bit early for testing!


Ah I see! I was wondering if there was something wrong as I never used to peak so quickly. Makes me wonder if I’ve been off on my timing the last few months.Thank you!! Xxx


VIP Member
Can I have thoughts/opinions?
Tests pictured are One-Step tests.
The top one is FMU this morning (10 dpo)
The bottom three are FMU yesterday (9dpo) & two afternoon ones.
Have done two clear blue - weeks indicators both Not Pregnant.
Other half thinks the One Steps must be faulty but I think there’s progression 😭
mine was the same - basically a shadow on the strip but very unambiguous on an early response! Give it a few days then try the indicators again and likely will be showing positive 🩷 congrats!