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Needs her Mum to buy the school shoes 🤔 and umm why are you buying them with 6 weeks to go, the kids haven't even broken up yet. They also don't have to be from Clarks or a fancy shop. M&S are half the price. Her chest of drawers and vintage pushchair would cover a pair from Clarks. She really doesn't budget in the slightest. She's a benefits headache to those who pay tax and struggle to get by without qualifying for any benefits.
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So just when I thought she'd peaked today, she posts a pic of some gifts for the kids from her mum and slags them off. Really classy Anna.
Yes! This! Ungrateful woman! Someone spent their money on that for her and she publicly trashed it. Why did she need to share that? So fucking rude...... just what companies want to pay for in an influencer. Develop some humility, gratitude and a sense of how lucky you are. Remember all that stuff she was purporting to back regarding white privilege..... HELLO!! ✋🏽
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Ok so her mum's treated them to a holiday in Cornwall, they only got there last night and she's already slagging everything off. This is gonna be a fun week isn't it. Wonder if she realises how bitter and miserable it makes her come across. That view looks incredible and she's moaning that there's a cockerel. Ungrateful cow.
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Chatty Member
Doing the old "anyone got any recommendations for a mini break?" And hey presto a discounted hotel stay appears. The whole "oh I'm so crap at Instagram" schtick is so phoney.
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Every winter she goes on about those boots. I think they’re dead ugly 🤣
Bit of casual nail posing with a glass dildo today. Clearly has a large budget for sex toys
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As I say, i’m sure you can PayPal her the money directly yourself next time ☺
Funny how you get people claiming they can’t afford to feed their kids on benefits, and then people claiming they can afford to save up for holidays and cosmetic treatment. I wonder which is true?

Okay so you can’t see why getting Botox when you’re living like that would be stupid?
And if someone can afford Botox they probably don’t need the benefits?
I feel like you’re missing the point. I’m not standing up for anyone who claims UC while literally doing sod all towards going back to work (which you can’t really anyway if you are eligible TO work as they are on you sending you to interviews/work coaching etc etc) but what I’m saying is that UC merely covers the cost of a basic living wage where families don’t or cannot earn that much. For example, my partner works in the catering industry. Shit pay mostly but that’s his skill and he doesn’t want to do anything else despite attempting to train in other, more highly paid areas of work, as he still has career progression but it can take years. We’re on over £30k with just his salary but still claim universal credit as we can do that, we are entitled to and it means we can clothe our kids and eat decent dinners and have some left over in case of an emergency (ie. my fucking car that breaks every 8 seconds). People who work 60 hour weeks in probably mostly shit jobs deserve that at least. I get that benefits get an inherently bad reputation but I think to tar everyone with the same brush is seriously harsh. If Anna wants to get Botox with her left over universal credit money then fine, I hope she isn’t abusing the system. But that’s her money, her situation in life has lead her to having to live off of benefits, and no one should begrudge a divorced single mother of 2 young children a small treat once in a while. We don’t know her full situation but it’s hardly like she’s living the life of bloody Riley.

People doing irresponsible things with their benefits reflects badly on the majority of hard working families who rely on benefits to feed their kids and keep a roof over their heads. You’d think people would understand that
This is exactly my point 😂 I’m glad you do realise this rather than slating everyone on UC. I just had to get the rant out of my system as it’s been brewing for a few days after a really hard month financially. It’s shit. As if anyone REALLY wants to be reliant on the government for part of their income, especially as the system is so corrupt. My vent is over. Thanks for coming to my ted talk 😂
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I definitely think there's something else going on with her and the way she seems to be so unable to cope. (This is not a criticism at all and being a single parent is so hard - I know myself). But there's so many of us that manage it, and some parents manage it in really destitute circumstances, without having all these meltdowns.
I just feel like she's holding back on some of the facts (which she is totally within her right to do) but I feel like that's why there seems to be something off.
I agree completely. It’s difficult, because as you say, she has every right to keep whatever she wants to from public view. The problem is that when you sell your account as a warts n all, I-hide-nothing, dgaf free-for-all type deal, then your audience will inevitably make judgments on the basis of what they can see, since they won’t be automatically allowing for all the missing info as they might with a more boundary-having, less chaotic account. And obviously missing puzzle pieces can completely change the overall picture.

To me it seems obvious she’s suffering, and while viewers are obviously only getting her side of the story about the problems with her ex, obviously there’s every possibility her account of it all is fair. I really do feel though that she would benefit from reigning in some of the let-it-all-hang-out type vibe. It must be tiring enough having to perform on Insta even as a glossier, more professional enterprise but when your brand is so peppered and intertwined with your vulnerabilities it must be incredibly difficult to keep a level head about it all. She sounds so down on her herself since her breakup, and honestly who can blame her, to be left alone when your eldest is in the thick of the threenage years and your youngest is days old must be petrifying and overwhelming beyond belief. And hell, I’d be bitter as fuck too. I just think she’s kind of using Insta as a way to exorcise some stuff, and because 1) the communication see-saw is so unbalanced (her vs 15,000 followers) and 2) validation seeking is such a fucking tenuous way to get dopamine hits - and she’s as good as admitted how vain she is - it’s just making her sink further and further into the pit. You know what I mean?
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I wish I could just jump on a train to London on a random weekday to go shopping in Selfridges. But alas I have work, and no money. Anna has no work, and spends money like it's burning a hole in her pocket. Make it make sense.
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VIP Member
I feel sorry for her tonight but I really think she needs to step away from dating for a bit
how can you be chatting to someone for days and then they let you down...because it’s an app and people are fickle and speak to and date multiple people at once. I worry about her if she gives her heart away in a few days. I think she needs to step away from the dating scene or use a more appropriate app than tinder
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No idea tbh, she's missing the point though because if she's earning decent money she can by all means spend it on whatever the hell she likes BUT she paints herself as a struggling single mum on benefits who can't pay the bills so what does she expect people to say? Like someone said earlier, pick a lane ffs . She did stories less than 2 weeks ago about bailiffs at the door, food vouchers feeding the kids. She's either incredibly forgetful or just likes to create controversy.
I’m starting to think it’s to create controversy. It will up her engagement massively to have ppl comment/send dms. Either saying how can you afford that or no way are ppl asking you how you afford things, you deserve it etc. Plus her content can appeal to a wider audience cos she flips the coin so much. I think a lot of the moaning about the kids, their dad, her mum etc is to get ppl to engage with her and be like ‘oh I’m so glad it’s not just me’
It’s all tactical
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I just want to say that the majority of people relying on UC don't have that sort of money. I am hand to mouth every month and everyone that I know who are in the same circumstances are exactly the same. Please don't come away from these types of accounts thinking that people on UC have tons of spare money etc and that we are the villains for having an 'easy' life scrounging. It isn't a direct representation AT ALL.
Someone posted ages back that they were signposted to her account as she was an accurate representation of life on UC. I often think about that comment.... 😁
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It's weird isn't it. She's such a terrible snob but hasn't got a pot to piss in if you believe half of what she posts. If someone's taken her out for dinner today and she's sat there with a face like a smacked arse then posted the whole thing on insta slagging it off that'd be the last time I'd take her anywhere the ungrateful cow.
Remember her saying she couldnt afford the rent on her new house... wonder who's topping that up then? Mum to the rescue again..?
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Chatty Member
Maybe he was annoyed she was such an ungrateful bitch about the trip to St Lucia he paid for and she did nothing but moan about?
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VIP Member
She should be tagging every story as a press trip and not just stating it in the first one.

‘Press trip’ is just a ridiculous made up phrase.

It is an AD and AD should be clearly on every story and at the start of every post. Otherwise she risks being reported to the ASA.

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Well-known member
IMAGINE the girls dad did the same on his ig with sex toys once the girls have gone back to Anna 🤮🤮🤮

She’s sick in the head. Attention seeker much. I can actually see
them going to live with him full time tbh.
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If I were her and could afford nursery two days a week and had a partner local who could have the kids for a day at the weekend I would be going to work for about 20 hours a week and have some self respect. No Mum (single or not) gets a day off with no (preschool aged) kids once a week
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Well she obviously THINKS she's poor and hard-done-to, struggling to get by on universal credit and food vouchers etc, but in reality she lives in one of the most affluent villages in Leicestershire and has enough disposable income to get her nails and lashes done and is out shopping / on the train to London every other day. Like you say, not sure which end of the scale she’s trying to appeal to but as someone who’s also on UC and definitely can’t afford ANY of the things she treats herself to on a weekly basis, it really fucking grinds my gears. Surely she knows she’s going to piss a lot of people off by admitting to spending her childcare money on clothes..?!
It's funny because I work p/t and my husband f/t and we can't afford all these things so im unsure how she is? People will say mine of your business what she does with her money but if she's pleading poverty and making money from insta I think it kind of is?
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Well-known member
What an absolute BEG.
Does she think she’s the only single mum out there!
Fucking hell get a few thousand followers on Instagram and you feel like companies should just throw money at you!
Go and get a real job.
Maybe if she stopped talking about wanking and barely coping with the school run while letting her children turn feral, then brands might be more inclined to reach out 🤢
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