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Chatty Member
My family would have probably disowned me after slapping me silly for accepting all that money from gofundme for surgery.
It's really cringe worthy behaviour. Especially when he's not even attempted to fund any of it himself.

Still kicking about in his ugly *3 litre* BMW, chavvy branded clothes etc thinking he's some sort of bargain basement sleb.

Not a sniff of an attempt to save for the surgery, just thinks it's his right to have it on the NHS coz he lost weight so now he's owed something from the public.

Hold on cancer patients, no chemo this week coz a lard arse decided to get his act together a few years ago and is now having a tantrum coz he has saggy skin!!
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Jack towers, your typical example of someone who all his life has probably been bullied, not had many friends and never had much confidence. Now he’s lost his weight and got some followers who constantly big him up he’s Got a bit to big for his boots, thinks he’s one of the lads and a real inspiration to everyone. It made me cringe that he did crowdfunding for his surgery. Yet spends about £30 on dominoes for himself. Such an entitled attitude! Him, Harry and jish Clarke are all like carbon copies. Only follow them all for a good cringe
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I really think all this pressure has got to him. Maybe he's realising he needs more surgery and hasn't got the money for it because he's wasted it. Along with the pressure of telling people what he's spent where when it's clearly been used on other stuff.

If he has been feeling down, he said that's when he comfort eats. So he could have even gained weight too and knowing he reads here and other places about him and everyone is saying it'll be a waste because he wont keep it off. He wont want to admit if that's the case.

He keeps saying he's only 22(i think?) and wants to live life. But that is the point. He is only 22. He's lost all that weight, had surgery, has a massive following and a lot of pressure.
That isnt a normal 22 year olds way of living. With the following he has, and the reason for his following, the money he's received and spent. That's enough to send anyone into a mental breakdown. Especially when you see it all unravelling infront of your eyes. People disappear, people want answers, people wont stay around forever.
Especially when he acts the way he does.
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Yeah he's still about just not posting. Which to me, isn't taking a break from social media? He must be pretty active too because Ive seen several posts that he's liked/commented within a few minutes of them being posted
That's not somebody suffering mental health issues that's somebody trying to sneak under the radar. Social media wouldn't even be in his thoughts if he was having a mh episode
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When JT kept declaring I am only 22 and look what I have already achieved (18st loss) so I'm entitled to enjoy good food whilst making memories I was stunned. Is he really that stupid, JT + Food = 32st plus.

Any normal person would have told it how it really is and said I'm only 22 and look what I have already done to my body thanks to my unhealthy obsession with food. He's a dangerously bad role model for overweight youngsters in particular when in fact he could have been a brilliant ambassador. He will regain much if not all of his weight again over the next two or three years because he still doesn't recognise he has problems with food and until he does he won't be able to begin mending them.
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Well-known member
nah... he knew what he was doing... no sympathy for him, no respect, enough time has passed for him to put his fuck up his little scrotum friend pickard, he loves and craves the attention.

I think I may have just stumbled upon a towers v2 in the making...
Unfortunately this guy is never going to get it via instagram he hasnt played the game - tag every big account over and over until they finally tag you on a story to flood you with new followers, put up the carb and cheese beige meals and fakeaways as they are the big like and comment pics, say you have had trolls or negative comments (sad face optional) and then hit the media with your tail of woe even if you have proved via your previous pics and videos that you are completely lying and making up how miserable you are with your skin (pics on insta say different). Job done and £££££ floods in.

On a serious note he is another person who hit target in March and has jumped on the gofundme. How about maintaining this loss for a year and see if you are in the same place if you are then go for it. Mid June he said he was hitting the gym and it was helping with the loose skin and now the gofundme is up the story is the opposite and its not helping. This guy needs to go look at Jon Vidlers account - that is a guy I would part with cash for. He has worked his arse off lost over 20stone and there is literally not a gram of fat on him. Humble and honest, not out for insta fame, hits the gym and just does his thing.
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New member
Not to mention the amount of women he sends dick pics out to on Instagram .... he actually said once that he gets noticed when out in London hahahaha! His actually so up himself it’s a joke! Disgusting excuse of a man!
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slimmingworld_stephjoy26’s skin removal is amazing but that’s because she was ready for it, unlike Towers. She has maintained, always eats healthy, exercises and looks after her body. She wasn’t abusing her body with binge eating right up until the week before surgery
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I just dont understand these IG lot; especially the younger ones. Where are your family? Where are your normal pals? Id be mocked rotten if I behaved like some IG celeb lol.
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Whos going to question somebody that is suicidal? This is all a ploy to distract people from the fact hes had 35k in donations? And looks like hes spent 9k max 🤔
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JT has got a serious problem with women. I presume the Fat penguin got a knock back at the Modball Rally at the weekend or similar to provoke this recent comment.

Anybody who saw the Twitter account that he set up before he started to lose weight, then quickly deleted when somebody discovered it and started posting excerpts from it during his skin surgery fund raising will be aware of his tweet saying "all girls are c*unts" There was another one equally as bad damming females along with one talking about sniffing either his own or his friends little sister's knickers. It was vile and some of the tweets were beyond warped. There's no escaping the fact that he has issues with the fairer sex.
He strikes me as one of those guys that was probably a typical 'nice guy' (and I don't mean a genuine nice guy, but those guys that bang on about how 'nice' they are and get pissed off when girls aren't interested) before he lost weight, and would call girls sluts and bitches for not giving him the time of day or being attracted to him. Usually the same types of guys who expect to land a Victoria's Secret model when they're a 2 themselves.
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Not defending Towers and this will not definitely come to £40k but the only thing I can think that he’s done is used the money for the second surgery, and also travel & expenses. Maybe a hotel for GF to stay in while he was hospital?
I don't think the girlfriend exists plus he only met her at the Modball Rally (supposedly) one week earlier than his surgery. If I'd have donated money I wouldn't have been happy that it had been used for things like that. Secondly the least he could have done was stumped up for his own travel after good old Joe Public stumped up for his treatment. He's only travelling between Kent and London and so from what I'm told his travel expenses would not have been huge by any stretch of the imagination.

The fact that he is coming up with no updates on facts and figures regarding what has been spent from those donations pretty much says it all. If I was in his position I would be putting a stop to the speculation by providing a run down of current expenses which is something he owes to the people who donated at least.

I also find it strange that a 22 year old would give up a perfectly good full time job as a public health advisor for the NHS for what I believe is a part time sales assistant position at a retail outlet at a time when he was raking in thousands of pounds from public donations.

No way on God's earth has that botch job and a few relatively short journeys cost anywhere near 40k. This whole scenario stinks and he's not offering to come up with answers to peoples questions so we can only draw our own conclusions from that.
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So he got drunk, fought with someone and couldnt cope, so tried to kill himself.

Im guessing it was drunk overreactions and threats of ending it, so now he has all the sympathy he wants.
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VIP Member
How am I not surprised he went to the fucking chip shop.

Absolute disgrace, what is his excuse going to be? "I've just had essential major surgery and I need to build my strength"

No. You duped people into paying for this, have sketchily managed to get it paid so you can maintain your lavish lifestyle, yet you have not learned a SINGLE THING about having a healthy relationship with food!

His comment about low calorie food reminds me of Fat Fighters on Little Britain:
"if you want some cake, cut it in half, then you can have twice as much!"
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