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Tricia Doll

VIP Member
I smell so much shite. Is this her trying to make out to her in laws that Instagram is her actual real job and she's just SO busy she even has to work when on holiday?? She's absolutely at it.
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This freak is 100% gony try for a home birth so megamind can be there 🙄 the dependency she has on that 5yr old is frightening!
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Totally agree that Kyle is an enabler. It baffles me how he’s not saying her to “look Aimee, costs of living are going through the roof, our mortgage could go up massively and we’ve got another baby on the way. We need to watch all our outgoings, stop the beauty treatments and daily lunches out”.

Oh, and here’s a wee glimpse of Aimee’s diet this week. In the interests of fairness, she did have some soup as well. But, remember this is the woman who is complaining of feeling sick, no energy, skin rashes etc. i bet this is just a fraction of the shit she eats.


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Blanche Hunt

Chatty Member
Could she huv sounded any mair bitter in that story? She’s clearly rattled that some other Insta mither hus spent a lot oan their wean. Ah cannae believe she’d rather rein in what she spends oan the weans afor she gets a grip Ah her ain spending. Aw those shopping trips, coffees, the breakfasts and lunches add up. If she cannae afford a few hunner pound the now, she’s gawn tae get a shock when they’re paying the bills in the new hoose.
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Whats the 411

Chatty Member
I don’t have words for how much of an irrational mess that woman is.

but Kyle had more personality on stories in his 2 second debut than Aimee’s had ever 🤣.
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She is correct in that she has no fashion sense at all 😂😂
Honestly, she is an absolute sight! I can’t believe she is only 30 year old 😳😳
She looks like she needs a pressure wash 🧼
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Tricia Doll

VIP Member
She doesn't look pregnant at all in the blue swimsuit photo, just fat. Her thighs are huge, she must be 3-4 stone heavier than she was when I started following her. The free desserts and cookies aren't really worth it eh? Can't believe she's taken that fucking tablecloth shirt on holiday, she's so frumpy.
Her and fat Ange excitedly counting down the sleeps in the comments til she's home like a pair of daft teenagers, imagine wishing away a family holiday abroad. Pair of bangers so they are.
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Blanche Hunt

Chatty Member
There is so much to unpack here...
Of course it was Callie was was super meant to be here 🙄 nevermind that you've had 2 boys aswell Aimee. Unless Callie was some miracle against all odds baby, but I'm guessing she's referring to the fact she always felt she would have a little flower girl at her wedding and told the florist 😴.
3 started out chaotic with their living situation and a wedding booked. Yet she didn't consider a house move and new schools etc while trying for or pregnant with her 4th?!
Just because you are one of 4 doesn't mean you have to have 4 aimee 🤦🏼‍♀️.
The more you have the easier it becomes. That's it tricias. That's whys she's had a 4th! It's not for the insta freebies it's because if she adds another she gets all the fun bits of a baby but it'll be easier because she'll have kaiden to do all the hard work when kyles never home due to overtime.
Ah ken a few lassies who huv big families and they always say after 3 it’s “another tattie in the pot” so tae speak but that’s because they huv their shit together. Aimee certainly isnae a lassie ah’d look at and think she’s managing fine, she looks a bawhair away fae a mental breakdoon when the weans are in school 6 hours a day.
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I have a 4yo & 1yo and we’re going on our first holiday abroad as a 4 next month. Surely you don’t need all those things for on the plane, the amount of books/toys she’s on about packing seems unnecessary?!
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'forgot' to take meds, surely if your heartburn is that bad it's impossible to forget your heartburn meds?? Is she fucking INSANE? My god she absolutely pisses me right off with her drivel. Greetin in her maw's bed like a wee lassie. Fuck sake she's a shambles.
Deliberately forgot to take so that by time she got home she could act ill and go to her bed... Ohh wait just seen she's posted herself in bed ..ill... Could never had guessed she would been.
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So her arm was absolutely fine tae lug a big bag Ah primark clais roon Braehead and then go oot at night but it’s sair wance it’s Friday and she’ll huv the weans aw weekend again. Whit a joke.
Guaranteed the arm will be too sore to wheel suitcases in the airport when going on holiday but not too sore to carry a plate of food weighing more than her own body weight from the buffet.
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Bit of life advice Aimee.. when you do a washing (if you actually do them yourself, proof or it didn’t happen) you fold it/hang it and put it away all within 24 hours. Revolutionary eh?

My partner would be absolutely fucking mortified if I was on Instagram showing everyone our room full of bags for life with our clean washings whilst I was unemployed and he was out grafting and he’d be quite right too aswell.
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dream 88

What the f??? Taking a temper tantrum what cause u have to parent?? Yes u want ur husband there so u can claim to be unwell and dodge parents duties as he gets left with them same when he had to take them camping!
how about get a job and help contributes so ur husband doesn’t need to work as much??

instead of going on ur fone to bitch and shame ur kids try finding out why they r acting up?Maybe all the changes in their lives not just u Aimee who is affected!!
You stormed off going mad yet when ur boys act like that its not ok? Makes sense. Spend more meaningful time with ur boys and u will fine their behaviour changes.
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How does the kids being late hurt her arm more? She is such a loser. Pity she's cancelling jobs, I wanted to see which other companies I need to avoid
JOBS 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 she doesn’t have a job. Anyone that thinks Instagram is a “job” is utterly tragic- yes Aimee I’m talking about you🤣🤣 Get a fucking life and a real job you absolute saddo 🤣🤣
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She's desperate for this new baby to be a girl, it's written all over her face & just the suggestion of it has her buzzing. God help if that wee baby is a boy cause the gender disappointment will be off the scale!
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Utensils? Surely to fuck she’s not binned cutlery etc

I get a new house you want new stuff etc but would you not get yourself in first and settled and do it bit by bit rather than put all that pressure on your partner who is the only one bringing in a wage! I don’t believe for one minute her ads are bringing in enough to furnish a full house and kit out a new born.

Lassie doesn’t know if she coming or going half the time and if it was any other person I’d genuinely feel sorry for them but have absolutely no sympathy for this waste of space as she willing got herself in this situation 🤦🏼‍♀️
I think she’s trying to recreate the excitement of doing it all for the first time because she’s so clearly out of her depth and unable to cope with how her life actually is now. She genuinely can’t even manage 1 single full day of being a parent without bumping them off to someone and hiding in her bed, this was the case even pre pregnancy. She’s really mentally unwell, it’s plain to see. Her family are all living in the ignorance is bliss view because no doubt she’r throw a tantrum if it’s brought up to her.
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Blanche Hunt

Chatty Member
She went tae her MIL tae be “productive” but fell asleep at 8pm and then hud a lie in. Gies peace, you acted like a petulant wean yesterday and clearly planned tae dump the weans ontae kyles maw and let her parent them. Ave honestly never came across a mair spoilt, useless waste a space in ma life.
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I find it really hard to watch her now. She is incredibly selfish and ungrateful. How she even has a social media "platform" is beyond me. She literally does nothing other than whinge and make that stupid, wide eyed, double chinned, vacant face. Never known a grown woman with kids to carry on that way! X
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