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Well-known member
Jack i really hope you read here. You couldn't make yourself look any guiltier of mishandling the gofundme money. You remove/hide your public account with big follower numbers, do the same for facebook, remove your other "fitness and gym" related page you desperately tried to increase followers on and now rename and change the pic on an old account you clearly thought very few people know about. You are acting like someone who is guilty of something, these actions are not normal - unless thats the point and this is some big follower/likes game so when you resurface the page is flooded with comments etc etc The sooner you just come out and say what happened to the monies the sooner the big question hanging over you and your actions is resolved.
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Menopause meals

New member
He hasn’t been posting a lot lately and he has been asked multiple times about posting evidence of how much his surgery costs. I feel he’s playing the mental health card right now to distract people from asking about the surgery cost. It’s shady. He needs to post the cost and proof
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Well-known member
There’s no way that lard arse will let that money sit there for 6 months without dipping into it. He’ll be off on holiday soon on everyone else’s dollar😒
Unless he shows the final invoices for his surgeries, I would never believe or trust anything he says. He surely has a duty of care for the people who donated to evidence what their cash was spent on and what proportion was donated to charity. Do I think that will happen? Abso-fucking-lutely not
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VIP Member
What infuriates me too is he never even followed SW, he did low/no carb which is not recommended full time on SW.

He’s clearly done his op on the cheap hoping he could spend his cash on designer gear and keep up with his mate.

I hope he’s really ashamed of what’s he’s done and maybe when he finally grows up he’ll see it.
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VIP Member
He is still around watching - he hasnt posted on his insta page but he commented on Izzie's post about him. Again just a little snippet of info without really saying much just enough to get a load of likes and a few comments.
It's all part of his twisted game and yes I am convinced he's playing one.
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Chatty Member
Anyone fancy a visit to a certain factory retail outlet in Kent-we could have a meet up? besides I need a few new items for my holiday!
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VIP Member
I couldn’t believe he was at the chippy, and then drinking, so soon after his surgery. Straight away just treating his body terribly. He has never changed his habits and never will. He will end up obese again for sure. Perhaps if he’d had to save for a long time, or taken out a loan for his surgery, he would be more respectful of his body and more mindful of hard work
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VIP Member
Aww, poor little Jacky Wacky.

I hope, but I doubt it, that he feels ashamed of himself. He makes an absolute fucking mockery of people that battle real mental health problems every day of their lives. It's funny, there was not a sniff, not a fucking jiffy of any suicide thoughts before he was asked to provide proof of the expenditure from his ill gotten gains.

He probably couldn't sniff his moms knickers, hence the fake as fuck suicide attempt....

if you read this towers, considering you blocked me on instagram, donate the leftover money to a mental health charity you absolute fucking goon.
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Chatty Member
Can’t believe how muggy people were to give him the money in the first place... he made himself obese. So many people need life saving treatment funded, why would you not donate to them instead of a selfish knob head?!
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New member
hi all... joined this forum because i wondered where this guy had got to... gone from IG. if rumours of how he used the money are true then it's an absolute disgrace. enjoyed reading the threads about Harry Pickard as well, the guy is a prat.
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Well-known member
The picture he has just put up......? WTAF, is that a longggg belly button or just a weird line down his stomach? Moobs are below his armpits still and still has the face of a sex offender. Can’t help but think he had the surgery way too early, still clearly more than just ‘fluff’ to loose and diet still not compatible with the weight lifting crowd he is trying to get into
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Active member
I find the fact he thinks he could be a personal trainer laughable. I’d expect a lot more than a trainer who fannies around on the stairmaster every session! #kingofthestairmaster lol, go do some proper training.
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Chatty Member
He’s so far up himself he wears himself as a hat. If he wants to have surgery, fine have it. But don’t beg for money from people who aren’t ‘as good’ as him as he regularly makes people feel.
He probably still lives at home with mummy so has a tonne of spare time to go to the gym or whatever because he’s got no housework or washing or a long commute I would guess.
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VIP Member
I think he's be better off admitting what he's done and then slipping into the distance because it's pretty obvious.
At least some people might have a tiny bit of respect for him if he was just honest and say he fucked up
nah... he knew what he was doing... no sympathy for him, no respect, enough time has passed for him to put his fuck up his little scrotum friend pickard, he loves and craves the attention.

I think I may have just stumbled upon a towers v2 in the making...


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VIP Member
Totally agree
If you’ve been 100 per cent legit you’d have absolutely nothing to hide and would be forth coming with what’s been spent on what and what’s left etc
People have been kind enough to donate and he owes them that explanation...
Personally I would never donate nor would I expect people to pay for my surgery.
Totally different if it’s a small child or such needing experimental treatment to save life etc..
But a tummy tuck ... no way
Totally agree
If you’ve been 100 per cent legit you’d have absolutely nothing to hide and would be forth coming with what’s been spent on what and what’s left etc
People have been kind enough to donate and he owes them that explanation...
Personally I would never donate nor would I expect people to pay for my surgery.
Totally different if it’s a small child or such needing experimental treatment to save life etc..
But a tummy tuck ... no way
If that was me I'd have posted every receipt as I got them on my insta. Why put yourself in that position of being accused of spending the money wrongly when you can shut the accusers up with proof.
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Chatty Member
When I was suicidal my parents didn’t know? Does that make them bad parents? No it’s doesn’t.
I think it’s time these sites got scrapped tbh.
I’ve seen 2 suicide attempts over the last 2 days from this site and can’t imagine how many more there have been!!!! I think it’s time to leave him alone I don’t know like him or what he’s done but he’s noticed his mistakes now and he is stepping away from social media Edina and sorting himself out that’s a all you can ask from someone!
You do realise you have called several people names whilst you have been on this site? Why is that OK?
I think people on this site need to realise they can discuss & comment on people’s actions without stooping to name calling people such as ‘whores’ or ‘obese cretins’ as you have done so in the past.
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