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I LOVE YOU...that is all... continue on about your days

You literally hit every single point I had in my brain. None of these schmucks deserve free stays/vacations from any theme park or hotel nor do they deserve adoring fans gifting them shit constantly

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I don’t know why it annoys me so much but goddamn it I want to reach through the screen and punch her🤣🤣🤣
I have a theory that the reason Jenn sits in the back seat is because she is directly in the line of sight of the camera when Timbo vlogs from the drivers seat. There’s literally no way he can film himself there without her mug being in the shot since she is sitting right behind him.
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Some tell us, but they play it down and we have to read between the lines. Frankly, most folk don't pick up on the subtle hints, myself included.

The Dis team is pretty good of telling it like it is. If you can get past their team drama, they're not too bad.
Well, Fiasco is horrible, but the rest was pretty good. (Disclaimer: I've not watched a DIS review since the start of 2020, but I saw Fiasco was doing the shopping one this week, so he's still there.)

Timbo and Jennypoo here love to complain, I think they might tell us IF they were bold enough to try anything new that wasn't a burger, hotdog or carb. Then, if we can get past the closeups of them jamming food down their gullets with minimal chewing (thank god as it's been known to be open mouth) there's the problem in every review they try to do of them using the same terms a thousand times over.
I'm shocked Fiasco is still "employed" by The Dis.

He's more inept than Sean was as a Reviewer, and his knowledge on Disney is just as bad.

I guess Pete doesn't want to kick Navy Veteran to the street and is keeping him on board out of pity.
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They are definitely stunting Jackson

he DESPERATELY needs some stability. He needs that at home relaxing time just exploring his surroundings

we were guilty of taking our son to the parks too much once he was about 2 years old and at about 3 he would start to say “no parks mommy home please” and we were only at the parks about 2 days a week at most

Jackson is definitely on the verge of hating Disney I’m predicting
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my baby is going to be 5 months soon and I can’t wait to just get 6-8 hours straight. i exclusively pump, so we bottle feed, and until 8 months it’s recommended that I pump in the middle of the night. otherwise i’d be getting 8 hours as my little one typically sleeps from 7:30-6 and I go to bed around 10.
ooof I hear you there! I breastfed and pumped. I pumped because my husband really wanted to be able to feed our son every once in a while and I thought it was sweet that he wanted that bonding time with our little guy. They are best pals now so I’m not mad I did it.

I definitely enjoyed not having to pump and getting longer stretches of sleep though once he got older

Yeah...Jackson has been a mellow and sweet baby until now. He's going to start exhibiting the classic "resting grumpy face" and he's going to start giving them trouble - as is normal. BUT, added to that, he's going to start vocalizing (loudly!) his displeasure at being dragged all over the parks all the time - which is NOT normal (i.e. the dragging to the parks part, not the vocalizing).

Jenn has actually had it pretty good the last year or so with him.

I predict a complete meltdown in the next year - both by Jackson and Jenn. Or really, just Jenn (because Jackson will just be an innocent little guy in this whole mess)
I was going to say, from what I’ve observed or what they’ve chosen to show us...Jackson is EXTREMELY mellow. They really lucked out honestly

as much as I adore my son...he was a nightmare infant and I was horribly unprepared for it. He was colicky and grumpy and constantly awake. It actually made me second guess having more children. He’s wonderful and mellow now but damn infancy was a SHIT SHOW

Jenn I cannot wait until Jackson can tell you where to go, and where to stick it🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I’m not a Tracker apologist but there’s other things to call them out on-basic child safety isn’t one of them.
And if someone chooses to publicly admit that they can’t be bothered strapping a child into a Pram then I’ll judge them how I see fit ✌🏼
You're a shitty person for judging someone solely based on ONE statement. ;)

(I'm judging you how I see fit...right? ✌)
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They're no longer showcasing different charities at the end of their videos because it was (spot the lie): a) too difficult, b) too time consuming, c) not making them any money, d) some little boy practiced saying it for a year so that he could be part of the outro and when his family finally met the trackers they didn't bother taping it but trust us it was so heartwarming so we're going to bring our original outro back!
Bet that poor kid was devastated! They treat stans like shit. We met Tim 2 years ago and he was a total ignorant asshole Put us off him and her ever since ! He needs to get rid of her. She’s fucking up that channel big time.
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Yikes! That screen grab of her truly represents that inner and outer “beauty” of hers. She is such a nasty bitch. How is he so patient with her? Some day, she’s going to alienate everyone in her life and she will be all alone. She’ll probably even start treating Jackson this way when he’s older.

And I can 100% guarantee she is going to pit Jackson and Tim against each other as Jackson gets older. She's going to play mind games, do guilt trips, do the victim routine - the whole nine yards.

I've seen it play out in my own family with "Jenn's" I deal with. It's so predictable with types like her. But yet, sadly, the people in their lives just have to "take it" to keep the peace. (and just to tell a person to "leave" the "Jenn" in their lives is often easier said than done, unfortunately :confused:... it gets complicated)


Sparkly Nicole may be the equivalent of watching paint drying but my ❤ goes out to her and Jim.

She posted that Jim is officially laid off. 720 out of 780 actors now officially laid off in total.

Jim, along with all of the performers from all of these listed below.

Go ahead and flex again, Trackholes. :mad:

Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor
Turtle Talk with Crush
Citizens of Hollywood
Beauty and the Beast
Voyage of The Little Mermaid
Festival of The Lion King
Finding Nemo The Musical
Spirit of Aloha
Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular
Up! A Great Bird Adventure
Jedi Training Academy
Disney Junior
Pandora Rangers
Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Revue
Citizens of Main Street
The Grand Floridian Society Orchestra
Sergio in Italy
Yehaw Bob
and more ❤
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I have read it, just don’t really feel the same strength of feeling yet ( and I will say yet cos I did like the Trackers at one point)
solid point. I used to love the Trackers too. So it’s definitely a feeling that grows on you like a fungus 🤣🤣

I wonder why Tim doesn’t stick up for his parents more, or at least stop rolling the camera and say something like, “That’s not going to come across very nice in the vlog, and our audience doesn’t need to be reminded you hate my mom and dad- edit that out.” Stick up for them, Tim. I know there are men like this- they will agree with their wife about his parents for years, but eventually it eats away at the marriage. Tim, we know you love your dad. You can hear it in the way he cracks up at his dad’s jokes in the few vlogs I’ve seen featuring senior “Tracker”. Jenn wants you only to herself and seems to be cutting you off from family. I truly believe he wants his son and parents to be close. It’s up to him to see that happens.
I’ve wondered this too. From the very little I’ve seen Tim’s family seems down to earth and kind (however we don’t know anymore than the bits and bobs they choose to show us)

my husband and I have made the conscious decision to cut his parents/my in laws out of our lives after MANY opportunities for reconciliation and change. Some people are toxic and need to be removed. However, I don’t sense that from Tim’s mom and dad.

Jenn is the toxic sludge
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Top 5 TPP (Tracker Pet Peeves)
1. Let your kid feed himself
2. The repetitive use of words, do you looove it, I feel like, it’s delicious, oh noooo
3. The lack of creativity/hyper focus on the strangest things
4. Your lack of accountability, if your COVID comfort level has evolved, own it
5. You’ve strayed so far from what you claim your channel is
What’s your 5?
1. The exploitation and neglect of Jackson
2. The hypocrisy of stating on Michael Karschti YT interview that if you could do something different with respect to your channel you “would not show your faces”, yet shove a camera in Jackson’s face since birth!
3. Not allowing Jackson to learn to feed himself.
4. Their behavior during this global pandemic. Arrogant, insensitive, flexing purchases and staycations in places that are $1K+ per night. Plus their 80K Tesla
5. a) not tipping/stiffing servers at #Hosted restaurants.
b) not highlighting the #hosted venue
c) not being transparent that you were #hosted
d) not showing gratitude that you were #hosted
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Y’all, not one of you has ever given your kid an iPad or phone to be calm during dinner lol okay FOH
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Can you imagine picking out presents to give to your grandson and not only do you not get to give them to him yourself, but you find out he didn’t even get to open them himself? Not only that, his parents decide to hide most of them away for “another holiday”. So incredibly rude. Half the fun of giving a presents even to a baby, is watching them open it and their subsequent reaction. There’s no reason whatsoever they couldn’t have waited until the next morning to have Jackson open them himself. Terrible.
So rude.

Has Tim been hiding under a rock? He could have set up a zoom room with Jackson's grandparents on Christmas morning and gotten permission to save the gifts for later.
Even if he couldn't figure zoom out, he must be familiar with Facetime.
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Why is he not talking?

First of all, children learn at different rates. I spoke full sentences before I walked.

A child learns words by hearing them and attempting to imitate the sounds. The babbling sounds are b’s, d’s and m’s. Eventually they say da da and ma ma and the child is shown that dada is daddy and mama is mommy. They have something to connect the word to.

My POV is that Jackson doesn’t hear a lot of words on a daily basis. They don’t talk to him nor read stories (if they do) to him on a regular basis. Outside of hearing Jenn ask Jackson “do you llooovvee it!” I don’t see them really talking to him.
“Oh, there’s Tigger! He is orange. Look, Jackson, you have an orange shirt on”
“You know what else is orange? Carrots. You like to eat carrots. You had some for lunch”
(not my finest work, but hopefully you get the point 😏)

Another thought is that amidst the chaos that Jackson is subjected to he simply has nothing to say.
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It would be nice if they actually seemed to enjoy him since kids grow up so fast.

They are so CLUELESS. They don’t know what they are missing out on.
Jackson seems like a good baby and would be a lot of fun to be around. They have controlled and smothered him so much that he didn’t know what he could do. Now he is mobile it’s like a light went off in his head. He realizes that he can go places and he can think for himself.

Now the games begin.
Jackson can walk. He is starting to verbalize his feelings and desires. He will want to be on the go when they’re outside the house, not strapped into his stroller. And he won’t put up with them eating while he gets nothing.

Is Jackson an “oops” baby?
Cause they both don’t act like he is a wanted member of the family. Instead of the “miracle child” they had been waiting for.
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LOL OMG as I read your comment I'm watching Resort tv1 and Josh just said "I'm king of adventureland cuz there's no one here". He's still in the park 48 minutes after closing. Heehee

I'm new here so forgive me if this is a silly question but are the Trackers not cool with Spokesmayne? I know he does a GKTW fundraiser stream and I never see the Trackers or Michael kay or Dev. Is there some beef between them all or something???

Spokesmayne is a garbage human being. I don't care about the Trackers in this instance because Spokesmayne has used, gaslit and manipulated the women in his life to advance his channel and he shouldn't be supported in the slightest.
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Dude, if I paid the money to have brunch at the Four Seasons, I'd be livid if a screaming kid was seated a few tables away.

Also... what's up with the total 180 on their Covid precautions. Last week, they couldn't go on rides or see family for the holidays (despite going into all kinds of stores and pop-ups), now they can ride rides, with fastpasses of course, and go have brunch inside?
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"So Timbo drives with his mask on at all times? I would understand him putting it on when he gets to the Toll Plaza, but from how it was filmed it looks as if he drove from his house to MK with a mask on the entire time".

This was a few months ago. Tim was riding a jet ski, a raging storm coming. He is probably not within a mile of the nearest person. Here he is wearing a neck gaiter. At least he has a whistle with him. Yup, safety first.

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My issue is more with the tired group of Disney vloggers who churn out similar content day in and day out and then expect accolades, fish for freebies, drop hints to stans for what they want, practically beg Disney for #hosted and stuff, get caught up in unnecessary social media drama, have legions of stans go after innocent people for a difference of opinion or a simple mistake... etc....etc.
Thats why I never really got into the Resorts1TV. They do this to a tee. The walking around the park and begging for money is shameful. The Trackholes didn't start off like this hence the change in opinion. PMM and SE are the happy go lucky drama free bloggers that I can tolerate for escapism. PMM gets some flack for being gifted DVC stays. In his defense a lot of people who have DVC were going to have points expire at the end of the year due to the virus so they gifted them to be nice (and for a tax write off). If there was no COVID I don't think we'd be seeing much of this if at all. PCD I always thought was a knob. Michael Kay is the kind of guy you see get convicted in an episode of Law and Order SVU. ATW is great because he doesn't do just Disney and puts in a lot of research when he does his filming locations. Even though I don't love the WDW Couple I give Josh props for making a career change and actually starting a legitimate video business. The channel is another avenue to showcase his work to clients. Molly bought AllEars from Deb who started that website back in like 2000 and is making it her own thing. And as a former CM her info is usually spot on.

Skinny (again), I think its a case by case basis when it comes to the "Disney vloggers".
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