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So the Slackers are staying at a Marriot for New Years to relate to the "common man"...

They do their Prosperity Pig, and you know if they were average people it wouldn't bother me, but for 2 people who bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars each year asking for more prosperity is kind of tone deaf.

You can tell Tim isn't thrilled with the hotel room because its legitimate only one room and they can't shove Jack$on in another room.

They get a shit ton of food which apparently makes Jen sick because she's sleeping in bed at 10:46PM.

They do their egg in water glass thing, I feel bad for the housekeepers who will clean up after this room. This leads to Jenn asking Tim, if "she's doing it right" over and over. Also they don't know how to crack eggs, you crack on a flat surface, non on the edge of a glass.

They also do their dopey frozen grape things.

A run down of their "wishes"

They want to do in 2021, everything they had planned for 2020 but couldn't do. Tim wants a vaccine for his parents, and the rest of them. Tim wants to stay in every Disney Resort. Jenn wants to start up the Podcast again. Tim wants to update the rest of the house. Tim wants to lose weight, Jenn wants to lose weight and start a work out regiment. Tim wants to stay in an RV at Fort Wilderness. Jenn wants to go to Tokyo and Disneyland....which she wants to do by CAR. Jenn also wants Jack$on to sleep 12 hours through the night. Tim wants to teach Jack$on to swim, which Jenn says "Fully?" I'm sorry you can either swim or not swim there's not really an in between. Tim wants to visit the Grand Canyon. Jenn wants to go to Canada. Tim wants to do an Alaskan Disney which Jenn says "MAYBE THE MEDITERRERIAN?" Tim wants to give Jack$on a million hugs. Jenn wants an outdoor play area err prison pen for Jack$on.

The Slackers once again show their inability to plan, they don't have a bottle opener for their "Sparkling Juice"

Tim gets to kiss Dairy Queen one of the few times a year (Anniversary, Birthday, and New Years)

They watch the fireworks at first behind the sliding glass patio door...then finally decide to go outside.

The fireworks are so intense they set off Timbo's car alarm.

Jen spilled "Sparkling Juice" on her shirt.

Tim wants this to a new tradition....Jenn would want to stay in a bigger room next time though.

Jenn thinks Jack$on's egg looks like a Castle....or a Redwood Tree...It looks like an upside down mushroom cloud so that makes me think there will be nuclear holocaust coming soon.

Tim's egg looks like Space Mountain and then it turns into a Mountain range...then it turns into the coral reef.

Also they say Jack$on needs to take a nap, but they just got him up for this dopey egg thing? Du fuq?

Jenn thinks her looks like the tallest rollercoaster...

Jenn is so tired, but she slept part of the evening before New Years.....

She hopes it'll be a good year....

They should've wished to be back on the Disney Media List.

Jenn wants us to tell her and Tim their New Years Resolutions instead of helping people in need.
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What shenanigans will the Slackers get into next? What will be the next reason for them to conveniently change their outlook on Covid-19 because it would profit them?

Will they actually let guests say anything in their vlogs or will they just be silent background pieces?
Giving me 1960s Batman vibes 🙌🏼

When my kids were Jackson’s age we got them a bunch of gifts, the grandparents got them tons of gifts, Aunts and Uncles got them tons of gifts, simply regifting because it’s easier is horrific....especially when you waste so much money everyday and then buy Tim expensive presents, Christmas stopped being about me and my wife when our children were born but it sounds like to them it’s just another “look at our money” day
I would respect them if they said, he got too much stuff so we don’t want to create more unnecessary waste in the world. No, it was: he got too much, but watch US get all this stuff.
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I can't wait to see the nye video
tim will burn the meat but they will say its delicious
They will have sparkling juice as its a special occasion
Followed by the same half hearted traditions they did last year did they ever get rid of that lemon or is it still in the yard.
And Jackson will be stuck in his motorised chair trying to head towards the front door
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Ok I’m about to make some enemies

I’m getting tired of ALL THE VLOGGERS 🤣🤣🙈🙈

Don’t kick me off here.

The slackers and PCDev are THE WORST so I’m still with you all there

However, Jackie is so nauseatingly positive...she likes/loves EVERYTHING and everything is always “so beautiful” and it gets tiresome

PMM or Nate I just cannot...something about him just absolutely grates on my last nerve. He seems like a nice enough person but as a vlogger he’s just unbearable to watch.

Molly from AllEars I do generally like even though she eats like a child who has 17 siblings and she needs to fend for herself🤣

Just my opinions of course
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It looks like Ellen Smith is no longer with us. I get a user profile not available when clicking on hers. I wonder what happened? Lol
Maybe her sister complained about her email address getting stolen and misused.

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Where is Peteys vlog description?! I live for those 😂
I wasn't going to punish myself to see them open presents for 30+ minutes.

She fat shamed her mother in law too??
Yeah she called her a cow I from what I remember which is ironic because Jenn is the Dairy Queen.

It was around the time Jenn declared herself infertile and was bothered by Tim's Mom for apparently "not trying" enough.
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"They protect animals worldwide, that means throughout the whole world" My husband yells at the tv well no shit sherlock is that what worldwide means. Those two are idiots. And stop asking what Buddy thinks. He doesn't LOVE you asking him that all the time in that voice and we sure don't want to see/hear it.
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Very true.

And I'm not all gung ho on Tim's defense but I think that 99.9% of the stuff that happens re: Jackson is from Jenn's influence or her stomping her feet (metaphorically) until she gets her way (i.e. "we're doing it this way Tim, and you have zero input on it")

I mean, really - do we all think Tim excitedly wants Jenn and Jackson to go with him every single time to the parks now? I'm betting Tim would absolutely love just a bit of time by himself - and Jenn should WANT a bit of time to herself with Jackson! (and I'm not even talking about side action on Tim's part; I'm just talking about straight up being alone in the parks vlogging like at Gatorland that day)

Don't get me wrong, I cannot stand when Tim would shove plastic toys into a teething Jackson or attempt to push his little hands a certain way to get him to paint a certain direction but, that being said, I feel that - as a whole (I'm talking down the road too), I believe Tim will ultimately be the better parent.

I just get total vibes that Jenn is going to ultimately be a monster mother and create conflict between Tim and Jackson, sort of pitting them against each other to get her way and use each to their advantage - possibly emotionally manipulating them (and giving them guilt trips if she doesn't get what she wants).

I've seen it in my own family with the likes of "Jenn's" I deal with. JMHO.
Well stated.

Definitely all the conflict and drama is initiated by Jenn. She isn’t happy (or appreciative for what she has) in life, so she takes great pleasure in making others miserable.

I can totally see her pitting Tim and Jackson against each other to get her way down the road.

Now to the present....
Tim needs to get his channel back and be allowed to do his thing, solo. The proof was in the Gatorland vlog. He was the Tim of old. Relaxed, inquisitive (he was comfortable asking questions) and kind of goofy. TTT channel is the family $$$ maker. Tim needs the freedom to do it his way.

Jenn needs to grow up and put on her big girl panties! If she so much wants to be a Mom, like she claims, then she needs to act like one. That means staying home and having good quality bonding time with Jackson. He should be learning, exploring and discovering. It also means making healthy home cooked foods to feed Jackson.

Jackson needs the security of having a place he knows as “home.” They are on the go so much (theme parks, staycations, AMI, plus strapped in a stroller most of the day) that his bedroom isn’t as familiar as it should be to him at 13 months. He doesn’t automatically recognize “oh, yes. There’s my crib. That’s where I sleep”. Or “There’s the comfy chair where mommy/daddy read books to me before I go to sleep.” (I really don’t think the latter happens. It just seemed to fit 😆)
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When my kids were Jackson’s age we got them a bunch of gifts, the grandparents got them tons of gifts, Aunts and Uncles got them tons of gifts, simply regifting because it’s easier is horrific....especially when you waste so much money everyday and then buy Tim expensive presents, Christmas stopped being about me and my wife when our children were born but it sounds like to them it’s just another “look at our money” day
T&J live in “Bojo world” where they reign as King Klueless and the Tramp.

There people are used, abused and expendable. The only people that they acknowledge are those that can benefit them.

COVID’s deadly raft exists only when it suits them.

They flaunt their (alleged) wealth by making expensive purchases, dining out all the time and going on $$$ staycations. Documenting and posting everything to the world proving how insensitive they are to the COVID deaths and illnesses, loss of jobs and subsequent homelessness of many people.

They are so myopic that they don’t see the damage that they are doing to Jackson. He is not their son. Rather, he is a prop or a toy to be showcased when needed.

Jackson is physically, cognitively and emotionally developmentally delayed because his needs are ignored. The most growth a child does in their lifetime is in the first three years. Pathways are created in the brain that will serve the child for the rest of his/her life.
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Year: 2024
Scene: Tim and Jenn squatting in Tim's parent's house while they're off on a 'round the world trip.
Jackson sitting in front of the TV watching reruns of Blues Clues
Jenn camped out on the sofa in her now worn sweater/robe and holey sweatpants. Starbucks tumbler to match her sweater in hand. Computer on lap, engrossed in some conversation online.
Tim heading out the door with a broken camera, in sweats.

Tim: I pulled the chicken out of the freezer to thaw for fajitas tonight.
Jenn (whining): awwwww, I wanted burgers from <anyplace>
Tim: We can't afford burgers from <anyplace>That's why we bought tortillas and chicken.
Jenn: Well, what time will you be home? I can't cook fajitas alone, I've never done it.
Tim: We cooked these last week. You remember how.
Jenn: No! That was the week before, and you did all the cooking.
Tim: Yeah, I know, I do all the cooking. You do it this time.
Jenn (whining): I want a burger from <anywhere> ... and one of those ginormous cookies... and a salad so I don't get fat
Tim (raises eyebrow, under breath): Too late
Jenn: What?!
Tim: No money!
Jenn: That's not what you said!
Tim: I said that maybe if I hadn't spoiled you with all those vacations back in 2020 we'd have money for a hamburger!
Jen (whining): You called me Fat!
Tim: Well if you'd get off your lazy ass and get a job maybe you wouldn't weigh 300lbs!
Jenn: I weigh 120 and you know it!
Tim: You lie like a beached whale. I'll be back. Make dinner.
<Door slams>
Jenn to Jackson: Jackson, hunny, do you know how to cook fajitas?
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Kids learn by example. I have 2 now adult kids and have been a single Mum since my youngest was 6 months old. I held down a full time job too. We had little family time and it was precious. We ate our meals at the table, family style. I put out bowls of good old, homecooked food and they chose what they ate from that. I did it that way because I wanted them to make good choices as I was very overweight. As they got older, they helped set the table etc and we talked about our days. It's set them up with a good healthy relationship with food and good social skills. Tim and Jenn are passing their issues onto Jackson
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I wonder if Tim has thought about quitting the channel this past year. I know that a baby is a lot of work, which explains why he (more notably than Jenn in my opinion, but it could be his eye bags) looks more tired than normal in a lot of these videos but he also doesn't have the same spark like he used to in the old vlogs. Meanwhile you have Jenn basically soaking all of the attention up (whether it's her as the thumbnail, every vlog including her, etc...) and enjoying it. It just feels like the Jenn show at this point and it feels wrong considering it is Tim's channel and Jenn has her own. Of course, I doubt that Tim would quit because of the $$$ rolling in but just making vlogs when there's no passion behind them anymore just seems so... exhausting.
my husband said the other day as I was watching

“damn that dude looks beaten to a pulp”

and he’s not wrong. There is literally NO JOY in Tim’s eyes or expressions anymore. I was watching him interact with Jackson and there is just nothing he’s dead inside

on the polar opposite lately Jenn seems to LOVVVEEEE everything and enjoy torturing us with her reactions to it all
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Hi New poster. I found your forum after getting increasingly frustrated with the Slackers. was amazed to find there are people of a similar view.

I used to enjoy the trackers, Living in the UK and a big theme park fan it was nice to get some escapism and feel like i was at the parks with Tim. I started getting frustrated during lockdown and the way they seemed to be overly cautious to everything. I did admire their views on staying safe but when they started going to the parks and still moaning about the virus and crowds etc it really miffed me.

I still watch the vlogs but now skipping and Jackson bits and food bits (we are not likely to be able to try any of these foods so what's the point in 'reviewing' them) I'm not getting a lot of entertainment out of them.

Interesting reading about the Jackson stuff. At the start they did seem to be doting parents, asking for advice etc, now Jackson just seems to be dumped in convenient locations and it's all about the food.

Anyway, I do have a question. Are we having a Christmas Tree sweepstake? I seem to remember last year the tree was up for months, maybe even March?? Do we think it will be up for a similar time this year because of the hectic schedule with all the staycations? I mean they couldn't even find time to wrap pressies (although they found plenty of time to unwrap Jacksons from his grandparents.)

Anyway. My guess for Christmas Tree removal will be 29th Jan :D
oh I like that idea, I'm going to go with sometime after Valentines day... so say around the 17th February. They'll "forget" to take it down and then figure it'd be 'a good idea' to decorate for Velentines day and then take it down after.

with regards to getting frustrated with the Slackers, same here. From Ireland I was looking for the escapism (from way too much reality) that the parks offer and it wasn't happening with TTT - I mean the craziness that was not using the ketchup bottle! Isn't that what hand sanitiser is for??? anyway after a while I got the impression that something was off, and I was beginning to seek out other Disney vloggers - whom I found and noticed they were going to media events and TTT wasn't, I got curious and that's how I found this forum. Welcome btw.
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Hello! Long time reader but first time posting. First off, I wouldn’t call myself a Stan, but I do still enjoy watching their videos and I wish them well.

I’ve been reading along here, previously GG, for over a year. Since one of Jenns twitter dramas, and someone made reference to the GG site. I love to read along here as a lot of the comments make me laugh. I used to think this was just a bunch of really jealous people but now I see it’s just a little community who enjoy critiquing others. Whatever makes you happy!

Anyway I thought I would say hi as I feel like I’ve known some of you for so long now, haha! And I like reading your point of views, even if I don’t agree with everything
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Wow, they actually live like grifters now - staying at hotel after hotel after hotel. Why even "own" a home?

Yeah... I call bullshit on that waist size! My husband is 180 lbs with a flat stomach and wears a 34...
2021-01-01 (3).png
and wears a 34 waist.
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Chatty Member
Also in today’s video, there is a hideous close up of Tim’s face! Why is this necessary? Not funny or entertaining! I actually had to turn away! Also why does Tim hold his cutlery , especially his fork like a three year old?
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