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This will have been building for months.

The in laws growing awareness of her being a lazy lump, taking advantage of their house, palming off the kids and housework, bringing in a litter of pups and transatlantic pals, spending loads on completely disposable stuff while Kyle works 60 hour weeks.

Her semi moving to her mums in acknowledgement of the imposition, but them still getting a ringside seat for the shlshow cos she broadcasts all her hair, nails, PT, filler, lashes, brows, tan, coffees, pancakes, toasties, napping, shopping, socialising, moaning, over indulging and under parenting online.

Imagine their growing bewilderment at her inability to do the basic maths that the rest of the country has done over the cost of living crisis, as she buys vile matching clothes for everyone to be forced into, in a bizarre effort to punch into the super grey chrome crushed velvet quartz worktop Instagram league, with the bonkers plan that it will lead to free pram, baby equipment, and a house full of new stuff.

Realising she still makes no effort with her kids or her ‘content,’ unless you count panic attacks and needing desperately helped out as she delivers utter garbage a fortnight too late.

And once they were trapped in a resort with her, where she managed yet again to hide herself away from parenting, I suspect they finally got drunk and fed up and told her what they thought.

There is every possibility that the chain has collapsed or their mortgage provider did final checks and realised their loan to value was absurd, or they forgot about stamp duty, or their rate was hiked, or that their affordability checks needed to be reviewed, and realised they had not budgeted for current energy costs, and that their bank statement betrayed profligate spending on crap. And she’s in it now, she’s got to fill this house, she she’s got to keep grifting so she can manifest the lifestyle she’s not smart enough to work for.

🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿
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Blanche Hunt

Chatty Member
And she wis goin tae be fake tanning because she’s got Kevin bridges the nicht so that will be the weans dumped again.

Am sorry but the fact she’s able tae go gallivanting every day, eating oot and socialising wid suggest she’s huving an average pregnancy wae the kinda symptoms someboady wid expect huving been through it multiple times afor.
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I mean are we actually surprised she threw such an inappropriate birthday party for her daughter, when she does attention seeking, cringe things like this 😬
It’s very odd but to give credit to Ange, she gets up and goes out to work and she puts the effort in for those wee parties. I’m not saying she’s mum of the year but I feel like she makes a lot more effort than Aimee.
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Any stay at home mums I know put in a bloody shift every day. They are up sorting their kids out, houses immaculate, shopping done, dinners made. They literally don’t stop every day as they say that’s their job. None I know lie in their pits all day every day and expect others to cart their kids about.
funny how she is absolutely fine for a wedding or night out but always Ill when it comes to her own children!
The whole ‘job’ situation too, she has turned down ‘work’ so someone who doesn’t work, doesn’t run a house and doesn’t lift a finger has no time to make some videos with her phone 🙈🤣
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Worst thing you can ever say to someone who has miscarried, FACT!!! Shit things happen for no good reason at all Aimee!!!! I’ve had losses and I would have punched her for that shitty response, which was neither helpful nor empathetic in the slightest! She can fuck off, her and her shite fashion sense!!!
Shes on another planet. She actually needs mental help. How the fuck can you be so up your own arse that you not only think about replying this but type it out and post it! Just because by some miracle Kyle was home from work long enough to get her pregnant again after her recent miscarriage she thinks 'Everything happens for a reason' is an appropriate response. She's even more of a selfish, ignorant brat than I thought.
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Heartburn!! She’s had heartburn since this kid was conceived!!! I’ve just had my 3rd baby and I didn’t get any heartburn until I was in the 30s week wise, when the baby was actually big enough to be causing it!!! She absolutely needs to look at her diet and stop blaming pregnancy 🙄
I'm suffering heart burn just now and not pregnant but I am a fat cunt so your 100% right, hers is same as mine as caused by diet not pregnancy!

Also why does she do that annoying bump hold 🙄 again I could pull leggings over my gut n stick it out n get away with it as a bump?! And another also ppl start to loose interested after your 1st baby nobody gives a shit about you by time you get to no4! Somebody go tell her plz!
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She's mentally ill, been saying it for ages. She has lost all sense or reality (don't think she had much in the first place). She's manic, she's gets super highs followed by super lows. No one in their right mind would catastrophise packing cases for a holiday. The faces she pulls, the jumping from one thing to another. I previously said she needs help, we know she reads here but still she thinks it's normal behaviour. I'm not even going to suggest she sees a dr, it's pointless. Aimee's world is like a parallel universe.
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Y’know the bit where the kids have told her they had the best time? They probably felt compelled to tell her that, in case they upset her. Poor wee Jackson didn’t get to ride a pony, but Princess Tippy Toes did. Aye, he had the best time Aimee 🙄
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Remember all the smug “freedom” stories and posts when the kids were at school and that big stupid smile she had on her face which has been wiped off faster than she can swallow a biscotti coffee now eh? 😂😂😂 fast forward a few months and she’s lying on her big fat arse in her mums house greeting after hanging about with her kids for 10 days. What an absolute embarrassment 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻
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Chatty Member
At least DDug managed to make that wee boy feel special tonight. His mother would never have thought to do anything for him. And she's kept them all so lazy arse Shamiee gets yet another night off. She really will leave her kids anywhere won't she. I don't think his birthday day out will happen now. Unless big Angie takes them out.
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Honestly is this Ham Beast actually for real! Greeting about her sore arm, yet she has absolutely no bother picking up Primark bags or lifting a loaded fork to her gob.
She makes me heave! Why would you not get 2 boxes of Yum Yums and give your kids one as a wee Friday treat, instead of shovelling one (probably 2) down your gullet before the wee ones get in the car - she is a fat,greedy, selfish slob.
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She'd probably feel a bit better if she spent some time on basic hygiene. She looks really dirty and unkempt recently. The stories on today she doesnt even look like she's washed her face or brushed her hair. I don't mean a "Thursday night tan glow up" Boak 🤢 I mean a basic hot shower with some soap is needed
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Surprise, surprise. First day of the holiday and Shaimee is alone while the kods are down at the pool with the other adults. Oh and amazingly her back/shoulder pain is gone 🙄 Brass neck on her!
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Having watched her packing stories then seeing her "list of jobs" to do today, I genuinely think she is really quite mentally unwell. This isn't even close to normal behavior. In all honestly I don't know how they sustain their lifestyle or fund it, but even if my partner was pulling in 20k a month and we had no financial worries, it wouldn't be enough to convince me to live a lifestyle like they do currently. She should have put her energy into a job rather than a new baby. Gave herself some routine and self worth and contributed to her family. Not to say sahm don;t contribute, they absolutely do, but I'm sorry - she doesn't. She doesn;t clean, cook, parent her kids. It's like watching a teenager. My heart breaks thinking about their kids. No routine at all, its a bloody sin.
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Her smug face today sitting giving how glad she was of the rain then announcing she wasn’t even doing the school run. Her family should be ashamed along with her.

Do DMs count towards her engagement coz she’s clearly wanting folk to dm asking why the tears.
This put me over the edge this morning I had to reply and unfollow. She’s truly delusional, folk can’t pay for their heating n lazy arse is moaning about how happy she is to be back at mummy’s & how she doesn’t need to do the school run? Someone needs to give her a reality check.
She replied to be saying I have no idea & she’s glad I unfollowed 😅 First time I’ve ever replied but I couldn’t bite my tongue any longer it’s so infuriating!!!
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Just noticed this post from a shared group I’m in with our shaimz.

I always thought the mortgage deposit was her inheritance- maybe not after all. I have only followed her since lockdown so don’t know the time lines of them buying their house etc.
Nothing wrong with asking for money instead of gifts you don't need, but maybe cut back on the big over the top expensive wedding and put that money towards the house... She's such a child.
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"or if Kyle's parents want to take the kids and help get them ready"... HINT HINT.
That's the real reason she's making sure she's "organised", so she can have her parental responsibilities shirked in less than 30 seconds!! Chuck a bag at someone and bob's yer uncle!!
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Tricia Doll

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She's got trapped fucking wind from all the shite she eats. Shoulder tip pain is a symptom of chronic trapped wind, I really really really hope the nurse or GP she saw queried her diet because she looks like death and is blowing up like a fucking balloon.
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