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I think if brands are stupid enough to gift her £500 dresses that maybe won't fit her then that's on them tbh. They could have asked her for photos to pre-approve before she posted if they are bothered about how it looks before she publicises it. I'm not defending Lottie coz I think she's an absolute moron but we know she has no scruples when it comes to advertising or promoting things as long as she's getting the dosh.

That said, she was definitely rude and it's simpler to ignore or delete the comment than get snarky. She lives in a bubble where 99.99% of her followers spend all day bestowing praise upon her so there's no need for her to get het up by one very occasional negative comment that comes her way. That shows how fragile her ego is.
Yiu understand that there is an agency pushing and promoting her, right? They negotiate stuff and then Lottie posts what she posts. She often posts small brands too that don’t have a full marketing dept and don’t necessarily know how to negotiate an influencer marketing contract.
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Why does Lottie always wear Spanx if she's so bopo and doesn't care about hiding the bloat?
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The comment about the bust was so spot on. You can see here that it's slipped beyond where it should be, she'll have had to be adjusting it all night. I wish she would flag the bust fitting like she does the bloat friendly things, it would be a good thing for her brand ffs
Especially as she used to post a fair bit about things being breastfeeding friendly and would post to the canibreastfeedinit account pretty regularly - carrying on flagging things that do/don’t fit well on the bust would be a natural continuation of that. But she’d rather pretend things fit instead 🙄
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The cleaning person also put up another photo of her cleaning and Lottie didn't share that! It looked like her office or something with stuff chucked everywhere
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"Let's go daddy" made me feel queasy.

He delivered "beautiful mama" with such heartfelt conviction!
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She has (probably self diagnosed) IBS. Which means she is essentially gluten “intolerant” but at one point she said she basically started eating everything again… I think its just attention seeking. She probably googled her symptoms which were some of the IBS symptoms and went “yupp thats the one”.
People just blanket all stomach/bowel issues with IBS but it could be as simple as dairy intolerant. I had issues for years, saw the doctors etc and it wasn’t until I had a baby who had CMPA and o cut it out to bf him that my symptoms cleared up
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New look posted pics of all their new ambassadors and she looks a joke next to all the others. Just unkempt and goofy. Nothing influential about her.
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Just seen Carys Whittakers page and she talks about bloat/round belly and looks great whilst doing it! Lottie could learn a thing or two.
Much prefer carys. She's still a bit annoying but she accepts her figure for what it is.
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I couldn’t imagine following my partner around like she does. My situation is completely different, my partner is in the army so I can’t join him when he goes away on exercises or tours - not that I’d want to! But even when he is away for a weeks exercise, if I could join him, I wouldn’t. I just crack on at home, caring for our 10 month old daughter on my own.

I don’t know whether she chases him around the world because she is so scared he is going to cheat. But what’s the saying… how you got them is how you lose them 😉. She is a nut job and so annoying. I’d be telling her to PISS OFF if I was Ross! X
Apparently hes been there for a week but will only meet them tomorrow…. Tells you everything you need to know
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Thing is I’ve got the odd 8 dress in my wardrobe but I’m a 10-12 - I’d say prob a 12 safest…just because you have an item of clothing in a size doesn’t make you that size! And for it not to zip up its massively too small
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How soon do we see posts about that walking ick Ross travelling for work again?
Soon I’d assume because he has to leave in a few days - I really want to know what was so important that he’d move their holidays for it…
Or they were their usual fuckwit selves and didn’t book time off before they booked their holiday 🤣
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They’ve done a good job on her hair in terms of it looking loads better but surely she’s just making the issue worse sticking a load of extensions back in?!
I think they've worked some sort of witchcraft on her crispy crows nest-head. She won't look after those lovely and presumably very price extensions though, will she!?!
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Chatty Member
Whenever I went back to compare her current state to her older pics, I only go back to right after her giving birth… she is bigger now than she was back then, her hair is in a lot worse shape, her teeth are not getting better, the gaps are widening and so on. She completely let herself go. It’s sad to see but her trying to fake it for the gram is infuriating at the same time
i put on weight the year after both of mine…two years with my eldest. It was being exhausted and hungry fro breastfeeding and also comfort eating. I think whoever it was said she doesn’t understand that when you’re big it can all go on your stomach was bang on
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Why is she demonising my fitness pal - you can easily change the default calorie setting?! It really helps me to make sure I get enough protein each day
She probably set it to losing a ton of weight in like two weeks… the app gave me 2550-3000 calories/ day when I was doing a lot of physically demanding stuff.
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Tell me you are an actual bully without telling me… if you want to live your life on the internet and make a living out of wearing clothes you gotta either get it right and make sure they fit you or be ready to be called out. Mean girl bitch… be king - but only when it’s about me.
The dress looks fine on her. It suits her toddler style palette. She should just not respond to the very rare comments that do not blow smoke up her ass. It just makes her look stupid to get shitty with people. The chest area is probably too small for her but who cares, if she likes it then good for her.
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