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Chatty Member
Imagine the injustice of living in an affluent town full of boomers and the local Sainsburys not selling products aimed at an entirely different demographic!!!!
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Did she seriously admit to spending her childcare money on clothes? Fucking hell 🙄
I don't really understand her USP? Like one minute she doesn't have enough coupons to buy her Lidl shop and the next she's getting her nails done/Zara shopping and buying £300 boots ?
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Oh man, I really feel for her about the play date. I’d be absolutely incandescent. I know so many people downplaying this pandemic and nodding sagely along to all the restrictions then immediately carrying on as normal, as though it applies to everyone else and not them. It’s so selfish. Don’t blame her for being furious.
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I would pay more attention to her opinion if I didn’t feel she was jumping on a bandwagon. She lives very close to a city where white people are in the minority yet she has never mentioned anything about anti-racism before.
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I hope she has some real life friends that she is seeking support from.
She’s mentioned before she doesn’t have many friends or any where she has moved to - she must be lonely, only her and her girls and sometimes her mum for adult company - probably why she is putting a lot on finding a man. I feel for her and hope as you say she does have some friends she can speak to.
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Well-known member
No! If you earn money from work while you're claiming benefits they basically take whatever you earn (or near enough) straight out of your benefits - her earnings from her ads aren't a lovely added bonus on top of her UC! And I'm sorry but she's a clever woman (trained solicitor?) who has MADE THE CHOICE to sit at home on UC rather than work because it suits her lazy attitude. That's what I meant by lifestyle choice.
I know how UC works as I work closely with some claimants. They deduct 0.63 per £1 earned over the work allowance.

She was a solicitor yes but she now has two children and is a single parent. Lots of women put their career on the back burner after kids as it’s just not doable.

Not what I was referring to.
Think you should go to rave section anna🤣
Exactly the response I was expecting tbh: I’m not raving on Anna. I actually just disagree with the stigma of ppl on benefits shouldn’t be affording nice things even if they work 🤷🏻‍♀️

There will be many ppl even just here on tattle that claim benefits and work at the same time. And I couldn’t fathom having the mindset that they shouldn’t have nice things but that’s just me
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VIP Member
Moaning about universal credit and money she earns on insta...ffs. get a job then luv.

Your eldest is at school, out your youngest in nursery or when their dad has them, do a few hrs.

I wish I had the luxury of sitting on my arse like she does
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Well-known member
I used to hate character clothes then I quickly got over myself when I realised that it takes 2.5 seconds for children to grow out of something or for it to get stained so horribly it can never be redeemed 😅 handouts welcome here x
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It must be exhausting constantly thinking what can I film? What scenarios can I make up? how can I position things for photos? What shall I complain about to do with the ‘bin lids’ today? Oh I know I’ll grab a pen and let my baby fuck up the furniture then complain about it, that’s easy. It probably takes less mental capacity to actually go out to work part time
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Chatty Member
Agree with this. I stuck up for her spending her UC how she wants but no way in shitting hell can any fucker on UC (including myself) afford to spend £200 on boots. BOOTS. She’s got another income for sure, either that our her new boy toy bought them for her. Either that or shes not paying any of her bills.
I think that’s more likely (not paying her bills 🙄)

Is everyone who defended her getting botox etc still happy about how she's spending that UC? 🤔
Exactly what I thought when I saw her stories

Did anyone catch on her stories when she posted “who wouldn’t want to spend their birthday in a Premier Inn”. Fucking ungrateful bitch. Her boyfriend obviously would have paid for that, PLUS their meal out that night and she’s complaining it’s not the fucking 15 star luxury palace she thinks she deserves. I’d dump her arse so fast if I was him
Yes and I thought same, even if they went half on it, such a rude bitch. Like when she slagged off the hotel the bf who took her to st Lucia paid for… she hasnt learned 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️
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Bloody nora, anyone watching her stories today would think her 20 year marriage had just broken down, not a rando off tinder telling her he's not that into her after one socially distanced walk in the park. I'm no mental health professional but she needs to stop wallowing and get out for some fresh air and delete that bloody app off her phone.
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As it's a gifted trip aka AD I expected to see more of the ship, facilities available, entertainment, restaurants etc. Not her spindly legs and feet spread on a sun lounger or her washing her face. How do these people get these gigs?!?!?!?! Give it to a regular family who will probably do a better job of it then that shit show she is putting on.
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I looked her up because someone on another thread said she gave a realistic look at life on UC. What a joke!
If by realistic they mean plenty of disposable income to spend on clothes and booze, every weekday to herself with the baby in childcare paid for by their dad and the sheer audacity to complain about how busy and stressful her life is, then yeah I suppose they're right...
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Chatty Member
I actually feel quite sad for her. It's obvious she has mental health struggles and low confidence in her ability as her parent. Rather than gloat at how he is 'winning' her ex partner should work with her to ensure she feels empowered and supported.

The kids suffer if she is unhappy and low and ultimately they should be the priority for both sides. Growing up with such tension and Me Vs You about everything is ultimately going to damage those lovely girls. Whether someone is right or wrong doesn't really come into it. Both coming across immature, resentful and mean. Just do the shit you need to do to to try best not to fuck up the little souls you both chose to bring in to the world.✌
To be fair to her ex we are only getting her side of the story and I wouldn’t consider her narration entirely reliable…
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I used to find her funny and relatable to an extent but I am shocked that she hasn’t long been split from and moved out from her partner (children’s dad) and yet has already been on dating websites and out shagging! I mean each to their own but bloody hell her baby isn’t even one yet and she is still breastfeeding!
I used to really enjoy watching her too but I am of the same thoughts as you, its all a bit much at the moment really, but then part of me thinks is she just having a hard time and falling apart but trying to keep it together? I cant decide if I feel sorry for her or am irritated by her
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