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Well-known member
He genuinely disgusts me. More so than any of the others. Just had a look at his Facebook and has reposted a picture of a girl who was having fun poked at her in a meme next to a funeral order of service with a caption about thinking about the impact of your words.

I am so mad to think that this guy was loving the limelight and adoration when his ‘fans’ were blowing smoke up his arse all day when he was trying to be a slimming world ambassador and scamming money out of people through flogging his over price (and poorly declared paid for ads) and scamming people into contributing 10’s of thousands into a fraudulent go fund me that has funded botched surgery and a life of luxury since he hit the jackpot. Even then his comments were carefully curated to make sure anything negative was deleted and blocked (after his fan girls set upon anyone who dared question him).

However, now, Mr Nice guy won’t field any questions about where all the money has gone (potentially 30k here we are talking about), is avoiding any discussion by playing the mental health card and is generally playing the victim. Didn’t care so much about the effect of people’s words when you were watching anyone who didn’t agree with you getting torn to shreds or saying disgusting, degrading things about women.

Jack, if you are reading this and I am sure you are, that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach is guilt.... guilt because you know what you have done is dishonest and pretty fucking bad. Some people will go mad when you come clean, others might understand and forgive. Ultimately after the dust settled though you will feel better about it and I am sure you can draw a line under it and move on. Honesty is the best policy though and continuing to lie and cheat will just make the situation worse. There are people genuinely struggling and not because of their own doing.... people who have genuinely lost relatives, have sick children, care for others full time, have serious mental health issues. Feeling a bit low because your lies and shit behavior has caught up with you is not the same. Woman up (everyone knows we are the stronger sex!) deal with the consequences and own it. People would then at least have a modicum of respect. I promise you though, until addressed, this won’t go away.... people donated their money in good faith and you have made an absolute mockery of them because you couldn’t stop sharing the designer clothes, champagne fueled nights out and boozy holidays.
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VIP Member
THIS!! I remember when he posted about “we all have the same amount of hours in a day - no excuse” - or words to that effect! He got some back lash .

Yes we all have 24 hours but people have long shift work, children, chronic health conditions etc. He reminds me of my ex (exact smug attitude) .... urghhh!!
I hate that line. Yesterday I worked from 645 to 2030 on a ward with a 20 minute break. I had surgery 4 months ago. Am I fucking going to go and do CrossFit after.
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I took his post to mean he thought about it but didnt. Obviously you dont want anyone to feel that bad that those thoughts would even briefly go through their mind and I hope if true he goes and seeks proper medical help but part of me questions posting about it over instagram and facebook less than 24hrs after you reach literally the lowest point you can reach. Attention seeking at its finest springs to mind. Jack if you are reading here get off instagram for a while and go and seek medical assistance dont post click bait pics and stories, online people dont know you all they want is to be part of the story so they can get involved. Mental health is a severe problem and its needs addressing but instagram isnt going to help you.
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New member
I’ve been lurking the threads for a while but I couldn’t not comment on those after pictures...😱 I’m so shocked at how bad they are! how can anyone be happy with that? I’m sure Jack sees a big difference and normally I wouldn’t want to take that away from anyone but he’s such a smug arse I can’t bring myself to feel bad for him 🙄
It’s all been said on here before but I agree, he jumped too quick to removing the skin and should have waited until he had lost more of the weight, not even just because in the long run it will cost him more money (and the morons who donated) and probably put the weight back on, but because it’s just not going to be good for his body. The amount of trauma that he’s put his body through is unreal even before the surgery the constant up and down is not healthy and he can’t in good conscience promote that to other people surely. Along with Prickard his food choices and portion sizes are ridiculous, although truthfully I find Jacks does tend to have at least a little bit of speed at least when it’s not a take away!
Obviously it’s hard to compare to other people but, comparing him to Steph Sykes? (slimmingworld_stephjoy I think?) the difference is unreal. She waited until she was completely at target and had quite clearly lost all of the weight she needed to and was really strict on herself, and continues to be (sometimes a bit too strict in my opinion) and she looks phenomenal. She also didn’t crowd fund for her surgery, paying for it all herself and taking out loans on her own back to meet the excess. She’s definitely worked so much harder the Jack and is so much more disciplined than him and it certainly shows! It’s just a shame it’s people like towers that is getting the help and recognition for fucking himself up when there are other people out there doing it in a much healthier and stable way.
I’ve unfollowed but still creep these threads because I was curious, what a joke he is!
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Well-known member
I don’t know though if I was given all that money to have it done I would make sure I did everything possible to do things right - unfortunately not all people are like that

I never realised what was raised until I just found the go fund page 😱

Key problem here is that you are crediting him with the same amount of intelligence as you!

Let not forget this is a bloke who made sexist comments all over Twitter, talked about his followers being a cash cow, quit a completely reasonable job to work in a shit knock off designer outlet because in his closed off sad little life 40k is a huge amount of money (it isn’t in the grand scheme of things), crawled so far up Harry Prickards bum hole to try and cash in on some of his followers, spunked aforementioned 40k on shit which he posted all over Instagram despite it being evident he had a low paid job and then shut down his social media pages once people started asking difficult questions. The lad is generally thick as pig shit and don’t get me started on his sex offender smile

Any intelligent person wouldn’t have had the surgery when he did, but this is Jack ‘Faulty’ Towers we are talking about here!
I don’t know though if I was given all that money to have it done I would make sure I did everything possible to do things right - unfortunately not all people are like that

I never realised what was raised until I just found the go fund page 😱

Key problem here is that you are crediting him with the same amount of intelligence as you!

Let not forget this is a bloke who made sexist comments all over Twitter, talked about his followers being a cash cow, quit a completely reasonable job to work in a shit knock off designer outlet because in his closed off sad little life 40k is a huge amount of money (it isn’t in the grand scheme of things), crawled so far up Harry Prickards bum hole to try and cash in on some of his followers, spunked aforementioned 40k on shit which he posted all over Instagram despite it being evident he had a low paid job and then shut down his social media pages once people started asking difficult questions. The lad is generally thick as pig shit and don’t get me started on his sex offender smile

Any intelligent person wouldn’t have had the surgery when he did, but this is Jack ‘Faulty’ Towers we are talking about here![/QUOTE]
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Chatty Member
It’s the holier than thou attitude that winds me up more than anything else. Congratulations, you’ve lost weight, don’t think you’re better than the people who struggle. Coming out with, ‘work hard and stay consistent.’

Guess what? I did and I still struggled and regained the weight I lost, plus extra!

You’re still a bairn and, one day, you’ll be struggling too. Won’t be so fucking high and mighty then.

I genuinely struggle to stay on plan when I see his posts because he’s so full of shit.
THIS!! I remember when he posted about “we all have the same amount of hours in a day - no excuse” - or words to that effect! He got some back lash .

Yes we all have 24 hours but people have long shift work, children, chronic health conditions etc. He reminds me of my ex (exact smug attitude) .... urghhh!!
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Chatty Member
Bets on how long it takes him to gain the weight back after his surgery?
Not very long at all. Anyone used to watch velvetgh0st? She had a gastric sleeve and multiple skin removal and liposuction surgeries. She's currently eating her way back to her biggest size and put herself through it all for nothing at all
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Well-known member
Tbh I think asking for money for surgery is pure cheek. Especially when you've eaten yourself to a huge weight. It's nobody else's fault and your skin is yours to deal with. Same with gastric bands. It's up to you to get it done. Charity for actual diseases and true suffering. But I'm harsh when it comes to this stuff.
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New member
Scrolling through my stories in bed and who do I see? OF COURSE the WONDERFUL MR JACK TOWERS preaching about mental health, he included some screen shots of the forums talking about him, and he also brought up that ‘we’ve all posted stuff on social media we regret’ has he forgotten who he is? Mr Jack Towers who still posts sly digs at women on his not so private facebook account and let’s not forget his twitter lol.

You can preach about mental health all you want pal but I for one do not buy your act. You’re a FRAUD, an ass licking, fraud. You are an absolute vile human. You have no right preaching about anything like this.

I really hope someone screenshots this and sends him it. Won’t post it though because if I include on my post now that he’s scammed thousands of pounds out of poor vulnerable, gullible people for his skin removal surgery and squandered the change on car rally’s, weekends away, absolute shite people will question him.

Oh wait, see what I did there? Hi jack ya twat x
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Chatty Member
Before he had the surgery I remember seeing a post where someone said. Just watch him slowly disappear from Instagram once he gets the surgery..... looks like that's what's happening here.
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VIP Member
No amount of surgery will ever remove the amount of ugliness that lives inside of him. Horrible hateful human being. I do not know why people find him and harold prickard to be inspiring.....
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just did a little search on instagram, he's clearly active on there because he's blocked me, I've posted not a thing on his page, only on this thread, so he's clearly reading this website... I found this....



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