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I definitely think there's something else going on with her and the way she seems to be so unable to cope. (This is not a criticism at all and being a single parent is so hard - I know myself). But there's so many of us that manage it, and some parents manage it in really destitute circumstances, without having all these meltdowns.
I just feel like she's holding back on some of the facts (which she is totally within her right to do) but I feel like that's why there seems to be something off.
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Well-known member
£60 on wine. This woman’s idea of “skint” really is on par with nobody else I know.
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You say you had to claim UC when you lost your job which means when on UC you weren’t working. And that you accepted you couldn’t afford luxuries or save. But Anna IS working!

And yes UC is a lifestyle choice but it’s the ONLY choice some ppl have as they earn a low wage. A wage that doesn’t cover rents because rents are so so high, council tax is high, childcare is high. Yet the low earners are always blamed. How dare they afford something nice.

There will always be someone who earns higher than me but I can’t go through life begrudging them having something nice if they’ve worked for it even if it is off one ad a month.

She hasn’t moaned about not affording the kids things for months and that was before she started working. That’s my point. She works now and is being begrudged for earning and affording things! She was also begrudged for not working!!

It used to annoy the hell out of me when she said she couldn’t afford food and moaned about the vouchers she got for food but was then spending every week in the charity shop but ppl turn their lives around. And that’s allowed.
No! If you earn money from work while you're claiming benefits they basically take whatever you earn (or near enough) straight out of your benefits - her earnings from her ads aren't a lovely added bonus on top of her UC! And I'm sorry but she's a clever woman (trained solicitor?) who has MADE THE CHOICE to sit at home on UC rather than work because it suits her lazy attitude. That's what I meant by lifestyle choice.
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Ok so she gets a massive ASOS delivery despite being skint and then posts a book she has been #gifted before it's even released in the shops about how to control your spending habits :oops:
I feel like she’s on self destruct at the moment.
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Normally a fan but she is getting on my tits now with all her talk of being so poor that she can't afford childcare and then still spunking money in the chazza several times a week!? Also panic attacks at the thought of parenting your own children for two weeks boo hoo there are single parents doing exactly that 365 days a year with no help or support from anyone 😠
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If that was a man and he posted about coming back to insta after having a “good old wank” he’d be destroyed. She thinks she’s so edgy and clever 🤢
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Chatty Member
She pushed him or went to lunge at him holding the baby. Not acceptable but I think it’s unfair to use this against her, she had a newborn a toddler and was prob just having a total post natal meltdown.
Mmm I feel like we wouldn’t accept mitigating circumstances in that way if it was the other way around? He’s going through a hard time, things are difficult at work for him… we wouldn’t say this to our female friends? So I don’t think I can, in good conscience, say he was wrong to leave because I would never say a woman was wrong to do so.
DV always starts small and escalates over time. We don’t know that her behaviour would have escalated but we also don’t know that it wouldn’t have, so personally I couldn’t criticise someone for getting out at the beginning. I would 100% always advise my female friends to get out so I don’t think I can in all good conscience say a man should stay and hope she doesn’t escalate.
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Well-known member
Yes she had a big rant yesterday. Cringe. What does do a Coleen mean?

On her latest post with her new skirt I do desperately want to write, maybe you should put your child’s school shoes as a priority before your own clothes!! So fucked up!
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New member
She seems like she's still struggling. I thought her having some time away would help and she'd come back feeling better but it seems not. I hope she figures out who she is soon, she does seem like a nice person, just a bit...lost.
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She's just so desperate to appear edgy - all the crass posts about wanking etc have backfired massively because she probably thought it made her come across as normal and relatable but in reality she's alienated the few brands she worked with and made her followers think she's slowly losing the plot. Being a single parent is hard and I know that because I'm also a single parent but I manage to do it while also working full time and that's what pisses a lot of people off, all this disposable income and a nice new bigger house in a nice posh area, posher than I'll ever be able to afford, and STILL the woman complains like nobody I've ever known. She surely must see how this alienates people?
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Chatty Member
I am completely bemused by her latest post. As others are.
I'm also a single parent on UC, but I work too, and I've used my free school meals vouchers to help me afford a few little days out on my week off with my kid - I just can't get my head around her.

I have been on no holidays or cruises. I can barely scrape a bit of money together for a cleanser on occasion - let alone afford Botox.

She is not in touch with real life. It's almost like she expects life to be like that all the time for her.
I don't understand.
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Miss Sunshine

New member
Well if they use their money from their UC to save towards a holiday/botox/luxuries then yes they do. They might scrimp and save for ages to afford these things, so yes, you do need the handout. What a silly attitude. When people are able to work you pay National Insurance and tax for this Very purpose. That if you’re on your arse one day and need help you can claim. How people spend their money is no one else’s business.
But its not there to fund luxuries, its there for basic needs. It is peoples business when its tax payers money. She cannot come on stories anymore and moan about being skint/being on benefits when she's paying a lot for botox and lip filler. Both children are in childcare, she really has no excuse not to work an actual job. Instagram is not a job!! 🙄
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VIP Member
I looked her up because someone on another thread said she gave a realistic look at life on UC. What a joke!
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Well-known member
She definitely strategically placed the diverse books in the photo this morning. It was so obvious.
I respect her for the ‘work’ she’s doing though in respect to supporting black owned and dismantling white privilege etc. It’s really important that it isn’t just left to black ppl to do. So for that I respect her.

I do generally like Anna. Not keen on all the wanking talk and complaining about being broke but always shopping. Also don’t like public bashing of the girls dad but I do quite like her and find her funny sometimes. The kids are funny and it doesn’t feel like she ‘sells them’ like other influencers do with ads!
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No one is pissy about her being on benefits. They’re pissy about her paying for Botox on benefits. Hope that helps 🤗
Nixen, this is not what you said in your post a couple of pages back and not even what you implied. If you’d have read my comment properly on the matter then you’d have seen that if I wanted to get “Botox while on benefits” then this would be something I’d have carefully considered and saved for a long time. You said if this were to happen then I’ll have been paid too much. Well I’m here to tell you that it’s pay day on Friday and we’ll finally be able to afford more than a loaf of bread, some cheese and milk and dinners for our kids - I might even treat myself to a chocolate bar! Wahoo! What a bloody life.
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Chatty Member
Thread suggestion The Long Mum #2 Living the champagne lifestyle on the UC - just don't sus me!

I’m thinking the new thread title needs to be something about insuring the gap where her boots once were?
I tried to incorporate boots and GI but couldn't think of any good rhymes!
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VIP Member
Can’t believe she went and got those £200 boots without a second thought! I have a job, as does my husband, good jobs too. And I still have just made a very considered £150 purchase. It’s for the kids aswell but it was not a spur of the moment decision. I’d have felt guilty if it were on shoes for me that I had misplaced (prob left at a tinder dates house)
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VIP Member
I didn’t hear her moaning about bedtime when
She had her bf or not having houseparty/online quizzes/ when she is always invited to freebie lunches and days out for her and her children. I’m so lacking in sympathy for this woman with all freebies she’s had, and she’s moaning about people saying they’ll kill their husband. I’m in turkey and we are pretty much on lockdown (literally the police will make spot checks in our village to make sure people are home) and it’s incredibly difficult being in a house with no escape From my Husband and we have 2 young children. But im not moaning to the world, I’m getting tf on with it.
I have a husband that I’m still with but due to his work situation, I pretty much do function as a single parent during the week. I get up in the mornings, I do meals, tidying up, bath time, bedtime all by myself- and I do also have a job. It is exhausting but also we’ve always had a routine so that when I put my daughter into bed at 7 she goes to sleep. Why is her 4 year old still running riot? Why are 2 out of 3 of them crying hysterically until 10.30?? I feel like she probably hasn't bothered trying to instil a routined evening for them all. All she bloody posts about is booze and selfish things. Maybe if she pushed those aside for a bit and sorted her life out she would be happier. I used to really like Anna but all she does these days is moan about how much worse off she is than anyone else. But she looks like she has a nice little house, she doesn’t have to go out to work everyday, she probably has more money than she’s making out because she shops a fair amount and her ex provides enough money for her rent so it must be substantial amounts. I think I had enough of her when she started talking about ‘bum sex’ with a dude she met online and has subsequently broken up with
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