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It is really odd how she calls it “our house”
Lol. My dad has a lake house and I always call if “my dads house”, even my friends have asked before why I never invite them there (lol) and I always says “idk bc it’s my dads house?”. I was confused by the videos she posted, I thought she was actually with Tara and Corey and the kids, I can’t believe she would actually post old videos to make it seem like that, what a weird embarrassing thing to do.
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She wants to feel important so bad.
Yes so true she is trying to hard to appear like this social butterfly “cool” chick when in reality she’s like making up for lost time because she’s stuck in 2009 & in mom mode. She’s trying desperately to appear cool to counteract the mom look with the three kids. She’s been awfully quiet lately… She’s either scheming behind the scenes or Tracy got her feelers hurt from Corey and Brielle’s most recent Public display of affection on Instagram. It must really be getting to her. She must be mad as all hell and bitter at Corey for leaving her with three kids while he’s out with a new woman. So much for forever..... what a a waste of such a BEAUTIFUL wedding. She was so lucky and took it all for granted. She’s now gonna find out how hard it is to find a good guy like Corey (yes he has his flaws but at the end of the day he is a good provider for his family and a family man). Ecspecially at her age. It’s One thing entirely to be dating in your 20s… But another thing to be dating in your late 30s with kids etc. the only thing out there are the ones that are broken, used, no good etc. that’s why they’re still single.
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I listened to the podcast today whilst de-scaling the bog- no lie. First and last time ever. T-units gob is hard to listen to.
Moreover it was all fucking shite, and you could literally HEAR the cholesterol and flubber in her laugh.
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I have one daughter. She is 25 and people for the longest time would ask me "Oh when are you giving her a sibling? Oh don't you want another one. Its not good to be an only child"! You know what... my husband is an only, Im an only and we were fine! I never wanted more then 1. We have always been happy with the choice we made. We have been able to travel extensively. Its easy when its just the 1 child. People need to learn that we all want different things in life. Some want marriage, some don't. Some want many kids, others want none or one. We should all be able to live the way we want without being criticized. I always respect someone else's choices, and others should respect mine.

Where I have a problem is with Big T. She had 3 babies in no time. Did she think that it they would take care of themselves? She never planned ANYTHING in her life. She never took time to enjoy her marriage, just the 2 of them. It was baby, baby, baby! How about taking some of the money that your hubby received and put a down payment on a starter home. Room for the kids, etc. Nope! They never even went on vacation. DTS doesn't count! Aruba was with her patents, and Corey never went with them. DR was a wedding. When did you actually see them go anywhere for vacation? Where that money went is a mystery. They didn't drive expensive cars. They didn't live in a large home with high rent. Certainly didn't wear high end clothes. All fake designer wear. They didn't go to nice restaurants to eat. So what did they spend it on?

Ok... rant over.... thanks for reading! LOL
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Sammy is top heavy. Ive seen her in person. She has skinnier legs. She def photoshops like Tracy but I never thought it was over the top like Tracy.

Look at those shit eyelashes!!! If shes going to be at the beach or pool or whatever why does she need to do a FULL FACE OF MAKEUP. let your face breathe. Holy cow. Im surprised she doesnt have adult acne bc of her lack of skin care
She’s a pig. Her eye lashes look like that because she doesn’t wash her face. Her hair looks like that because I’m sure she doesn’t wash it often. I really feel like she doesn’t give a shit and thinks no one will notice because she can fix it with photoshop. The only thing I think she actually does apply fresh is her overdrawn lips with that nasty pale color that I’m sure is called ‘death’. The one thing she actually puts effort into looks like shit. Like she just tongued someone’s chocolate starfish.

Yall be careful! He or she is watching & blocking ppl that watch his story.
That just proves that Big T or Sammy are on here 😂😂😂😂😂 Sammy, I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you that your tits are as bad as Big T’s. Sloppy, saggy and far apart. K? Thanks. Have a great day 😉
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I think Tracy just wants her fans to attack Brielle to the point where she makes Corey miserable. Like she will say "well I didnt tell them to do that. They just did it" type of mindset
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Every time one of her saddies defends her I can’t help but wonder how pathetic they are. Tracy doesn’t care if they are living or dead, she doesn’t even acknowledge them and here they are with their heads up Tracy’s wide load

my disgust for her started ever since she got mad at her neighbors for being loud and posted a huge rant on Facebook calling them “dumb immigrants.” But now that I think about her ignorant rant, I’m not too surprised that she thinks covid is fake. All of her views are ignorant. Tracy newsflash, there are more important things in life than looks, fuckboys, and fake name brands. Grow up you’re so stuck in a 19 year old mindset that it’s embarrassing to watch. I can’t wait til karma gets her even more than it already is.
I agree with what all of you are saying - and thank you for saying it. My issue isn't that she's a conspiracy theorist - hell, I have lunatic family members, well-educated, who dabble in 'fiat currency, gold standard! economic collapse, COVID is a hoax' bullshit, but my issue with her is that they fortunately don't have 'fans' like she does.

Also, between she and Tara and all the #savethechildren posts, yet, when it was kids separated at the border and lost in the system all they had to say was 'shouldn't have come here illegally,' or when there have been social media campaigns about black and brown babies being trafficked and no MSM attention (until social media users started raising the topics)...crickets from Trashy and her horse-faced SIL. I really can't handle either of them. Her hashtag should be #savewhitechildren #savethearyankids. Because let's be honest...that's what they care about.

Anyway, if it wasn't for the comedic takes from all of you lovelies, I probably would've checked out from her a longgg time ago lol. Thanks dolls. <3
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Sammy is top heavy. Ive seen her in person. She has skinnier legs. She def photoshops like Tracy but I never thought it was over the top like Tracy.

Look at those shit eyelashes!!! If shes going to be at the beach or pool or whatever why does she need to do a FULL FACE OF MAKEUP. let your face breathe. Holy cow. Im surprised she doesnt have adult acne bc of her lack of skin care
This photo 🤣😳 you ready? for what?? Drinking at 10 in the freaking morning again? How the hell does she do that 3 days in a row. I'm the same age as her & would be half deceased after one day lol. Like you have an alcohol issue if you can just bounce back from a hangover in your 30s girl. She doesn't work, so why she trying to celebrate Labor Day lmao
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Chatty Member
💯 percent photoshop perhaps? Lol 😂

Nothing Screams white trash like a tacky $100 bill duster 💵 🙄 Let me guess.... It’s a princess armor exclusive LMAO 😂
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First question - how long would she date a guy before introducing to her children.
Should not meet until given respect to the father/mother of the children. She used the word "father figure" and she said its the right thing to do before the kids meet the new SO.

Second question - what is the oldest person you'd date wise?
Doesn't want children anymore - 34 starting point to 45 oldest...probably divorced, one kid of his own or just gave up wanting children. (30 is too young apparently)

Third question - dating apps again..jess signed her up for dating apps and matched her with people.
(This entire one is jess living being single through dating new guys etc)

"Dont waste my time, im a mom and I dont want anymore kids, if youre under 6ft tall and have no job and live with your mom swipe left, must likely to hustle through life to make money..."etc 🙄
Their reaction "List qualities they check off.." bc tracy made them feel insecure about themselves to put in effort. 🙄🙄🙄 moths to a flame 🙄🙄 (shes a fucking catfish) she went on a date recently. Drinks, food etc and got bored. That's why she goes for her type. She doesnt want her attention to wander. She needs and craves attention. Thats why it didn't work out. Bc he didnt reach out to her etc. She wants men to be ALL about her. "Fading because she gets bored and there's a line of men she's ignoring" 🙄

Fourth question - has tracy kissed or hooked up with anyone yet
Yes, to the question.

Fifth question - what was the first kiss with a new person.
Intense and how she escaped from a tower. Etc. (Would explain the guy from Hoboken who she hooked up with in her IG live)

Sixth question - would you be open to dating a man with children?
Yes, but selfish bc she only wants to be about her kids. She said she doesn't have the mental capacity to take care of someone elses kids. Bc having Julian is like having 4 kids not 3.

Seventh question - what is tracy looking for in a man this time around
Almost everything, looks wise - no.
(If she were to get serious with someone) Love language is a must the compliments and physical touch are import. Bc corey didnt do that often enough. PDA is a must. She wants people to know they are together.
Over the "you too" thing. So it seems like Corey checked out mentally from his father's passing and Tracy didnt care and wanted all the attention...

Eighth question - what did Corey do
Pass she won't talk about it

Ninth question - advice to transition from him leaving
She took down all his photos. Except for one of him and Julian. She took down all Family Photos.
Apparently she feels scared and vulnerable living alone. Double triple checks locks. (She hasn't even been living at the townhouse all summer) the house reminds her of him bc they picked it together. She went from blissfully happy to angry. Scorpio in her to how she just shut off completely

Tenth question - do you regret not leaving sooner
She should have ended it last April 2019. She should have left since Julian was born.

Eleventh question - after divorcing new dick
She had an ex reach out to her recently...apparently. hence her IG post about exs hitting her up 10 years later. (1 ex)

She is legit answering questions to throw Corey under the bus and legit make it seem like she had a line of men. Etc
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It’s really gross she thinks it’s cute to drink that much i can only imagine how mean she is to them if she’s hungover

When I saw that I totally said the same thing you were married and off the market quickly now nobody wants to shop at the market your working with just a nasty bitch with a lot of excess baggage
I'm not knocking men for getting with women with children. Thats how my mom married my dad. She was a single mother of 2 and he married her and adopted us as his own. So like there are men like that just i dont see a man like that wanting to get with a 30 something year old who still drinks like shes 21 and can't save money etc. And still goes on social media to cry woe is me about shit. That's all.
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If I passed anyone in a Tesla driving like that (especially on a holiday at night which you know the people have probably been drinking all day) I would have called the police. I don’t give a fuck if it drives themselves. You’d still get a DUI for operating the car. They literally could’ve killed someone and she has no remorse. I am LIVID.
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I agree with what all of you are saying - and thank you for saying it. My issue isn't that she's a conspiracy theorist - hell, I have lunatic family members, well-educated, who dabble in 'fiat currency, gold standard! economic collapse, COVID is a hoax' bullshit, but my issue with her is that they fortunately don't have 'fans' like she does.

Also, between she and Tara and all the #savethechildren posts, yet, when it was kids separated at the border and lost in the system all they had to say was 'shouldn't have come here illegally,' or when there have been social media campaigns about black and brown babies being trafficked and no MSM attention (until social media users started raising the topics)...crickets from Trashy and her horse-faced SIL. I really can't handle either of them. Her hashtag should be #savewhitechildren #savethearyankids. Because let's be honest...that's what they care about.

Anyway, if it wasn't for the comedic takes from all of you lovelies, I probably would've checked out from her a longgg time ago lol. Thanks dolls. <3
Horse face SIL 😂😂😂. I have always wondered who Tara looks like?
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Have you guys seen the cringe story she posted?!
Brb. Getting receipts.

Peep the tattoo on her wrist. And does that not also remind you of her old entryway?!
Honestly, she's getting so boring. It's all reposts, heavily photoshopped lip biting pics and Til Tok covers. She needs a job. I'm not saying that to be mean. She needs to expand her daily horizons. I am sure it's hard bc of the kids but if she got out to interact with people she worked with she might break up of the same ol', same ol. Plus, we can all agree she DOES have people to leave her kids with AND! she doesn't believe in the virus. So you're good, Sis. Put that wide ass out on the market. It's been long enough.
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It seems like there are new members or new commenters on here! Welcome! Here is our BIG BAD SCORPIO. She is so mysterious and intimidating when she walks into a room. She makes you feel like a guest in your own home. You feel her intense energy and power when she walks in.
Never forget....
I want to add, She is not ugly and even in these pics she does not look bad with the extra weight. It's just the fact that she gives herself a thin hourglass figure that irks me, along with all the saddies praising her of how perfect her body is, how people pay to have her figure, how she is s supermom, inspiration #goals, etc.

Gotta be honest, she made me feel bad about my own weight in her photo shopped pics, but seeing this makes me feel more relaxed and less judgmental.

I'm certain she can reach out to a much bigger audience and gain so much more respect if she were honest. She can even find a good man that loves her for her .
If she stops worrying about appearances (hers and potential boyfriends) . It's the personality that shines through. Not saying she can only get an ugly man, more like stop trying to go for men that think looks are everything. That want the perfect size 0 model.
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She just posted some more Scorpio bullshit 🙄
My husband has a cousin like Tracy (Scorpio, always needing validation, can't maintain a relationship to save her life). Will never see that it is her issues, both real an imagined. My MIL was a Scorpio too and that bitch was a viper. People like them you have to distance yourself from because they are exhausting and you wanna lay hands on them 😁
I know by now Tracy is aware of the photos of her this past weekend. I am sure it has driven her insane because she can't control what others post of her. Because ya'll know that her photo-shopped pictures makes her look like a damn fool ! Who in the hell has the energy for that shit ?! Take that energy to use on prepping your kids for the school year ! That's what normal moms do ! If she was a decent human being, she could be the spokes-model for plus-sized women. I checked out Torrid and I think they have cute clothes. Tracy m'dear, repeat after me: YOU ARE PLUS-SIZED AND THERE IS NO REASON FOR YOU TO LOOK LIKE A BUM. WEAR YOUR SIZE AND FUCKIN' OWN IT ! WEAR COLORS OTHER THAN BLACK BECAUSE YOU LOOK LIKE THE GRIM REAPER. LIGHTEN UP YOUR MAKE-UP OR JUST GO FRESH-FACED AND LET YOUR SKIN BREATH. USE FUCKIN' SUN SCREEN BEFORE YOU END UP WITH SKIN CANCER. CUT YOUR DAMN HAIR AND LIGHTEN IT UP. STOP TRYING TO HIDE BEHIND IT. AND FFS, PUT A LEASH ON THOSE PUPPIES BEFORE THEY REACH YOUR KNEES !
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Interesting Brielle was here in January....and her picture is sooooooo much classier....i wonder if she was already talking to corey and if the caption was for him.....🤔or maybe she had just heard from raven that he was fed up? Or it has nothing to do with him and im just bored and reading into it 😆 regardless for sureeeeee Tracy follows brielle from a fake account and saw this has to have its too coincidental.....
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I'm not a mom (I'm married but don't want kids) so I think it's hard for me to criticize her parenting but I think some of us on the forum have been saying things to the effect of "why is she always out!" "when my kids were that age I couldn't wait to get home to them!" like that's cool for you but that's YOU and not her (or me). I have no problems with her still going out with her friends and having a good time. A lot of my friends had help when their kids were that young and had no issues with leaving the house without their kids. There's no "perfect" way to be a mom and I'm not defending Tracy (and I'm not Tracy) but this strikes a chord with me because people do this to me and my husband. "Oh you guys can't go out like this when you have kids!" Yeah we know, we also decided to not have kids and we are good with that decision. I think it's mom shaming/mom guilt and I'm not here for it.

What I DO have a problem with is her spouting all her nonsense about being a full time mom, having no help, having no support (financial or physical when we all know she does), #justthe4ofus, 3 under 13 or whatever else she says. That's where my issue is. Don't talk shit about how much you are struggling when you're not. Don't tell me how hard it is when we never see you do anything with your kids (even prior to quarantine) that isn't them just "modeling" some terrible clothes. Maybe they rushed into it, maybe she shouldn't have been a mom right away, who knows! But Tracy, cut the shit with the

I've seen struggle. I was raised by a single dad, my mom ran out on us. I don't know who was more comfortable giving me "the talk" - me or my dad.

Sorry for the tangent guys.
Understandable. I actually enjoy leaving my son with his grandmother so I can go to work. But I 100% enjoy it when I go get him and he runs to me to hug me.
Not all moms are the same, not all women want children and thats fine too! What this thread & me personally have issues with is how she does "parent" children are not props, children need to be stimulated they need to do outdoor activities. She doesnt do any of that with her kids. Its what SHE wants to do not what THEY want. Again, its fine for women to not want children its perfectly okay to say that they rushed into having kids. No one is perfect we all have our own shit we deal with.

If Tracy didn't want any more children after Skylar then she should have spoken to Corey about it. Would she have been happier, probably. Would she be better as a one & only child, most likely. But thats not her life she has 3 children, that she doesnt put first. She is very selfish & it shows

Look who changed her reply.


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OMG Guys just wait for next Tuesday when she will calim to SPILL MORE TEA just for ratings on the failing shit show podcast. Mark my words now that she is eventually going to say that she LET HERSELF GO and gained massive weight because it was Corey's fault. Just wait for that shit. She she kiss Corey's feet for putting up with her shit all those years. She feels stupod cuz her relationship advice about keeping a man completely exploded in her face
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