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Chatty Member
Rob gave me the ick before but now I think he’s worse then her for allowing this shit show
And yes I agree, she knew he was tongue tied at around day 3, yet still prioritised at home photoshoots.

the photographer will be trying as I type this to edit this poor sad looking jaundice dehydrated baby. What memories.
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I think it’s now time for social service intervention too. Robs due to deploy, gran has gone back to the mothership land, there is failure to thrive for poor Conny due to Sarah’s erratic behaviour.

Let’s read that again Sarah - failure to thrive. Your fortnight old baby has been admitted to hospital on two separate occasions a week apart because he is still jaundiced and not getting better. You have had medical advice left, right and centre and you have prioritised going here, there and everywhere with your two children dragging an unwell newborn with you.

i honestly hope hospital intervene properly now, I know you want to breastfeed and will bring out the big guns of “i persevered until it worked. I am such a martyr” but it’s not about you, it’s about getting that wee man healthy and if that’s formula fed, so be it.
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I'd find that reel she did cute and funny if it were a really well fed, chubby baby but I found it really sad and distasteful given the history with him and her. Already feels like she's shaming him for wanting to eat. Projection, Sarah.
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Here we go… publicly using words such as “triggering” to describe her poor little unsettled baby. He might be more settled Sarah if you just made sure he was eating enough.
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Chatty Member
God she is so negative about the baby, all the time having little digs at him- SOMEONE isn’t settled, SOMEONE doesn’t nap… Jesus Christ he’s a poor defenceless baby, thank god the poor thing doesn’t have silent reflux or it doesn’t bear thinking about…
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She does this every fuckingtime. Complains about Sinbad deploying when in reality her life has been no different when he’s back. She is still a neurotic control freak who has to be in charge and everyone marches to the beat of her drum.
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Why is noone seeing the red flags? Sarah very obviously needs help. Also that poor baby never looks content, he always looks like he's frowning or angry.
He’s still pissed off about his terrible name he’s going to have to spell for people his entire life!
  • Haha
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The photo of wee CAK and his cousin (face blanked out). I mean WHY post that. The poor little baby is clearly not happy, and not well. And why doesn’t he deserve privacy as much as his cousin does?

She really is disgusting.
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I’m beginning to think she doesn’t understand how breast fed newborns work. “Finally settled”?? As in, that is what SOMEONE should have been doing the whole time instead of inconveniencing her needing to be fed and cuddled?? My experience was that my newborns almost never settled lying flat in a cot or moses basket at home during the day for more than a few minutes. They wanted to be in my arms sleeping and feeding. That is totally normal for those early days of breastfeeding and she should KNOW that.
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Why does everything have to be “ a journey “ 🙄
There is just no sense of gratitude or joy at all coming from her posts about this new baby. A “much longer for” third baby appears to be nothing but an inconvenience , not that any of us are surprise but she’s never bloody happy. If it’s not picture perfect , she’s traumatised and has to let the world know. Also, how the fuck is her kitchen always so bare and tidy?
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Rainbow Blossom

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Sarah please feed that little boy. He’s hungry. A full up, satisfied baby of his age doesn’t root like that.
Please, please, please feed him. Poor mite
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She’s at a point now where she needs to consider the least bad option, and ensure that decision considers what is best for all her kids.

I’m the biggest fan of breastfeeding, but if she prioritises that over everything else, it means misery for all of them, and failure to thrive for the baby. At that point it’s obvious that she’s incapable of making good decisions.

It would be far better for her to embrace the predictability of bottle feeding, carry on giving him breastfeeds a couple of times a day, so she can get the best of both, while easing things for everyone in the house.

I think she thought a new baby would heal her trauma of having a previous difficult baby. Madness. Absolutely bonkers. And she’s one of the least equipped people to deal with this.
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Oh yeah, Robs off for a jolly isn’t he Sarah! What a bastard, sleeping and having lie ins, whilst you are at home looking after the baby YOU wanted! What a complete cow, sorry but does she not think Rob absolutely hates being away from his family, he has sacrificed so much to provide for his family and to serve his country. Her kids are such a good age, she chose to bring a new born into the mix. Suck it up, I am sick of her moaning, does she really not see how incredibly lucky she is.
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How does she think everyone else manages?? Both her kids are at an age they should be able to get dressed themselves get their clothes ready the night before underwear and all...leave it on the couches and set their breakfast on the island leave them too it! Bags at the door the night before totally ready to go!
My 7 year old needs prompted but that's it while i sort the baby and hers should be the same! I get more done in the morning than any other time!
Most partners are back at work now Sarah and can’t do the school run. Why is she questioning it? Surely you would have thought about before having another baby? Mums get up and get on with it. Still no talking stories? I haven’t watched her yet.
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If she can pay for maternity and baby photoshoots she can cough up for private care to help her newborn. If I even suspected there was a problem I’d have seen a consultant within days ….not waiting for divine intervention. She’s coming across as very self absorbed and narcissistic. Hope the health visitor kicks her arse!
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