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If you needed this trip Sarah you should have been better prepared. You should have pre booked parking because then you’d have had a space. Your story doesn’t stack up.

None of today makes sense and it’s indicative of the neurotic mess she is. Those poor kids will be feral by bed time which will be on the plane. Why does she make it all so hard for herself? She could be at home now on the sofa with her kids playing n their rooms and her baby asleep after being fed with a bottle but instead they’re all camping out in an airport whilst she sobs into her phone and tags in the airport. What are they meant to say or do?
Zero sympathy for her. Fucking useless woman.
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Shes just dragging that baby around from pillar to post. Some of the after school stuff is goong to have to take a hit, Its too much traipsing around
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She loves to have a moan about the NHS. Sorry if it wasn’t convenient for you to have coil fitted today Sarah, what’s the rush anyway with your husband deployed 🤷‍♀️
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Sorry but I why the fuck can’t the kids just miss one week of football for their baby brother being new and poorly ? It’s not like they are playing in the premier league ffs. I get team sports and not letting the side down etc but not at that age as as poster above said, what is that teaching them ?!
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Chatty Member
Apart from the staged photos which are classic Instagram (meeting siblings for the first time, leaving hospital and every other shot Charlotte greedy has done) has she shown any signs of bonding? Other than saying the copy and paste quotes for newborns from Pinterest. She always looks and comments about how pissed off she is. Yes he’s had issues (which could’ve quickly been rectified if she’d have followed medical advice) but he’s here, he’s healthy, they have a roof over their head, clearly no money worries. She needs to realise how bloody fortunate she is as a family of 5.
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Chatty Member
You have a literal newborn and you forget the change bag when you go on yet another trip out?!? Oh my goodness! This is going to be absolute carnage when Sinbad leaves 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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God, birth stories are so boring, even my own!
And Sarah managing to find fault with the medical advice gives me the rage. Googling things isn’t research but she always knows better than, not just doctors but EVERYONE.
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I cannot put into words how much it annoys me that she writes “grannie” rather than “granny”. It’s like a Nicky spelling it Nikii to be UnIqUE.
grannie is the Scottish spelling I believe -

I don’t understand how she can claim to be so close to her mum but she’s got to travel to see her when her husband is deployed! Wild horses & floods wouldn’t stop my mum packing her bags & moving in with me if I was in the same situation.
No way would she be allowing me to travel all that way 3 kids in tow - it just wouldn’t happen. I think it becomes more & more obvious she doesn’t have this close relationship with her family that she claims. She’s travelled all that way because she’s craving attention - it would be quite sad really if she wasn’t a massive donkey dick
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She's been very quiet. this visit hasn't gone aswell as she wanted, hopefully someone told her a few home truths!
I think everyone will have been exhausted and the baby even more unsettled. Having all 4 of them in the house will have been a lot. Plus Grannie may well have refused to have sole charge if the baby and expressed bottles to allow Sarah to bugger off here there and yonder. I can't imagine anything worse when I'm up in the night with a newborn than being in someone else's house - and I include my parents who are lovely and welcoming. Urgh. Why they did not stay at home, chill out, relax and recover after Rob left I do not know. Instead they undertook a hellish journey for very little reward. The chikdren will be absolutely past it and this will be Sarah's FIRST day of doing the school run on her own. Talk about setting yourself up for failure. Standby for the wide eyed, surprised selfies at 9:15am telling us it all went tits
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She is a piece of work. So narcissistic and neurotic that she doesn’t both keeping up with her own lies. Sarah - you found time for getting your nails done, and dragging your jaundiced, undernourished newborn to dance and karate classes. Priorities, hun.

Blooming heck, she’s just posted that she feels like all she’s done since he was born is stay in to try and sort feeding or go to appointments 😂😂 half the appointments probably unnecessary shit she booked. And I’m yet to see her stay in a day to try sort feeding.
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It’s like Sarah using Mam, defo not what she would say naturally but forces herself to make herself seem Scottish. Does anyone know where she was actually born?
If it was up to Sarah she would have been birthed at the edge of Loch Lomond, with her mothers legs akimbo in a kilt whilst been piped into the world to Flower of Scotland ….
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Also, does anyone get the feeling that she prioritised the chiro appt over the bloods and obs at the hospital?
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Shock. Shes got mastitis.

at this point id honestly not give a fuck if her tits went black and fell off. Her son is unwell because of HER SELFISH ATTITUDE

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I could have lived the rest of my life quite happily without seeing topless Sarah stuffing toast into her mouth 😬 🤮
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i do remember them talking about contraception and the need to be very careful because you are so fertile in those initial weeks but Rob isnt in the UK, whos she having sex with?!
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“Ive worked so hard”

fuck off.

its not about you Sarah. It shouldnt be this hard. Feed the kid a bottle of formula and get on with your life; whats the plan here? you dont get a prize for any of this; you arent in competition with anyone else. Your having a host of issues so solve them and formula feed and that will be the end to all thiis drama.
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Why is she at karate? Where is Rob?!

I can only think that subconsciously or consciously she wants either herself or the baby to end up seriously ill so Rob can't deploy. She's the kind of person who would have "I Told You So!" on her head stone.

I know the GP will have given advice today and it won't be to go to karate with or without a newborn

God help them all.
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She's taking her sick newborn away from his medical team and the kids out of school again because she absolutely must do what she wants. She's horrific. Poor C deserves so much better.
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