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New member
can anyone offer any guidance, we’ve been ttc baby 2 for 6 months, been tracking ovulation on different apps but no luck. Took a ovulation test today for the first time and this was the result.. what does this mean
Has anyone had a whole month with no peak OPK? Does this mean I’m not ovulating?
I have. Some people don’t get ‘high’ peaks but are ovulating, the ‘numbers’ are different for everyone. I have been doing OPKs on and off for only a handful of cycles but for me personally, the signs point to me not ovulating every month as I get proper peaks sometimes, then nothing remotely resembling a ‘high’ score in others. Everyone is different, though. I think a lot of things come into play like how concentrated urine is and the times you test as well. Some women seemingly have really rapid peaks that come and go quite quickly so it can easily be missed with testing, as well.


VIP Member
my period has started more than a week early 😰 i only got a high ovulation test result on friday. does this mean I won’t have ovulated?
Strange.. do you have regular periods? Could just have had a short luteal phase, but not sure if that’s possible if it’s just a one off..


Well-known member
I’ve had 4 periods since mirena was removed. Have no clue about my cycle before contraception as I was on mirena for 13 years, on and off the pill before then. Had endometriosis treatment before the first Mirena. About 6ish weeks after removal was first bleed, then 36 days and another, 35 days and a third came along, then 28 days for the fourth. OPKs in the 28 day cycle were tiny, I even got a 0, I could see the line but Premom could not! This cycle I’m obviously on or around CD28. I had higher OPKs this cycle than last, but until this morning, nothing above 0.49. 0.49 happened on CD12, and I had a slight jump in BBT on CD11 so I suspected that ovulation was around that time and we DTD all around that time. The test line has never been darker than the control line before. I honestly thought this morning was some anomaly until I tested the next time I needed a wee. Even if I have irregular periods which I might do, it’s ’too late’ to ovulate on a 35-36 day cycle, there wouldn’t be enough time for implantation would there? I actually hate my body. The more I try to understand it, the less I understand!

have you taken a pregnancy test? I've heard that ovulation tests pick up levels of HCG

vanilla cupcakes

VIP Member
are there a mix of vitamins that should be taken rather than just folic acid/ttc vitamins? I just take basic ones. I looked up that book but it’s £20 on Amazon.


Chatty Member
Has anyone had a D&C then attempted to try again after? How long did you wait please?
My period returned 4 weeks after my D&C. I had clearance from the Dr to try again whenever I was mentally prepared for it.

I wanted to make sure my body was back on track so didn't start trying again until after my second period.

But it's whatever you feel physically and mentally OK with really.


Chatty Member
Have any of you lovely ladies had 'baseline fertility assessments' and can tell me roughly what it'll involve and how long it takes?
I’ve finished bleeding from my MC, still having negative OPKs this weekend but honestly I’m finding it so FREEING knowing I’m definitely not pregnant and also cannot get pregnant right now. Nothing to think about no sex to time no symptom spotting. It’s very nice to be relaxed 🥲
I am in the same position - how long are you going to wait? this is my first MC so i'm not really sure what you do next?


VIP Member
I am in the same position - how long are you going to wait? this is my first MC so i'm not really sure what you do next?
I’ve actually started getting egg white CM today - I will use an OPK tonight and if positive I’m going to start trying - I tend to get really rapid peaks on OPKs so unsurprising it’s been negative til now. I’m 18 days from the start of my MC bleeding so am hopeful it means I’m ovulating.
if not however I’ll just keep tracking with OPKs until a positive or my next period.

At my appointments/EPU they said to wait for next period to start trying again as it’s easier to date the pregnancy but there isn’t any physical reason to not try again straight away if you feel up to it 🥰

sorry for your loss and hopefully we get where we need to be soon 🥰🩷



SPOILER : TW LOSS (My button isn’t working for some reason)

Hello ladies long time lurker here….

I’m wondering if you could offer me some advice. Earlier this year me and my husband started trying for a baby. I fell pregnant the first month of trying (sounds too good to be true because it was) and ended up suffering a very traumatic miscarriage. Took a few months off TTC in order to heal/ for my cycle to return to normal and finally felt ready to start trying again again in August.

Background. My periods are VERY regular, I can usually pinpoint nearly to the exact hour. We’ve been trying for a few months without success. This month we DTD multiple times before, during and after my positive OPK. This is also the first month we used pre seed. I also got my flu jab right around the time of ovulation.

It’s now 17dpo. My period is 4 days late which never happens. Last week, before I was due on I was experiencing a massive amount of CM, again this never happens. I keep thinking I’ve come on but nothings there. I’m also testing negative on the (admittedly many) pregnancy tests I’ve taken. I’m totally baffled. From everything I’ve read online it looks like I’m out this month. So I guess what I’m asking is… is there any chance I’m pregnant? Or has anyone had any experience of their flu jab throwing off their cycle? 🤞🏼for all of you xxx


In terms of vitamins when TTC… does anyone have any good brand recommendations? It’s a minefield and I want to buy the best quality possible! Thank you in advance xx


Active member
Re fear of needles.
The initial test to see if you're ovulating is a quick blood test and provides so much information about hormones etc. It's really invaluable and well worth it. Try to find strength with keeping the goal in mind.
There are so many potential blood tests, injections and extra vaccines that come with pregnancy, hopefully it's the start of a long journey where you find courage you didn't know you had 💜
thank you so much 🤍
Once you are in your fertile period and resting twice a day, what kind of times do you test? Some say 10am -8pm? Does it matter if it’s after 8pm?


Chatty Member
Need a bit of help. I’ve been abroad in my fertile window and only brought a limited amount of ovulation tests. So I had to ration them and as I’ve been out and about I haven’t been able to test properly. Also the lighting here has been awful so I don’t think the app has recorded the values properly. I usually peak between CD 15-17. Does it look like I peaked at CD 12? We fly home tomorrow which is CD 15 so I can get back to testing properly. Luckily we DTD on this trip so I’m not worried if I peaked early but some thoughts would be appreciated.



VIP Member
Im giving in and going to test ovulation this month. I really feel I need to give things the best shot I possibly can and even if i get a negative at the end I know I’ve done what I could. Feel like last month I was all over the place.
So advice please.. the cheapie opks are as good as any to use?
I’m also going to have a chat with my partner tonight about having sex when it’s necessary. I know it’s clinical and timed and not ideal but both of us are so disappointed and miserable when AF comes I think we just need to have a couple of months (hopefully only a couple 🤞🏼) of putting our all into it.
I second the pre mom tests and thermometer, I tend to buy the 50 pack that comes with 20 pregnancy tests when it’s on offer, feels like I can justify the 8000 tests I do when I get carried away each month 😂


Active member
Hello, bit of a random question! I’ve been trying for a baby for three years now, just about to start IVF. Anyway I haven’t got my period and so I thought I’d take a pregnancy test, took the top orange one 2 days ago and couldn’t see anything but then the second line appeared after about 10 mins, then took the blue one just now and again a line where half was darker (?!) appeared after 10 ish mins. I checked them both after five and couldn’t really see anything (maybe a shadow if I really squinted and was hopeful). I would say both got darker for a little while.

Same as most of you I am a bit ground down on the whole thing so I’m assuming it’s a nothing but has anyone else had anything similar? My teeny bit of positive thinking is telling me the lines are coloured so maybe there is a 0.1% chance it’s not an evap line. I have PCOS so think I’m about 14 DPO but not sure as not 100% regular.


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