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The best thing about a new baby espeically a winter baby is that 4th trimester hunkering down, showering but putting on fresh pjs. Snuggling skin to skin. Staying home. I’ve done it twice both times one of my absolute favourite memories. Her posts make me wonder why she wanted a 3rd she seems irritated. Irony is she could be doing all her insta mum shit if she’d just given formula and moved to bottles a week ago he’d probably be right as rain now and she could be doing as she pleased
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Those kids were in nursery nearly 365 days a year from 9 months old and then in every before/after school club/summer camp there is. She cannot wait to get away from them.
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Holy hell! I’ve had a busy couple of days so a lot to catch up on! This has gone downhill so much quicker than I imagined!! Why oh why is she having photoshoots and out and about here there and everywhere when she can’t even feed this poor baby yet!? She is so me me me and nobody else matters! I also can’t understand why if his blood is as thick as she’s making out and if he is as jaundiced as he looks (because he looks pure yellow) the hospital have allowed them out!? He needs help and she needs help! Starting to think even maybe Rob needs help if he’s allowing all this too! She isn’t coping.
my baby was jaundiced so we bottle fed every 3 hours at least, more if she gave signs she needed it and she soon got better thankfully. She did need phototherapy and those “cute goggles” give me bloody nightmares!! She screamed non stop wearing them and it was possibly the worst 24 hours of my life! I cried watching her struggle with them. Sarah is a fucking moron and doesn’t deserve this baby
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I just can’t understand her. She has Rob at home for the next couple of weeks. Why wouldn’t you be making the most of NOT dragging your newborn to the supermarket. She will have to when he is not around. The poor little thing I feel so sorry for him. I think Sarah is the one looking for sympathy, she’s mad. No reason to have taken him out in the cold tonight. She will be moaning her arse off once Rob does deploy.
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The laughing emoji arriving at hospital has me fucking raging. SHE is FAILING that baby. Unhinged woman 🤬
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I just want her to fuck right off the Gram and start looking after that little boy. Her and R are as bad as each other. I can’t unsee that that 2016 picture of her in her post birth knickers complete with maternity pad. Who the fuck needs to see that? She needs an intervention or they both do.
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Shes just dragging that baby around from pillar to post. Some of the after school stuff is goong to have to take a hit, Its too much traipsing around
Yep! Sat in a freezing cold car for at least an hour whilst Isla is at football! Hardly ideal for a newborn, especially a newborn that’s been ill 😩. Where are the so called friends that she claimed would help with taking the kids to clubs, yep nowhere to be seen because they probably don’t want to have to help out week after week!
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How does she think everyone else manages?? Both her kids are at an age they should be able to get dressed themselves get their clothes ready the night before underwear and all...leave it on the couches and set their breakfast on the island leave them too it! Bags at the door the night before totally ready to go!
My 7 year old needs prompted but that's it while i sort the baby and hers should be the same! I get more done in the morning than any other time!
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She’s just not taking this seriously is she? The laughing emoji, the smug face on the next story. I hope she gets a bollocking at the hospital that actually makes her realise his fucking stupid she is.


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I’ve never known a mother give her baby a name she cannot pronounce. Utter madness. You can see that Sinbad had no say in that name.
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Maybe it’s time to cut off the multitude of after school clubs while Sinbad is away? Make life calm and simple for everyone.
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Rob comes out of the appallingly. Why would you allow a situation to transpire where your ill wife and sick, recently hospitalised newborn take your older son to karate?! On a windy, cold, stormy night?! In the alternative, what kind of issues does Sarah have that she wants to be apart from her 13 day old newborn?! If she's gone on her own, that should be ringing alarm bells all over the place with him. Does he think the GP had recommended this course or action?!

What a dreadful person - even if it is down to sheer fear of Sarah's reactions
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One of the biggest misunderstandings with breastfeeding is that babies should go a certain time between feeds or ‘can’t’ be hungry because they’ve just been fed. She’s just perpetuating that myth and laughing at her hungry baby, as if he’s being greedy 😢
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Have newborn vaccinations etc changed? I remember it was 6 weeks generally advised (for a well baby) before they went out a lot?
He’s not a puppy🤣
I could not be arsed taking a month old baby to a sensory class, especially when it’s my third. I’m all for taking them to groups when they’re a bit bigger and get something out of it. I’d understand if she was a first time mum trying to meet people and get support etc but after my first baby I’d much rather just be at home relaxing as much as possible, especially with the age gap she has the ability to do that when they’re at school all day
Blooming heck, she’s just posted that she feels like all she’s done since he was born is stay in to try and sort feeding or go to appointments 😂😂 half the appointments probably unnecessary shit she booked. And I’m yet to see her stay in a day to try sort feeding.
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Maybe he’s unsettled cos he’s being expected to run to Sarah’s routine here there and everywhere, and all he wants it some cuddles. At 5 weeks I was still doing a lot of skin to skin and a lot of vegging in our pjs all day, and they are some of my happiest memories.
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I can’t help but feel for her with this travel hiccup tbh. I know it’s more bonkers signs of her not coping, but going somewhere that she will have others to help is a good thing for the kids.

And regardless of how self inflicted the whole situation is, and how poorly she manages her life, it would be gutting to miss a flight.
I can’t help but feel for her with this travel hiccup tbh. I know it’s more bonkers signs of her not coping, but going somewhere that she will have others to help is a good thing for the kids.

And regardless of how self inflicted the whole situation is, and how poorly she manages her life, it would be gutting to miss a flight.
It would be gutting to miss a flight. But most rational
parents would not make their children (one of whom is a newborn needing regular expressed top ups) sit in an airport for a further 8 hours whilst the sole parent was in a state of very poor emotional regulation.

I don’t agree that travelling to Aberdeen for grudging assistance from family members is good for the children. It’s certainly not good for a newborn who still isn’t feeding effectively, is still jaundiced and is vulnerable. He doesn’t need “help” (ie to be handed around a group of adults). He needs to be at home, in a calm, clean, environment. His siblings also don’t need more over-stimulation and to observe and be drawn into more hysterical goodbyes from their mother when they have to leave again in a few days. They will model what they see and find this behaviour really difficult to process on top of what’s no doubt been going on around Sinbad

I can imagine being at the airport which is an unfamiliar transient environment with Sarah who was apparently crying non stop and a small baby whom they will know needs looking after and worrying that Sarah won’t be able to do that must have been a really overwhelming and upsetting experience for them. Just because they can’t understand and express those feelings verbally does not mean they won’t have them
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She’s in a catch 22 here. If that pram was gifted, she can’t post photos without marking it as an ad, right?
Except, wait a minute Sarah, you could just NOT post any photos of your unwell baby at the hospital!

Always with the passive aggressive eye rolling comments about the care she’s being offered too! Those midwives and doctors will be rushed off their feet and they’re still finding time to put up with CAKs situation that could be solved much quicker if Sarah would just get over herself and use some bloody formula!

If I were on Bugaboos social team, I would want that photo gone immediately.
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