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Am I the only one that was expecting a response with a unit of measure ? Perhaps time or dstance? 🤦‍♀️
I was expecting a time frame too. Tracy doesn't grasp that. op should have gone to Google maps, they would have given her the correct time, distance, traffic etc...all tracy gave was "our house is here" whos house? Her parents house? Not hers. She doesnt own anything
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I am so sick of Tracy’s Scorpio posts. That’s her only identity left, is to post Scorpio quotes daily that she thinks justify her being a crazy psychopath
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Wait. Why is she wearing brown lipstick in the pool? I don’t understand it. She is doing makeup like she is still in 2006. Girl, just stop. Embrace your curves and flaws. Do a natural look. Put on a crop tee and jeans once in a while. Be authentic. Don’t be someone you were years ago on a reality show.
I’ve been following Tracy for a while and I seriously can’t remember the last time she’s ever posted a picture of herself wearing jeans. I don’t even know if she has posted one at all. She probably doesn’t wear them cause it would be a reality check about her real size. Leggings and shirts you could pull off buying 3 sizes too small, but jeans? You gotta buy the right size.
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I had to go look. Oh my god. How cringe! And now a whole ass box of donuts to complete the hangover 🙄 Tracy, your over 30 and have been drinking all weekend.... WTF did you think was gonna happen?

Someone should definitely send these over to the Epstein family. She’s not with the kids so they may not be able to “use” it against her but then again who knows!
I don't believe that's how she woke up
Sweater "casually" off the shoulder like she always does. Hair in a ponytail but nothing out of place ? If she woke up with a hangover she would look a mess. She's fishing for the comments:
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That's the point. I guess Corey HAS to tell Big T that I love yous have been exchanged so he can introduce the kids to Brielle.
I can just imagine Big T trying to be in the middle with her speeches "I'm their mother , they don't need another mother, don't fuck with my kids, don't kiss in front of them, don't hold hands, don't say I love you" etc etc
Corey doesn’t have to tell Big T JACK SHIT! She acts like she’s the fucking godfather of something. He doesn’t have to tell her shit. If anyone from his family is reading this: let Corey know that he doesn’t owe Big T any explanation whatsoever. That’s why she’s such a nasty bitch on her instagram: because she controls it. I love this site because she’s forced to read it and can’t do a damn thing about it! She has no control over this site. Corey can see who he wants and introduce whoever he wants to his children....the same way she can. And. She. Can’t. Say. A. Fucking. Thing. About. It 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼
(If they’re smart, they won’t have significant others coming in and out of their kids lives, but that’s not my point.) My point is: if you want Big T to absolutely lose her shit: TAKE ALL CONTROL FROM HER.
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I hate this bitch more and more everyday. :mad: It must be nice being 32 and a mom to 3 kids and posting that you are recovering from your alcoholic binged weekend at your MOMS beach house like you have no worries. I know she didn't have the kids this weekend and can do whatever but god damn own up to some responsibilities.

And that podcast was garbage. She claims she doesn't want a man that lives at his moms house but yet mooches off her parents and everyone around her, but that's ok right? Honey get your life together you aren't 21 anymore. Stop trying to keep up with your single friends with no kids.

One more thing she said in her podcast being called a woman makes her feel old so she asked Alan if you met a 32 year old girl blah, blah, blah. It makes me laugh cause shes right shes isnt a woman. A woman handles her shit not matter what age she is. A woman doesn't act like a freshman college student at a frat party. She yeah you are a girl.
I think she has buyer's remorse (having 3 kids)
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Just reading through the posts and I knew she gets people to watch her kids a lot but even for so many vacations and trips ?!
How does Tracy get rid of her kids so easy ?!

I have 3 and my youngest is one so I’ve only had one in real school and paid for daycare for the second but when our third came we agreed it wasn’t worth it to pay daycare for 2 and I switched to to part time work and even than I’m embarrassed to ask my mom and mother in law to watch them even while I WORK. Plus, I hate missing out on actually being present and watching them grow and learn , how can she be such an evil witch to not only be willing to hand them off to a random stranger but not engage in anything with them when she is with them ?! And I love how her stories have Julian signing today ... really ? Go “Mama Tray” 1 day out of the whole summer 👏😒
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I watched everything yesterday (and you fun people) but never got to really say anything. So
1-lets give Corey some credit, he did the right thing by pulling Jayden aside (yes Julian has played rough with him, but that’s also because of mobility which has to deal with hearing... notice Julian has been wearing his ears more, he has become a bit more calmer BUT still needs PT and OT)
2- the “let’s try to one up their father” by putting the video of the girls and her on the rides (basically I took it as a dig at Tara cause Tara doesn’t go on them) was pathetic
3-“ghosts”? Yeah right ok... she’s trippin and sippin the stupid shit
4-now the watermelon jello... girl, it’s 10AM...your liver needs to detox.
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Ugh now she's looking for another tacky cheap back to school costume for the poor girls. Because every child needs to be adorned with apples and pencils for the first day.
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The biting of the lip and looking around trying to be all sexy just makes me CRINGE. second hand embarrassment times 100000
Because she read 50 Shades of Grey and how he was so turned on by Ana biting her lip, makes Big T-Rex think some rich dude into BDSM is gonna fall for her videos and sweep her off her feet.

A genuine Jurassic T-Rex couldn’t sweep Big T-Rex off her feet without a hernia. She’s such a self-absorbed bitch. She should be one of the LAST people roasting ANYONE in a restaurant.
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To be completely honest with you and i can’t believe I’m saying this because if you guys knew me you would know how pro women i am and have much i do to lift everyone up around me but I’m sorry she is an ugly person INSIDE and that is my problem and why i won’t feel bad for ring so mean , but again to be honest if he did cheat or treat her like shit i don’t blame him. Look at what we’ve seen guys !!!! She didn’t just get this way now , imagine being married to that . She is a SLOB. She Deff smells you can tell , she is huge , a liar, unstable , a pig, gross , cocky , lazy , alcoholic , horrible mother , doesn’t cook or clean or work. Who would want to be married to that ? How can he treat her with respect when she is so vile. I don’t care if she spilled all the tea that he cheated and talked down to her etc , she deserved it because she is absolutely vile and mean and gross is every way , and im not even talking about her ugly outsides , I’m talking about her insides here . Imagine what this man suffered being married to that , seriously .
I agree. I've always thought Tracy was ugly from the inside out. She has gotten a thousand percent worse over the years and here we are today looking at a fat, sloppy, drunken, sex-obsessed, slutty trainwreck. It's hard to believe she was a beautician ! She is def a narcissist. Although I didn't like Corey on JL, he dodged a bullet. He's forever tied to her because of the kids but he no longer has to come home every day to that bullshit.
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Good morning Tattlers! 😘 Had to screen grab this beauty of a shot from Taras IG.Sky and her daddy are so very cute! I wonder if Tray has seen this yet? Lol
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She’s too idiotic to understand the entire country is out voting on the same day (including frontline workers and those at high risk). She’s so selfish and honestly deserves the hate she gets. She’s so miserable and psychotic, I would be so ashamed if she was my relative.
This is my point to her using her platform for good. All her saddies always hang on to her every words , are quick to follow anyone she posts, buy everything she has, always asking where her stuff is from , what makeup , shoes , etc.
I have never seen her promoting a post about voting. We all know if she does all her saddies will run out to vote. But God forbid she promotes something useful, and important besides boom bod and teeth whitening.

Also she won't do it because she is not getting paid This reminds me of something so fucked up. One time a girl asked her to please repost a gofundme page for one of her sick friends/family member. Of course Big T could not be bothered and her saddies defending her saying Big T is a busy mom, she is not on ig all day, it takes time, she can't do it for free etc etc. :rolleyes: .

Coincidentally this happened right before she started posting the gofundme for her Father in law, which I understand is her family, of course she's going to post it a million times and ask her huge following to help.

The way I see it, is you have all these fans that kiss your ass ( for unknown reasons) , would it have been so horrible for you to make a simple repost for this girl? How long does it take? What amount of money would you have lost by doing it?
For this reason I say she is a self-centered, selfish, rude, disgusting, ungrateful person. Anyone that looks up to her and says she's so sweet, smart, goals, etc need to open their eyes, because she is none of these things.
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Anyone notice her most recent pic she posted to insta story, she def only posted that because it says “liked by Brielle Oswald”

she’s out on a mission to prove Brielle was obsessed with Tracy as a super fan before she met Corey.
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Yea I bet it sucks when you get Exposed. She mad MAD. If she didn't LIE about her fake life so much nobody would give a fuck. Everyday now, it seems like more and more proof of her "out in the wild" comes to surface. She cant hide forever.. her reality is crashing before her eyes
Lol funny thing is I'm pretty sure most of us that are here used to like her but then got exposed to her reality. Someone posted the tracy Maloney ig account on her comments and that's how I found out how fake as fuck she was. I agree with whoever said just post in the comments about tattle or whatever so more people are aware lol. I knew something was up, but not to this degree. I'm sorry but shes pathetic.

Even her fans or baddies or whatever she always responds so rude to them. Like really bitch you should be kissing ass to your 10,000 fans (500k my ass lmao.) The most recent I remember was someone complimented her and said oh I have that dress too and she responded how do you have this I got this 6 years ago? Really bitch damn anyone can access Amazon or torrid you dumb fuck.

I actually want to know if anyone saw her live when she was pregnant with julian and she must have been hormonal because someone asked some question about kids (been too long dont remember) and she literally was like if I knew how jayden would be (attitude wise) id never get pregnant again but its too late. I never got to finish that live (because I have a life lol) but I always wondered what else she said if anyone knows.

Btw thank you for the people who recap the episodes because I cannot stand to listen to them anymore. Jess is so fucking immature and annoying and up Tracy's ass I cannot.
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All this free time Tracy has and instead of spending it with her children or doing something constructive to better their lives, she takes time to do all this unnecessary shit. If she really was trying to be “civil” why even bring up the divorce or dating shit on the podcast? She should be embarrassed to be dating during a fucking PANDEMIC!!!! Sorry but when will someone in her family finally tell her she’s acting like a dumbass? Concentrate on your children and being a better parent!
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Not sure if someone mentioned it from all the threads lol but my theory is that when she first told the world they were separating/getting a divorce, she wanted everyone to think that she wasn't completely losing control and losing her mind, and when she said she was going to keep it nice for the kids... I think she said that because she thought she was going to be the first one to move on. Since Corey is clearly happy and in a relationship first, she went off the deep end. She is so conceited that she cannot believe she is still alone and a SiNgLe MoThEr Of 3 UnDeR 3. her true colors always show.
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You guys are 100% right and correct. I am a mother of one. I got my tubes tied even after the first… One and done baby! Anyhow, date night, alone time etc. is exponentially harder and becomes less of a priority with children and the more children you have. I say good for you and your future hubby! You are smart. You can always have kids later if you change your mind… But once you have them say goodbye to doing whatever the fuck you want anymore. That goes out the window. I personally can’t imagine having more than one. One is more than enough LOL do you girl and live your life! No regrets! And if anybody has anything to say about it just tell them they’re jealous because they have chhildren most likely and misery loves company lol
I'm a one and done momma. By the time our son is in college (if he chooses to go) my hubby & I can travel, etc. We will both still be young, ill be in my 40s and he'll be almost 50. So we still have time. I just never understood people who pressure others to have kids. Shit is hard. And they are expensive 😅
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