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This is a truly accurate description except one thing. They would have gotten all of this food to go- and then eat it hours later at their home lol

I like Jackie a lot but I agree she can give a tad more constructive criticism instead of saying everything being amazing.
Right? Like I’m just tired of the overly positive outlook on every damn thing. Disney isn’t perfect, universal isn’t perfect...not every restaurant serves the most delicious food ever. Like it’s just too much. I’m not saying that every vlogger should be a bunch of whining bitchy assholes but I would like to see a nice balance of “wow this steak is cooked to perfection and seasoned well” and “I’m sorry but this is mediocre at best, it’s not cooked well and the flavors aren’t impressive”
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Was it? Love them or loathe them, the Trackers get called shitty parents for whatever they do. But calling them out for strapping their child CORRECTLY into a Pram is ridiculous and that’s what’s unnecessary here. Next thing they’ll be getting criticised for using a car seat correctly and people will be coming on saying well they let their children roll all over the car whilst driving just because the Trackers don’t. 🙄.
The Trackers might do shitty things but strapping their child into a Pram correctly isn’t one of them.
And yes, if you can’t be arsed to strap your child into a Pram to prevent serious injury in case of an accident then that makes you a shitty parent.
I don’t take issue with them strapping him in for safety but I don’t think the Trackers do anything for safety because let’s face it we’ve witnessed them do loads of dumb shit in regards to Jackson’s “safety.”

what I take issue with is them having him CONSTANTLY in the stroller. Come on now, the kiddo is mobile let him explore even if it affects your previous schedule of gorging and bitching

Sorry not sorry. Can we cut the sanctimommy bullshit around here? It’s one thing to gossip and speculate about the trackers, compare personal experiences, whatever. The name calling amongst us isn’t cool and needs to stop. End of the day we all make parenting mistakes. Absolutely out of line to call someone a shitty parent.
ughhh yesss!!! Sanctimommy’s are worse than the slackers any day. None of us are perfect and most of us aren’t claiming to be! Anyone claiming to be a perfect parent is probably fucking up the worst of all🤣🤣

The slackers put their shit out there for us all to sniff and it’s all pretty stinky. They don’t strap him down for safety, they do it for convenience EOS
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Kevin Chanowski
2 days ago
I officially just had my first "Tracker Dream"...we shared a gondola ride and I ended up getting invited back to the house for a private tour and hang out session ! It was so detailed and vivid...I woke up and realised I fell asleep watching a nonstop YouTube playlist and could hear their voices from the videos as I was waking up. So....#1 Thank you for the hospitality 😂 #2 I promise I'm mentally stable 😂 and #3 Maybe one day we can actually share a gondola ride 😂❤

I'm behind and just now catching up on messages here, but get a load of this terrifying drivel from the staycation checkout video
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NYE Video

they are “making” jalapeño poppers of prosperity and crossing their fingers that they work this year

erm uh scuse me ma’am? Prosperity was not something that your family seemed to lack this year 8 staycations later

and we hear their signature “that’s 2020 babay” which really grinds my gears as more people are dying and losing their homes and jobs everyday

editing as I go...Jenn is giddy over their...I’ve lost count...whatever number staycation and laughing off 2020 because let’s face it, it didn’t impact her life AT ALL

Jackson is strapped into his high chair in the middle of the kitchen as usual. They really are holding him back and aren’t interested in being attentive parents

Dimmy is PISSED that they don’t have the entire hotel to themselves 🙄
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Classic Trackers :rolleyes: I will never forget them getting a package with a blanket for their dog that had passed because they don't open their packages.. How could anyone be okay with them caring so little for what is sent to them.
YES! This!

I don't get these stans that can just brush these things aside! Things ranging from opening gifts up that were sent 2 years ago to lies upon lies upon excuses upon excuses for the most mundane things. It's like everything has to have an excuse or ridiculous backstory.

Most recently, the fake story about the little boy. I mean, c'mon!

First, if it was real, you KNOW the mother would have taken a pic and tagged them and it'd be on social media that the boy who practiced his sign off for so long FINALLY got to meet his idols. 🤮 (only to be denied...yeah, right)

Second, given we ALL know it was a lie, why not just say - we're going to start 2021 off by going back to our old sign off and thank you for all the donations you have given to the organizations we've drawn attention to. Simple as that.

OR - don't say anything at all and just go back to the sign off one day without explanation.

I mean, it's these outright lies and excuses and dramatic stories that are SO utterly ridiculous. I don't see how people can continue to not see it for what it is!!!
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Whew lot to unpack with the last vlog. These things are going up later and later but hey when you sleep for 12 hours and then edit for 12 hours, that’s what happens I guess.

Maybe I’ve been watching these goons for too long but the repetitive speech is SO ANNOYING. Greatest hits bingo: I feel like, delicious, yeah? yeah, well so, do you love it???

lol @ Jen saying she felt accomplished and then trying to engage with Jackpot on camera and ask him questions that aren’t just “do you love it?” Almost like they read this forum :unsure:

The towel discourse, omg. Imagine being so dull that this is the best thing you can come up with to engage with your audience.

and wow wow wow, the story with the poor little boy asking to record the outro that he practiced. So let’s assume this is real (which, the story is sus so that’s a big assumption), why the FUCK wouldn’t you just record the kid anyway? They’d already said that they would go back to their dumb catchphrase eventually, so couldn’t you just record the kid and explain it might not show up for a while? Instead of sitting there and being all “we’re so saaaad”? So stupid.
I don't believe that story at all. Ellen Smith will probably comment that she witnessed it first-hand at the parks and it's so true. 😂

Also, I give the Friday charity thing 1-2 months tops before they start skipping it, "forgetting" it, or they tell us they decided to take Fridays off. Remember when they were going to do live home vlogs every Tuesday? After a week, they would miss the day then move it to another day, then just skip it completely. That was when my disdain really ramped up, after seeing them embarrassingly explain away not opening gifts for Bandit until years later, and after he had died. Also there was a fan who had a family member dying (over year prior) or something that sent something and Jen opened it live and looked like a deer in headlights when she realized how bad it looked. I can't remember all the details now.
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Call this an unpopular opinion, I like the vloggers. I actually really like YouTube as a whole. Cream does rise to the when it comes to YouTube. As someone who actually works in traditional broadcast television, I can appreciate the work these people put in. Also I don't love every Disney vlogger but some are better than others. I don't ever wish for the YouTube bubble to burst because it's another Avenue for the industry to go down. But ya'll didn't come here to talk shop.

The skinny, I appreciate the good vlogger and poo poo the shit ones. Pun intended.
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THANK YOU. This idiot is constantly looking to upgrade his gear but he has no clue what he’s doing. No amount of flashy, $$$ equipment is going to change the fact that he has no skill or ability to create high quality content - but I think this is the theme with these grifters in general.
Tim is notorious for returning working cameras to Best Buy because he can't figure out the settings...Every camera he buys he claims he has an issue with the auto-focus motor.

I have a DSLR Camera, and I don't really have any fancy lenses, and I'm able to take pretty nice shots.


I get Florida has harsh lighting for the bulk of the day, but the Slackers have never figured out how to adjust White Balance at all.

I don't understand the stuff they leave in either. They film it, she edits it, and he watches it for approval. Some of it is just my personal issues. For example, I wouldn't show my feet so much, I'd edit out my confused moments, and even if I didn't like a person I'd still edit out their butt crack.
And, why does Tim talk sideways to the camera? I mean,I can guess why, but it's still strange to watch. He's talking to the camera, but he's looking off to the side.
I don't understand how it seems every video they leave in an exchange like this.

Tim "Describes something or tells us something"

Jenn *5 Minutes Later* "Tim, did you tell them about x?"
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Damn! I can’t believe I missed this. What happened ?
They're no longer showcasing different charities at the end of their videos because it was (spot the lie): a) too difficult, b) too time consuming, c) not making them any money, d) some little boy practiced saying it for a year so that he could be part of the outro and when his family finally met the trackers they didn't bother taping it but trust us it was so heartwarming so we're going to bring our original outro back!
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Well I will give Tim props for being the fun uncle with his niece on the swing. I hope they don’t cut his family off cause of Jenn. They all seem genuinely nice & Jackson will benefit from those relationships.
Good lort could her attitude be worse about the gifts though. Why is she editing what he gets? It is so obvious she hates her MIL- the tone, the look on her face- the entire video of the gifts is so uncomfortable & snarky. Poor Tim just sits there filming all of it. Why would you put that out for everyone to see? She isn’t even trying to hide the bad attitude.
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I don’t think Tim has seen a steak and a bj day in a LOOONNNNGGGG time
Tim only gets steak if he cooks it himself, and the last time he tried that he cremated the outside and the inside was raw.

Plus look at how happy Jenn was to shove the Ronto Wrap down her throat at the Studios, she hasn't had a piece of meat that large and plump in a long time, she won't bother with Little Thingy Timmy.
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It looks like Ellen Smith is no longer with us. I get a user profile not available when clicking on hers. I wonder what happened? Lol
She probably couldn’t handle the truth about her precious, wholesome, ding-dang trackers and deleted her profile. She’ll probably accuse someone of blocking her again, just to save face. It’s still so strange to me that she obsesses over what we say about T&J on this site.
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Knowing the Trackers it's a pirated copy of Adobe as well.
You may be right. We will never know.

Adobe Premier suite was $7000 12 years ago. I have the receipt. Even if he managed to snag a half priced deal through his job at the science center I really doubt Tim would have bought a legal copy.

To be fair, I don't know shit about AE. I know Premier pretty well but I work in live for a reason. Can't stand editing.
No one needs it unless there is something amazingly tricky they're looking to do in the easiest way (it's still not easy).

Jenn can't even properly edit a single video. There would be no point to spending a bit of extra time to spruce it up. You can try to put lipstick on a pig, but it won't change the fact that it's still a pig. I think she knows this.
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Ohhhh we are being discussed in the face book page 😂
Really? Of ALL the things we reflect upon on this page, she brings up the offhanded kennel comment someone made in jest?

For the way these stans talk down about us, you'd imagine they love everyone and everything 100% of the time and piss rainbows and shit lollipops.

In reality, give them the right subject matter and I guarantee you THEY will turn on a dime and be the most hateful and vengeful people on the planet and make what we toss around on this forum the equivalent of child's play.
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I don't know... she's hiding behind a mass of humans, is tilted and standing next to a giant of a man with moobs.
I think she's still hefty, but as I've said all along, she just needs to learn to dress. Just becuase you're in among tourists who's attire consists of spandex and graphic tees doesn't mean you need to do the same every day.
If she dressed for her current body type and not the body she used to have she would probably realize she doesn’t need to photoshop all her pics....You can tell she should lose weight but I don’t think it’s anything way out of control, but when all you do is film yourself deepthroating cookies, cakes, and ice cream while dressing like you did before you were pregnant people are going to notice

and I need to lose weight myself, but again it’s more the clothes than anything else
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Jenn rebrand your channel from Jenn Does It to Jenn Puts Things in Her Mouth. That seems to be your natural talent.
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