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VIP Member
I took SW to task on social media a few days ago. I asked them when they were going to stop associating themselves with accounts where users justify their overeating with the easy on easy off excuse and who promote binge eating because it is giving the company a bad name. They declined to answer but I'm not done yet, I will bypass the social media account running monkeys and go straight to the organ grinder at SW HQ and anybody else I can find.
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Active member
Let’s be honest... he wasn’t a looker before hand.... rolling a turd in glitter doesn’t make it pretty
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Yes , the police wouldn’t look at that very positively!


Well Jack wants to know......

Now it’s a giveaway!

Yum yum!!!!
I always think they're taking the piss with their giveaways, they're slimming accounts giving away masses of chocolate?!
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Active member
This is all very dodgy it feels.. he asked for donations to remove his excess stomach skin, of which a lot more than what was needed was raised. Considering he has had money off the public, you would think he would be as open as possible & say that this surgery cost £xxx amount. Further surgery is going to cost estimate of £xxx (though further surgery was never initially mentioned). Considering that it will be at least 6 months before a discussion with his surgeon will even begin regarding further surgery, I really don’t feel that is acceptable. He’s is a fraud & should’ve never accepted that money in the first place. He’s disgusting.
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VIP Member
What's happened to JT? He's disappeared and is barely posting now he has spent good old Joe Publics money from the crowdfunding purse.
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Chatty Member
Absolute cretin. Sneaking around on a private profile cos he hasnt got the balls to address the whole go fund me surgery shit storm. If you wanna find him and demand answers, remember he works at Ralph Lauren at Ashford designer outlet ... we were constantly reminded of this every fucking day whether it was a video or new selfie wearing that designer shite. Also his gym is Bannatynes ... again we were reminded of this every fucking day when he invented the stair master and his free fucking day pass to go work out the melt. Honestly, this will be the last we see of him on social media until he regains all the weight and needs another cash injection. Spineless fucking prick.
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VIP Member
I'm shocked by the state of his body after surgery, it's a real mess. It's like they haven't reconstructed his belly button at all and have just pulled it up to almost the middle of his chest. His moobs now look lopsided and he has so many baggy wrinkles in his skin that it makes me want to get out the steam iron and give him a good press.
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VIP Member
Then he posts a few hours later saying thanks for the well wishes but he's taking some time for him.
2hen you've got a following like that, and people have given you money like they have, you cant constantly take time for yourself. He is doing it constantly and then plays on it all, says hes had a gain because hes been low and comes back again. Every couple of weeks.
And still doesnt answer questions that people want answers to.
Until he provides evidence to prove me wrong I will forever believe he has squandered a lot of that money on pleasure.

It is a poor attempt to get people to back off from pressuring him for answers. He's despicable
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VIP Member
Why is he carrying on like he’s just returned home from war? Cannot cope. He’s focusing reaaaallly hard on the amount of suffering he’s doing so that he doesn’t have to acknowledge the questions about funding etc. I bet he’ll carry this on for a long time.
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Chatty Member
Lovely speech Jack, yes you love everyone etc etc
people who’ve tried to take their own life do not go
broadcasting it all over social media practically the next day
Taking more time out for yourself
what you actually mean is delaying the fact
that you can’t account for the money that’s been
spent and now people are starting to ask questions
and your starting to panic
Monday night he allegedly attempted and was the posting on fb at 3.55am Tuesday morning about his attempt. So not even a day later - like a couple of hours later. Something isn’t adding up here
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Why are people telling him he looks fantastic
he looks like road kill, he’s been massacred by that surgeon
he has a slit between his moobs and mid drift which I’m presuming
is meant to his belly button
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Where are his parents in all of this?! His family are big body builders, his father and brother award winning and champions in the field! I feel Jack felt left behind and instead ate what they were eating as it is 1000's of calories a day and didn't exercise, he got to as fat as he was and he didn't fit in.
Knowing this is baffling - often fat parents have fat kids and skinny parents have skinny kids. For your parents to be high level athletes and you to be, well, like he was - speaks to some pretty deep seated psychological issues with food. Either his mother plied him with food for some reason or he did it himself. Either way, as others have pointed out, this kid needs therapy a lot more than he needs skin removal surgery.

I have nothing but compassion for people who have developed bad mental relationships with food - but I have no sympathy at all for those that use it as a way to get money, to make other people feel guilty, to attention seek etc.

Get some therapy, lad!
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Chatty Member
This child needs to grow up and get a reality check. It’s a joke that these morons use the MH card......makes a mockery of what genuine sufferers go through
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New member
People make mistakes and he is young still. However, IF he has spent the money, it's the lying and hiding behind a private account that magnifies and intensifies this. If he just came clean and told the WHOLE story, explained whatever went on, I genuinely think people will cut him some slack as we're all human and everyone messes up (just not always under the watchful eye of the public). Plenty of public figures have made poor decisions, but it's how you deal with it that makes or breaks you. If you put your life out in the public eye, you sort of have to be prepared to put everything out there, it's just respectful to those who offered help at the end of the day.
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Well-known member
I meant in regards to his suicide attempt.

No, he has since said he is planning a second surgery. People were under the impression it was one overall surgery so they feel misled.
The money issue is so easy to clarify all he had to do is say X amount was raised from the gofundme page and X from the second fund raising page (there were 2 in operation and one still collected donations in January way after the target was reached), costs so far are XYZ leaving £ available and once the second surgery is discussed and monies paid I can give a further update. Should take less than 10mins and the matter is cleared up with no speculation, nobody feels ripped off and all is well. Instead he chose not to and now leaves himself open to suspicion and rumour which if you are having mental health issues is really not going to help.
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Chatty Member
I’m confused at his after pic, I don’t think I would be happy with those results 🤔

Like a comment further along said he is still over 16 stone? I don’t know that but surely you have to fully lose as much as you can then the skin removal comes at the very end?
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my mrs suffers with mental health problems, add to that she's currently going through a serious bout of post natal depression, she tried ending her life on sunday(again) and I was there to stop her...she has now been allocated a CPN who comes a few times a week to check on her...

his behaviour regarding this is a slap in the face to the many thousands of people like my mrs.

Towers, you despicable little bastard, I know you read this, donate the left over money to mind... it's not too late...
Mate, I'm so sorry to read this. Hope she's doing better and you have some support as well.
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