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Blanche Hunt

Chatty Member
Goes to PT sessions yet almost daily eats out on junk, stacked pancakes, buffet meals, boxes of dessert crap. Always needs time out/time to herself/time to chill even though she hasn't actually ran her own household or done much parenting for 2022. Doesn't work yet can buy a bigger house and need to completely kit it out from scratch. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!
Don’t forget hen, she wants a Discovery sport, she wants tae add an extension tae the hoose awready, she wants tae knock doon wan internal wall and she wants bifold doors tae the garden. That’s an awfy lot Ah big wants for a lassie that brings nothing tae the table.
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I actually think she's done damage to her face with various injections, or at least fat Ange has. I thought recently her face looked sort of bumpy as if she'd had filler done wrong. She's a mess.
Angelina is teaching aesthetics now. 😬 she’s surely been practicing less than a year?! Horrifying
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Awwww Is she for real? One thing after another with this pregnancy? She’s had fuck all the matter with her!!! A bit of reflux cos she eats like a pig and a bit of nausea from time to time cry me a fucking river darling

Some people have real health problems during pregnancy and in general, both with the mother and the baby. Heart breaking problems, no a bit of heartburn and wind and nothing that omeprazole will fix. She’s absolutely VILE to the core with her attention seeking ways.
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She heavy read me saying I haven’t had a greggs this month cos I’m so skint and she’s rubbing it in my fucking face with that roll 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Why do people like her even bother with fakes. Terrible quality aside, it’s so absolutely obvious from the rest of what she’s wearing, that the bag isn’t real.
She’s so embarrassing.
Option 1 - has spent thousands on a handbag while acting like she’s skint for her ‘brand work’

Option 2 - she’s actually decided that the ‘vegan leather’ fake looks good

Also, that top is proper vintage. I’m sure I swerved ones exactly like it in Bay Trading c1998.
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Came here to comment about this. You went to one resort and looks like you didn’t leave it. What the fuck could you have to say about Turkey?
Canny wait to see her trip advisor review.
'NO SUN! Resort did not provide childcare and I had to WALK through the tunnel to get to the other side. Will not be back!'
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Blanche Hunt

Chatty Member
Aimee: ah watched an influencer who spent hundreds ah pounds oan their weans birthday and it was too much. I’m spending a max ah £100 each

Also Aimee:

Here’s Ma Dior bag that costs £3000 complete wae it’s own £850 strap.

Tell me you wear snide gear withoot telling me you wear snide gear.
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She seems like the type of person who wants it until she's got it. She was clearly buzzing about this holiday for the "content" but that's not panned out for whatever reason, family arguments? The clouds ruining the aesthetic 🤮, or the fact she's actually had to parent her 3 children? So bloody ungrateful regardless. Who knows but the exact same is going to happen with the house and this wee baby ... Everything she does is for content, a new house especially one she clearly deems an "insta worthy" house and a new baby is like the content of allllll content, it's so sad tho it really is because the harsh reality will of course hit her.

A house and baby is for life not just for Instagram 👍🏻
I think she's so miserable because in her head she had planned for the sun to be splitting the trees, her and Callie standing poolside in their twin swimwear doing a boomerang with a matching umbrella in their drink and then once that's posted she could slink back to her room and lay on her phone until it was time to gather everyone for a photo opportunity before dinner. But it hasn't worked out like that so not she's irritated and moaning even more than usual.
A very close friend of mine struggled when she had her first and they were under 2, because she felt as though she HAD to take photos of the child and post them online everytime they went anywhere or did anything. To the point where she would then wait until they got home and could post them to her stories or whatever with funny, quirky little captions because when she was out she felt like it was overwhelming thinking what to write and she wanted the day to read like a little story. We had so many conversations and she said that eventually she just stopped posting photos of their days out completely because even posting later got too much as she wanted it to be perfect. Long story short she felt like she had to keep up the pretense and I think this is Aimees problem. She wants the world to see these perfect posts of her family looking like the ideal family and so she needs the sunny poolside holiday and the big house, the flashy car the new baby in the beige nursery etc. It's all a front so she can look on it and think oh how great are things, but in reality she struggled for days to pack for this holiday, is supposed to be moving next month and apparently has next to nothing for the house. It's all smoke and mirrors, she's so unhinged and boring. She needs time off Instagram, some real life friends, a hobby and a job and probably a new relationship if I'm being honest.
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Totally agree. My partner and I had a conversation the other day about spending. We’re both good earners and by no means are going to struggle, but we just know that with everything going up in price, we need to be a bit more responsible with our money.
We also had a longer term conversation on pensions and the future which included us downgrading our house as we just don’t need the space with just 2 of us. I made a joke about just coming in one day and telling him I was just not working any more. And he told me to fuck up 😂 We’re a partnership. I like that we’re a team and I contribute to our life. She just pops out weans and spends his cash on utter shite.

Maybe Kyle finally telt her she wasn’t buying a new dress for the wedding and that’s why she had to borrow one from Ange. It didn’t do her any favours whatsoever either.
It’s that partnership and team thing that she sees to miss.

All mums I know work full or part time, I literally know nobody who doesn’t. But, if you could make it work I don’t think being a stay at home mum is bad - but she gives it a bad name. If you give up earning and a career to be at home for kids, then to my mind you need to be trying really hard at that. Healthy home made food, loads of creative and educational opportunities etc. So even if not working, still providing really important value in ‘the team.’

She gave up her job after she had her second kid, but didn’t even try to be an awesome mum, it’s like she decided being open on social media about being a rubbish mum and selfish spendy layabout was totally her thing.

Most mums are going out their way to do the most they can for all their kids, and they do it when they finish work! She just doesn’t 🤷‍♀️
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Check in isn’t open 5 hours before the flight: I’m sure it’s 2/3 hours. So she can’t even go through to the departure lounge for 2/3 hours until she gets rid of the cases. I was in that airport this summer and there’s nothing to do until you’re past security.
When I take my kids they get an iPad each, headphones, some films downloaded on netflix/Disney and then we take dobble and uno. That’s it. All that crap she bought is just going straight to landfill. I don’t let my kids take lots of things like soft toys and fidgets because they get lost then they get upset about it. Best just not taking them and avoiding that.
I just checked and her flight still hasn’t taken off so that’s now 6 hours she has been in the airport 😂😂 longer than the flight itself 😂😂
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Blanche Hunt

Chatty Member
Ave absolutely zero sympathy for her. Ah suffered from HG in ma last pregnancy, literally sick every day multiple times until the day Ah gave birth. At its worst ah couldnae even stomach water and would greet eating even tiny amounts ah food as I knew ah’d be sick just after it. By the 3rd trimester Ah had heartburn at night which had nothing to do with ma diet as Ah was eating only the plainest, blandest foods oot ah necessity.
Her heartburn and “exhaustion” are aw self inflicted. Even someboady who wisnae pregnant wid feel no weel after the amount of shite she’s shovelled intae her in the last week.
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Her Q&A I had to read a couple times. Did she actually just answer to one the question everything happens for a good reason? No women should miscarriage there is no good reason. It's a shit thing to happen, poor follower. Aww yeah that's ashame but it's probably for the best be as well saying, some people have a way of words and can hurt.
Imagine if any her family said that to her she would run of the bathroom/bedroom her favourite places to be.
That reel she really has spawned a mini her the wee hairy Mary, it was like an older version of Callie.
Worst thing you can ever say to someone who has miscarried, FACT!!! Shit things happen for no good reason at all Aimee!!!! I’ve had losses and I would have punched her for that shitty response, which was neither helpful nor empathetic in the slightest! She can fuck off, her and her shite fashion sense!!!
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I'm sorry, I've done this before but...
When you have Kevin Bridges at 7, and a Meatloaf tribute concert at 10.
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Out the loop

Active member
17 billion hours spent trawling websites for maternity clothes and that’s the best she could come up with 🤭 couldn’t think of anything worse than wearing leather trousers during pregnancy!
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New to this thread I’ve been lurking for months I used to follow amie but soon unfollowed everything seems so fake - I must have missed something that happened on the holiday for her to be crying at the airport the absolute lunatic. I agree I have seen her favour the girl to the 2 boys and it’s heart breaking to see. All 3 kids look like they need a big boost of vitamin D and a plate of veggies!! Also forgive me for saying but I don’t see what’s so special about the wee girl? Whenever I seen her on stories or in pictures she’s the biggest attention seeker and everything HAS to be about her. Amie isn’t doing her any favours and she’ll get a big shock when she’s in the big wide world and not everybody flocks to her every need/want.. because sorry hun she’s nothing special. I can’t imagine what’ll be worse if the new baby is a girl or boy - if it’s a boy another child of hers to be ignored after all the insta content dries up or if it’s a girl and it’ll be even more sad for the boys to be even more ignored
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Ah please let’s have a Tattler on their flight tomorrow who can live report on how successful THREE SUITCASES full of crafting crap and tiny toys went down on a row of economy seats. Can. Not. Wait.

Has she never been in a plane? Or travelled with her kids?

It is beyond mad now. Imagine you’re at the front of the plane and wee Jackson decorates and builds the wee glider kit in his case, then flies it down the plane and a glider lands on your head while you’re sitting there minding your own business. Meanwhile Kaden is taking the legs off everyone and knocking teeth out right left and centre with his yo-yo skills, and Callie is loudly giving it WATCH ME I AM SO FABULOUS vibes with her doll and wee bits of Lego exploding everywhere.

Guessing we won’t see the snacks cos she’s embarrassed to show the volume of rubbish she’s filling them with.
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