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Now that I’ve got a bit of spare time this week I am going to contact some news outlets who covered his story and try to raise some questions on the whole charity front. I can’t let this go, I feel like I need to get these answers for not just us in this thread but those who have donated and feel as if they have been lied to and betrayed
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I hope he reads this....

I hate him. Every time I see that creepy as fuck smile, I can't help but think of that comment he made about sniffing his sisters knickers.

attention seeking knuckle dragging fuckwit.
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Chatty Member
Seeing as there’s more posts about Tower than Harry in Harry’s thread I thought it was time to set up a thread for him.

He makes me feel ill when I look at him to be honest and this way I can pick when I feel up to reading about him 😂


150k + followers on Instagram for Jack towers
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I remember a few months back, Jack & his odd friend were staying over at some random other “foodie” persons place in Nottingham. Stumpy kid posted videos of him gurning like mad & jack walking around in his boxers clearly high. I messaged (from my second slimming account) to say how there is no shame in posting those videos.. they were swiftly removed & I was blocked. Probably how jack managed to lose some of the weight too, bit of cocaine every now & again
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Does anybody remember that series The biggest loser that came on itv?

The last winner Kevin Mclernon was over 32st and he was very cock sure of himself like JT. He ended up winning the crown after shedding the bulk of his weight and was appearing everywhere. He did seminars and all sorts all over the country and he came the hard line on his social media. It was like he'd almost forgotten that he had been cracking on for 40 before he FINALLY managed to shed his weight thanks to itv.

He started posting less and less on his accounts and people started asking him if he was okay and how was he going with his weight. One night all of his social media accounts vanished and he has never been seen since. If it is true, the word is that he has regained just about all of his weight hence him closing down his accounts.

The same thing is going to happen to JT I'll give him 2 years at a push.
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Why has he started using the royal we since his surgery? "We need to recover" "We want to be mobile" "We rate that". "We" need to deflate our massive head and get a grip!
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Screen shots .
If this is all 100% true I really hope he gets the help he needs & gets well.
However, I dont agree with how he has worded his post. As someone above has said not everyone always has the mental capacity to deal with something so serious. He has said that some people were there for him so instead of "shaming" those that werent couldnt he just thank those who were. Maybe this will be a wake up call for him... he has said out of hundreds of people only a few were there for him. Realistically, what average person has hundreds of people they would call on at such a low point? I know I dont, I'd have about 3 or 4 which i would think is a more realistic amount. I think he needs to realise these people that follow him & hang off his every word & praise his every move are no more than that - followers. Even the slimming world lot - they all only associate with each other for clout, they are not true friends. I think he was living in a bit of a dream world if he truly believed hundreds of people would be there for him in his hour of need. The way the posts have been worded just leaves a sour taste for me.
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I mean the 'n word' screenshot is from 2015, and I haven't seen him use it since.
But that's the beside the main point, this doesn't mean I agree with his behaviour!!
I think it was more that he was portraying himself as this sweet and lovely boy with all this excess skin and he was desperate for help when in actual fact he was this cocky little arsehole with a terrible attitude and was just trying to appeal to the masses for money. Bloody terrible.
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He should be very very ashamed. The last he could have done before he went was a public apology or statement to clarify everything but no, he’s ran away.
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I’m sorry that he got to that point, but can’t help but think that his “mistake” is something to do with his crowd funding antics.

If it is as dodgy as it sounds, that’s a big thing to get caught out on, and for someone who survives on adoration from followers on social media I can see how it would affect him like that.
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I’m sorry but he needs to man up. I’ve just unfollowed him. I can’t bare watching this rubbish any longer. He’s lying there like a lump feeling sorry for himself, putting on that whiny voice - when it was all for aesthetic purposes. Just think of the children’s lives that could have been changed with all that money, they wouldn’t be lying in bed whining. I don’t know how he sleeps at night.
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Chatty Member
It's really cringe worthy behaviour. Especially when he's not even attempted to fund any of it himself.

Still kicking about in his ugly *3 litre* BMW, chavvy branded clothes etc thinking he's some sort of bargain basement sleb.

Not a sniff of an attempt to save for the surgery, just thinks it's his right to have it on the NHS coz he lost weight so now he's owed something from the public.

Hold on cancer patients, no chemo this week coz a lard arse decided to get his act together a few years ago and is now having a tantrum coz he has saggy skin!!

👌👌👌👌 THIS!!!! and also shame on those idiots criticising the NHS for not funding the surgery.. How dare they save the lives of patients over his cosmetic surgery
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Lovely speech Jack, yes you love everyone etc etc
people who’ve tried to take their own life do not go
broadcasting it all over social media practically the next day
Taking more time out for yourself
what you actually mean is delaying the fact
that you can’t account for the money that’s been
spent and now people are starting to ask questions
and your starting to panic
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Anyone else notice on his stories this morning the fact he still has moobs? They are so low down and saggy?!
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He’s changed the name on his other insta
And updated his picture to a recent one from his towersweightjourney account. Looks like he’s back active on social media just hiding behind a private profile to avoid accountability for the gofundme . So disappointing, but not surprising
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Stumpz has his period 😭 he SO IS bothered about people chatting shit about him.

He was more than happy to mooch off of Tower's insta fame before people saw through Towers. Now he's fuming that he's associated with a fraud who isn't liked by a lot of people these days.

I hope Jack is happy with himself.

Stumps also needs to get over himself re money. It's really crass the way he harps on about it. He creeps me out.
He made me think about my Dad last night and he would have hated Stumpz.

My dad was a business man employing over 200 people. He had a new range rover every two years but never made any big deal about it. He always said it met his needs given the nature of his job. My dad dressed just like every average man on the street, there was no big designer labels or crass jewellery. He came from a mining family who didn't have two pennies to rub together, six of them crammed in a two up two down terraced house. My dad was of the opinion that you never purposefully shove your wealth in other peoples faces it's not nice. He'd have looked at Stumpz and his exact words would have been "what a arrogant self obsessed arsehole" and he'd have been right. Don't get me started on what he'd have said about faulty towers 😂

My dad was a humble man who stayed true to his roots, Stumpz could have learned a lot there then maybe he wouldn't be struggling to up his follower numbers.

The only person who likes a flash git is another flash git
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