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Well if they use their money from their UC to save towards a holiday/botox/luxuries then yes they do. They might scrimp and save for ages to afford these things, so yes, you do need the handout. What a silly attitude. When people are able to work you pay National Insurance and tax for this Very purpose. That if you’re on your arse one day and need help you can claim. How people spend their money is no one else’s business.
Anna is far from on her arse. She lives a very comfortable little lifestyle for someone who sits on her backside. I work full time and can't afford botox and that's why I'm so offended by this whole thing. Why should someone claiming government handouts meant for times of hardship have enough leftover money to save up for botox and fillers? What kind of messed up system is this? If you want nice things then you work for them and earn them? What incentive is there to get back to work when you can claim off the govt and have whatever you want and nobody can question it because we all deserve nice things? Makes me so fucking mad.
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First time commenting on this thread, I watch it with interest as Anna is a funny one isn’t she. I do hope she’s ok, I feel like I follow her just to check in as whenever she’s trying to appeal to isn’t what I’m really looking for but find I can’t unfollow.

However, I have to say, some of the comments on this thread are so upsetting with regards to UC. I have a degree and a masters and I’m currently at home with my 2 little ones due to unforeseen circumstances while my partner works 60 hour weeks a lot of the time and has been furloughed for the best part of the last year making us quite heavily reliant on universal credit (more so than we were before). Saying that someone can’t possibly be on universal credit and afford holidays or little treats for themselves is really REALLY harsh. My partner works extremely hard to provide for my family and when the cost of childcare doesn’t outweigh what I would be earning then I will work really hard too. Please don’t be under the incredibly false impression that people on UC can afford this that and the other without working hard and scrounging off the government, we can barely even afford to eat this month. If I scrimp and scrape to get my nails done (which I don’t anyway) or go on holiday with my family then that’s what I’ll have done - scrimped and scraped but this won’t be instead of paying my bills/council tax/rent/food/clothing my children, this will have been putting £5 away a month until I have the money to go. My partner is so deserving of those small treats we can afford to give ourselves from HIS hard work so a huge fuck you to whoever said that we are being paid too much to have these things when the reality is extremely different. We struggle monthly but we are good people, I sincerely hope that you are never in the same position.
Totally agree with this. Due to furlough and then stat maternity pay and a rent increase we have had to rely on UC just to help us get to the end of the month, my partner is working every hour he can at the mo! My plan was to go back to work when baby was a few months old (opposite hours to my partner to avoid childcare for my baby and 5 year old) but I work in travel and in order to try and save my job I’ve remained on maternity leave as they are making cuts!
we never have before claimed a penny and didn’t even think we would ever have to but most people are only a few pay cheques away from being homeless and I think the comments were really unfair. You just never know how things will pan out!
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Chatty Member
Whining about how she’s losing the universal credit uplift 🙄
Try getting a job or just spending less on shit for yourself Anna. Hope that helps.
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She has done a few #ads recently. I'd love to k ow how much she gets paid for them. Any ideas?
No idea tbh, she's missing the point though because if she's earning decent money she can by all means spend it on whatever the hell she likes BUT she paints herself as a struggling single mum on benefits who can't pay the bills so what does she expect people to say? Like someone said earlier, pick a lane ffs . She did stories less than 2 weeks ago about bailiffs at the door, food vouchers feeding the kids. She's either incredibly forgetful or just likes to create controversy.
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Its cos she thinks moaning is relatable to her followers.
But when things just don’t add up it confuses ppl. On universal credit and broke, using government vouchers to pay for food (not shaming this) then throwing money at charity shops, then can’t aftord kids shoes but can afford wine and more chazza shit, then eating out which she should be grateful for since she’s so broke but yet complains like she’s a snob and got loads of money. Which one is it Anna?
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It's really wound me up its so performative and it distracts from the real issue at hand which is racism! And not which white person can have the best response.
I really hate this influencer desperation act of who is the most “woke” when something happens.
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Also she bangs on about privilege.... what enormous privilege it is to be able to choose to stay at home, knowing the benefits system will pay the rent and bills for your nice three bed house in a posh village, and on top of that, pay for someone else to look after your baby so you can ponce about on social media all day..
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I think she has psychological issues surrounding sex. I’m all for liberation and own your sexuality etc. But how many times has she shown us her used toys. Why the need to show you bought lube and state that it’s anal lube. For an exhausted mum of two she’s got quite a high sex drive. Just don’t know why she feels the need to put impressions in strangers on instagrams heads ? I’ve said it before... if it was a man displaying this behaviour (“my two kids have gone to their mums so I’m going for a wank now” etc/showing sex toys) it would be totally unacceptable
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It’s honestly embarrassing the way she craves validation through Instagram
Yeah and it's also very telling that she avoids her DMs like the plague. Because she's scared there will be something negative in there and she clearly doesn't handle criticism well. It's all fine when everyone's kissing her arse but the slightest negative comment and she can't deal with it.
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Jesus when I first followed this one she was actually a bit of craic. Now she’s scraping the barrel for content, talking about bean flicking and sharing photos of her sex toys. Sorry but is anyone here for that? I don’t follow anyone to hear about their wanking or bean flicking.
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The reason why she has to feed her kids on vouchers is because she spends her ‘proper’ food money on fancy cakes, pastries and ice creams a few times a week from all the bakeries they go to! Anyone with kids know if you want to save money you take drinks and snacks out with you on days out. She spunks money away then blames everyone but herself for being ‘poor’ it’s just irresponsible money management and no ones fault but her own
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VIP Member
Don't know why or how she spends so much on products while on benefits and don't get me started on the clothes and charity shop crap
Because it brings her happiness, provides content for Instagram and gives her brief respite from a life she didn’t expect to be living?

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Chatty Member
That is definitely TMI. I like her and think she’s quite funny but there’s really no need to let everyone know when she’s had a licking out ffs.
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Chatty Member
Fucking hell.
It’s not rocket science Babyjane.
You do this thing called work. You then receive something called money. You can then exchange that for goods and services.
At what point is the government supposed to hand over money? As a fall back if you lose your job or are too unwell to work, to keep a roof over your head and food in your fridge. Not to inject shite into your forehead because you’re vain. Hope that helps 🙃
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Chatty Member
Fuck off she has her dildo in her hand showing off her nails for the gram. She isn’t right in the head
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All this sharing of dating tiktoks are her way of letting us know she's dating again I guess..? Can't wait for the "getting ready for my date" story followed by the "men are trash I can't do this any more" story 🥱 delete tinder and go for a walk ffs.
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