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Chatty Member
Yeah i’m totally serious. If you can afford a holiday then you don’t need a hand out from the state do you? And holidays aren’t even what we are questioning with Anna - it’s completely unnecessary cosmetic procedures eg Botox etc. Are you actually going to argue you that benefits money can be used for Botox? When all we seem to be told is how low benefits are and how people are struggling to feed their kids on it... but some people can clearly survive just fine if they’re using the money for Botox / fillers etc can’t they?
Well if they use their money from their UC to save towards a holiday/botox/luxuries then yes they do. They might scrimp and save for ages to afford these things, so yes, you do need the handout. What a silly attitude. When people are able to work you pay National Insurance and tax for this Very purpose. That if you’re on your arse one day and need help you can claim. How people spend their money is no one else’s business.
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I just want to say that the majority of people relying on UC don't have that sort of money. I am hand to mouth every month and everyone that I know who are in the same circumstances are exactly the same. Please don't come away from these types of accounts thinking that people on UC have tons of spare money etc and that we are the villains for having an 'easy' life scrounging. It isn't a direct representation AT ALL.
I don’t doubt that. I’m sure most people on UC are like you and use it to pay your bills, feed your kids etc. That’s what it’s there for. I’m sure instead she uses her for shit like these shoes and then lets bills go unpaid (like the recent electricity bill) or puts it on a credit card she can’t pay back. It’s so irresponsible. Doesn’t she feed her kids ‘gone off veg’ in her words, the reduced aisle and from food vouchers (also fine if you need them). But she could have stocked her freezer with that £200 and put it to good use. She just comes across so selfish.
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I think she’s super attractive, as well as clever with a droll sense of humour.

It feels like she has had a really, really tough time that she never could have anticipated and it has knocked her for six. She’s climbing out the other side now. I don’t think UC, shitty Instagram ads and tinder dates will be her long term future.

Botox probably will be, though.
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I think there’s an element of talking past each other here - totally fair to say that we don’t know what happened so any judgment whose foundation is built on speculation is unfair. Also fair to say that postnatal hormones can send you loopy, that it must have been horrible for Anna to have been left with a newborn and a toddler, and that her ex may well have been justified in doing so nevertheless.

I will admit to finding the “if it was a man” thing not terribly useful - I know it’s not fashionable to emphasise this nowadays but whilst (obviously, I hope!) both sexes can be guilty of abuse both physical and psychological, the inherent power imbalance between a man and a woman is vast enough that these direct comparisons just don’t work. There is no symmetry. This general point relates tangentially to my line of work and all I will say - and it surprised me when I saw the data! - is that the strength gap between the two sexes is larger, not smaller, than most people assume. So much so that almost all men are stronger than almost all women. It’s actually quite remarkable.

That’s why things like “soaps trivialise it when a woman slaps a man’s face but if the sexes are reversed it’s abuse” are basically just fatuous. In all but a tiny minority of exceptional cases, a woman slapping a man poses absolutely no threat to him, neither would a man perceive one or be scared. The same is just not true of the reverse. And having been hit by both sexes in anger… there is a world of difference, physically, between the experiences.
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Chatty Member
I think I'd rather see her buying chazzer stuff for a few quid rather than splurging a fortune that neither her or the majority of women can afford.

Looking at you Kerrie (Ivy Coco).
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Why on earth would you film your one year old hobbling along on a gravel path in just her socks and put it on insta with the caption "ahh well really should buy her some shoes but the shops are shut"... she isn't stupid, surely she knows people are going to be a bit shocked at this. I know she gets some stick on here, but my god woman... you're asking for it posting stuff like this. And literally days after showing off her huge asos order for herself.

I've read the above comments about her clearly suffering some kind of mental health issues re her spending and her apparent reluctance to sort her shit out, but I have no sympathy for someone who can't prioritise buying shoes for her baby.
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Chatty Member
Yes I’m an autism parent and often use screens at restaurant tables.
We’ve had the judgemental stares.
As you say, no one knows why there may be a screen at the table but what I do know is that it’s the parents choice and that there are far bigger things to worry about.
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Gap insurance for a free car, gap in the cupboard let’s cry in despair, whilst shamelessly tagging to get a free pair!
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The I'm so tired and busy chat drives me insane. You get half the week to yourself, your children go to school and nursery/childminders and you don't have a job????
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I’m sure most of us have dildos/vibrators etc ourselves and enjoy using them, but wouldn’t announce to our Instagram followers we’ve just bought some anal lube/had a wank (god I hate that word). I bet there are mums from her daughter’s school and nursery who follow her and see this and just think she’s really fucking weird and creepy, and in time it will affect her kids because their mums won’t want them going round hers for tea or play dates or sleepovers. Personally I’d feel really fucking icky about letting one of my kids go round someone’s house who posted all over Instagram like that constantly. I know we all do it and it’s great to have a healthy sex life/attitude towards sex. But there’s a line that shouldn’t be crossed and showing your newly purchased anal lube or freshly manicured nails clutching your dildo is past that line 😅
100% agree with this!
It’s just attention seeking! There is no other reason for it!
Maybe she hasn’t got many friends who she can share this stuff with. Not that I send pictures of me and my dildo to my friends but my friends and I have a little group chat where sex comes up a lot 🤣
I can’t help but feel sorry for at times but I really wish she would turn off the desperate ‘wank’ talk!
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New member
It's sounds to me like she is considering giving dad full custody...
Nah, she's just being a narcissist again and making herself out to be the victim, as always. Narcissists need validation and supply daily, and she obviously needed a big top up of 'we got yo' back, sistah!' type replies. If the kids are behaving well at one house, but not the other, it suggests that boundaries are being enforced by one parent (the dad) and not the other (because she finds it easier not to do anything). The kids keep coming into her room because she allows it. They don't wake up and go into his, because he's told them that that does not happen. Violet keeps telling her mean things, because that boundary has not been enforced. My daughter spoke to me like this for a very short period, maybe for 3 weeks when she was 4, and had just started full days at school. But I wouldn't tolerate it, and it very soon stopped. It's not rocket science. Kids push boundaries because they are learning about the unwritten rules in the world. After attending to their needs, and caring for them, teaching them these boundaries is your most important job as a parent, because it's what stops them growing up to be narcissists too.
If I was the father, I would be fuming at this constant slagging, especially after her sex jibe the other day. She's odious in the way she talks about him, with no forum to respond. And if she's posting this on Instagram, imagine what she says to the children. And what this does to them. No empathy at all. An absolute narcissist in all she does.
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New member
I used to find her funny and relatable to an extent but I am shocked that she hasn’t long been split from and moved out from her partner (children’s dad) and yet has already been on dating websites and out shagging! I mean each to their own but bloody hell her baby isn’t even one yet and she is still breastfeeding!
when would it be appropriate for her to move on? And what does breastfeeding have to do with it? No one gives a shit when men move on, it’s a bit bullshit that she’s getting heat for this.

I’ve had similar thoughts about the shopping, but I love how honest she is about her love life. Her ex has moved on... why can’t she 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Mmm I feel like we wouldn’t accept mitigating circumstances in that way if it was the other way around? He’s going through a hard time, things are difficult at work for him… we wouldn’t say this to our female friends? So I don’t think I can, in good conscience, say he was wrong to leave because I would never say a woman was wrong to do so.
DV always starts small and escalates over time. We don’t know that her behaviour would have escalated but we also don’t know that it wouldn’t have, so personally I couldn’t criticise someone for getting out at the beginning. I would 100% always advise my female friends to get out so I don’t think I can in all good conscience say a man should stay and hope she doesn’t escalate.
I never said he was wrong to leave nor did I say she was justified. I simply replied to an above comment About her ‘attacking him’

Being in throws of post partum, alone all day with toddler too, and then a partner coming home late having been out in their normal life whilst life has changed hugely for a mother, I think we can give her a break on this one.

Plus I don't think its fair to compare a post natal woman to a man who is specifically choosing to commit DV. Have you seen the Louis theroux documentary about new mums? Post natal hormones can make you completely lose it.
Exactly my point, she suffered I think terribly on her first, so perhaps she would always suffer from post natal depression to a degree.

Everyone assuming she hit him, that is not what she said, she lunged not attacked.
again I’m not condoning it but it’s escalating here to apparent violence and it’s making me Uncomfortable.
Anna is a right knob but this talk of DV and ‘if this was a man’ we don’t have facts. She confessed the incident and it was not an attack, I don’t think we should speculate further.
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VIP Member
I can’t help but feel sorry for her. I don’t think the real issue is the men, I think having the attention from a bloke keeps her ticking over but I think she has other issues she needs to address. She looks so sad and done in 😞
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Chatty Member
Jesus some really empathetic people over here. Not everyone is claiming UC cos they cba to work. UC encompasses sick pay now too. So if someone is unfit for work they will also say they claim UC. Are you saying these people shouldn’t get life’s little joys? Just bare bones roof over your head and food on the table. Nothing too nice though! Just in case others think you’re spoiling yourself!
Is Anna claiming UC because she’s sick?
If someone isn’t well enough to work, it’s a different situation but I do believe that if someone is too sick to work, they shouldn’t be off having Botox on the taxpayers thanks very much 🙄
I’m not saying they need to live off gruel and water, but they shouldn’t be pissing money up the wall injecting it into their face for vanities sake.

Also, a bunch of daffodils or a pack of chocolate biccies in the food shop is ‘life’s little joys’, even a takeaway now and again or a day out at the zoo.

Relying on benefits to feed, clothe and put a roof over your children’s heads, whilst paying for Botox? Scumbag behaviour
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