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Blanche Hunt

Chatty Member
Ah ken it’s awfy early but ah cannae help masel
Thread suggestion: Thesocialmama.xo #18 ma neck, ma back, ah never get oot ma sack
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Yet again the main thing I neverunderstand about "influencers" Originally their big spiel was "Doing this means I can be at home and be with my kids and work whrn I like etc" It was always like they were ramming it down folk with a regular jobs throat that they weren't tied to a 9-5. All the BS "I never need to leave a sick kid to go to work or miss anything etc" Yet here is Aimee having to "work" on her holiday. I'm an accountant working 4 days a week - I've never had to work on my annual leave or holidays. Coincidentally I've never missed anything of my child eithet, because I *shock horror* plan in adavce, take annual leave, shift my working hours. I also get laid holidays, sick leave and a contribution to my pension. How bout you Aimee? And if they are sick, I stay home! I'd rather have my job than sell mine and my familys soul online for a free cookie or steak pie!
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Tricias you will not believe this I am at the same damn resort as oor Aimless!!!!! Thank the lord above we are only here for a few more days!!! I want to know how a mum of 3 is finding the time to make reels when she is on holiday I have barely looked at my phone for the last 10 days because I am too busy enjoying my holiday!!!
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Blanche Hunt

Chatty Member
Ah saved Aimee the bother ah filming the day.

A day in Aimee’s life:
7am alarm:
7:30am alarm:
8am alarm:
8:30am alarm: Aimee wakes up, throws kids in the motor wae clais thrown at them. Weans change oan arrival at school.
9:30am: Aimee whips oot her phone tae dae her first whine ah the day. Ensure “compo” face photie is taken along with a woe is me caption.
9:45am: Aimee drives tae nearest shopping centre in order tae shovel food intae her gub and spend Kyles money.
11:00am: Aimee goes tae hairdressers where she will sit oan her erse for a number Ah hours. Several complaints regarding how uncomfortable she is will be made. Ensure stories are taken for Insta as she’s no paying for this appointment. Replies to 2 emails to confirm tae everyone she’s a “working mama”
13:30pm: Aimee leaves hairdressers and with nothing mair tae do, goes tae Greggs and buys 2 Yum Yums
13:45pm: Aimee sits in the school car park and shovels both Yum Yums in her mooth
15:00pm pick weans up and drive back to her maws hoose
15:15pm: goes tae her bedroom and watches Kardashian’s fae her bed whilst gran makes dinner and babysits the weans
17:30pm: films weans to prove she’s an involved parent.
18:30pm: Aimee goes tae bed. Make sure tae story whit a busy day she’s had and how unwell she is tae avoid
school run in the morning.
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Just noticed this post from a shared group I’m in with our shaimz.

I always thought the mortgage deposit was her inheritance- maybe not after all. I have only followed her since lockdown so don’t know the time lines of them buying their house etc.
People that specifically ask for money as a wedding gift get a present or gift card from me, I can't stand the cheeky arse wee poems about how we have everything we need but basically want our guests to pay a fucking honeymoon!!! Eh no here's a photo frame and a bale of towels for your cheek 😂
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You just know the last day of that holiday will have been spent all focused on her and her meltdowns. Imagine sitting in an airport crying (about fuck all no doubt) in front of your 3 kids! My dad took seriously unwell this year, out of the blue and we nearly lost him but guess what, my kids never even knew because even tho I was terrified and literally falling apart, I held my shit together in front of my kids coz thats what you do! Those poor kids must always feel on edge, wondering what kind of mood their mums in.
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Talking about ‘cutting back to £100’ per child is NOT relatable when your ENTIRE EXISTENCE is about overspending on unnecessary stuff. Does she think this means she is in touch with normal hard working mums?

Gets rid of all her old belongings so she can manifest a more aspirational Instagram lifestyle that will attract the big brands and bucks - during an economic crisis, while everyone tightens their belts.

And let’s not forget her home styling highlights: sequinned bedding, mirrored furniture, manky sofa, grey trend follower, painting round easily movable furniture. The brands she wants realise she only appeals to D2 and E - who have no spare money 😂.

She’s a human oxymoron -

I’m soooo cutting back on spending. To ‘only’ £100, but actually £120. And only for the kids, cos I need to buy EVERYTHING cos we have NOTHING. Takes about 35 frames to say the same thing a dozen different ways, concluding that she’s spending less than several hundred pounds on the kids cos she’s spunked it all on shiny dresses, parties, extensions, tans, brows, lashes, nails, lunches, breakfasts, cakes, churros, crepes, pancakes, and clothes.

I’m making healthy changes. But only small ones. And only once a week. And going to have cake. And pancakes. And brunch. And a latte. And a drive through dessert. And pizza with curry and burger. And we’ll mainly eat shite unless a supermarket pays me to gurn at the camera and pretend like I’ve made a healthy dinner more than once a year.

I’m not eating out any more this week! Except for my cooked breakfast I’m about to have made for me and the cake I’ll go out for later this morning.

I think she thinks that the skint ones will lap up the oh yes bless her she’s cutting back. How sensible and noble. And the ones who have money will be envious of her lazy spendthrift life.
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I have a feeling the house move is going to fall through at the last moment. It’s either going to happen they don’t get the mortgage approved or she’s going to wake up and realise she’s not a fucking hope in hell of surviving a move away from her support system when she’s going to have 4 kids in tow. Kyle should never have agreed to having another baby. That may sound harsh and it’s not this wee baby’s fault but it will be the straw that will break the camels back in that family. Genuinely, what would she do if Kyle just took a breakdown one day and couldn’t go out to work. If the shoe was on the other foot, they would be royally fucked. She should have stayed in the house they were in, got her 3 kids settled in school and in a proper fucking routine then concentrated on herself be it a wee college course or getting out to work. Fuck me she could be a fucking dinner lady at the school then she wouldn’t need the childcare she claims she would need as the reason for her being a workshy lazy cunt. Instead I think this family is going to be pushed to breaking point, I think the boys (especially wee Jackson) won’t settle in the new school they’ll have to go to, she’ll be swanning up the M8 to go to silverburn with the big new pram and the wean decked out and her in her’s going to be an utter car crash.
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Out the loop

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I’ve unfollowed this absolute waste of space.

She has no idea what it’s like to have a horrendous pregnancy she was up a hill last week, pt sessions, numerous trips out to feed her fat face, pram shopping etc but still has the cheek to moan she’s had a bad pregnancy. She’s had a fucking breeze of a time!

Try having HG, pelvic girdle pain, blood clots etc. I was very grateful to have a healthy baby at the end of it and I’m aware thousands of women have had it much worse than that yet this roaster thinks she’s having the worst pregnancy every 🙄

Aimee if your reading this get a grip and take yourself away for a shite 💩
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Have had to unfollow her today.. She is so tone deaf. Goes on about how hard she has it. Wtaf. There is no-one, literally no-one I know that has the LUXURY, yes Aimee the luxury, of being able to live off both their parents and their inlaws when their are a couple in their 30s with kids. She is wired to the moon. Maybe she should have kept her legs shut and instead of manifesting baby 4, maifested a job so that Kyle could have a bloody rest. She is literally Verucca Salt come to life. "Don't care how, I want it now!"
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Blanche Hunt

Chatty Member
Being honest now, how is this better than a normal 9-5 joab? Standing in yer kecks for the hail internet tae see and aw you get oot it is some free desserts and an invite tae a coffee shop? Gie me paid employment any day ower this embarrassment.
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What a fucking joke.
Literally all of this is her own doing. She wants the big house, the insta life, the range rover. Yet she doesnt want to work a single day for it and has another baby because she doesnt “know what her purpose is” now her 3 kids are at school…. Fine if thats your bag go for it but the poor lad whos trying to make it happen for you then needs to work every hour under the sun to make it happen… which you then cry about.

On what planet is she on where she thinks he will be able to reduce hours with a bigger house, cost of living newborn?!?!

she chose to sell her house early before she had to.
She chose to move into her inlaws.
She chose to buy a new house in the back arse end of nowhere.
She chose to uproot her kids from their school.
She chose not to work and actually contribute to this.

yet its all about poor her?! She is a fucking ticket

she literally should have stayed in her house or moved to a slightly bigger one in the same area near her family network and her husband could have worked a bit less and been there for the kids in a stable environment. Instead shes got her husband miles away, living in her wee sisters bedroom and her kids are getting papped to the worst school in scotland.

I honestly cant get over how much she had fucked this all up - all in persuit of an insta lifestyle thats never going to actually make her happy
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I do the very same. I always give money as a gift unless they give a poem then it’s a meal voucher or a gift 🙈
Agree with this! Although a girl in my work who is nothing short of a pain in the arse, did the poem thing so we had a whip round and got her a gift voucher for farmfoods 😂😂😂
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Long time lurker on numerous threads on here but I need to vent... I had to unfollow her after the reply to the miscarriage question on her Q&A. I'm shocked that someone who has had a miscarriage would say something like that! So heartless... I'm sure she wouldn't have said the same if she wasn't pregnant again. I've found her too much with the pregnancy stuff, probably because I suffered my second miscarriage this year at 20 weeks, I know that will be impacting how I feel but it's all just too in your face for me. I don't want to see her posing in her underwear and moaning about how awful she feels 🙄 anyway... away back to lurking I go 😂
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Tricia Doll

VIP Member
'forgot' to take meds, surely if your heartburn is that bad it's impossible to forget your heartburn meds?? Is she fucking INSANE? My god she absolutely pisses me right off with her drivel. Greetin in her maw's bed like a wee lassie. Fuck sake she's a shambles.
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IMAGINE your friend throwing YOUR kid a better birthday celebration than you have ever done 😳 I’ve got second hand embarrassment for Shaimee
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