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I get nauseous moments at different points in my cycle. I think I’m just very sensitive to any hormone changes, though. I have tried to track that in Flo but Flo is just not as intuitive as I’d hoped and hasn’t been able to make any links between days I feel sick and what might be happening in my cycle.


VIP Member
I went back to my test and does this look like an Evap or a real line
View attachment 2638927
I’m afraid if it’s a colourless as it looks on here, it’s likely evap. Evap are usually grey or no colour and take longer to come up from what I understand.

That said I had a line with colour after time twice. Once was nothing, the other was a real positive. Test again in the morning 🤞🏼


VIP Member
I hope I managed to cover my words properly but in case TW below about loss.

hi girls, not sure if this needs to be hidden but just Incase. In July I have birth to my baby boy sleeping at 18weeks, I will never recover but I do know it would help healing so much if I managed to get pregnant again. This is my first cycle since my loss and I really do feel pregnant I have all the same symptoms and feelings I had. I am only 9 maybe 10dpo and these are my strips. I am probably being crazy because the very faint line on the bottom did only turn up outside the window BUT I’m being hopeful because it’s not on the top earliest test? I also did a digital which is far too early and of course that was negative. So should I just be realistic here
I’m so sorry for your loss. What strength are these tests and what strength was the digital? How confident are you on your ovulation day?
I’ve had faint lines after the time window that were unfortunately evap lines but I can’t say I’ve had it across 3 tests at the same time.


VIP Member
Ahh welcome! There is no ‘correct’ way and nobody here would tell you otherwise because everyone is really supportive and lovely, do what feels right to you! I dunno that the temperatures and the pee tests and the relentless tracking of symptoms are actually all that helpful, and they’re definitely not fun 🤣
I’ve only taken one test and it was a big fat negative 🤣 it was fun peeing on the stick though lol

I wear an Apple Watch to bed so that usually tracks my temperature and lets me know where I’m at in my cycle, but I don’t think it’s that accurate. The natural cycles app said I ovulated 2 weeks ago, and according to my Apple Watch data on the health app, I was on my period then 🤔


Ladies… help requested. I had a miscarriage last year and following this my ovulation pattern is driving me crazy!! I use clear blue digital and BBT. Both pre-mom & flo have predicted ovulation in 3/4 days. I took a clear blue digital ovulation this morning and it was a blank circle. Hubby and I were trying to decide whether to start DTD tonight or tomorrow in order to optimise our chances (romantic I know 😂)! Did another clear blue ovulation just now and it’s gone to a static smiley! This has happened a few times over the last few months. I’m rarely getting flashing it’s straight to solid? Is there something wrong with the tests or has my cycle messed up post miscarriage? Any help / advice would be so appreciated xxx


Chatty Member
Flo app says I’m ovulating today and I’ve just took an ovulation test, what do we think? Is the line dark enough
my tests have been like this but the app I’m using still says low. I’m on CD16 and day 3 of my suggested fertile window. Hoping tomorrow it will be darker!


Chatty Member
What ovulation tests does everyone recommend please? I’ve no idea what my body is doing after my miscarriage. I never did get the hang of using the little tests I had, I just luckily had DTD around the time I ovulated, which is much earlier than what I thought and what the apps suggested!


VIP Member
I am sorry you've had (what sounds like) a very wild ride! It can be so confusing and frustrating, right? I have had blood tests, ultrasounds, progesterone pills etc over the years but no such luck so now the Drs are saying just 'gain weight', and I know I may have to gain a little, but it still feels like I could be doing more or there's a missing puzzle piece somewhere. I don't have much medical or even general support here so I am just kind of twiddling my thumbs about it all.

Yep I've been eating consistently 2200 cals all month and my weight has gone up half a kg so ticking that box. I stopped going to the gym in October after basically living in a gym (both training and as a PT) for 6 years, and now just go for walks and do home workouts. I just have NO symptoms at all. No mood swings, breast tenderness, discharge, libido, nothing. It's so frustrating and I feel so alone in it all and just like I've let my body down.
I had months of 0 symptoms too. I know how you feel. it definitely does feel like you’re alone but I promise you you’re not ❤ I’m like an open book with this stuff and I’m really surprised by how many people come out and say they had similar!

Clara is a good follow in terms of the whole exercise mindset thing, but she also lost her period due to BB and it took over a year to come back, I think.


VIP Member
Hard to say, it looks like it could be the plastic bit on top making a shadow…! Can’t rule it out though. Is that a clear blue early test?
It is yes, it's showing a bit clearer of a line now in person but I've just had a google and read that they're notorious for showing a false line after the 10 minutes so I think it was negative x


VIP Member
I TESTED AGAIN AND ITS LIGHTER 😂View attachment 2563549

I ran out of ovulation tests on the weekend so wasn’t too panicked because ovulation was due this weekend so got some today and now I’m wondering if I’ve already peaked and now it’s over ffs
how diluted was your wee? I’m not sure if there’s officially anything to it but similar happened to me and I found it so frustrating, upon a bit of research I read that it’s best not to drink anything for 2 hours and try and hold your pee for 2-4 hours before testing. If you can I would hold out and test again at 9pm.

I’ve had days where I thought I was close to peak and then it would lighten and the peak would usually come the following evening! Keeping my fingers crossed for you! If you know you’re roughly a day or so away from ovulation though there’s no harm DTD, it’s still within the window!


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I start testing the day after my period because my cycle is irregular. And I have a long cycle. Two cycles ago I got a peak on Day 12. So I never trust it.
I’m taking this too! The vitamins seem to have lengthened my cycle slightly but then it could also be miscarriage related

I’ve told myself my heavy tracking and regime is to help me at doctors and I’m trying to not get too caught up in it.. I feel like if my body knows I’m really trying not it will spite me 😂😂
Ach, each of us have to do what we have to do to get through this!


Active member
How soon have people had nausea?
I am 8 DPO and feel sick as a dog but haven’t been sick. I’m away so no tests. It’s probably some other reason but you know how the ttc mind works!

vanilla cupcakes

VIP Member
I should be ovulating tomorrow, I always have on this cycle date and yet there are literally no signs I will, LH tests and clear blue all negative and haven’t detected a single fertile day yet even though those should have started days ago.. sigh! I did have an extremely long and heavy period so I wonder if that’s done it?
this is what happened to me before my super early period. I thought I’d missed my peak but I got it then my period came 5 days later 🫠

trying the sperm meets egg method and sticking to it fully for the first time this month. stupid question but if I’ve to start from cycle day 8, would my one early period knock the dates off? 🫣🤣


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Morning all, I caved this morning and ended up testing 9DPO again (stupidly). Got this very very very very faint positive with the teeniest tiniest line but regretting testing early again now ffs, so scared of a repeat of last time


VIP Member
I’m 1 week past my period, but I’m having the strongest ovulation pains today. Like really really strong

Took an LH test and it’s negative though :(
I feel like they’re not very reliable, I might get the clearblue ones

does anyone else feel like they have a really short follicular phase?