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I'm not a mom (I'm married but don't want kids) so I think it's hard for me to criticize her parenting but I think some of us on the forum have been saying things to the effect of "why is she always out!" "when my kids were that age I couldn't wait to get home to them!" like that's cool for you but that's YOU and not her (or me). I have no problems with her still going out with her friends and having a good time. A lot of my friends had help when their kids were that young and had no issues with leaving the house without their kids. There's no "perfect" way to be a mom and I'm not defending Tracy (and I'm not Tracy) but this strikes a chord with me because people do this to me and my husband. "Oh you guys can't go out like this when you have kids!" Yeah we know, we also decided to not have kids and we are good with that decision. I think it's mom shaming/mom guilt and I'm not here for it.

What I DO have a problem with is her spouting all her nonsense about being a full time mom, having no help, having no support (financial or physical when we all know she does), #justthe4ofus, 3 under 13 or whatever else she says. That's where my issue is. Don't talk shit about how much you are struggling when you're not. Don't tell me how hard it is when we never see you do anything with your kids (even prior to quarantine) that isn't them just "modeling" some terrible clothes. Maybe they rushed into it, maybe she shouldn't have been a mom right away, who knows! But Tracy, cut the shit with the

I've seen struggle. I was raised by a single dad, my mom ran out on us. I don't know who was more comfortable giving me "the talk" - me or my dad.

Sorry for the tangent guys.
Parents absolutely deserve time off. My kids sleep at my moms usually 1 night a month. Maybe more if we have an event or something. It’s needed for all of us. However, when your kids are with the other parent Thursday-Monday every other week and you still continue to push them off on others on a regular basis, then you’re a shitty parent. You don’t need to give up everything but your life should change for your children. When you make a choice to be a parent, you have a responsibility. 3 kids is hard. But big T knew from Day 1 she wasn’t cut out for this. She had 3 kids because she wanted one with a penis. That’s it. That’s the only reason. Not because she actually wanted to parent 3 children. That is not mom shaming. Telling someone they never deserve a night out is. Telling them they need to actually parent the children they birthed is not.

Why would she take care of her skin when she can just smooth it out with a filter? Also, I don’t believe for a second she does her makeup everyday. I have a feeling she fixes herself up, changes her top and moves around so she can make it seem like the pics are taken on different days. She’s too lazy to do her makeup everyday.
I’m pretty positive she just sleeps in her shitty old make up.
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Mid madness

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My 2 Cents:

1. the companies she promoted before haven’t seen an increase in purchases after she promotes them, so they are no longer giving her items to “model”.

2. I also think this is happening with her hair. She hasn’t gotten her hair done or extensions done for a while because the girls she promotes aren’t reaping the benefits. Guarantee she’ll get her hair done by a new hairdresser next time she gets her hair done.

3. She probably had one more promo/lash refill with the latest girl and she’ll stop going there.
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Kids are already with Aunt Tara for the weekend. Its funny that Tara can handle all 3 kids on her own and Tracy can barely handle one. Get ready for the thirst trap photos and lip biting tik toks this weekend. Also, let me not forget the mystery boyfriend hand photos she will post for attention. 😂 😂 😂
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So typical weak girl shit to go and attack the new girl because you’re not over your ex. Ok he didn’t introduce you first, get over it. You wanna run his life stayed married.
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Everything she says is a lie. Probably the pick up truck guy saw what she really looked like in person and never called back. She always flips the stories to her advantage. So tired of her bullshit.
The entire time it was her explaining how she did this and she did that and how its all about her. Jess is a toxic friend. Period.
Tracy didnt once say they did everything they could. They should have gone to therapy to save what was left. And if it didn't help at least they tried. But nope. Tracy made a really ignorant comment about seeing a doctor and thats on her own issues because she knew if they went to the doctor to talk about their marriage. That doctor was going to put her in her place and tell her she's wrong. Thats why she didn't go. Its her narrative and she's the narcissistic asshole telling the story.
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Just catching up.
1. I don’t think Olivia ever claimed to be italian, just Jersey AF.
2. anyone else remember at Julia’s wedding how she hijacked the first dance by singing loudly in the background? I thought that shit was so disrespectful.
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Jessica needs to crawl out of Tracy's blubber ass and look into reconstructive face surgery. She is one scary looking girl. A gremlin f*cked Kermit the Frog and out came Jessica. 😬
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She lies about everything, she's active on her FB. Her last post there was about 10 hours ago. You'll see some posts where she's looking for someone to watch Jayden and Julian.

Btw you can see she was selling furniture from when the were moving from first house, she didnt even bother to clean it.


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I don’t like your pictures and the majority of the time I just look at one pic from your stories and move along to someone else, if I wanna see stupid teenage quotes and tik tok videos I’d go through my nieces phone. Goodbye.
Lol ! First off, you must have so much time on your hands to really keep track of who views your stories and compare them to the “likes” you get. I guess sitting on your couch all day gives you the time but fuck , who keeps up with that ?
And secondly she love love LOVES bringing up the amount of followers she has , but averages around 5,000 “Likes” per post... how ? when you love to remind us you have 500,000 ???
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Chatty Member
She loves eating damn
I hate when people post photos of their unappetizing food. No one wants to eat that shit. Newsflash, balsamic doesn’t have to go on everything and just because you do drizzle it on everything doesn’t make you Italian honey.
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I’m pretty sure she’s posted about him before and said Julian looks just like him 🙄
Kid is cute... but they look nothing alike.

She’s trying to make Julian like him. She’s asked people to tag her him in videos of Julian to get noticed.
WHY?!? The child hardly knows ASL because of her! She needs to stop. Julian made them viral once and she is so obsessed with him hearing her for her own selfish reasons, yet the child literally didn’t show any response until she mentioned Corey’s father! So what does that say about your bond right there.... I’ve watched videos of babies having their hearing aids turned on, and their faces light up as soon as they heard their mother’s voice... Julian ignored her until she mentioned his grandpa and she was even touching him and had no response.
She needs to drop the whole single mom of 3 thing, because those kids are barely with her and when they are, they’re just props to make her viral.

ugh.... she makes me so angry.... like come on, you have 3 pretty kids and the only thing you want from them Is to be famous... why? So you can be one of those evil momagers who takes all the money, spends it on yourself and when your kids are worn to the ground and want out, there’s no money from their hard work for a soft landing?

Tray, if you’re reading this... go see a therapist about your PPD, it’s okay, it’s normal, what’s not normal is the lack of attempts you make to bond with your children and none of that “oh you only see what I want you to see” we’d all rather see you loving on those kids over calling them a brat, or making a child feel like shit by telling her deaf brother that she’s so loud, or that she has “shit brown” eyes, or that they’re spoken down to regularly.
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Its not even hard to buy kids sneakers. Gender neutral 🤦🏻‍♀️ she wouldnt even need to buy julian new sneaks unless she wanted to. Whats the problem with putting kids in Payless sneakers? They are cheap and since they are still growing its not a waste? I just don't get her logic on raising kids.
She does buy payless and walmart, and when asked where the shoes are from she will say the name brand of what they appear to be.
Work boots she said were Timberland, brown boots she claimed to be Uggs and some other replica of Natives she claimed to be the original
Listen, nothing wrong with non-brand clothes/shoes for kids that will outgrow next season. I even buy sandals from Target from myself when they are cute, but why lie about it.?
If someone compliments my look , I will proudly say where I got them from and how cheap they were.
But, I do notice she doesn't buy anything for Julian. Why? Garanimals are $3 a piece at Walmart.
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Chatty Member
Tracyyyy come back on here and stand up for yourself like a true scorpio!!!!!!! I'm bored and the market is closed for trading for the day. I got time!!!!
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I’m not shocked she’s on her fake virus nonsense. I stopped following Echo a long time ago for his stuff, it just became annoying, and his tattoo on Raven is also shit. I’ll stick to the shop that I go to that’s been voted best in SI, and artists that actually have range and also don’t push their views on you. Even if I wanted some over the top manly looking shit I still wouldn’t go to him.
Also, I heard it straight from Echo’s mouth and other people that if he doesn’t like you or what you want him to do, he will purposely make it look like shit. Hence why person’s where looks like the word whore. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not to mention... does he have zero dimension in lettering?!?! My god why does all his lettering look the aame

As for him and Tara... I wouldn’t be surprised if they were together at some point because all signs point to it.... but Echo is also a dog in heat 24/7.

I’ll let my 16+ dead residents know it’s all a hoax, I’ll let my RN who still feels responsible for their deaths know it was a hoax. My co-worker who used a garbage bag as PPE one day that it was a hoax. I mean shit if the Governor can say it was us, the worker’s faults, so can a few conspiracy theorists.

I love how Julian doesn’t have his “ears” on, she’s yelling at him and teaching him to sign at the same time... like that’s not just more proof that she reads here.

She would do sooo much better in life if she was just a lot more authentic instead of hiding behind this facade. Get a grip, you will never be an influencer on Instagram, YouTube or Tik Tock... go get your cosmetology license update, go learn some new skills and go back to work. Give it up already.
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So let me understand this.

1. She wanted Corey to tell her how beautiful and amazing she was every day, but yet she let her self go, didn't cook, didn't clean, and barely took care of the kids. But still deserved compliments. Honey here's a reality check this is not a movie, life happens and you won't get told how beautiful and amazing you are everyday it doesn't happen. When you have kids they deserve all that. Yes it's nice to hear every once in awhile but grow the hell up.

2. I can see Corey trying to save the marriage and her not caring cause she just wants new dick.

3. She blames stalkers for ruining her potential chance of a new man. Honey you prob did that yourself by him actually seeing you in person. How about you work on your self and take care of your kids (alone as a single mother) then start dating. All you are doing is bringing past relationship issues to your new one.

4. Alot of older men don't want someone like you. Messy and lazy. You have nothing to show for yourself but that you were on a reality show over 10 years ago. Where's your real job and stable home for you and your kids.

In conclusion Instead of her blaming every one but herself. It's not easy being a SAHM but moms do it everyday and I'm sure they cook, clean and take care of their kids by themselves. And most aren't worried about finding the next dick to ride cause they want to one up their ex. How about you take care of your health, get your house together and then worry about getting a man.
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Just think it's going to be Fall soon. She's gonna go into Hibernation Mode. That's a lot of Snacky Snacks- around the Holidays-- just saying--
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