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Corey doesn't owe her shit nor does Brielle. She is just butt hurt cuz he moved on before her and she is still struggling to find love online. She goes online acting like a thirsty slut humiliating her own immediate family as well as Corey's. So how come she doesn't report it to Corey in person? I CANNOT wait for Corey to open his mouth an humilate her for cropping herself all these years. Hes the only 1 who actually knows how nasty and bigger she is in person.
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I had to go look. Oh my god. How cringe! And now a whole ass box of donuts to complete the hangover 🙄 Tracy, your over 30 and have been drinking all weekend.... WTF did you think was gonna happen?

Someone should definitely send these over to the Epstein family. She’s not with the kids so they may not be able to “use” it against her but then again who knows!
Lmao Big T let's take off the makeup before you go to bed now, you're in your 30s girl.. You're aging the shit out of your skin! Not to mention binge drinking & tanning. I'm the same age as Big T, with kids as well & can not fathom drinking and partying the amount that she does. It's really unfortunate that she can't just chill, go workout, have a relaxed wine night or clean her house like normal Mom's do on weekends. This divorced-party girl image isn't going to get you very far. Let's take it down a notch & maybe you can attract a decent man, not a fk boy lol.
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I was curious if she lost followers because of her foolishness past few days....
Did you notice though how her number of followers never changes on her actual Instagram though ? Because she purchased the package to keep your number stable to try to maintain her sponsors and advertising gigs. I’m sorry any company that aligns it’s self with such a sloppy gross human would be a company i would legit stay away from . I’m glad she advertising Bevause i know what companies not to waste my money with , thanks big Trex for looking out for my bank acct. any company that is also dumb enough to work with someone with all those followers who isn’t verified is dumb AF a
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“Passed out SO drunk at 2:30AM and Sammy is coming down the stairs so loud... do i look OK?” -Tracy this morning. GIRL you’re going to get DRAGGED in court!
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OMG If I was Brielle I would DIE OF LAUGHTER with my girlfriends at her. Imagine knowing that Tracy (a HUGE WHALE of a bitch who photoshops her whole neck off just to pretend that shes wanted by some teenager who see's 500k (fake) followers and wants to score some points...) So, a sloppy bitch making fun of me for now sleeping with and dating her ex husband - who she couldn't keep because she's literally dirty. LOL!!! That can't even bother her. Like thats just Tracy being so thirsty for attention because she's so ugly and vapid no one ever gives her true attention.

Hahaha Tracy hunny, the only people who are your baddies are girls who are the same as you, fat, lazy, and dirty. You make them feel better about themselves because if you can be all those things and be a bAdDiE so can they!!!! LOL JOKES. Also Jess, your wedding was a dumpster fire as are you. I'm sure ya man has a nice side piece while he's wearing his badge. You're not all that.
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Hi!! First post and just found this today and wowwww i think I’ve found my people 😂😂

I’m sure some stuff I’ll say has been posted about or said before but i didn’t read every single comment just yet.

1) i have cousins who went to high school with her. One is actually in one of her prom pictures she always posts. I saw them in October at a shower and we were talking about how fake she is and apparently she’s always had this trying to portray a bigger than life personality.

2) a former coworker used to date a girl she had a fight with. I think it ended up being physical but can’t remember. He told me that Tracy actually messaged him on Facebook and tried to pick a fight with him too...even after he broke up with the other girl.

3) it was a while ago, but she used to post about a certain florist in Staten Island. When i went to a final appointment for my wedding flowers (she had literally just started posting about him so no i didn’t fall for her posts and we had booked him about two years before that), i mentioned i had seen her post. He mentioned something about how she said she had a lot of followers - I’m assuming so she could get some free flowers for “advertising” him. (Btw - would NOT recommend using that florist. He double booked himself on my wedding. Only flower that was correct was my husbands boutonnière. Everything else was wrong and they showed up to my venue with only HALF of the centerpieces. We got a partial refund and my husband told me not to say anything negative about him 🙄)

4) she’s from East Hanover which is a nice town, so she’s super privileged and i think it’s shown more lately as most ofyou have been saying. She hasn’t really had to work that hard I’m sure except beauty school/after graduation/the show. I’m sure she had a lot of things handed to her.

5) has anyone looked up her parents’ shore house? When i did, it looked like they rent it and didn’t have a lot of availability which is confusing because i feel like she’s always there?
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Shes single. No bf.
Didn't try counseling...was told by someone close to her that they should go to counseling and tracy didnt want to bc apparently it wouldn't help with the stuff she endored.
So SHE DIDNT EVEN TRY FULLY! she just gave up!
She called a doctor a bitch. She went from 0-100 from everything that happened. There was no fixing it.

How does she handle people talking shit about her relationship.
"How dare you say you're a single mom." She is mocking people talking shit about her.

If she's using sex toys 🤢🤮 its a yes btw

Do you fuck on the first date - not answering

Listening to Jess talk is ANNOYING AS FUCK

She has fucked someone though..

Can't listen anymore. Its about her fucking someone new....she is ANNOYING

Maybe she won’t talk about what Corey did because maybe it was what she did. She’s such a fucking loser

So really, no tea was spilled
Nope. Nothing was spilled. I believe SHE fucked up and corey found out and probably said some nasty shit to her and that caused her to clock out fully.

She won't post photos anymore bc her fans are stalking guys and they found out who the guy was and she just feels bad bc people got involved and stalk her etc and feel to listen to the podcast and how we ruined something potential for her.

Called Brielle a fucking fan and is THROWING HER under the bus calling her single white female. Bc brielle is fucking her ex husband

Since she separated if Corey and her get along better - pass she won't speak about it. She is trying to be a good person

What does tracy think of Coreys new gf - pass on that too

Sooooo no tea spilled. She once again walked around everything and Jess is a cunt and stuck herself in this issue bc she can't keep her big nose out of it either. Fuck them both.

Stay in our lines and cook our kids meals...etc. bc we are ruining her potential relationships and how we are ruining potential relationship of Coreys either.
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Yea I bet it sucks when you get Exposed. She mad MAD. If she didn't LIE about her fake life so much nobody would give a fuck. Everyday now, it seems like more and more proof of her "out in the wild" comes to surface. She cant hide forever.. her reality is crashing before her eyes
She's inadvertently outing herself. Truth be told, I found this site bc someone mentioned it in her comments. And boy were my eyes opened 👀. We should all pick a day where we just all post this site in the comments over and over again. I'm a sadist apparently.

Just kidding, of course.
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I wish she would lash out on here with all her #clapbacksfordays👏👏👏 :rolleyes: but she won't because we have receipts and she can't block us. She knows we will go back and forth with her all day every day. Not like her IG when she replies with 1 corny clapback and then blocks them so it looks like she got the last word.

I hate when she "clapsback" but then blocks the people. Like if you are soo big and bad why block people?!? shes all talk and cant handle when people tell her the truth. Like i always say shes a joke. she over the age of 30, get your life together, get yourself a real paying job and take care of your kids on your own!! She will never be able to do anything on her own as a mother. she has a spoiled brat mentality and no real man with a great career and good head on his shoulders will ever tolerate trash like her.
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Chatty Member
If my mom can’t babysit for me then that means I’m not going out. I’m not gonna put a status on FB for just anyone to watch my kids. Fuck that!
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Has anyone ever noticed how Olivia and Gigi both have verified Insta accounts but Tracy does not?
I remember a while back someone asked her why and she tried but Instagram denied her lol
it must drive her crazy that the others have it and she doesn’t
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I have a question. What would her reaction be if it was Corey in the car filming his friends with their feet in the air as the car drives itself. 🤔 I know she would flip her shit and say that it's not safe and he should know better.
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I had to research and see where she was those nights and sure enough she was out partying. She is sick. I understand she has 3 small children, and needs a break. Nothing against that. But she always goes out. She really has balls to ask to watch him from 5pm - 10am ???? How about more like 9pm - 1am? Or something along those lines. Then to advertise on Facebook too?? Makes you think she will dump her kids anywhere just to go out. Obviously if the few people who are your regular sitters are not available then you need to stay home . She is a cunt. Sorry, but that really irks me.
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Guess she doesnt get her kids back today. She must still be partying. Must be nice to not have to worry about caring about another life and just doing your own shit.

Man to be a teen again
I'm sure many of us parents on here would agree, that we all need a break every so often from our kids, life, work. But we also start feeling empty, bored, lonely when we are away from them for too long. I would say 2-3 days tops (at least for me) is more than enough time away from my kids. I know it's been mentioned that not everyone parents the same, which I agree, and I am not mom shaming anyone. But she seems to not care at all that her kids are gone for almost a week. the way she acted this whole weekend only worrying about drinking, hanging out DTS , tongue out all dam day like a young 20 something single lady without kids, responsibilities. She started her weekend on Thursday as soon as they left and here we are Tuesday morning, laying on the couch feeling sick like she did in Junior high. Grow the fuck up.
Did anyone notice that her and Sammy were the only ones there for the full 5 days ?Even Sammy was working from inside on Friday.
The other friends came and went periodically, I'm assuming to handle their responsibiliies. She did the same thing for Julie's bachelorette party in Poconos. Most of the girls went back home Sunday/ Monday the latest, but Trashy dragged it out the most she could. BBworldwide was there on Sunday with the baby, then they came back the next day without him, which is perfectly fine. They did not disappear for 5 whole days to party and leave their son behind. Im starting to think Corey's cheating(if he did) was not the cause of the split. Maybe he did after he saw what she was about, that she always wanted to hang out. Then she would cry she hadn't been out if foreverrrr.

But, the fact that she is not diclosing any info leads me to believe she was a major cause in the divorce. If her hands were clean she would boast non stop of how fucked up Corey was.

Sorry, I always want to reply on here for one topic and I jump all around.
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Am I the only one that was expecting a response with a unit of measure ? Perhaps time or dstance? 🤦‍♀️
"Our" house. Lmao. No bitch it's your parents house. I can't stand her. My brother-in-laws mother has a beach house and never once have I ever heard him say our house it's always I gotta go to my mom's beach house. This bitch dont pay a mortgage, utilities, etc. for the said beach house. It doesn't belong to you if you dont contribute to it!!!
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