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She is so unhinged I almost feel bad
Breakdown coming soon. I just hope you’re fighting irl for the child support as hard as you do online Tracy.
You will never meet the new guy if you can’t get over Corey which you never will if you don’t kill this obsessive behaviour.

Ask mommy and daddy for therapy for Christmas, this is not an insult it’s great advice. You need it, it will help you help your kids, but for now NOTHING is normal or healthy or respectable about obsessively posting subs for your ex husband and talking about him/ the girlfriend you don’t even know. At this point his behaviour can not excuse YOURS.

Do you want sympathy or attention or do you just do this woe is me shit so people give you passes?
In NJ law atleast when I lived there, you gotta file to ask for child support and if the court declines it’s most likely you don’t have primary custody OR the children spend multiple nights a week without you.
Because I can’t understand why she’s using Instagram to fight for child support instead of um...idk....the COURT LOL
He’s been ordered to pay by the courts already. Idk how New Jersey is but in California once there’s an order they start attaching the wages. But who knows if Corey is even working. Again, he can buy them clothes and food and other stuff and submit the receipts. But he’s as big a loser as she is. He’s a shitty dad she’s a shitty mom and the only ones suffering are those three kids.

"Mine" your business.
She types like she “tawks” “wit dat New Jewsey accent” lol

They were “layered” lol
So Tara still follows her and kisses her ass. Even with all the lies and shit she talks about Corey? What kind of sister is she?
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So, according to this girl Tracy was a side bitch and was the chick who the girls sisters ex cheated on with. The girl said Tracy is huge and then ran her mouth about her sister to her current bf when Tracy doesn't even know the girl
Doing the Lord’s work. 👏 Who would even cheat on their gf with her?
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Interesting she posted this during Julians pregnancy and shortly after that was apparently when things went so wrong with Corey so although there’s NO excuse to cheat, obv they had a lot going on and it finally became too much for him. Kind of annoying how she claims she was such a perfect easy going wife and she acts like corey just shit on her out of nowhere but I think this proves she must’ve put him through hell, I guess I’m not surprised he started doing fucked up shit after all of that
She was not an easy going wife. She's verbally abusive and most likely hit him a few times. She's insane
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I'm sure Corey and Brielle would get a kick out of hearing this one.

She truly is a cunt.
We need Sophia, or her sister and the ex boyfriend on here to get all the deets!!!! I'm sure he has real pics and can enlighten us on so many things.

That is funny how she couldn't show her new man bc her followers ruined it for her.
We knew that was bullshit from the beginning. They got caught , there is no way she would air that out.

I already made a finsta to call her out on her weight and I was blocked right away. 😂 😂
I would have loved to leave a comment on all of her posts about her being a side piece so everyone can know.

Lesson to be learned: the truth ALWAYS comes out. She is too predictable, she will say she didn't know he was with somoene and as soon as she found it she left, and contacted the girl to help her blah blah blah.

The girl has got to be a Saint to not bash this piece of trash and publicly expose her to her family, friends , instagram , tiktok . I would've put up posters all over the shore in the summer, by her mom's house, her house, everywhere!
Gotta do it at night when she goes to bed so it can sit for some hours before she wakes up and catches it.
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Now she’s posting about being a witch. Sorry a BrUJa. Not a strega a bruja. Just because you look like a witch doesn’t mean you can call yourself one. Every time I see her on the growingupitalian page I cringe. The people who run that page are so corny and lame so I guess it makes sense she’s all up under the comments and they’re sending her shit. I’m fully Italian my family is as authentic as it gets and one of my biggest pet peeves are people that act like being Italian is a personality trait. These types of people that claim they’re Italian are an embarrassment and us real Italians don’t claim them lol.
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She was just on live asking for tv show recommendations. Kinda seemed like she was fishing for people’s log ins for Hulu
“I don’t have a double chin”
Suuuuuure. Looks like that shit she was getting done really worked too

The thing with Tracy is that she grew up as a spoiled entitled brat who never appreciated the value of a dollar. She never wanted to work, she probably went to hair school because her parents made her do something to get a life. She had no passion for doing hair, thats why she stopped when the show stopped. She saw the show as an opportunity to become rich and famous and she would never have to work again... and look at her... nothing to show for it. Then she got overly cocky that her and Corey were going to get their own show, so she rushes into marriage and again... nothing to show for it. Rushed into having a child, then another one, and then a third. Now she is a lowlife bum, still without talent, living off of her parents money. Right back to square one except now she brought three kids into her shit show of a life. She is not an interesting person and no one cares about keeping up with her life. Maybe she resents Snooki so much because of her success from a reality tv show, and Tracy is still in fact irrelevant. I bet she bought 490,000 of her followers, and the only people who still keep tabs on her is us to make fun of her 😂😂😂 Snooki is SO nice to her fans and that is why she’s likable. Tracy has a nasty personality and thinks that everyone should bow down to her. For what exactly? She is known as a big slob who wants to desperately be famous and neglects her children. She uses her kids as a pawn against Corey because she sits at home all day in sweatpants on the couch stuffing her face, BORED. She wanted to be married just to say shes a married woman but is not a homemaker. If I had a husband who was busting his ass all day so I could stay home and experience raising our children full time I would damn well make sure I took care of the kids AND the house was presentable. Theres no excuse that she had no time to pack him a lunch or cook dinner at least 3x a week. Being a stay at home mom is a privilege and not a lot of families have that luxury to give up a second income. Instead she bitches about how he never compliments her. THERES NOTHING TO COMPLIMENT THATS WHY YOU BUM BITCH. If she was looking to be taken care of financially she should have married a wealthy 90 yr old man on his death bed. She would have saved her children a lot of future heartache.

Can we talk about how every day her story is 30+ reposts of memes and her responding
“oh haha me”
“yes ladies exactly”
“please someone get this for me for christmas”
“im a scorpio”
“i just laughed”

I would like to see a genuine “a day in my life” video of what her daily routine is. That’s how you know her children are never with her. No mother who engages with her kids has that much free time.
You also forgot “someone keeps telling me she looks like me” or “someone just sent me this”
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1. The comment about Julian being at speech therapy is laughable. I'm sure he's at her mothers.
2. No jackets and SOCKS for gloves. Fuck her.

3. I took my son outside, he had on 3 layers. 2 pants, 2 shirts (all long sleeved) socks, boots, and a snowsuit, gloves, hat and a scarf to cover his face.
Tracy puts her daughters outside with no jacket & socks for gloves. This angers me so fucking much!
Lol poor kid is never at therapy. But somehow she took him today in this weather? Comical T. Unless Gigi is his therapist now lol
Also- look at her car completely covered in snow lol. How did he get there?
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Actually its not as ugly as usual because it had gold giant ass ribbons down it before but still 🤢

Also wow so I had some time to tonight because after my post I was trying to see the if the tree was posted and I went down the rabbit hole and I saw this. Am I crazy or is this psycho? To admit he was tortured, screamed at and disrespected on a daily basis wtf???? I had my moments pregnant too but not like this.. what the fuck.
If i had insta, i would post the fuck out of this. Since she is always shit talking and dragging Corey. She was such an easy going wife that Corey left so easily and she's still bitter about it. Trust me if she was actually the one to leave him, she wouldn't be so bitter and dragging him all over the internet
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Comment under the tights post

comments under her bed/bf post

So cringe for a 30+ year old mother who claims she always has her kids and has no help 🙄
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She’s so weird, she’s always posting a guy and girl together naked, cuddling or him grabbing her ass then writing “THIS”... it’s like literally ALL she cares about is physical touch, makes her seem so sleezy with no depth what so ever. I really think she has some deep rooted issues from childhood regarding physical contact, idk what exactly but something happened to her.
Its like watching someone in high school who has a break up and goes through that attention seeking phase not realizing how embarrassed they will be of themselves in a few years.. its cringe worthy for a 32-33 year old MOM! I cant remember her age because she is insignificant
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I genuinely think Tara has a slight crush or something on Tracy. Every time she was on Jerseylicious, she'd be right up her ass and in the wedding episode she was a literal emotional WRECK. Each time they panned to her she was constantly bawling lol.. and I don't mean in a normal way way. Each time Tracy had dark hair, Tara had dark hair, when Tracy lightened her hair, Tara had light hair. It's just very bizarre.

But I mean, I have no doubt she loves those kids like their her own. It seems like her whole live revolves around children.
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Let’s see how long this one lasts before she gets her panties in a bunch and deletes it 😂
Why are people bothered by this most recent post? She's worn blackface before, a wig w/ box braids, etc. She's incredibly ignorant and always uses the same line - "we're all humans." Like, ok, Trashy, but we know you'd be quick to report a Black man w/o emancipation papers to the LE in Jim Crow south. Can't stand this bitch.
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It's as if she has this delusion that she is an A list celebrity thinking she is keeping a huge secret from the world, plotting and being so proud of her secret man. A total loser who looks like she doesn't bathe daily has a secret boyfriend wow you really got us there!!!! Why does she keep saying the same stupid shit allll the time like a broken record. She should have said she doesn't get child support also because we may have forgotten!!! 🤣
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