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VIP Member
There's a chap called vidlerjon_sw on Instagram. He's only got just over 9k followers and he's lost more than JT, he's lost 20st.8lb. I don't understand why Harold Prickard and JT can have so many followers yet this SW member is on such a low number of followers. His content seems to show somebody who has got to grips with a healthier diet and when it comes to food he isn't a one trick pony like Harold Ronald McDonald Prickard or JT. He doesn't appear to be pedalling JD Seasoning either.
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New member
Unfortunately this guy is never going to get it via instagram he hasnt played the game - tag every big account over and over until they finally tag you on a story to flood you with new followers, put up the carb and cheese beige meals and fakeaways as they are the big like and comment pics, say you have had trolls or negative comments (sad face optional) and then hit the media with your tail of woe even if you have proved via your previous pics and videos that you are completely lying and making up how miserable you are with your skin (pics on insta say different). Job done and £££££ floods in.

On a serious note he is another person who hit target in March and has jumped on the gofundme. How about maintaining this loss for a year and see if you are in the same place if you are then go for it. Mid June he said he was hitting the gym and it was helping with the loose skin and now the gofundme is up the story is the opposite and its not helping. This guy needs to go look at Jon Vidlers account - that is a guy I would part with cash for. He has worked his arse off lost over 20stone and there is literally not a gram of fat on him. Humble and honest, not out for insta fame, hits the gym and just does his thing.
What’s more is Jon is so much more respected and the fact that he says he doesn’t care about the loose skin as it’s part of his journey, even if someone offered to pay for his surgery I don’t think he’d do it - he’s spent so much on his car that he could probably afford it himself anyway but he’s actual got advice from his gym on how to tone it and it’s working! I take my hat off to him, he is a legend.
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VIP Member
I am so glad that I've found a place where people have the same thoughts as me. I thought everyone just thought the sun shined out his a**e. I recently unfollowed him. I started following when he was only a stone or 2 into his weightloss. I thought he seemed like a nice guy.
I can not stand him now! He's an arrogant t**t now that thinks he's better than everyone else.
He posted something a while ago about people sitting there gaining weight whilst he's working his a**e off. I can't remember exactly what he wrote but that p**sed me off majorly.

I have also noticed that Izzie and Harry used to all be buddy buddies but now none of them talk about him?
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Active member
There are a few big slimming world accounts who have lost a lot of weight and had tummy tucks who have since gone one to put the weight back ok slimming world jsg and the slimming mama!! Towers will be exactly the same!!
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I wonder when this sponging low life will resurface?! Hope you know towers (cos we know you read this) your lies and corruption and fraud will be exposed. People will not stop asking questions. I say we go to the papers and get them to do some digging. See where the money went! No one should lie about mental health issues. Especially this scumbag just because he can't handle the heat of spending all his gofundme money on a lavish lifestyle! We want the truth!
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VIP Member
Unfortunately this guy is never going to get it via instagram he hasnt played the game - tag every big account over and over until they finally tag you on a story to flood you with new followers, put up the carb and cheese beige meals and fakeaways as they are the big like and comment pics, say you have had trolls or negative comments (sad face optional) and then hit the media with your tail of woe even if you have proved via your previous pics and videos that you are completely lying and making up how miserable you are with your skin (pics on insta say different). Job done and £££££ floods in.

On a serious note he is another person who hit target in March and has jumped on the gofundme. How about maintaining this loss for a year and see if you are in the same place if you are then go for it. Mid June he said he was hitting the gym and it was helping with the loose skin and now the gofundme is up the story is the opposite and its not helping. This guy needs to go look at Jon Vidlers account - that is a guy I would part with cash for. He has worked his arse off lost over 20stone and there is literally not a gram of fat on him. Humble and honest, not out for insta fame, hits the gym and just does his thing.
Jon Vidler is a legend and his is the kind of account that slimming world should be promoting. I really hope he gets his skin surgery should he decide to go for it. Now he is what you call a true inspiration
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Active member
His after photo.... I genuinely have no idea what I’m looking at 😱 I’m now wondering if he got a cheap botched surgery so he can use the money raised on his “lavish” lifestyle? There is no way a surgeon would be happy with that work.

Hopefully that photo will be a strong message to some people - you can lose a lot of weight but DO NOT have skin surgery until you are totally ready and have lost all the weight.
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Bets on how long it takes him to gain the weight back after his surgery?
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Chatty Member
I don't understand how the fundraising was allowed in the first place when it should be used for those who are in genuine need of financial help! Also - I smell bullshit that someone set the funding page up alone - it was obviously towers' idea! Let us wipe the placenta off our faces as we were clearly all born yesterday!
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I love carby. Towers is a repulsive little slug isn’t he, imagine taking people’s money and then hiding (as well as you can hide on the internet now).
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Well-known member
So today Mr Towers has decided to post a story "shaming" a comment someone made on his picture. I dont see issue with the persons comment it wasnt nasty, it wasnt cyber bullying it was an opinion. He congratulated him for losing "timber" and suggests he works on his neediness and his account is me me me. Now referring to his own post yesterday - maybe this was a post the person sent and then decided it was a mistake and shouldnt have posted (sound familiar?). Also going by the definitions he put up you can say that the poster's opinion is not necessarily based on fact (if you feel Mr Towers isnt needy). But Mr Towers didnt give them a chance. He knew the second he posted the story his cyber army would react and they did just that - now who is bullying who? The majority of people wouldnt have noticed the comment so instead of sending the guy a private message to explain or find out why they feel that way then block/delete comments as needed, he decides to go all out and do the very thing he is complaining about! Maybe you should re-read your own post as you dont know what your actions will now have caused somebody because you didnt agree with their opinion and take some of your own advice you seem to like dishing out but rarely follow.
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Stumpzkid has put up on his story asking people to stop asking him about towers....the plot thickens
and then posts quotes about mental health after it
It’s okay Stumpy we know he’s your mate
But depression or not ( I’m inclined to believe not )
he is being asked a serious question as to allegations
of just exactly where and on what was 40K spent...
He needs to address this now
His reputation is in tatters and hiding solves nothing

(PS) people who go into hiding are usually those that are guilty
He’s looking guiltier by the day
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