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Not been commenting much on threads these days, I took a bit of a tattle sabbatical and just been reading everyone's comments.
Some things never change eh? She's still a grade A fanny, lazy bastard and all round scumbag. I almost came back to comment on the puppy farming scenario but held myself back but this pregnancy/miscarriage shite.....well it's just that SHITE!
She has zero self awareness. I cannot believe Kyle has impregnated her again and she's bringing another child into that shit show of a life, I can guarantee wee whiny wonka will have jealousy ripping out her and those poor boys will resent their mother forever.

Also, her miscarriage comments made me sick, she's lucky enough to have 3 kids when people are struggling to have one. Yet everything happens for a reason Aimee, she's disgusting!
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There has definitely been a fall out with the in laws. Wondering if the FIL pitched a fit when he saw how much Aimee was taking the piss out of her MIL. The whole nonsense with the puppies in their house being renovated, and that video of Kyle's dad asking "Where are you now?" Suggests that she may have overstayed her welcome.

She's a rude, entitled, spoiled, ungrateful brat. Crying in the airport? Get a fucking grip of yourself.

I'm convinced the only reason Kyle doesn't leave is that he'd end up paying through the nose for maintenance or because he doesn't want to split the kids up as I could imagine her moving out to her mums with Callie and leaving the boys to raise themselves.
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She said they eventually want to extend the new house too. I don’t understand why they couldn’t just keep their current house and extend that? Extra 2 bedrooms up stairs so all the kids have their own room, larger living/dining/kitchen area downstairs, and still be close her family/main caregivers, keep the kids at their same school and dancing and around their friends etc. She’s absolutely lost the plot. This whole scenario absolutely blows my mind. What a self indulgent, righteous wee twat. Imagine literally ruining your entire family’s lives and pushing your husband into an early grave just so you can have a bland beige insta home 😭 that’s always going to be a bloody mess and littered with bags for life full of clothes for weeks on end anyway!
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She might have the house she’s been gagging after but she’s going to be in a total shit hole of an area away from all her support network, which lets face it, she heavily relies on! They can’t afford to live where they actually want to in the big house that she wants! She doesn’t see that though, she thinks she’s being flashy when really she’s just a tramp who has bought what’s classed as a reasonably priced house in a shit hole area! She can pretend she’s mrs posh arse all she wants but she’s an uneducated, moronic little girl, who dresses like a clown and canny look after her kids or have a wash, don’t know who she thinks she’s trying to kid on 🤣🤣🤣
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Is she for fucking real?

She’s upset because her and the kids miss Kyle while he’s out bursting his arse working what I can only assume is 80 hour weeks to be able to fund the lifestyle she was so desperate for: the insta house, the Zara clothing hauls for MM, the nails and the lashes and hair apps etc not to forget the £1700 maternity clothing basket 😂🙈

How about you live within your means for once and stop sending your husband out to work because he’ll end up working himself right into an early grave.

I think she’s regretting ever selling the house now. Realistically the baby could be in with them until they are 18m-2y in which case Whiney would need to just upgrade from her ikea bed to bunk beds like the boys had to do.

There’s families working as many hours in the week as her man does and that’s not even to be able to afford nice things, that’s just to put food on the table and heat the house!! She doesn’t know how good she’s got it honestly.

It’s Aimee’s world and we’re all just living in it 😂
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So in her latest caption she’s in Luss claiming she loves family days out. Why the fuck does she never story any of them? That would be better than her constantly moaning or eating gifted food 🐷
Cos they only happen twice a year, usually cos somebody else has organised them.

She’s still trying to punt herself as wholesome for freebies for the baby and new house.

Family time ✅
Recipes ✅
Martyr mama ✅
Outdoorsy ✅

Confusing if you’ve followed her for any length of time and know her content is usually about eating takeaways, junk food, excessive cakes / #cookies / pancakes, showing her belly off with some ‘bopo’ guff, Callie Callie Callie, eyerolling her sons, being disorganised, doing the bare minimum of mum stuff, organising big events for herself, buying herself expensive frocks, nails every three weeks, extensions, brows, lashes, proudly keeping a manky/messy house, ignoring her dogs, palming kids off on others, hashtagging bigger accounts, balloon displays to promote her pals business, going to any free event with food in a 70 mile radius.
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WTAF! That’s an insane theme for a 5 year old. Also just me or is the wee girls in leather look leggings a bit weird too?
Both Aimee and Ange are as bad as each other. The girls are not treated like little girls, they’re treated like grown up besties. They seem to forget the parent/child boundaries. Dressed in leather look leggings, adult themed parties, watching telly not suitable for their age. You’re supposed to be a parent, not their best pal.
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Is she expecting people to believe that her and the kids using that reading app. She couldn’t even do home schooling with poor Kayden during kick down.

Remember her mum had to get the work all done over face time
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Listening to her rabbit on in her car gives me the jitters. She waffles on and on and goes from one topic to the next and back just waffling pure shite. Her life is so chaotic I couldn’t cope with it
It's like trying to make sense of the nonsense coming from your drunk friend in the passengers seat who you're running home.
She is so erratic and I wish she would take a few weeks off of Instagram and these 'jobs' and just live in the day to day. Maybe write down her short and long term goals and what she actually wants to do. She needs to give up the insta wannabe life - the whole dream house, dream car, 4 kiddies who she is just so fortunate to have, and the I don't work I just spend my days in shopping centres and hanging around my mums. On paper she's a 30 year old unemployed mother of 3, almost 4. If she was sitting in a council house with 3 or 4 kids and Kyle was the only one out working it would he a very different story. I'm not even talking the typical Jeremy Kyle stereotype, but a mother of 4 sitting on her arse all day who's too lazy to even do the school run would not have people leaving comments praising her because she made a bloody butternut squash and chilli soup 😫.
She had everything handed to her, appreciates nothing and somehow is still a shit show. I know couples and single parents who have it a lot harder than her and still manage to get by better than she does. I just want to give the lassie a shake and tell her to wake up. Hopefully moving to kilmarnock is the fresh start and wake up call she needs, but I doubt it.
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Every time she posts a photo of those weans my heart breaks. Even on holiday when they should be out in the sunshine and fresh air all day, they look pale and tired. The 3 of them have actual bags under their eyes. Kaiden always looks so unhappy but not in an ungrateful, moody way (like his Maw). More in an absolutely defeated, scunnnered way. I can't explain it well but it makes me genuinely feel heart sorry for him. Then theres wee Jackson. #justiceforjackson, enough said. And even Callie, although a bit of a heednip on insta, shes just a product of her environment. She looks like she needs some veg and a 2 week kip.
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Tricia Doll

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I'm howling at all that utter shite she's bought. Is she actually a mother of 3? Does she know anything about parenting small kids? Poor fuckers on that flight with the Kilgours tomorrow ☹
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Someone must know them or know the family?! I want the inside tea on what has really happened on the holiday and what they all really think of her.
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My heart brakes for Jackson. Such a loving wee soul who she can’t see when he acts out ( in her eyes) he is doing it for attention. A few weeks ago she posted him saying he can’t wait until the baby comes. Subconsciously he is saying that because he knows it will make her happy and he just wants his mothers love. She posts a picture of him ‘sulking’ because he didn’t get a tiny teddy. He wasn’t sulking, he was upset and imagine your mother taking a picture of you upset to show thousands of people. Money available for the meatball to eat 12 meatballs though
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Other half who’s husband does the same job/same company as Kyle here, she’s in for a rude awakening really soon. Their contract changes which were brought in earlier are all now taking effect and he’ll be working like this right through the winter! The pay and bonuses are all very well and good but they’re being worked to the bone.

if she thinks this is rough, throw in a new house which they’ll not be able to afford the bills for, a new baby, dark winter mornings/evenings and the usual mayhem her life seems to attract. All together with very little support as her family won’t be nearby anymore.

If she’s struggling now, she’s really going to struggle bad when the winter schedules kick in for Kyle.

shes 100% realising she’s made a mistake selling that house
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Can we start placing bets on how many nearly naked 'every body is a bikini body' and bump pics were going to be subjected to during this holiday.
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Blanche Hunt

Chatty Member
Well since she seems tae huv left Callie behind when she went tae collect Jackson, we can assume that Kyle being away till Sunday isnae as much Ah a drama as she’d like. No unless she’s even mair Ah a social services maw than Ah thought.
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People that specifically ask for money as a wedding gift get a present or gift card from me, I can't stand the cheeky arse wee poems about how we have everything we need but basically want our guests to pay a fucking honeymoon!!! Eh no here's a photo frame and a bale of towels for your cheek 😂
I do the very same. I always give money as a gift unless they give a poem then it’s a meal voucher or a gift 🙈
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