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Chatty Member
All she talks about is Corey she disturbingly obsessed and I’d be creeped out if I were him. She can’t even do a q&a without making the whole thing about him. She doesn’t have a man she contradicts herself with every comment about “him” and she can’t keep her lies straight. She’s a lost cause she’s never going to change.

If she had a thread in Lipstickslley she’d get torn tf up LMAO
I won’t be the one to start it tho
I neeeeed it.
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What kind of devilish foolery is this?!? I wouldn’t even put something like this past her.

Sounds like Tara is starting to get sick of Tracy’s shit.

Tara kisses her ass. I’m telling you if someone bashed my brother the way Tracy does I surely wouldn’t follow her or comment. Raven stood up for Corey (even tho he’s a loser too) but I feel like Tara wants back in with Tracy and her “crew”.
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Jules is up? Thought he was at speech therapy? Looool guys I’m on holidays so I got the time and I just cannot with this bish

Edit: Whoops, I just saw someone already posted this! But on another note, why does she never have all 3 of her kids? It’s not normal... I’ve never seen kids passed around separately so much in my entire life


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She lies soooo bad, she sent herself all those questions bc she had certain pictures she wanted to post. Also, she totally posted those “receipts” because that’s exactly what Erika Jayne just did (not sure if anyone follows her). I swear to god she’s obsessed with every housewife and wants to be them or do exactly what they do. She has NEVER done something like that and Erika got a tonnnnn of publicity for it. She posted it then deleted it, just like Tracy. So dumb.

Sorry for the loss of the dog!!
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Yup! I was wondering why it looked different, Julian is at her mom’s 🤣. For whoever is counting, she had all 3 by herself 0% so far in December
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I wouldn’t be surprised if she specifically set the situation up in a way where she vowed she wouldn’t show her man primarily because that allows her to say she as a man without having to “prove” it. People are less likely to ask for pictures of him when she’s already addressed that she won’t be doing that. So it gives her the leeway to change the narrative whenever she wants! One day she has a man, the next she’s single, the next she has another man, etc. and she’s not under fire to show us! Very calculated
Exactly.... he wasnt there at her birthday...she spent night with Sammy in hotel room. This past weekend--- where was "he" ----?? she again was with Sammy Eyebrows. LOL--->SO his name is "Casper"------ the fkn ghost lmaoooo---- dont exist lol
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I’m telling you guys, I really think Julian lives with or stays with her parents when she “has them”. He is never with them. He was with her mom yesterday when he was rolling in the snow and now he’s obv not with them again tonight. I guarantee you the parents took him in to get him the help he needs
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You know that saying about cutting of your nose to spite your face? I feel like shes spiralling into this. Her last few stories seem superrrr manic. Like to put out there on a live comment that he went with escorts like ok thats a shitty thing to do but now you have the whole world knowing your dirty laundry and im sure several people are laughing
Cos thats clearly your karma. I was always baffled about their living arrangement where he would stay and work in the city mon-fri like? Why not move closer to his work? Cos she wanted a giant house god forbid she put her family over her material needs. Not saying what he did is right but imagine you work all week then go sit in a room alone at night while your wife doesnt work and when you go home for the weekend she wants compliments and help? She should have been showering him with attention love home cooked meals a clean house etc. And then imagine his dad died and hes working and spending nights alone and shes going thru ppd and julian being deaf etc i feel like were both too wrapped up on their own grief to comfort each other and they drifted apart and finally made the decison to separate which was for the best and then instead of moving on in a healthy way shes over here having a complete mental breakdown on social media and ignoring her kids
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She did delete it!!! Also her latest insta post/tiktok her parents took julian to get a haircut.....i wonder if theyre raising him cus she cant handle it? Whatever as long as hes loved and supported hes prob better off with them
Omg I was just about to write this. Shes one of the worst mothers ive seen in a while. How do you have 3 fucken kids but never have alll of them at the same time. You can't take your kids to school, therapy or even a haircut!!!! You're a "beautican" how can you not even keep up with your sons cuts!!! Shes a piece of garbage!! She makes sure shes always looking her best, but her kids always look disheveled. I still don't understand how a mother can always be away from her kids for so long!?!

Ok rant over.
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eNgLish is hard 😒this is what happens when you continually act like a bitch for no reason you get humbled publicly. Hear 👂🏼 tracy not here❌
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She takes sooo much pride on not being a cheater and she only cheated once when she was 16 according to that bullshit live she put on. How can you be so prideful when you’re well aware you were the other chick to someone who WAS CHEATING. you really think you’re such a great person because you don’t cheat?! But being the other woman makes you what? Cant stand her and can’t stand her logic. She’s the epitome of a narcissistic pathological liar.
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Ugh she put socks as gloves on the girls??? Barely dressed them. It's 20 degrees out, wtf is wrong with her?? My mom would've slapped me for dressing my kid like that. Oh right they're fine though they got "special skin" 🙄🙄
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There is no excuse for Tracy to dress those kids inappropriately. She grew up better and knows better. She is lazy and careless AF with those kids well-being. She makes sure she is fully made up with that hideous make-up and she damn sure makes it a point to air Corey's dirty laundry. I don't think she will ever come clean about the role she played in the demise of her marriage. But, I am talking about Tracy and she is always the victim. It took the both of them. Neither one knew what being married, being parents and being partners entail.

Tracy, your "sex-game," pop-rock/gummie bear, blow-jobs, whateva isn't enough to sustain a marriage or relationship. Stop bashing your ex. It is a waste of time and it will bite you in your ass one day. Your ass is mean, hateful and bitter AF and it is written all over you and that is why you no longer look the same. You look like a caricature. You are hell-bent on getting revenge. You better watch yourself with that shit. Karma isn't something you wanna fuck with. Girl, you better smarten up and get yaself a damn therapist.

Reading about Tracy's fuckery makes me chuckle to myself. Because if by any chance I lost my damn mind and was an unfit mother, my family would have kicked my ass from MA all the way to CA and my family in CA would've kicked my ass all the way back to MA with a pit-stop in CO.
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Why is literally everything for her revolving around a man?? Nothing like “Julian speaking and thriving learning sign language, making incredible memories with my babies just us 4, going back to work to financially provide better for my kids without crying about child support” no , it’s automatically “with a man” 🤢🥴 say ANYTHING to her & “idc my man loves it” ... girl ... you’re fucking weird


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So true! This one is definitely gonna backfire in your face Trashy ole girl! Jaden shine so goddamn bright. It’s sad that Tracy is jealous of her own child… And plays favorites with Skyler and Julian. Skyler being her little “mini me” so she puts Skyler up on this pedestal like she can do no wrong. Let me tell you Tracy- you’re not doing your kids any favors and setting them up for a life of problems.
So if Skylar is her "mini-me" will she be as nasty as Trashy is to people? will she be a divorcee full of bitterness? will she be a washed up hairstylist? will she be envious of EVERYONE? will she lie about her true size? will she bash people for speaking the truth? will she be a nasty ho? I mean she is your mini-me Trashy! Instead what you could say about Skylar... She looks the most like me... and Jayden is a combination of both! BUT she is so petty, she can't bring herself to say anything decent about Jayden, because she looks like Corey. GET OVER IT! He cheated, or whatever he did. Not the first man, won't be the last. As fucked up as that is, you are no prize, and Im sure he had enough of your BS. Put your big girl panties on, take care of your beautiful children, find a job, get your shit together, meet a nice man, move on... Life will go on! You hold all the cards to your life... play the right cards and your life could turn out beautiful! But you keep playing the wrong cards, and nothing good will happen!
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Chatty Member
Mmmm thoughts? Opinions?

Is that a bath robe? Lol
Came to post this.

But she NeVeR bAd MoUtHs HiM 🥴

Again, I’m sure Corey is a POS too, but girl you just stay bashing your ex online literally ALL DAY LONG.

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Here’s a good laugh. She posted these on Facebook - clearly from last year when her kids still had teeth. And her mom commented on how Julian is have a blast. How long has that poor baby been with her mother for?!? My daughter would be devastated if I was leaving her with people all the time. Can someone please put together a Tracy calendar for the month of January? Let’s keep track of where her kids are lol. Im
Sure we will see real quick that her kids are with her about 8% of the time not 85 lol
The moms trash too! Sorry not trying to be rude but your daughter is clearly not doing her job as a mother but you still take her to Aruba and let her scatter those poor children around? No a real grandmother would have sat her down and let her have it!!!! Maloney’s continue to enable mooching as well as part time parenting.
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Dam you ladies have a lot to say, just caught up been busy with work, kids, chores you know things a women does to maintain a happy household. Ok, first I saw Tara’s post with the gifts and I will say nothing I saw was crap. Everything was pretty pricey and a lot that are popular, I know cause I have 3 and purchased some. But even if it was, if that’s what the kids ask for you get. She’s always doing right by all of them. Second her and Tracy were very very close. I think she’s around more for the kids and trying to keep it as normal for them as possible and none of us know what’s said behind closed doors. It’s a lot easier for us to say she should do this or say that but when there’s 3 children that look up to her and expects her there at all costs sometimes you have to bite your tongue. Look those kids ended up with 2 shitty parents and I think there both guilty of stuff but in the end if your husband is working 60 plus hrs a week the last thing any man is gonna want to come home to is chaos, unkept house, no dinner, and complaints! Is Corey a piece of shit yes, should he have jumped into a relationship not at all, but after his dad passed and got no mental support from Tracy it seems like he spiraled and was in need of some companionship. In the end you need to be happy with yourself before you can make anyone else happy. Her patting herself on the back constantly about being mother of the year is truly sickening. I’ve never seen a more unfit mother she’s clueless!!! The barbershop is where you bond with your son? Bitch he’s 2 and where the hell you bonding with your girls besides bringing them to your appt’s GTFOH! Didn’t she ask “us” what to get kids for Christmas? Are you serious you don’t know what they like to play with or let alone ask them?? The constant bashing of Corey is out of control and I cannot wait until the day comes that he spills his dark little secrets about her. I actually think the girls looked cute in their clothes, it shows maybe she’s allowing them to have a mind of their own allowing them to dress themselves. At least they were bundled up outside and you know that came from Tara rather than freezing there butts off the other day in a storm because there mother probably did that on purpose so the kids won’t wanna stay out and play. Well I had some time being kids are sleeping, house is clean, and hubby is snoring away with a full belly! WAIT where did she say Corey physically abused her, ANYONE???
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