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Since Tracy is putting it out there, then the whole internet can give their 2 cents. I also agree that she mind fuxked him and physically abused him. He probably tried to tell her to stop acting a certain way or whatever and she went all wild buffalo on him. Dont you see how she loses her shit on live when people start writing thre truth? She talks about hunting them down and fighting it out? I am sure she tried to trample Corey
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There is no way that this woman would post videos of her children wearing socks for gloves without some sort of motive.
Like “maybe they don’t have coats or mittens because Corey doesn’t pay child support”
This woman has SO much pride, yet none at all when it comes to certain shit 🤔

On another note...she must have a lot of free time lately to read up on her tattle threads. So far I’ve noticed a lot more engagement on her posts (liking almost every positive comment or replying to them), posting more positive things about her children (phoney Maloney at it again) and posting her doing stuff with the kids...I wish I could really see how she is with them in person. All sweet and cute for a picture or video, then immediately back to neglect and yelling 🥺
Never mind...maybe I don’t want to see how she is with them in person. Those poor kids need a new life with a whole new family. Poor things.
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Lmao someone seems triggered by the truth being left on her page. Also, I think most haters are doing better than you. That's why they can see through your crap.
She looks so dirty. Gross over lined shit lips, spider lashes, 🤮🤮🤮

doing just fine beluga whale, thanks. I have a real job, I’m not lazy af and make efforts to work out daily, dont need to post my Venmo and scam people out of money

where those jimmy choo timbs at huh?
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I just had a epiphany myself over why Tara still hangs around her. Its left me baffled too...but BigT always tries to spin it like she has the "dirt" and they're basically hostage to this dirt... (I honestly just think Tara genuinely loves the kids and sees exactly where they're parents lack)..anyway, so Big T has these bombshell accusations that can just ruin Corey which I think we can agree that it really can't be much because she woulda dished the goods by now. But, but but but....aren't the Epstein's the ones with the "dirt"? They know her best!! They know her true size, they know her psycho tendencies, they know her lack of motherly skills. Who's got more to lose here?? BIG 🦖!!!
So like the habitual lying ass she is, once again I'm 90% convinced this "dirt" she has on Corey is made up in her own little mind, along with her waistline. That's why all we're hearing now is ChILd SuPpOrt...there's nothing else!
I’m waiting for the day Brielle comes on here and spills some tea (but my guess is this wouldn’t happen until if they break up). She must know some things from Corey’s side of the story.
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I can’t believe she admitted that he was out looking for escorts! I guess our “secret life” theory a while back was sorta right. Also could explain if/why the wedding ring went “missing” so he could sell it to pay for that and drugs. But she really should’ve kept that off the internet, she’s losing her shit and it shows.
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it must b so exhausting being tracy... this girl is so insecure shes got to be a contortionist even to just post a pic of her foot and pjs. Like just put a blanket on and leave out the circus moves or post yourself being normal....i dont get why someone would want to live like this it just seems sooo tiring to have to always feel the need to present something online thats not even real. Girl you had three kids so your ankles/feet are a bit thick now who caresss you made three lovely children go love them and yourself !! 😔
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You guys remember when she was posted all these pics of her in different colored wigs calling herself different names. I wonder if that was a jab at Corey for the escorts or some type of mental breakdown because of the escorts. It was so totally random when she posted those pics. She had never posted anything like that before.
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She needs to put her tongue away wtfffff it's all she knows???? Tracy you do NOT look sexy. You look like a desperate pig. Nobody with a "man" real or imaginary acts like that 🤢🤢🤢 and Tracy hate to break it to ya hun but you're 25% Italian at best
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Jess loves low key feeling like she has the one up in Tracy because she’s got the “happy” marriage and baby. Tracy better watch out for that girl. Taking shots at Corey is shady AF. If it was my I’d be pissed. Like she’s making fun of me.
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Does anyone have any info on Tracy’s brothers? I agree with another tattler who mentioned in the other thread how it’s so odd that they’re never around their nieces/nephew. Especially for someone who claims she’s “so Italian” (I am Italian) family is EVERYTHING - it’s very odd and rare and I wonder what’s up with that?
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Chatty Member
Wow. Her obsession with Brielle is REAL. That meme in her story....

I wonder how many fake accounts she has to stalk people.

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Also, if she is at a guys house... how creepy to take a selfie when your alone in his room next to his bed, esp if it’s a new relationship lol
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Allllll of the chin chub. If you’re 140 and 5’5” you wouldn’t have that 🤷🏼‍♀️ Also - if she really had a man, she’d be sending this just to him not to the internet IMO
I wonder if she made a matching duster🤣😂🤣
Also, it looks like her neck is eating her necklace. She is the epitome of the phrase, Rode hard and put away wet.

Remember when Tracy’s posted that bedding her mom bought for her house, her mom said something about his room, that was the beginning of summer I believe. I wonder if Julian has been living with them since then? It’s like her “legacy baby” wasn’t perfect and didn’t save her marriage so she has no use for him.
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This is so true. You’re supposed to HIDE it lol it’s not supposed to be on display. It also shouldn’t be mixed with crosses or saints or anything like that since the corno is superstitious
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Didn’t alot of people try to warn her about Corey? Her own parents wanted nothing to do with the wedding. So many red flags, rushed to get married just to be first. Now look where she is now, what a joke! If working 3 jobs from your home isn’t paying the bills, maybe its time to get a job and provide for them! Btw the playboy bunny pants are now the new uniform no no more dollar bill duster!!!!!
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Oh you know the Christmas woe is me posts will be dropping soon. Sorry but who bitches about what they do for their own kids? Seriously she shuffles those poor kids between homes so much.
Yeah waiting for the Christmas morning post.

just the 4 of us...doing it on my own...
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As for her weight loss. At the end of my pregnancy I was 220lbs. My son is legit a few days younger than Julian. I'm currently at 158. My prepregnancy weight. That was all done by chasing my son, dieting and working 12 blocks daily plus running around to see patients for 8 hours 😅 by no means am I back to my 24 year old self of 135 but damn, I'm proud of how I look. The fupa is me. Its the trophy of carrying and growing a small version of myself and my husband. I'm not ashamed of that.
She shouldn't be either. 3 kids 18 months apart. Or whatever it is. She shouldn't be expecting or people shouldn't expect her to be skinny. Like tf 😅 she needs to embrace that childbirth, divorce and depression are a deadly combo and will cause anyone to gain / keep on weight
I’ve read all these threads beginning with the first one created, no one has said she should be skinny by now. The consensus is, is that she shouldn’t fatfish her audience and portray herself to be this skinny hourglass figure. You can’t expect your followers to praise and accept your body when you don’t even do it. She’s a joke, a clown, a fatfisher.
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