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Wasn’t roger on tape throwing Jenny around though?
i really don’t buy there was any serious abuse from either Tracy or Corey. I literally think they were two losers who just got sick of each other’s shit.
According to him, she edited it, and changed the passwords so he couldn’t have access to the real video. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Tracy probably put hands on Corey more than Corey put hands on her, look how quick she went after Gigi and Olivia, she definitely put hands first.
Shes so hard for this child her saddies will pay it so she'll STFU about it.
All she has to say is blah blah blah "no child support" 🙄 broken record...
Everything goes back to no child support... yet you don’t see her trying to get a real job..... I’m over her using this. It’s tiring.
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Exactly and clearly she has shit for brains so her calling someone is intelligent isn’t saying much. He probably actually graduated high school or something
I don’t see the type she chases as being intelligent either lmao. Her only dating criteria is swag, big arms, a fitted cap, and Tim’s lol
She makes fun of anyone who has any interests outside of sex (ex making fun of Jess for liking harry potter) . Intelligent people need intellectual convos to stay interested and best believe anyone who is successful in their career won’t date someone who just promotes boombod for a living (and the fear of her being a gold digger)
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Anyone else think she sent herself all those questions during the live yesterday? Ironic how every single question was a way for her to shade Corey (ex: regretting marrying him, no child support, her new man)

also if she was dating a new guy (which we know is fake) that is NOT a cute look to be bashing your ex on Insta, that just shows the new man you’re not over it and still stuck in the past.

i asked her a question about her career, ironic she didn’t choose to answer that on
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Also I love that she wrote 3 shirts... there is one pic where skys shirt is lower in the front and you can see she doesn’t have anything underneath it! Like what a huge liar Tracy is, she is flat out blatantly lying. I love that Tara commented, basically letting us all know she bought those snow pants lol
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So, according to this girl Tracy was a side bitch and was the chick who the girls sisters ex cheated on with. The girl said Tracy is huge and then ran her mouth about her sister to her current bf when Tracy doesn't even know the girl
Youre a true queen!!!!
of course tracys a side chick that's how she presents herself online.Explains all her memes about dating etc 😆how dumb can she be look how she present herself online of course no man is gonna wanna wife that. Corey was young naive and when he met tracy she seemed like she had ambition far cry from the therapy refusing mess she is now
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Youre a true queen!!!!
of course tracys a side chick that's how she presents herself online.Explains all her memes about dating etc 😆how dumb can she be look how she present herself online of course no man is gonna wanna wife that. Corey was young naive and when he met tracy she seemed like she had ambition far cry from the therapy refusing mess she is now
This happened 6 months ago.
Thats why Tracy will never "show" bc she's a side bitch. 🤣 also. The sister said that Tracy blocked her, her sister and all their friends from IG when this happened. How childish
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Brielle has the screenshot of what Jessica posted. And she is aware of what Tracy has said on the podcast and social media. 🙂
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Why do i feel like she just posted this to make brielle think corey reached out to her? Or make herself seem like exes reach out to her 😒 go watch your kidsssss.View attachment 355281
She's so full of herself that she thinks she is this prize all men want. 🤣🤣 Oh Tracy. My exes contact me all the time. It's not cause they suddenly had an epiphany (I mean a couple have but whatever) it's because they want to see if they have a possibility of getting laid. 🙄🙄🙄🙄 I am smart enough to know this, and trust me I show no skin or anything sExUaL of the kind on SM I am a total lady in a world of instahoes. She keeps wagging her tongue like a dog and thinks men want her for her. No it's because you act like an easy piece of trash, Trashy. Please spare us the BS
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Anyone else think she sent herself all those questions during the live yesterday? Ironic how every single question was a way for her to shade Corey (ex: regretting marrying him, no child support, her new man)

also if she was dating a new guy (which we know is fake) that is NOT a cute look to be bashing your ex on Insta, that just shows the new man you’re not over it and still stuck in the past.

i asked her a question about her career, ironic she didn’t choose to answer that on
She picked all the questions that allowed her to look for pity. Someone mentioned that they asked her about a career and she didn't even answer it. She looked for the questions that would allow her to bash Corey because that is her favorite thing to do right now. There. are so many issues with a lot of her answers, but there's a few that got under my skin.
-Therapy with Julian is hard and getting harder because she waited wayyyyy too long to get him any kind of help and she has absolutely no patience to sit with him and work with him. She thought that once he got the cochlear implants she wouldn't have to work on anything with him and its coming back to bite her in the ass.
-The fact that she has not really sat her children down and explained to them that she and Corey are divorcing shows that she can not grasp reality that things are the way that they are. Also, I can see how she can get away with it as well because she always pawns her kids off.

Tracy is the epitome of I have black friends so its okay. She thinks there is nothing wrong with her racist behaviors.

woman... go... see.... a.... therapist.... there is absolutely nothing wrong with seeing one.
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I have just finished watching Jerseylicious. Did Tracy do a spin off show? What about to her own salon and Corey? I have so many questions 😂
Have you not noticed anything she touches turns to a big fat failure?!?! The spin-off, the salon, the traytease or whatever the hell they were, the nail polish, the YouTube for her kids, the marriage, MOTHERHOOD!! She’s a BIG ol failure!!
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Now you know damn well no one wrote to her “wHeN iT aLL CliCKEd” she uses these q&a to write to herself and make it about Corey. I don’t condone cheating but she tortured him and admitted to it in that post so why would he want to be near her? He should’ve left but I don’t blame him for not wanting anything to do with her she’s the worst. And Skylar and Julian got a post and nothing for Jayden. She’s vile.
She's beyond vile! Jayden gets nothing from her! That irks me so bad. She's a little girl who doesn't have her mothers approval. Ive said it before, will say it again... Jayden will be the superstar! She will be the one to outshine her sister and become EVERYTHING her POS mother isn't! Jayden is a little superstar and that pisses Trashy off. She doesn't like the fact that Jayden has spunk, and chutzpah, and will eventually realize how her own mother neglects her. That little girl deserves so much better!
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Jess is SO shady for posting that and Tracy as well for letting her. She definitely gets a kick out of watching Tracy’s life fall apart and adding fuel to the fire for their dying podcast. Like lady don’t you have a newborn to take care of? Who has the time to sit around bashing your friend’s ex all day? Tracy already spends all day doing that, save your time and effort Kermit this is not a 2 person job lol

I’d watch out for a “friend” like Kermit, she is bad bad news who only gets a kick out of Tracy’s drama. A good friend would try to give you the reasonable advice, how is this woman close to 40 and still acts like a petty 16 year old?? How is Denny still with her? My man would’ve thrown some sense into me by now for having my head so far up someone else’s divorce.

These screenshots will get back to Corey and Raven and then big T will once again like the victim even though she and her friends are the ones starting shit. All they do is poke poke poke and someone’s gonna snap.
Its already sent to Corey.
Get the fuck outta here. Drag someone who can't defend themselves or speak on the topic. Yeah, hard fucking pass. And guess what, karma doesn't play games.
Notice how Tracy talked shit on everyone's relationship. Look how karma got her. Now its Jess. She better stop now.
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If tracy was getting what she wanted for child support , I really dont think we would be hearing the cory bashing . She doesn't care if he takes the kids or if its his sister or parents . As long as someone takes them
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She said that Julian was going to have a bar mitzvah but that’s not easy you have to learn a lot of stuff I’ve only seen them on TV but I know it’s a lot of stuff to learn. It’s similar to catechism classes.
Child barely goes to school for his deafness, she expects him to go to school to learn Hebrew to have a Bar Mitzvah. GTFOH.
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All she talks about is Corey she disturbingly obsessed and I’d be creeped out if I were him. She can’t even do a q&a without making the whole thing about him. She doesn’t have a man she contradicts herself with every comment about “him” and she can’t keep her lies straight. She’s a lost cause she’s never going to change.

I neeeeed it.
So now she has diagnosed Corey as a narcissist [with the help of pinterest]. But if he was always a narcissist, how come you disowned your own family for years for him?? He obviously wasnt THAT bad. He wasn't a narcissist when making 3 kids back-to-back to back
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The thing with Tracy is that she grew up as a spoiled entitled brat who never appreciated the value of a dollar. She never wanted to work, she probably went to hair school because her parents made her do something to get a life. She had no passion for doing hair, thats why she stopped when the show stopped. She saw the show as an opportunity to become rich and famous and she would never have to work again... and look at her... nothing to show for it. Then she got overly cocky that her and Corey were going to get their own show, so she rushes into marriage and again... nothing to show for it. Rushed into having a child, then another one, and then a third. Now she is a lowlife bum, still without talent, living off of her parents money. Right back to square one except now she brought three kids into her shit show of a life. She is not an interesting person and no one cares about keeping up with her life. Maybe she resents Snooki so much because of her success from a reality tv show, and Tracy is still in fact irrelevant. I bet she bought 490,000 of her followers, and the only people who still keep tabs on her is us to make fun of her 😂😂😂 Snooki is SO nice to her fans and that is why she’s likable. Tracy has a nasty personality and thinks that everyone should bow down to her. For what exactly? She is known as a big slob who wants to desperately be famous and neglects her children. She uses her kids as a pawn against Corey because she sits at home all day in sweatpants on the couch stuffing her face, BORED. She wanted to be married just to say shes a married woman but is not a homemaker. If I had a husband who was busting his ass all day so I could stay home and experience raising our children full time I would damn well make sure I took care of the kids AND the house was presentable. Theres no excuse that she had no time to pack him a lunch or cook dinner at least 3x a week. Being a stay at home mom is a privilege and not a lot of families have that luxury to give up a second income. Instead she bitches about how he never compliments her. THERES NOTHING TO COMPLIMENT THATS WHY YOU BUM BITCH. If she was looking to be taken care of financially she should have married a wealthy 90 yr old man on his death bed. She would have saved her children a lot of future heartache.

Can we talk about how every day her story is 30+ reposts of memes and her responding
“oh haha me”
“yes ladies exactly”
“please someone get this for me for christmas”
“im a scorpio”
“i just laughed”

I would like to see a genuine “a day in my life” video of what her daily routine is. That’s how you know her children are never with her. No mother who engages with her kids has that much free time.
and you forgot “I feel attacked” ughh can’t stand that one. Yea, a random meme just attacked you, you bum bitch.
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ROFL 🤣 🎅 And we have a new one ladies lmao 😂 So much for that nice picture comment challenge 🤣 Again with the motherfucking lip biting it’s so cringe. Can you try any harder to be sexy????

I am literally howling at this video oh my God how can she post this and think it’s sexy LMAO someone quick take away Tracy’s phone 📱 😬 😩 Next will be the tacky photo shoot in the Mrs. Clause baby doll 🎅 🛷
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