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No time to try on the clothes she promised to try on today, it’s her one job at the moment. How can you run out of time when you aren’t going out until the afternoon?
When you don’t get out of bed until lunchtime and then spend most of your time in a towel talking to Instagram you soon run out of time
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I feel like she's trying to be a body positive 'every body is a bikini body' influencer but the message doesn't really work the same when every outfit is a bikini and theyre not even nice bikinis. She'll be doing her big shop in one next down the frozen aisle picking up a multipack of fish fingers
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Haha couldn't have happened to a nicer person 😂😂😂
You have to be so unlikeable to be fired on your birthday. If as she says, she's let her manager know how she's been feeling, then too right they'd want to get rid of her. But who is she kidding, as if someone in her workplace couldn't have easily found her Instagram and shown management.
She clearly doesn't realise actions have consequences. I love how she's trying to be chill about it, you can tell she's fuming but also wants people to feel sorry for her. Don't feel a damn bit sorry for her.
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Sacked for what though? Lol. They don’t just sack people for no reason. Probation or not. You would usually at least get to the end of the probationary period before they let you go
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Fucking hell, it’s Groundhog Day isn’t it?! How does she possibly not know why her engagement is shit when she posts the same solitary post and reel EVERY SINGLE DAY.
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I think it’s shocking that sunbeds are allowed to be advertised like this. And could she put the warning (that she clearly doesn’t follow, in tinier writing?
I've reported it.

Sunbeds cause cancer = fact!

If she wants to have skin like a weathered old bit of leather that's up to her but she needs to stop pretending sunbeds are harmless!

Didn't she use one on Saturday too ? She's clearly overusing them..
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I have to admit I think @Raybeamofsunshine could be right about her going back to the old job

1. There’s no way she’s up and ready this early 2 days on the run if she’s not going to work.
2. If you started a new job you’d generally dress a bit conservatively until you got the lay of the land, not going in in ripped jeans.
3. All talk of interviews and showing us her interview outfits disappeared without a trace
4. Any talk of work at all in any way, shape or form has stopped.
5. The fact that she bought a new laptop would probably point to her having got the commission she was waiting on.

It’s all very odd no matter how you look at it
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True, makes me think conduct (Instagram defamation) or capability (shit at sales) based
Totally. It doesn't matter that she hasn't told us where she works; the fact that she constantly slags the place off is enough to be seen as misconduct. She's thick as mince.
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😂😂 it’s the comments about the dress for me 😂 she thinks she’s something doesn’t she.

She is always riding the coat tails of something else. Claiming to be an advocate for women but then lies in bed with her tits on show to appeal to men to get more engagement. Get a grip Gemma. Not all men are monsters either.

And all this ‘it has been revealed that 55% of men…’ where’s it been revealed? Who’s been asked? Sharing shit constantly
I’m pretty sure the caption is just a copy and paste of what PLT have sent her
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Suddenly clicked who she reminds me of ! I was watching Ru Paul drag race last night...Baga chipz! 😳
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I don’t believe a single thing that comes out of her bright orange mouth.
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She never seems to show any friends, always in the house never out. I didn’t even realise she was with someone I clearly don’t pay much attention!
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Minimal make up my arse
There's nothing minimal about those black sluggy eyebrows, the heavily over filled lashes and those enormous lips that look like someone has punched her mouth. She has appalling skin too, all blackheads and big pores. And she lives on sunbeds so it's baffling she can't even get that right and make sure everything is tanned! 🥴
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Chatty Member
You can only claim unfair dismissal in the UK as an employee if you’ve worked (continuously) for a company for 2 years. There’s a lot of legal jargon to it but essentially you can therefore be dismissed fairly anytime before the 2 year period for conduct, capability or any other reason.
Sounds like she has done something then.. I’m reckoning Instagram definitely or covid lies x

We have the same gut! There's no way she was so sought after in the first place, having all these managers chasing and pleading with her to come back. She has a shit attitude and I have no doubt this extends to the workplace. The way she spoke about her colleagues (and then done the same thing) was vile. Given how lazy she is, my bet on it's something to do with that! Of course though, none of it will be her fault, she's perfect... 😆
Yeah they tried so hard to get her back to then sack her?! Makes no sense at all.
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This really annoys me about “influencers”. Don’t give every little detail about your life, then when people ask get defensive. I agree with others that she’s back at the old job already but they’ve said keep your trap shut for a change.
That's the childish response we know to expect from her. She moans constantly about her engagement and then blocks people that take an interest in her.

I'd be embarrassed and keep quiet too if I had bitched constantly about my employer, ran them into the ground and said all the things she said about them on a public forum and then went back to work for them, not just once but twice!

It says more about her as a person and how dishonest she is and how little integrity she has... if she has gone back a 3rd time.

We all know she hasn't got an honest sincere bone in her body so I wouldn't be surprised if they offered her more money and she took it ...I think she's got a different job, hence the dirty delete when she read here that she shown a picture with a lanyard showing!!
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